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A number of gangliosides were isolated from cat and sheep erythrocytes for use in analyzing the specificity of a panel of human anti-heterophile monoclonal antibodies. The structures of these compounds were determined by a combination of different procedures, including sugar analysis, glycosidase treatment, periodate oxidation, TLC immunostaining, methylation analysis, and mass spectrometry. These methods identified the cat erythrocytes gangliosides (C1 and C2) as N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc)-containing hematosides; C1 was shown to be NeuGc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta I----4Glc-Cer [NeuGc)2GD3) and C2 to be NeuAc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuAc-NeuGc-)GD3). The two sheep gangliosides (S1 and S2) were found to be novel glycolipids based on the paragloboside sequence; S1 was identified as NeuGc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuGc)2-disialylparagloboside) and S2 as NeuAc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuAc-NeuGc-)-disialylparagloboside). Structural analysis of these compounds was aided by the use of 252Cf fission fragment ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. This method provided easily interpretable spectra on methylated derivatives which were particularly useful in determining the sialic acid composition of the gangliosides and the sequence of their disialosyl side chains.  相似文献   
Summary Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, an inherited connective tissue disease, is usually caused by mutations in the gene for type III collagen. Here, we describe a glycine to glutamic acid substitution in a patient with this syndrome. Previous studies had shown that fibroblasts from the patient, his mother and brother secreted a reduced amount of type III collagen and also produced an overmodified form of the protein that was preferentially retained intracellularly. Peptide mapping experiments indicated that the mutation was located within cyanogen bromide peptide 9. This was supported by chemical cleavage analysis and sequencing of cDNA encoding this region. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridisation of genomic DNA confirmed that a G to A mutation converted Gly 847 to Glu. The mutation was present in two other affected family members and also in a third, who was clinically unaffected. Further analysis of this unaffected individual revealed reduced mutant:normal ratios in DNA obtained from both blood and hair samples, showing that she was mosaic for the mutation.  相似文献   
During January-April 1989. we monitored survival, reproduction, and body condition of 19 radio-collared arctic hares Lepus areticus introduced to two predominantly (80%) forested islands. Merchant (66 1 ha) and Burke (82 6 ha), in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland By late April, bone-marrow fat (42 7%) and kidney fat indices were lower than found in populations on the mountain barrens of western Newfoundland However, most island hares gained weight overwinter, and litter sizes (mean. 4 2 in utero) and testis weights (mean, 8 3 g) were as large or larger than recorded from other introduced and natural populations in Newfoundland The distribution of telemetry locations, tracks and feeding sites indicated that hares frequented the scattered barrens (totalling c 30 ha) on both islands in greater proportion than available These results suggest that, in the absence of snowshoe hares and mammalian predators, forested regions interspersed with small patches of barrens can sustain arctic hares  相似文献   
Summary Membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) is introduced as a method for measuring water activity in nonpolar solvents, aqueous solutions and gas phase. The determination of the rate of hydrolysis of diphenyl carbonate by porcine liver esterase as a function of water activity in diisopropyl ether is presented as an example. A linear relationship is found between the enzyme activity and the water activity.  相似文献   
Summary Temporal patterns of variability in the longevity of the male and female phases of individual flowers and in the gender expression of plants of a dichogamous New Zealand tree,Pseudowintera colorata (Winteraceae), were documented in field studies. Two measures for the duration of phases in a dichogamous flower are distinguished; the nominal phases based on morphological features of the flower, and the effective phases reflecting the duration of their functions. Flower and phase longevity and phenotypic gender varied considerably throughout the season and among individuals. Temporal variability in phenotypic gender was loosely synchronized among the 12 plants sampled. Three effects of an environmental factor (temperature) were noted. First, increased temperatures shortened the duration of the female phase but had no effect on the duration of the male phase. Second, pollination frequency was positively correlated with temperature. These results indirectly suggest that increased pollination may shorten the duration of the female phase. Third, average population maleness, measured as the proportion of open flowers in the population on a given day which were in the male phase, was positively correlated with temperature. It is postulated that temperature indirectly influences temporal patterns of gender expression in the population through its differential effects on the longevity of the male and female phases in individual flowers. A theoretical model of bet-hedging shows that, if the direction of an environmental effect on the proportions of the sexual phases is irreversible, selection favours asynchronous dichogamy and reduces the temporal variability as much as possible. If the direction of the response is reversible, heterodichogamy is favoured.  相似文献   
Plasmids expressing 2 forms of human immune interferon (IFN-gamma) in E. coli have been constructed: 1) pIFNTacI which expresses IFN-gamma with an N-terminal amino acid sequence of met-cys-tyr-cys-gln-, and 2) pIFNTacII which is a derivative of pIFNTacI from which the 9 base pairs (bp) coding for the cys-tyr-cys have been deleted. Quantitation of Western blots showed that approximately 10-fold more IFN-gamma was produced in cells harboring pIFNTacII (7.5% of total cellular protein) as compared to pIFNTacI. The IFN-gamma expressed in E. coli pIFNTacII is biologically active and routinely recoverable at 10(9) units per liter. When examined microscopically, IPTG induced E. coli harboring either plasmid construction contains prominent cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.  相似文献   
A cytochrome P-450 (P-450) multigene family codes for several related human liver enzymes, including the P-450 responsible for (S)-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylation. This enzyme activity has previously been shown to be associated with a genetic polymorphism. Genomic (Southern) blot analysis using non-overlapping 5' and 3' portions of a cDNA clone suggests that approximately seven related sequences are present in this gene family. In this study four cDNA clones, all nearly full-length, were isolated from a bacteriophage lambda gt11 library prepared from a single human liver. These clones can be grouped into two categories that are approximately 85% identical at the level of DNA sequence. The cDNA clones in one category (MP-4, MP-8) both match the N-terminal sequences of the P-450MP-1 and P-450MP-2 proteins, which had previously been shown to be catalytically active in (S)-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylation. These two cDNAs, MP-4 and MP-8, differ in only two bases in the coding region but are quite distinct in their 3' noncoding regions. Another protein (P-450MP-3) was isolated on the basis of its immunochemical similarity to P-450MP-1 but was found to be catalytically inactive; amino acid sequencing of tryptic peptides of P-450MP-3 showed a correspondence to the second category of cDNA clones (MP-12, MP-20), which differ from each other in only four (nonsilent) base changes. Oligonucleotides specific for the two groups of cDNA clones were used as probes of human liver mRNAs--individual liver samples examined expressed both types of mRNAs but no correlation was observed between the abundance levels of any mRNA and catalytic activity. Further, oligonucleotide probes indicated that mRNAs corresponding to both the MP-4 and MP-8 clones were apparently present in individual liver samples. A monoclonal antibody was isolated that recognized P-450MP-1 but not P-450MP-2 or P-450MP-3; the amount of protein detected by the antibody in different liver samples was not correlated with the mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylase activity. These results indicate that several closely related P-450 genes are all expressed in individual human livers. The MP-4/MP-8 gene products are proposed to be the ones most likely involved in mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylation, and much of the variation in catalytic activity among individuals is not a result of differences in levels of P-450MP-1 or mRNA but may be due to base differences in the structural gene(s).  相似文献   
Procedures have been developed which simplify and expedite the screening of recombinant DNA constructions for those which only exhibit the desired DNA-DNA junctions. A synthetic DNA oligonucleotide designed to span (or "bridge") sequences around correct restriction enzyme junctions was used as a hybridization probe for the rapid identification of those sequences in several molecular cloning methodologies. It facilitated analyses of the products of random ligation reactions, as well as constructions harbored in bacteria and bacteriophage. "Bridge" probes, [32P]-end-labeled to very high specific activity, remained useful after several hybridizations and often circumvented lengthy restriction analyses.  相似文献   
Unstable chromosome aberrations induced by in vitro irradiation with zero plus seven low doses of 14.8 MeV D-T neutrons in the range 3.55-244 mGy have been analysed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. In order to obtain the required large numbers of scored cells for such low doses, fourteen laboratories participated in the experiment. The dose responses for dicentrics, excess acentrics and total aberrations, fitted well to the Y = alpha D model. The alpha coefficient of yield for dicentrics, 1.60 +/- 0.07 X 10(-2) Gy-1, compares well with the values obtained in previous studies with D-T neutrons at somewhat higher doses. Results from a previous collaborative study using 250 kVp X-rays over a comparable dose range indicated the possible existence of a threshold below 50 mGy. In the present study there is no clear evidence for neutrons for such a threshold. However, the data were insufficient to permit the rejection of a possible threshold below approximately 10 mGy.  相似文献   
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