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Model membranes formed from 1,2-dihexadecyl-, 1,2-dipalmitoyl-, 1,2-ditetradecyl- or 1,2-dimyristoyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine, deuterium-labelled at choline groups, in an excess of water were compared using 2H-NMR spectroscopy. The dynamics and conformation of the labelled choline segments were estimated based on spin-lattice relaxation time and residual quadrupole splittings. The trimethylammonium group of dialkyl phosphatidylcholine was shown to be more distant from the bilayer surface as compared with that of the diacyl analogues.  相似文献   
Salivary alpha-amylase activity (sAA) and plasma noradrenaline (NA) concentrations are often considered to be surrogate markers of sympathetic activation in response to stress. However, despite accumulating evidence for a close association between sAA and noradrenaline and other indicators of sympathetic activity, reliability and generality of this relation remains unclear. We employed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) in order to directly compare the responses in sAA and NA to psychological stress in healthy volunteers (n = 23). The TSST significantly increased sAA and NA plasma levels with no significant differences in females and males. However, when subjects were divided according to their NA responses into low versus high responders, both groups did not significantly differ in their sAA before, during or after stress exposure. These data suggest that in response to acute psychological stress both plasma NA levels and sAA reflect sympathetic activity, however seemed to increase independently from each other.  相似文献   
In practical applications of computed tomography imaging (CT), it is often the case that the set of projection data is incomplete owing to the physical conditions of the data acquisition process. On the other hand, the high radiation dose imposed on patients is also undesired. These issues demand that high quality CT images can be reconstructed from limited projection data. For this reason, iterative methods of image reconstruction have become a topic of increased research interest. Several algorithms have been proposed for few-view CT. We consider that the accurate solution of the reconstruction problem also depends on the system matrix that simulates the scanning process. In this work, we analyze the application of the Siddon method to generate elements of the matrix and we present results based on real projection data.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of total hip replacement, accounting for more than 80% of all total hip replacements. Emerging evidence suggests that osteoarthritis has a chronic inflammatory component to its pathogenesis similar to age-related macular degeneration. We evaluated the association between age-related macular degeneration and total hip replacement as proxy for severe osteoarthritis or fractured neck of femur in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. 20,744 participants had complete data on both age-related macular degeneration assessed from colour fundus photographs taken during 2003–2007 and total hip replacement. Total hip replacements due to hip osteoarthritis and fractured neck of femur during 2001–2011 were identified by linking the cohort records to the Australian Orthopedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between age-related macular degeneration and risk of total hip replacement due to osteoarthritis and fracture separately, adjusted for confounders. There were 791 cases of total hip replacement for osteoarthritis and 102 cases of total hip replacement due to fractured neck of femur. After adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, smoking, and grouped country of birth, intermediate age-related macular degeneration was directly associated with total hip replacement for osteoarthritis (odds ratio 1.22, 95% CI 1.00–1.49). Late age-related macular degeneration was directly associated with total hip replacement due to fractured neck of femur (odds ratio 5.21, 95% CI2.25–12.02). The association between intermediate age-related macular degeneration and an increased 10-year incidence of total hip replacement due to osteoarthritis suggests the possibility of similar inflammatory processes underlying both chronic diseases. The association of late age-related macular degeneration with an increased 10-year incidence of total hip replacement due to fractured neck of femur may be due to an increased prevalence of fractures in those with poor central vision associated with the late complications of age-related macular degeneration.  相似文献   
Progress in unraveling the genetic origins of healthy aging is tempered, in part, by a lack of replication of effects, which is often considered a signature of false-positive findings. We convincingly demonstrate that the lack of genetic effects on an aging-related trait can be because of trade-offs in the gene action. We focus on the well-studied apolipoprotein E (APOE) e2/3/4 polymorphism and on lifespan and ages at onset of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and cancer, using data on 3924 participants of the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort. Kaplan-Meier estimates show that the e4 allele carriers live shorter lives than the non-e4 allele carriers (log rank = 0.016). The adverse effect was attributed to the poor survival of the e4 homozygotes, whereas the effect of the common e3/4 genotype was insignificant. The e3/4 genotype, however, was antagonistically associated with onsets of those diseases predisposing to an earlier onset of CVD and a later onset of cancer compared to the non-e4 allele genotypes. This trade-off explains the lack of a significant effect of the e3/4 genotype on survival; adjustment for it in the Cox regression model makes the detrimental effect of the e4 allele highly significant (P = 0.002). This trade-off is likely caused by the lipid-metabolism-related (for CVD) and nonrelated (for cancer) mechanisms. An evolutionary rationale suggests that genetic trade-offs should not be an exception in studies of aging-related traits. Deeper insights into biological mechanisms mediating gene action are critical for understanding the genetic regulation of a healthy lifespan and for personalizing medical care.  相似文献   
Lagerstätten, places where soft‐bodied organisms became mineralized, provide a substantial bulk of palaeobiological information, but the detailed mechanisms of how soft‐tissue preservation takes place remain debatable. An experimental taphonomy approach, which allows for direct study of decay and mineralization, offers a means to study the preservational potential of different soft‐bodied organisms under controlled conditions. Here we compare the preservational capacity of two types of clay (kaolinite and montmorillonite) through a long‐term (24 month) experiment involving the burial and decay of small crustaceans. Our experimental design is innovative in that it models catastrophic sedimentation in fine‐grained colloidal suspension, which is believed to form Lagerstätten deposits. We demonstrated better preservation of buried organisms in clays compared to water, and in kaolinite compared to montmorillonite. As aluminium cations were present in high concentrations in kaolinite sediment but not in montmorillonite, the better preservation in kaolinite is attributed to the tanning properties of aluminium, which catalyses cross‐linking in proteins, protecting them from bacterial degradation. Anaerobic environments and acidification also slow down decay, but they are less effective than tanning. Kaolinite and montmorillonite replaced the crustacean integuments differently: in the remains buried in kaolinite, Al and Si were detected in equal proportions, while in those buried in montmorillonite, the Si content appeared to be much higher even in comparison with the initial sample of the clay. These variations probably arose from the different dynamics of acidic hydrolysis in the two clays associated with anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Our results show that the preservation mechanism includes multi‐component interactions between the solution, mineral, sediment and organic remains; taken separately, any single component explains little. The specific conditions that occur within the colloidal clay sediments can facilitate conservation and start fast mineralization according to chemical properties and elemental content.  相似文献   
Changes in chromatin structure at different stages of differentiation of human spermatids were studied. It was shown that, in nuclei of early spermatids, chromatin is loosely packed and its structural element is an 8-nm fiber. This “elementary” fiber is predominant at the initial stages of differentiation; in the course of maturation, it is replaced by globular elements approximately 60 nm in diameter. In intermediate spermatids, these globules start to condense into fibrillar aggregates and reduce their diameter to 30–40 nm. At all stages of spermatid maturation, except the final stages, these globules are convergence centers for elementary fibers. This remodelling process is vectored and directed from the apical (acrosomal) to the basal pole of the nucleus. In mature spermatids, the elementary 8-nm fibers are almost absent and the major components are 40-nm fibrillar aggregates. The nuclei of mature spermatids are structurally identical with the nuclei of spermatozoa with the so-called “immature chromatin,” which are commonly found in a low proportion in sperm samples from healthy donors and may prevail over the normal cells in spermiogenetic disorders. The cause of this differentiation blockade remains unknown. Possibly, the formation of intermolecular bonds between protamines, which are required for the final stages of chromatin condensation, is blocked in a part of spermatids. The results of this study are discussed in comparison with the known models of nucleoprotamine chromatin organization in human spermatozoa.  相似文献   
Submersion of roots of ten-day-old maize (Zea maysL.) seedlings was accompanied by a decrease in pO2and an increase in pCO2of the medium adjacent to the roots. These changes stimulated ethylene evolution in intact plants. Enhanced biosynthesis of ethylene was accompanied by xylanase activation in adventitious roots. As a result, an enhanced formation of aerenchyma was observed in the cortex of adventitious roots. Therefore, these processes resulted in the development of a ventilation system by which O2can reach the root system exposed to hypoxia. The volume of aerenchyma was assessed by the volume of gas cavities (porosity). In contrast to the main root, the growth of adventitious roots was not inhibited under these conditions. Enlargement of the stem base and increase in the number of aerenchymatous adventitious roots facilitated the oxygen supply to the submerged organs of the plants.  相似文献   
We studied the formation of hemopoietic colonies on an artificial sublayer in the peritoneal cavity of mice under the influence of stromal sublayers consisting of fibroblasts of six constant cell limes. All studied lines of stromal cells supported the formation of granulocytic foci and some of them supported the formation of erythroid foci as well. It was shown that hemopoiesis was preserved or, in some cases, enhanced on sublayers of fixed (metabolically inactive) cells. The treatment of fibroblasts by E. coli lipopolysaccharide did not lead, as a rule, to significant stimulation of hemopoiesis.  相似文献   
Mechnikov’s hypothesis that the key to prolongation of life lies in the introduction of useful microflora to the gut was not proved. Any microflora needs nutrition and perceives the human body only as a nutrient substrate. Destruction of the basement membranes, that delimit the epithelium contacting with aggressive microbiological environment from the deeper parts of the body, can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases and aging of the skin as a consequence of invasion of microorganisms. At the ultrastructural level this has been shown by the example of prostatitis and skin aging changes. Coupled with the penetration of germs, a flux of immune cells may cause autoimmune reactions due to abrupt changes in the molecular design during intermembrane transport. Thus, the physiological process of macroorganism aging can be viewed as a consequence of its microbiological destruction.  相似文献   
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