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Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans and is the third most common mycobacterial disease after tuberculosis and leprosy. While there is a strong association of the occurrence of the disease with stagnant or slow flowing water bodies, the exact mode of transmission of BU is not clear. M. ulcerans has emerged from the environmental fish pathogen M. marinum by acquisition of a virulence plasmid encoding the enzymes required for the production of the cytotoxic macrolide toxin mycolactone, which is a key factor in the pathogenesis of BU. Comparative genomic studies have further shown extensive pseudogene formation and downsizing of the M. ulcerans genome, indicative for an adaptation to a more stable ecological niche. This has raised the question whether this pathogen is still present in water-associated environmental reservoirs. Here we show persistence of M. ulcerans specific DNA sequences over a period of more than two years at a water contact location of BU patients in an endemic village of Cameroon. At defined positions in a shallow water hole used by the villagers for washing and bathing, detritus remained consistently positive for M. ulcerans DNA. The observed mean real-time PCR Ct difference of 1.45 between the insertion sequences IS2606 and IS2404 indicated that lineage 3 M. ulcerans, which cause human disease, persisted in this environment after successful treatment of all local patients. Underwater decaying organic matter may therefore represent a reservoir of M. ulcerans for direct infection of skin lesions or vector-associated transmission.  相似文献   
In the search of new strategies to fight against obesity, we targeted a gene pathway involved in energy uptake. We have thus investigated the APOB mRNA editing protein (APOBEC1) gene pathway that is involved in fat absorption in the intestine. The APOB gene encodes two proteins, APOB100 and APOB48, via the editing of a single nucleotide in the APOB mRNA by the APOBEC1 enzyme. The APOB48 protein is mandatory for the synthesis of chylomicrons by intestinal cells to transport dietary lipids and cholesterol. We produced transgenic rabbits expressing permanently and ubiquitously a small hairpin RNA targeting the rabbit APOBEC1 mRNA. These rabbits exhibited a moderately but significantly reduced level of APOBEC1 gene expression in the intestine, a reduced level of editing of the APOB mRNA, a reduced level of synthesis of chylomicrons after a food challenge, a reduced total mass of body lipids and finally presented a sustained lean phenotype without any obvious physiological disorder. Interestingly, no compensatory mechanism opposed to the phenotype. These lean transgenic rabbits were crossed with transgenic rabbits expressing in the intestine the human APOBEC1 gene. Double transgenic animals did not present any lean phenotype, thus proving that the intestinal expression of the human APOBEC1 transgene was able to counterbalance the reduction of the rabbit APOBEC1 gene expression. Thus, a moderate reduction of the APOBEC1 dependent editing induces a lean phenotype at least in the rabbit species. This suggests that the APOBEC1 gene might be a novel target for obesity treatment.  相似文献   


Physiologic monitors are plagued with alarms that create a cacophony of sounds and visual alerts causing “alarm fatigue” which creates an unsafe patient environment because a life-threatening event may be missed in this milieu of sensory overload. Using a state-of-the-art technology acquisition infrastructure, all monitor data including 7 ECG leads, all pressure, SpO2, and respiration waveforms as well as user settings and alarms were stored on 461 adults treated in intensive care units. Using a well-defined alarm annotation protocol, nurse scientists with 95% inter-rater reliability annotated 12,671 arrhythmia alarms.


A total of 2,558,760 unique alarms occurred in the 31-day study period: arrhythmia, 1,154,201; parameter, 612,927; technical, 791,632. There were 381,560 audible alarms for an audible alarm burden of 187/bed/day. 88.8% of the 12,671 annotated arrhythmia alarms were false positives. Conditions causing excessive alarms included inappropriate alarm settings, persistent atrial fibrillation, and non-actionable events such as PVC''s and brief spikes in ST segments. Low amplitude QRS complexes in some, but not all available ECG leads caused undercounting and false arrhythmia alarms. Wide QRS complexes due to bundle branch block or ventricular pacemaker rhythm caused false alarms. 93% of the 168 true ventricular tachycardia alarms were not sustained long enough to warrant treatment.


The excessive number of physiologic monitor alarms is a complex interplay of inappropriate user settings, patient conditions, and algorithm deficiencies. Device solutions should focus on use of all available ECG leads to identify non-artifact leads and leads with adequate QRS amplitude. Devices should provide prompts to aide in more appropriate tailoring of alarm settings to individual patients. Atrial fibrillation alarms should be limited to new onset and termination of the arrhythmia and delays for ST-segment and other parameter alarms should be configurable. Because computer devices are more reliable than humans, an opportunity exists to improve physiologic monitoring and reduce alarm fatigue.  相似文献   
Summary Antibodies directed to fibronectin (anti-FN) were injected into the blastocoel of late blastulae of Xenopus laevis. Two animal caps (ectoderm) were isolated, when control embryos reached the early gastrula stage, and were combined with untreated upper blastopore lip in the sandwich method. In two control series fibronectin or Holtfreter solution was injected into the blastocoel. The results of the experiments suggest that neural induction cannot be prevented by binding anti-FN to fibronectin, which covers the blastocoelic side of the ectoderm. The data support the view that extracellular matrix proteins are not themselves responsible for neural induction. However, in comparison with the control series a slight shift of the differentiation pattern in the spinocaudal direction could be observed in the anti-FN series. The possible role of extracellular proteins in the formation of a close juxtaposition of mesodermal and ectodermal target cells as a prerequisite for shortdistance transmission of neural inducers is discussed.  相似文献   
Four monoclonal antibodies directed against porcine colipase have been generated by hybridization of myeloma cells with spleen cells of BALB/c immunized mice. Antibodies were screened by binding to immobilized colipase in a solid-phase assay. Monoclonal antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography on colipase coupled to Sepharose. All monoclonal antibodies are of the IgG1 class with high affinity for the antigen. The dissociation constant of the complex formed in solution between porcine colipase and antibody varied from 1.1 X 10(-10) M to 1.8 X 10(-8) M. Epitope specificity was studied for each antibody and in pairs with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results indicate that the four monoclonal antibodies react with at least three different antigenic regions of colipase. Finally, three monoclonal antibodies were found to be potent inhibitors of colipase activity. Antiporcine monoclonal antibodies appear to be suitable probes for studying the lipid affinity site of the protein cofactor of pancreatic lipase.  相似文献   
After acquisition of a digital equilibrium gamma-angiocardiographie, circumferential analysis of end-diastolic and end-systolic frames gives 120 points diastolic and systolic curves. Their difference represents systolic volume and leads to regional left ventricular ejection fraction assessment at the considered radius level. The circumferential analysis evolute gives the regional left ventricular ejection fraction representative curves which allows especially differential diagnosis between left ventricular akinesia and dyskinesia.  相似文献   
To determine the yield of radiation-induced single-strand, double-strand and potential breaks (breaks which are converted into actual breaks by alkali or heat treatment) oxygenated aqueous solutions of phi X174 supercoiled circular double-stranded (RFI) DNA were irradiated with increasing doses of gamma-irradiation and subjected to electrophoresis on agarose gels both before and after heat treatment. A complete separation was obtained of RFI, RFII (relaxed circle due to one or more single-strand breaks) and RFIII (linear DNA due to one double-strand break). A computer-assisted spectrophotometric procedure was developed, which enabled us to measure very accurately the amount of DNA present in the three DNA fractions. The quantitative changes of each fraction of DNA with dose could be fitted to a straightforward statistical model, which described the dose-dependent formation of the different types of breaks and from which the D37-values of single-strand, potential single-strand and double-strand breaks could be calculated to be 0.42 +/- 0.02, 1.40 +/- 0.25 and 57 +/- 36 Gy respectively. Potential double-strand breaks were not formed significantly under our conditions. In addition the maximum distance between two independently introduced single-strand breaks in opposite strands resulting in a double-strand break could be determined. The values before and after heat treatment are shown to be 29 +/- 6 and 102 +/- 13 nucleotides, respectively.  相似文献   
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Thermogenic (brown and beige) adipose tissues improve glucose and lipid homeostasis and therefore represent putative targets to cure obesity and related...  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - The architecture of root systems determines where and how much resources plants can extract from the soil, how they compete for soil resources, and how they interact with soil...  相似文献   
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