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The dependence of pigment granule migration (PGM) upon the receptor potential was examined using several strains of electroretinogram (ERG)- defective mutants of Drosophila melanogaster. The mutants that have a defective lamina component but a normal receptor component of the ERG (no on-transient A [nonA] and tan) exhibited normal pigment granule migration. The mutants that have very small or no receptor potentials (certain no receptor potential A [norpA] alleles), on the other hand, exhibited no PGM. In the case of the temperature-sensitive norpA mutant, norpAH52, normal PGM was present at 17 degrees but not at 32 degrees C or above, corresponding to its electrophysiological phenotype. In the transient receptor potential (trp) mutant, whose receptor potential decays to the baseline within a few seconds during a sustained light stimulus, the pigment granules initially moved close to the rhabdomere when light was turned on but moved away after about 5 s during a sustained light stimulus. All these results lend strong support to the notion that PGM is initiated by a light-evoked depolarization of the receptor membrane, i.e., the receptor potential. However, under certain experimental conditions, the receptor potentials failed to induce PGM in the trp mutant. The depolarization of the receptor, thus, appears to be closely associated with PGM but is not a sufficient condition for PGM.  相似文献   
The interaction of n-propylguanidinium (nPG) with sodium channels has been further characterized. From experiments at varying temperatures, the Q10 for the sodium current decay time constant in the two [Na+] gradients is 2.6-2.9 independent of drug. Testing several nPG concentrations we find that peak sodium current declines sharply with [nPG] at all levels, but the decay time constant approaches an asymptote above 4 mM. No "hooks" in sodium tail currents are seen. If the sodium current is allowed to decay completely before repolarization no tail current is observed. We have developed a kinetic model in which nPG acts at a single site within the sodium channel. Reaction of nPG with its receptor requires two steps. Fitting the temperature data shows that the first step involves diffusion of the drug to the site and close association with it. The second step may include molecular reorganization of the complex. The rate constants for the reaction are all simple exponential functions of voltage. Using them, the model successfully predicts decay time constants and peak currents, and their dependence on potential, [Na+] gradient, temperature, and nPG concentration. The results are consistent with the idea that an arginine residue may be closely associated with inactivation.  相似文献   
A single-gene nuclear choline-requiring mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Choline as a growth supplement to synthetic media could be substituted by low concentrations of dimethylethanolamine, monomethylethanolamine or ethanolamine. DL-Serine also supported growth, but only at high concentrations: on a molar basis it was approximately one hundred times less effective than choline. When cultured in unsupplemented medium the mutant cells soon ceased to grow. The growth-arrested cells contained less than one fifth of the phosphatidylethanolamine present in wild-type cells and only traces of phosphatidylserine. The relative content of the two phospholipid species was raised by growing the mutant cells in the presence of choline of the other supplements but still remained lower than in wild-type cells. The mutant cells depleted of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine had greatly diminished ability to fuse with other cells in mating and their protoplasts showed increased resistance to hypotonic lysis. Respiration was not substantially affected by the deficit of the two phospholipid species in the mutant. In cell-free preparations, the affinity of the phosphatidylserine synthesizing system for serine was found to be almost two orders of magnitude lower in the mutant than in the wild-type. The impairment of phosphatidylserine synthesis accounts for growth requirement and the abnormal phospholipid composition of the mutant cells.  相似文献   
Administration of three successive doses of triiodothyronine (T3) (50 micrograms/100 g body wt), given on alternate days to thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats, stimulated oxygen consumption (QO2) and Na+ transport-dependent respiration (QO2 [5]) in the stripped jejunal mucosa, a preparation that consisted mostly of epithelial cells. The increase in QO2(t) accounted for 57% of the increment in QO2 in the transition from the hypothyroid to the euthyroid state and for 29% of the increment in the transition from the euthyroid to the hyperthyroid state. Administration of T3 to hypothyroid rats also increased the yield of epithelial cells. Injection of T3 into thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats increased the specific activity (at Vmax) of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (NaK-ATPase) in jejunal crude membrane preparations. No significant change was recorded in the activity of Mg-ATPase in the same preparation. The ratio of QO2/NaK-ATPase and QO2(t)/NaK-ATPase in the various thyroid states remained constant, indicating proportionate increased in the respiratory and enzymatic indices. The effect of administration of T3 to thyroidectomized rats on the number of NaK-ATPase units (recovered in the crude membrane preparation) was estimated by: (a) Na+ + Mg++ + ATP-dependent binding of [3H]-ouabain to crude membrane fractions, and (b) the amount of the phosphorylated intermediate formed in the NaK-ATPase reaction from AT32P(gamma). Estimates were obtained of the maximal number of [3H]ouabain binding sites (Nm) and dissociation constants (Kd). Nm for [3H]ouabain and Nak-ATPase specific activity increased to about the same extent after T3 administration to thyroidectomized rats, with no change in the apparent Kd values. The amount of phosphorylated intermediate formed in jejunal crude membrane preparations also increased significantly. Thus, thyroid hormone administration may increase the number of active Na+pump sites in the plasma membrane. The apparent increase in the number of Na+ pump sites also correlated with the hormone dependent increases in QO2 and QO2(t).  相似文献   
Antibodies to staphylococcal alpha toxin were separated into two distinct populations. One population prevented binding of alpha toxin onto erythrocyte membranes. The other population neutralized after the toxin was bound onto erythrocytes and thereby brought about an indirect hemagglutination reaction. The data suggest that alpha toxin has a membrane-binding region.  相似文献   
在毛主席革命路线指引下,我国农林害虫的生物防治得到了迅速发展。为了在本世纪内,全面实现农业、工业、国防和科学技术现代化,在植物保护工作上,我们要积极贯彻“预防为主,综合防治”的方针,采取综合防治消灭害虫。“以虫治虫”是其中的重要措施。研究益虫越冬集群的规律,扩大益虫来源,给利用天敌提供丰富的物质基础,为此开展本题的调查研究。  相似文献   
Everted hamster jejunum was loaded with D-galactose and then escape into an initially galactose-free mucosal solution was followed. Mucosal anaerobiosis greatly increased the rate of escape, an effect which might have been caused by inhibiting reuptake from the unstirred layer and/or by augmenting the ease of unidirectional efflux across the brush border membrane. The former effect was expected because of our previous results from influx studies, and the main object here was to find out if the ease of efflux is affected by anaerobiosis. With phlorizin present in the mucosal solution during escape, information about unidirectional efflux was obtainable. We estimated that 10(-4) M phlorizin inhibited the ease of efflux via the phlorizin-sensitive pathway by about 65%. Apparently the reason why mucosal phlorizin accelerates escape of sugar from loaded mucosa, an effect which has been reported previously by others, is that it inhibits unidirectional efflux less effectively than it inhibits reuptake from the unstirred layer. Residual efflux via the phlorizin-sensitive pathway was markedly increased by mucosal anaerobiosis. This increase did not require an elevation of intracellular Na+ concentration. These results, together with those of our previous study, show that mucosal anaerobiosis abolishes uphill transport of galactose across the brush border of hamster jejunum by inhibiting unidirectional influx and by increasing the ease of unidirectional efflux. Neither of these effects requires a rise in intracellular Na+ concentration.  相似文献   
The importance of DNA methylation in mammalian and plant systems is well established. In recent years there has been renewed interest in DNA methylation in insects. Accumulating evidence, both from mammals and insects, points towards an emerging role for DNA methylation in the regulation of phenotypic plasticity. The migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) is a model organism for the study of phenotypic plasticity. Despite this, there is little information available about the degree to which the genome is methylated in this species and genes encoding methylation machinery have not been previously identified. We therefore undertook an initial investigation to establish the presence of a functional DNA methylation system in L. migratoria. We found that the migratory locust possesses genes that putatively encode methylation machinery (DNA methyltransferases and a methyl-binding domain protein) and exhibits genomic methylation, some of which appears to be localised to repetitive regions of the genome. We have also identified a distinct group of genes within the L. migratoria genome that appear to have been historically methylated and show some possible functional differentiation. These results will facilitate more detailed research into the functional significance of DNA methylation in locusts.  相似文献   
Connexin 43 (Cx43alpha1) gap junction has been shown to have an essential role in mediating functional coupling of neural crest cells and in modulating neural crest cell migration. Here, we showed that N-cadherin and wnt1 are required for efficient dye coupling but not for the expression of Cx43alpha1 gap junctions in neural crest cells. Cell motility was found to be altered in the N-cadherin-deficient neural crest cells, but the alterations were different from that elicited by Cx43alpha1 deficiency. In contrast, wnt1-deficient neural crest cells showed no discernible change in cell motility. These observations suggest that dye coupling may not be a good measure of gap junction communication relevant to motility. Alternatively, Cx43alpha1 may serve a novel function in motility. We observed that p120 catenin (p120ctn), an Armadillo protein known to modulate cell motility, is colocalized not only with N-cadherin but also with Cx43alpha1. Moreover, the subcellular distribution of p120ctn was altered with N-cadherin or Cx43alpha1 deficiency. Based on these findings, we propose a model in which Cx43alpha1 and N-cadherin may modulate neural crest cell motility by engaging in a dynamic cross-talk with the cell's locomotory apparatus through p120ctn signaling.  相似文献   
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