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The action of inhibitors on the enzymic degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleohistone by pancreatic deoxyribonuclease has been studied. The results show that the inhibitors may be divided broadly into two classes, namely those which remove the activating magnesium ion, and those which directly interact with the enzyme protein. Active inhibitors prevent both stages (i.e. depolymerisation and hydrolysis) of the degradation of the deoxyribonucleic acid.The products which result from the reaction of nitrogen mustards with deoxyribonucleohistone are partially resistant to the action of deoxyribonuclease. Pre-treatment of deoxyribonucleohistone with other mitotic inhibitors has no effect upon its subsequent degradation with deoxyribonuclease.  相似文献   
1. Ant colonies commonly have multiple egg‐laying queens (secondary polygyny). Polygyny is frequently associated with polydomy (single colonies occupy multiple nest sites) and restricted dispersal of females. The production dynamics and reproductive allocation patterns within a population comprising one polygyne, polydomous colony of the red ant Myrmica rubra were studied. 2. Queen number per nest increased with nest density and the number of adult workers increased with the number of resident queens and with nest density. This suggests that nest site limitation promotes polygyny and that workers accumulate in nest units incapable of budding. 3. Nest productivity increased with the number of adult workers and production per queen was independent of queen number. Productivity increased with nest density, suggesting local resource enhancement. This shows that productivity can be a linear function of queen numbers and that the limiting factor is not the egg‐laying capacity of queens. 4. The total and per capita production of reproductives decreased towards the periphery of the colony, suggesting that the spatial location of nest units affects sexual production. Thus nests at the periphery of the colony invested more heavily in new workers. This is consistent with earlier observations in plants and could either represent investment in future budding or increased defence. 5. The colony produced only five new queens and 2071 males, hence the sex ratio was extremely male biased.  相似文献   
In ants the presence of multiple reproductive queens (polygyny) decreases the relatedness among workers and the brood they rear, and subsequently dilutes their inclusive fitness benefits from helping. However, adoption of colony daughters, low male dispersal in conjunction with intranidal (within nest) mating and colony reproduction by budding may preserve local genetic differences, and slow down the erosion of relatedness. Reduced dispersal and intranidal mating may, however, also lead to detrimental effects owing to competition and inbreeding. We studied mating and dispersal patterns, and colony kinship in three populations of the polygynous ant Plagiolepis pygmaea using microsatellite markers. We found that the populations were genetically differentiated, but also a considerable degree of genetic structuring within populations. The genetic viscosity within populations can be attributed to few genetically homogeneous colony networks, which presumably have arisen through colony reproduction by budding. Hence, selection may act at different levels, the individuals, the colonies and colony networks. All populations were also significantly inbred (F=0.265) suggesting high frequencies of intranidal mating and low male dispersal. Consequently the mean regression relatedness among workers was significantly higher (r = 0.529-0.546) than would be expected under the typically reported number (5-35) of queens in nests of the species. Furthermore, new queens were mainly recruited from their natal or a neighbouring related colony. Finally, the effective number of queens coincided with that found upon excavation, suggesting low reproductive skew.  相似文献   
Kin selection is a powerful tool for understanding cooperation among individuals, yet its role as the sole explanation of cooperative societies has recently been challenged on empirical grounds. These studies suggest that direct benefits of cooperation are often overlooked, and that partner choice may be a widespread mechanism of cooperation. Female eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) may rear broods alone, or they may pool their broods and share brood-rearing. Females are philopatric, and it has been suggested that colonies may largely consist of related females, which could promote interactions among relatives. Alternatively, shared brood care could be random with respect to relatedness, either because brood amalgamations are accidental and nonadaptive, or through group augmentation, assuming that the fitness of all group members increases with group size. We tested these alternatives by measuring the relatedness of co-tending eider females in enduring coalitions with microsatellite markers. Females formed enduring brood-rearing coalitions with each other at random with respect to relatedness. However, based on previous data, partner choice is nonrandom and dependent on female body condition. We discuss potential mechanisms underlying eider communal brood-rearing decisions, which may be driven by the specific ecological conditions under which sociality has evolved in this species.  相似文献   
It is well known that leptin has the capacity to reduce food intake, cause body weight loss, and increase energy expenditure in several vertebrate species. In this study, we investigated the effects of chronically elevated leptin levels on behavior and physiology of Asian Blue Quail (Coturnix chinensis). Fifteen male quail were treated with chicken leptin dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) via subcutaneously inserted osmotic pumps that released approximately 1 microg/g body weight/day during a 14-day period. Another 15 males acted as controls and their pumps released PBS only. All males were housed together with two females. We observed a decrease in body weight and feeding behavior in leptin-treated birds, but not in control birds, after 2 days of treatment. Thereafter, all birds increased in weight. Males treated with leptin were more active and more likely to preen the day after the beginning of the treatment. Plasma cholesterol levels in leptin birds decreased during the first week of treatment and plasma triglycerides tended to remain lower compared to the controls during the whole 2-week period of treatment. Glucose levels appeared stable during the observation period. Leptin-treated males remained closer to accompanying females than did control males, and females together with leptin males took longer to lay their first egg compared to females together with control males. This is the first article showing the effect of leptin on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in birds. We also observed a change in the activity and male-female interaction pattern in tested quail.  相似文献   
The interaction between beta-catenin and Tcf family members is crucial for the Wnt signal transduction pathway, which is commonly mutated in cancer. This interaction extends over a very large surface area (4800 A(2)), and inhibiting such interactions using low molecular weight inhibitors is a challenge. However, protein surfaces frequently contain "hot spots," small patches that are the main mediators of binding affinity. By making tight interactions with a hot spot, a small molecule can compete with a protein. The Tcf3/Tcf4-binding surface on beta-catenin contains a well-defined hot spot around residues K435 and R469. A 17,700 compounds subset of the Pharmacia corporate collection was docked to this hot spot with the QXP program; 22 of the best scoring compounds were put into a biophysical (NMR and ITC) screening funnel, where specific binding to beta-catenin, competition with Tcf4 and finally binding constants were determined. This process led to the discovery of three druglike, low molecular weight Tcf4-competitive compounds with the tightest binder having a K(D) of 450 nM. Our approach can be used in several situations (e.g., when selecting compounds from external collections, when no biochemical functional assay is available, or when no HTS is envisioned), and it may be generally applicable to the identification of inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   


Molecular typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains has become a valuable tool in the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) by allowing detection of outbreaks, tracking of epidemics, identification of genotypes and transmission events among patients who would have remained undetected by conventional contact investigation. This is the first genetic biodiversity study of M. tuberculosis in Venezuela. Thus, we investigated the genetic patterns of strains isolated in the first survey of anti-tuberculosis drug-resistance realised as part of the Global Project of Anti-tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance (WHO/IUATLD).


Clinical isolates (670/873) were genotyped by spoligotyping. The results were compared with the international spoligotyping database (SpolDB4). Multidrug resistant (MDR) strains (14/18) were also analysed by IS6110-RFLP assays, and resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin was characterised. Spoligotyping grouped 82% (548/670) of the strains into 59 clusters. Twenty new spoligotypes (SITs) specific to Venezuela were identified. Eight new inter-regional clusters were created. The Beijing genotype was not found. The genetic network shows that the Latin American and Mediterranean family constitutes the backbone of the genetic TB population-structure in Venezuela, responsible of >60% of total TB cases studied. MDR was 0.5% in never treated patients and 13.5% in previously treated patients. Mutations in rpoB gene and katG genes were detected in 64% and 43% of the MDR strains, respectively. Two clusters were found to be identical by the four different analysis methods, presumably representing cases of recent transmission of MDR tuberculosis.


This study gives a first overview of the M. tuberculosis strains circulating in Venezuela during the first survey of anti-tuberculosis drug-resistance. It may aid in the creation of a national database that will be a valuable support for further studies.  相似文献   
Macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, or unopsonized viable CD47(-/-) red blood cells, can be mediated by the interaction between calreticulin (CRT) on the target cell and LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1/CD91/α2-macroglobulin receptor) on the macrophage. Glucocorticoids (GC) are powerful in treatment of a range of inflammatory conditions, and were shown to enhance macrophage uptake of apoptotic cells. Here we investigated if the ability of GC to promote macrophage uptake of apoptotic cells could in part be mediated by an upregulation of macrophage LRP1 expression. Using both resident peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages, we found that the GC dexamethasone could dose- and time-dependently increase macrophage LRP1 expression. The GC receptor-inhibitor RU486 could dose-dependently prevent LRP1 upregulation. Dexamethasone-treated macrophages did also show enhanced phagocytosis of apoptotic thymocytes as well as unopsonized viable CD47(-/-) red blood cells, which was sensitive to inhibition by the LRP1-agonist RAP. In conclusion, these data suggest that GC-stimulated macrophage uptake of apoptotic cells may involve an upregulation of macrophage LRP1 expression and enhanced LRP1-mediated phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Red clover, known for its estrogenic activity due to its isoflavones content (biochanin A, genistein, daidzein and formononetin), was inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. Once the symbiotic fungus was well established, plants were harvested and we determined the root and shoot dry weight as well as the P-content. In roots and leaves the levels of biochanin A, genistein, daidzein and formononetin were quantified by reversed-phase HPLC and the estrogenic activity of the leaves was measured by a transactivation assay using a yeast two-plasmid system. Mycorrhization increased the levels of biochanin A in the root and the shoot and reduced the levels of genistein in the shoot of red clover. The levels of the other isoflavones were not affected. The shoot biomass of mycorrhizal plants more than doubled compared with non-mycorrhizal control plants, and this growth-stimulating effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza did not affect the estrogenic activity of red clover. In a control P treatment, the biomass of red clover was greatly enhanced. However, the estrogenic activity was reduced. These results suggest that, in contrast to an enhanced shoot biomass production after P application with a reduced estrogenic activity, with arbuscular mycorrhiza the shoot biomass of red clover can be enhanced without a negative effect on estrogenic activity.  相似文献   
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