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The content of sialic acid bound to the sinusoidal region of plasma membrane during the prereplicative phase after the intravenous injection of a solution containing triiodothyronine, amino acids, glucagon and heparin (T.A.G.H. solution) has been measured. The results obtained show that an important decrease in sialic acid content is produced as it occurs in the hepatic cells of hepatectomized animals. In order to know if sialidase activity is involved in the decrease of sialic acid content during liver regeneration, the activity of sinusoidal plasma membrane sialidases during the prereplicative phase after the partial hepatectomy has been studied. No modifications of sialidase activity were detected during this period of time indicating that this decrease in sialic acid content has to be produced by other mechanisms such as diminution in the synthesis of precursor molecules. On the other hand due to the importance of Ca2+-calmodulin complexes in the activation of the hepatic cell proliferation the possible implication of this complex on the loss of sialic acid, observing the effect of trifluoperazine (inhibitor of Ca2+-calmodulin complexes) during the prereplicative phase of liver regeneration has been studied. The results show a delay in the decrease of the amount of sugar studied from 10 to 12 hours compared to the results obtained with the hepatectomized rats that have not received trifluoperazine.  相似文献   
With a dense N2-CH4 atmosphere rich in organics, both in gas and aerosol phases, and with the possible presence of hydrocarbons oceans on its surface, Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, appears as a natural laboratory to study chemical evolution toward complex organic systems, in a planetary environment and over a long time scale. Thanks to many analogies with planet Earth, it provides a unique way to look at the various physical and chemical processes, and their couplings which may have been involved in terrestrial prebiotic chemistry. Indeed, analogies with the Earth have a limit since Titan's temperatures are much lower than on the Earth and since liquid water is totally absent. However, from that aspect, Titan also serves as a reference laboratory worth studying — indirectly — the role of liquid water in exobiology. The Cassini-Huygens mission currently developed by NASA and ESA will send an orbiter around Saturn and Titan and a probe in Titan's atmosphere. This mission which will be launched in 1997 for an expected arrival in 2004, offers a unique opportunity to study in detail extra-terrestrial, not life-controled, organic processes, and consequently it will have significant implications in the fields of exobiology and the origins of life.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Cyril PONNAMPERUMA who largely contributed to the development of the scientific fields of Chemical Evolution and Exobiology.  相似文献   
Although lesbian women have a variety of ways to become mothers, an increasing number of lesbian couples attend fertility centres asking for donor insemination. The practice of inseminating lesbian couples remains a controversial topic within the reproductive medicine world. A review of the literature did not reveal harmful effects of lesbian motherhood on child development. Furthermore, this treatment is highly effective with an expected cumulative pregnancy rate of 60% after three intra-uterine inseminations with superovulation using clomifene citrate. The only objection to medically assisted procreation in these couples is therefore purely ethical. The extensive experience of the AZ-VUB Centre for Reproductive Medicine that played a pioneer role in this field, is illustrated in this article.  相似文献   
The effect of phospholipases and proteases on the membrane-bound and solubilized A1 adenosine receptor has been studied. Phospholipids modulate the [3H]N6-(R)-phenylisopropyladenosine binding to A1 adenosine receptors in crude membranes and in soluble preparations, because changes in the phospholipid environment decrease both the binding capacity and the affinity for the ligand. It has become clear that 1) there is co-solubilization of receptor and phospholipids; 2) the phospholipid requirements are different for the coupled and the uncoupled receptor; 3) a net charge in the polar head produced by phospholipase D prevents the agonist binding to the receptor-G protein complex; alternatively, when the whole polar head is removed by phospholipase C the uncoupled receptor is altered; and 4) the protease action upon the receptor suggests that receptor coupled to G protein is more protected by the membrane than the uncoupled receptor. In kinetic experiments performed on membranes it was demonstrated that phospholipase C and trypsin increased the Kd value of the high-affinity state by modifying both k1 and k-1. In contrast they only modified the dissociation constant of the low-affinity state. In conclusion it should be noted that phospholipids play a key role for the binding of R-PIA to A1 adenosine receptor. Also, a different disposition within the membrane of the coupled and uncoupled receptor is encountered.  相似文献   
Reversible electropermeabilization (electroporation) is widely used to facilitate the introduction of genetic material and pharmaceutical agents into living cells. Although considerable knowledge has been gained from the study of real and simulated model membranes in electric fields, efforts to optimize electroporation protocols are limited by a lack of detailed understanding of the molecular basis for the electropermeabilization of the complex biomolecular assembly that forms the plasma membrane. We show here, with results from both molecular dynamics simulations and experiments with living cells, that the oxidation of membrane components enhances the susceptibility of the membrane to electropermeabilization. Manipulation of the level of oxidative stress in cell suspensions and in tissues may lead to more efficient permeabilization procedures in the laboratory and in clinical applications such as electrochemotherapy and electrotransfection-mediated gene therapy.  相似文献   
Animal community dynamics in changing landscapes are primarily driven by changes in vegetation structure and ultimately by how species respond to these changes and at which spatial scale. We consider two major components of local community dynamics, species colonisation and extinction. We hypothesise that (1) the optimal spatial extent needed to accurately predict them will differ between these two processes; (2) it will also likely differ from species to species as a result of life history traits differences related to differences in habitat selection and (3) that a species' primary habitat will determine the spatial extent at which it perceives change in vegetation structure. We used data collected over 25 yr in a changing Mediterranean landscape to study bird species local colonisation and extinction patterns in two groups of species typical from two habitats: open farmland and woodland. Vegetation changes were measured at spatial extents ranging from 0.2 to 79 ha. Local species colonisation and extinction estimates were computed using a method accounting for heterogeneity in detection probability among species. We built linear models between local species colonisation/extinction estimates and vegetation changes and examined variations in model quality with respect to the spatial extent at which vegetation changes had been measured. Models for open habitat species showed that colonisation processes operated at the landscape scale (79 ha), while extinction was more tightly linked to local habitat requirements (0.2 ha). Models for woodland species presented a low and constant model quality whatever the spatial extent considered. Our results suggest that the dynamics of the woodland species considered responded to a combination of vegetation changes at several scales and, in particular, to changes in the vertical structure of the vegetation. We highlight the need to explicitly consider spatial extent in studies of habitat selection and of habitat and population dynamics to improve our understanding of the biological consequences of land use changes and guide more effective conservation efforts.  相似文献   
A lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor protein is isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle crude mitochondrial fraction. The molecular weight of the inhibitor is approximately 20,000 as determined by size exclusion HPLC. The inhibitor isoelectricpH is 5.3 as determined by agarose or polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing. The amino acid composition of the inhibitor is given. The presence of the inhibitor gives an acidic characteristic to the alkaline M4 lactate dehydrogenase isozyme and the lactate dehydrogenase-inhibitor complex is more stable than the enzyme alone.  相似文献   
Purified rabbit skeletal muscle LDH M4 isoenzyme, but not H4 isoenzyme, was observed to bind to either the crude mitochondrial fraction or a mitochondrial inhibitor. Several sources of LDH isoenzymes in which M-type subunits with an alkaline pI are predominant bind to this crude mitochondrial fraction and are inhibited by the mitochondrial inhibitor. Binding and inhibition have also been observed with H-type isoenzymes with a pI near 7. The binding and the inhibition processes did not occur with H-type isoenzymes with an acid pI or with M-type isoenzymes with pI near 6. The binding capacity of LDH to the mitochondrial fraction and to the mitochondrial inhibitor is very similar and depends on the net protein charge and not on whether the subunits are H- or M-type.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Recent declines in biodiversity stress the need for rigorous and reliable multispecies monitoring programs. A potential weakness of monitoring programs is a reliance on raw counts and the assumption either of complete detection or of constant detection probability for each species, regardless of the sampling situation. Until recently, these assumptions have largely remained untested and, therefore, to help insure accuracy, bird-monitoring programs have depended on standardization of counts and counts of longer duration. We tested the effectiveness of these strategies for providing unbiased occupancy rates using a method designed to accommodate situations where species detection probabilities are less than one and heterogeneous. We tested the effect of potential sources of heterogeneity in detection probability (vegetation structure, wind velocity, cloud cover, date, and time) on occupancy rate estimates of 13 bird species in southern France. We compared adjusted and raw occupancy rates for two sampling durations (10 and 20 min). Differences between raw and adjusted occupancy rates were low even for the shorter count duration, suggesting that standardized long counts should produce reliable estimates of occupancy rates even in the absence of correction by an appropriate method. This enhances the value of past monitoring programs where long standardized counts were used, but with designs that do not allow corrected estimates. However, we found that detection probability was heterogeneous for most species and that vegetation structure was an important source of heterogeneity. The possible effects of habitat on detection probability should be of special concern for long-term monitoring programs conducted in landscapes where habitats vary across time or space.  相似文献   
The effect of solar UVB radiation on the growth and speciescomposition of phytoplankton from a high-mountain lake (2417m a.s.l.) was studied in situ for 16 days in two enclosuresof 1 m receiving either full sunlight or sunlight without UVB.A total of 20 species were identified in both enclosures, consistingmainly of dinoflagellates, chrysophytes and diatoms. Duringthe experiment, there were no significant differences in phytoplanktonspecies composition between the two enclos ures. In both treatments,the abundance of phytoplankton increased continuously, and chlorophylla changed by -5-fold. We observed high fluctuations in the abundanceof several species. However, these fluctuations occurred inboth enclosures, and hence they were not related to UVB radiation.Some species were affected by daily fluctuations of radiation(UVA + photosynthetically active radi ation). Cyclotella aff.gordonensis showed a robust positive correlation, whereas speciesof Gymno dinium were negatively correlated. For most species,the sensitivity to radiation found during the experiment wasconsistent with their diurnal vertical distribution in the lake.Our findings suggest that the phytoplankton from this very clearlake (10% of the surface UVB radiation at 305 nm reached 9.6m depth) were well adapted to the high UVB radiation charactensticof high-elevation sites.  相似文献   
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