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We have evaluated codon usage bias in Drosophila histone genes and have obtained the nucleotide sequence of a 5,161-bp D. hydei histone gene repeat unit. This repeat contains genes for all five histone proteins (H1, H2a, H2b, H3, and H4) and differs from the previously reported one by a second EcoRI site. These D. hydei repeats have been aligned to each other and to the 5.0-kb (i.e., long) and 4.8-kb (i.e., short) histone repeat types from D. melanogaster. In each species, base composition at synonymous sites is similar to the average genomic composition and approaches that in the small intergenic spacers of the histone gene repeats. Accumulation of synonymous changes at synonymous sites after the species diverged is quite high. Both of these features are consistent with the relatively low codon usage bias observed in these genes when compared with other Drosophila genes. Thus, the generalization that abundantly expressed genes in Drosophila have high codon bias and low rates of silent substitution does not hold for the histone genes.   相似文献   
Taffet, George E., Lloyd A. Michael, and Charlotte A. Tate.Exercise training improves lusitropy by isoproterenol in papillarymuscles from aged rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1488-1494, 1996.Aging isassociated with a decreased cardiac responsiveness to -adrenergicstimulation. We examined the effect of endurance exercise training ofold Fischer 344 male rats on -adrenergic stimulation of the functionof isolated left ventricular papillary muscle. Three groups wereexamined: sedentary mature (SM; 12-mo old), sedentary old (SO;23-24 mo old), and exercised old (EO; 23-24 mo old) that weretreadmill trained for 4-8 wk. The isometric contractile propertieswere studied at 0.2 Hz and 0.75 mM calcium. Without -adrenergicstimulation, there were no group differences for peak tension, maximumrate of tension development(+dP/dt), or maximum rateof tension dissipation(dP/dt). The time to peak tension was longer (P < 0.05) forboth EO and SO than for SM rats. Half relaxation time(RT1/2) was prolonged(P < 0.05) for SO compared with SMand EO (which did not differ). The three groups did not differ in the-adrenergic stimulation by isoproterenol of peak tension,dP/dt, time to peak tension, orcontraction duration. The inotropic response(+dP/dt) of SM was greater(P < 0.05) than that in SO or EOrats (which did not differ); however, the lusitropic response(RT1/2) was lesser(P < 0.05) in SO than in SM or EO rats (which did not differ). Thus exercise training of old rats improved the lusitropic response to isoproterenol without altering theage-associated impairment in inotropic response.

The SOS system of Escherichia coli aids survival following damage to DNA by promoting DNA repair while cell division is delayed. Induction of the SOS response is dependent on RecA and also on the product of recF. We show that normal induction also requires the products of recO and recR. SOS induction was monitored using a sfiA-lacZ fusion strain. Induction was delayed to a similar degree by mutation in recF, recO or recR. A similar effect was observed following overexpression of RecR from a recombinant recR +plasmid. We show that the overexpression of RecR also reduces the UV resistance of a recBC sbcBC strain and of a sfiA strain, but not of a rec + sfiA +strain. The implications of these data for the kinetics of DNA repair are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) functions in the posttranslational processing of bioactive peptides. Like other peptide processing enzymes, CPE is initially produced as a precursor ("proCPE") that undergoes posttranslational processing at a site containing five adjacent Arg residues near the N-terminus and at other sites near the C-terminus of proCPE. The time course of the N-terminal processing step suggests that this conversion occurs in either the Golgi apparatus or the secretory vesicles. To delineate further the site of proCPE processing, pulse/chase analysis was performed under conditions that block transit out of the Golgi apparatus (brefeldin A, carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone, or 20°C) or that block acidification of vesicles (chloroquine, monensin, or ammonium chloride). The results of these analysis suggest that efficient proCPE processing requires an acidic post-Golgi compartment. To test whether known processing enzymes can perform this cleavage, purified proCPE was incubated with furin, prohormone convertase 1, or a dynorphin converting enzyme, and the products were analyzed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Furin cleaves proCPE within the N-terminal region, although the reaction is not very efficient, requiring relatively large amounts of furin or long incubation times. The other two peptide processing enzymes did not cleave proCPE, whereas a relatively small amount of secretory granule extract was able to convert proCPE into CPE. Taken together, these findings suggest that the conversion of proCPE into CPE occurs primarily in secretory vesicles.  相似文献   
Systems in a chaotic state have apparently random outputs despite a simple underlying kinetic mechanism. For instance, the interaction of two coupled oscillators (the mitotic oscillator and the ultradian clock) can produce chaotic behaviour over a limited range of parameter values. Mathematical modelling shows that physiologically realistic characteristics are thereby exhibited. Cell division cycles of lower eukaryotes (protozoa and yeasts) show both deterministic and stochastic properties. Both dispersion of cell cycle times and quantized values can be generated, as a deterministic chaotic consequence of oscillator interaction rather than from noisy limit cycles. Advantages may stem from chaotic operation; a controlled chaotic attractor could provide multifrequency outputs that determine rhythmic behaviour on different time scales ( e.g. ultradian and circadian) with the facility for rapid state changes from one periodicity to another.  相似文献   
During November and December 1992, plankton samples were collected using a ring net of mesh size 200 m vertically hauled through a 600 m water column, at five stations along a transect running north from the Allison Peninsula in the Bellingshausen Sea. Three stations were located over the continental shelf; two of these were ice bound, whilst the third was at the ice edge. Two other stations were in deeper, ice-free water. Sixteen different larval and juvenile types were found representing seven phyla: Echinodermata, Nemertea, Coelenterata, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda and Bryozoa, of which the first two were the most abundant. Larval numbers and types decreased with distance offshore and away from permanent sea ice. The presence of many stages of nemertean larval development within a short time scale, in an area where developmental tends to be slow, suggests that reproduction occurs over an extended period and that the larvae have a long planktonic phase. The increased size of later developmental stages of the nemertean larvae indicates they obtain nutrition within the water column during winter, when little particulate food is present.  相似文献   
The records of 1596 embryo collections were retrospectively analysed to investigate the influence of breed on embryo production and pregnancy rates. The breed of the donor cow was a significant source of variation in the results of embryo transfer. Total embryo production per collection ranged between breeds from 6.0 to 16.2, number of transferable embryos from 2.8 to 6.6 and percent transferable from 37% to 68%. The percent of pregnancies per collection ranged from 2.0 to 4.0 and pregnancy rates from 37% to 75%. The percent of transferable embryos and the pregnancy rate was independent of the total embryos collected. Care should be taken when interpreting the breed differences, since the donor cows were not randomly representative of the breeds and were selected on different bases. Brangus (16.2), Simbrah (15.8) and Beefmaster (13.0) produced the most embryos. The most transferable embryos were collected from Simmentals (6.6), Brangus (6.6), Chianina (6.2), Beefmaster (6.1), Simbrah (6.1) and Saler (6.0) cows. Angus (68%) had the highest percent transferable, followed by Saler (64%), Chianina (60%), Limousin (52%) and Simmental (51%). Pregnancy rates were highest in the Herefords (75%), Saler (57%), Zebu (56%), Charolais (53%), Longhorns (52%) and Simbrah (50%). Estrus response to superovulation varied between breeds, but this did not account for all the breed differences in embryo production.  相似文献   
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