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Xia W  Fu W  Cai L  Kong H  Cai X  Liu J  Wang Y  Zou M  Xu D 《Gene》2012,504(2):233-237
Angiogenin (Ang) is known to induce cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis by cellular signaling pathways and by direct nuclear functions of Ang, but the mechanism of action for Ang is not yet clear. The aim of present study was to identify novel binding partner of Ang and to explore the underlying mechanism. With the use of yeast two-hybrid screening system, Ang was used as the bait to screen human fetal hepatic cDNA library for interacting proteins. Four and a half LIM domains 3 (FHL3) was identified as a novel Ang binding partner. The interaction between Ang and the full length FHL3 was further confirmed by yeast two-hybrid assay, co-immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Furthermore, FHL3 was required for Ang-mediated HeLa cell proliferation and nuclear translocation of Ang. These findings suggest that the interaction between Ang and FHL3 may provide some clues to the mechanisms of Ang-regulated cell growth and apoptosis.  相似文献   
<正>通过两年多的努力,"基因组与生物多样性"专刊终于与大家见面了。作为组织者之一,我是既兴奋又紧张:兴奋的是这些文章的境界和水平都是相当高的,达到或超过了最初的预期;紧张的是这些文章似乎还不足以涵盖这个主题的方方面面,有些遗憾。尽管如此,我还是非常感谢主编和编辑部几位编辑的大力支持,感谢各位作者的慷慨赐稿,感谢各位责任编委、审稿人和编辑的认真把关。此外,为了让大家对这个专刊有更多的了解,我把我们对  相似文献   


To heterologously produce the Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 O-polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) in Escherichia coli by transferring the minimum number of genes instead of the entire O-PS gene cluster.


The three glycosyltransferase genes (rfbR, rfbQ and rfp) responsible for the formation of the O-repeat unit were introduced into E. coli K-12 W3110 to synthesize S. dysenteriae 1 O-PS. The specific O-antigen ladder type with different chain lengths of O-repeat units was observed in the recombinant E. coli strain by SDS-PAGE silver staining and western blotting using S. dysenteriae 1 lipopolysaccharide antiserum. Analysis by mass spectrometry and ion chromatography suggested generation of the specific S. dysenteriae 1 O-repeat unit structure with an extra glucose residue attached.


Recombinant E. coli expressing specific glycosyltransferase genes can generate the O-PS of S. dysenteriae 1 and might be able to synthesize heterologous O-antigens of various pathogenic bacteria for vaccine preparation.
Kong CJ  Huang ZA  Chen J  Shi YH  Lu XJ 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):151-157
补体成分C9是构成膜攻击复合体引起靶细胞溶解破坏的重要组成成分。该文测定了香鱼C9(aC9)基因的cDNA全序列,序列全长2125个核苷酸,编码一个由592个氨基酸组成、相对分子质量为6.56×104的前体蛋白,N端22个氨基酸为信号肽序列。序列分析表明,aC9与虹鳟C9的氨基酸同源性最高,达56.8%,与其它鱼类C9的同源性介于40.9%~53.8%之间。aC9在健康香鱼肝、脾、肠、鳃和肌肉有表达,其中在肝内的表达量最高。实时荧光定量PCR的结果显示,鳗利斯顿氏菌侵染4h后,肝中aC9mRNA表达量显著上调,并随着时间的推移在16h时达到峰值。Westernblotting分析的结果显示,鳗利斯顿氏菌侵染后香鱼血清中的aC9蛋白随着时间的推移呈显著上调。以上结果表明,香鱼肝组织C9基因表达变化与鳗利斯顿氏菌的侵染密切相关,揭示了C9在鱼类抗细菌免疫反应中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
以短序大功劳嫩叶为材料,采用CTAB法、CTAB改良法1、CTAB改良法2、SDS法和试剂盒法五种方法提取短序十大功劳基因组总DNA,用分光光度计和琼脂糖凝胶电泳方法检测所得总DNA的纯度和得率,用ISSR-PCR扩增的方法检测所得总DNA的质量。结果表明,五种方法均能从短序大功劳叶片中提取到基因组DNA,但不同方法提取得的基因组DNA的纯度、浓度和得率存在明显的差异。CTAB改良法2和试剂盒法提取的DNA纯度高,可直接用于下游分子生物学实验,CTAB法、CTAB改良法1和SDS法提取的总DNA质量较差,不利于下游的分子生物学实验;五种方法提取的总DNA的得率在10.836~451.709μg/g之间,呈CTAB法>SDS法>CTAB改良法1>CTAB改良法2>试剂盒法的现象。此实验获得的结果可以为短序十大功劳分子生物学研究提供基础。  相似文献   
2009年中国植物科学在水稻和拟南芥研究等方面取得"爆发性"的快速发展。中国科学家在植物科学各领域中取得了大量的原创性研究成果,尤其是在基于新一代测序技术和计算生物学理论的基因组学、水稻功能基因挖掘、激素受体和信号转导以及转基因作物产业化和生态安全性研究等方面取得一系列重大进展,受到了国内外广泛关注。该文对2009年中国本土植物生命科学若干领域取得的重要研究进展进行概括性评述,旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿和热点事件,并展现我国科学家们所取得的杰出成就。  相似文献   
甜樱桃品种SSR-PCR反应体系的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甜樱桃品种那翁为试材,研究了樱桃SSR技术中PCR反应体系的主要成分对SSR扩增结果的影响,并比较了采用聚丙稀酰胺凝胶及琼脂糖电泳检测扩增产物多态性的差异.结果表明:在PCR反应体系中,DNA最适浓度30~45 ng;Mg2+的最适浓度范围为1.5~3.0 mmol/L;dNTP最适浓度为0.2~0.3 mmol/L;引物的最适浓度为0.3~0.4 μmol/L;Taq聚合酶在20 μl反应体系中宜加入0.5 U.利用此反应体系,对24份樱桃代表资源进行了SSR反应,用6%的非变性聚丙稀酰胺凝胶电泳检测,扩增产物在100~250 bp之间,不同品种间DNA谱带多态性丰富.琼脂糖电泳检测的DNA多态性不如聚丙稀酰胺凝胶丰富.  相似文献   
Evaluation of litterfall production is important for understanding nutrient cycling, forest growth, successional pathways, and interactions with environmental variables in forest ecosystems. Litterfall was intensively studied during the period of 1982–2001 in two subtropical monsoon vegetation gradients in the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Guangdong Province, China. The two gradients include: (1) a successional gradient composed of pine forest (PF), mixed pine and broadleaved forest (MF) and monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest (BF), and (2) an altitudinal gradient composed of Baiyunci ravine rain forest (BRF), Qingyunci ravine rain forest (QRF), BF and mountainous evergreen broadleaved forest (MMF). Mean annual litterfall production was 356, 861 and 849 g m−2 for PF, MF and BF of the successional gradient, and 1016, 1061, 849 and 489 g m−2 for BRF, QRF, BF and MMF of the altitudinal gradient, respectively. As expected, mean annual litterfall of the pioneer forest PF was the lowest, but rapidly increased over the observation period while those in other forests were relatively stable, confirming that forest litterfall production is closely related to successional stages and growth patterns. Leaf proportions of total litterfall in PF, MF, BF, BRF, QRF and MMF were 76.4%, 68.4%, 56.8%, 55.7%, 57.6% and 69.2%, respectively, which were consistent with the results from studies in other evergreen broadleaved forests. Our analysis on litterfall monthly distributions indicated that litterfall production was much higher during the period of April to September compared to other months for all studied forest types. Although there were significant impacts of some climate variables (maximum and effective temperatures) on litterfall production in some of the studied forests, the mechanisms of how climate factors (temperature and rainfall) interactively affect litterfall await further study.  相似文献   
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