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Previous studies of the genetic and biologic characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have by necessity used tissue culture-derived virus. We recently reported the molecular cloning of four full-length HIV-1 genomes directly from uncultured human brain tissue (Y. Li, J. C. Kappes, J. A. Conway, R. W. Price, G. M. Shaw, and B. H. Hahn, J. Virol. 65:3973-3985, 1991). In this report, we describe the biologic properties of these four clones and the complete nucleotide sequences and genome organization of two of them. Clones HIV-1YU-2 and HIV-1YU-10 were 9,174 and 9,176 nucleotides in length, differed by 0.26% in nucleotide sequence, and except for a frameshift mutation in the pol gene in HIV-1YU-10, contained open reading frames corresponding to 5'-gag-pol-vif-vpr-tat-rev-vpu-env-nef-3' flanked by long terminal repeats. HIV-1YU-2 was fully replication competent, while HIV-1YU-10 and two other clones, HIV-1YU-21 and HIV-1YU-32, were defective. All three defective clones, however, when transfected into Cos-1 cells in any pairwise combination, yielded virions that were replication competent and transmissible by cell-free passage. The cellular host range of HIV-1YU-2 was strictly limited to primary T lymphocytes and monocyte-macrophages, a property conferred by its external envelope glycoprotein. Phylogenetic analyses of HIV-1YU-2 gene sequences revealed this virus to be a member of the North American/European HIV-1 subgroup, with specific similarity to other monocyte-tropic viruses in its V3 envelope amino acid sequence. These results indicate that HIV-1 infection of brain is characterized by the persistence of mixtures of fully competent, minimally defective, and more substantially altered viral forms and that complementation among them is readily attainable. In addition, the limited degree of genotypic heterogeneity observed among HIV-1YU and other brain-derived viruses and their preferential tropism for monocyte-macrophages suggest that viral replication within the central nervous system may differ from that within the peripheral lymphoid compartment in significant and clinically important ways. The availability of genetically and biologically well characterized HIV-1 clones from uncultured human tissue should facilitate future studies of virus-cell interactions relevant to viral pathogenesis and drug and vaccine development.  相似文献   
We report here for the first time that Zn2+ is an effective inhibitor of renin and the protease from HIV-1, two aspartyl proteinases of considerable physiological importance. Inhibition of renin is noncompetitive and is accompanied by binding of 1 mol of Zn2+/mol of enzyme. Depending on the substrate, inhibition of the HIV protease by Zn2+ can be either competitive or noncompetitive, but in neither case is loss of activity due to disruption of the protease dimer. Inhibition of both enzymes is first order with respect to Zn2+ and is rapidly reversed by addition of EDTA. Ki values are strongly pH dependent and optimal in the range of 20 microM at or above pH 7. All of the data in hand suggest that the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ is a consequence of its binding at, or near, the active-site carboxyl groups of these aspartyl proteinases. This inhibition of the viral enzyme may help to explain some of the beneficial effects seen in AIDS patients who have received Zn2+ therapy.  相似文献   
Calcium-free calmodulin-(CaM) is rapidly hydrolyzed by proteases from both human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) 1 and 2. Kinetic analysis reveals a sequential order of cleavage by both proteases which initiates in regions of the molecule known from X-ray crystallographic analysis of Ca2+/CaM to be associated with calcium binding. Although HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases hydrolyze two bonds in common, the initial site of cleavage required for subsequent events differs in each case. The first bond hydrolyzed by the HIV-1 protease is the Asn-Tyr linkage in the sequence, -N-I-D-G-D-G-Q-V-N-Y-E-E-, found in the fourth calcium binding loop. In contrast, it is an Ala-Ala bond in the third calcium loop, -D-K-D-G-N-G-Y-I-S-A-A-E-, that is first hydrolyzed by the HIV-2 enzyme, followed in short order by cleavage of the same Asn-Tyr linkage described above. Thereafter, both enzymes proceed to hydrolyze additional peptide bonds, some in common, some not. Considerable evidence exists that inhibitors are bound to the protease in an extended conformation and yet all of the cleavages we observed occur within, or at the beginning of helices in Ca2+/CaM, regions that also appear to be insufficiently exposed for protease binding. Molecular modeling studies indicate that CaM in solution must adopt a conformation in which the first cleavage site observed for each enzyme is unshielded and extended, and that subsequent cleavages involve further unwinding of helices.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Highly purified, recombinant preparations of the virally encoded proteases from human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) 1 and 2 have been compared relative to 1) their specificities toward non-viral protein and synthetic peptide substrates, and 2) their inhibition by several P1-P1' pseudodipeptidyl-modified substrate analogs. Hydrolysis of the Leu-Leu and Leu-Ala bonds in the Pseudomonas exotoxin derivative, Lys-PE40, is qualitatively the same for HIV-2 protease as published earlier for the HIV-1 enzyme (Tomasselli, A. G., Hui, J. O., Sawyer, T. K., Staples, D. J., FitzGerald, D. J., Chaudhary, V. K., Pastan, I., and Heinrikson, R. L. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 408-413). However, the rates of cleavage at these two sites are reversed for the HIV-2 protease which prefers the Leu-Ala bond. The kinetics of hydrolysis of this protein substrate by both enzymes are mirrored by those obtained from cleavage of model peptides. Hydrolysis by the two proteases of other synthetic peptides modeled after processing sites in HIV-1 and HIV-2 gag polyproteins and selected analogs thereof demonstrated differences, as well as similarities, in selectivity. For example, while the two proteases were nearly identical in their rates of cleavage of the Tyr-Pro bond in the HIV-1 gag fragment, Val-Ser-Gln-Asn-Tyr-Pro-Ile-Val, the HIV-1 protease showed a 64-fold enhancement over the HIV-2 enzyme in hydrolysis of a Tyr-Val bond in the same template. Accordingly, the HIV-2 protease appears to have a different specificity than the HIV-1 enzyme; it is better able to hydrolyze substrates with small amino acids in P1 and P1', but is variable in its rate of hydrolysis of peptides with bulky substituents in these positions. In addition to these comparisons of the two proteases with respect to substrate specificity, we present inhibitor structure-activity data for the HIV-2 protease. Relative to P1-P1' statine or Phe psi [CH2N]Pro-modified pseudopeptidyl inhibitors, compounds having Xaa psi[CH(OH)CH2]Yaa inserts were found to show significantly higher affinities to both enzymes, generally binding from 10 to 100 times stronger to HIV-1 protease than to the HIV-2 enzyme. Molecular modeling comparisons based upon the sequence homology of the two enzymes and x-ray crystal structures of HIV-1 protease suggest that most of the nonconservative amino acid replacements occur in regions well outside the catalytic cleft, while only subtle structural differences exist within the active site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Fusion between unilamellar vesicles of both egg phosphatidylcholine and bovine phosphatidylserine was induced by polyethylene glycol. Aggregation and fusion events were monitored by electron microscopy and turbidity measurements. The threshold concentration of polyethylene glycol for aggregation and fusion is found to be independent of lipid concentration. Typically, aggregation of phosphatidylcholine vesicles starts at 2.5% (wt/wt) polyethylene glycol, but fusion is not significant until the polyethylene glycol concentration reaches 35%. Multilamellar vesicles were formed as a result of fusion.Abbreviations PEG Polyethylene glycol - IMP Intramembranous particle - PC Phosphatidylcholine - PS Phosphatidylserine - SUV Small unilamellar vesicles - MLV Multilamellar vesicles - DPPC Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - DSC Differential scanning calorimetry  相似文献   
Summary Polyethylene glycol, a known cell fusogen, is found to induce the formation of structural defects in egg phosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles, as shown by freeze-fracture microscopy.31P NMR spectra of these vesicles reveal the existence of a nonbilayer (isotropic) phase. The observed disruption in the bilayers is believed to be associated with an intermediate stage of membrane fusion.Abbreviations PEG Polyethylene glycol - IMP Intramembranous particle - PC Phosphatidylcholine - PS Phosphatidylserine - SUV Small unilamellar vesicles - MLV Multilamellar vesicles - DPPC Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - DSC Differential scanning calorimetry - DMPC Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine - T c Phase transition temperature  相似文献   
The chromatophores of Chromatium vinosum, as well as six other photosynthetic bacteria, contained two or more proteins which were insoluble when heated in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 2-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME). When the chromatophores were dissolved at room temperature in SDS-beta-ME, these proteins were present in the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles, but when the samples were dissolved at 100 degrees C, they were absent or considerably diminished. When one-dimensional gels of chromatophores solubilized at room temperature were soaked in the SDS-beta-ME solution and heated to 100 degrees C and the gels were run in a second dimension, the proteins became immobilized in the original first-dimension gel, where they could be detected by staining. The two major proteins so affected in C. vinosum had apparent molecular weights of 28,000 and 21,000. The chromatophores of several other photosynthetic bacteria also contained predominant proteins between 30,000 and 19,000 molecular weight, which became insoluble when heated in the presence of SDS and beta-ME. In at least two of the species examined, these appeared to be reaction center proteins. The conditions causing the proteins to become insoluble were complex and involved temperature, SDS concentration, and the presence of sulfhydryl reagents. The chromatophores of four of the Chromatiaceae species and two strains of one of the Rhodospirillaceae species examined had a protein-pigment complex that was visible in SDS-polyacrylamide gel profiles of samples dissolved at room temperature but was absent in samples dissolved at 100 degrees C.  相似文献   
Nitrogen control in Salmonella typhimurium is not limited to glutamine synthetase but affects, in addition, transport systems for histidine, glutamine, lysine-arginine-ornithine, and glutamate-aspartate. Synthesis of both glutamine synthetase and transport proteins is elevated by limitation of nitrogen in the growth medium or as a result of nitrogen (N)-regulatory mutations. Increases in the amounts of these proteins were demonstrated by direct measurements of their activities, by immunological techniques, and by visual inspection of cell fractions after gel electrophoresis. The N-regulatory mutations are closely linked on the chromosome to the structural gene for glutamine synthetase, glnA: we discuss the possibility that they lie in a regulatory gene, glnR, which is distinct from glnA. Increases in amino acid transport in N-regulatory mutant strains were indicated by increased activity in direct transport assays, improved growth on substrates of the transport systems, and increased sensitivity to inhibitory analogs that are trnasported by these systems. Mutations to loss of function of individual transport components (hisJ, hisP, glnH, argT) were introduced into N-regulatory mutant strains to determine the roles of these components in the phenotype and transport behavior of the strains. The structural gene for the periplasmic glutamine-binding protein, glnH, was identified, as was a gene argT that probably encodes the structure of the lysine-arginine-ornithine-binding protein. Genes encoding the structures of the histidine- and glutamine-binding proteins are not linked to glnA or to each other by P22-mediated transduction; thus, nitrogen control is exerted on several unlinked genes.  相似文献   
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