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Oxidoreductases of the cytochrome bc1/b6f family transfer electrons from a liposoluble quinol to a soluble acceptor protein and contribute to the formation of a transmembrane electrochemical potential. The crystal structure of cyt b6f has revealed the presence in the Qi site of an atypical c-type heme, heme ci. Surprisingly, the protein does not provide any axial ligand to the iron of this heme, and its surrounding structure suggests it can be accessed by exogenous ligand. In this work we describe a mutagenesis approach aimed at characterizing the ci heme and its interaction with the Qi site environment. We engineered a mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in which Phe40 from subunit IV was substituted by a tyrosine. This results in a dramatic slowing down of the reoxidation of the b hemes under single flash excitation, suggesting hindered accessibility of the heme to its quinone substrate. This modified accessibility likely originates from the ligation of the heme iron by the phenol(ate) side chain introduced by the mutation. Indeed, it also results in a marked downshift of the ci heme midpoint potential (from +100 mV to −200 mV at pH 7). Yet the overall turnover rate of the mutant cytochrome b6f complex under continuous illumination was found similar to the wild type one, both in vitro and in vivo. We propose that, in the mutant, a change in the ligation state of the heme upon its reduction could act as a redox switch that would control the accessibility of the substrate to the heme and trigger the catalysis.The cytochrome b6f complex of oxygenic photosynthesis is the integral membrane protein, the quinol:plastocyanin oxido-reductase activity of which allows the linear electron flow between the two photosystems (PSI and PSII).4 The turnover of the cytochrome b6f complex depends on the steady state of its redox partners, the liposoluble plastoquinol (PQH2 reduced and protonated plastoquinone PQ) formed by the PSII, and the hydrosoluble plastocyanin oxidized by the PSI. In the Qo site, exposed to the lumenal side, the quinol is oxidized, and this oxidation is coupled to the release of two protons into the lumen. The two electrons provided by the quinol are transferred along two bifurcated pathways, the high and low potential chains. The high potential chain involves two lumenal redox partners, the membrane-anchored flexible Rieske [2Fe-2S] cluster and the cytochrome f, which ultimately interacts with the soluble plastocyanin. In the low potential chain, electrons are transferred to the stroma via the low and high potential b hemes (bL and bH) of the transmembrane b6 subunit. Two turnovers of the cyt b6f complex lead to the reduction of the low potential chain, thereby allowing the reduction of a quinone molecule in the stromal Qi pocket. This mechanism, which recycles reducing equivalents, is referred to as the “Q cycle,” initially described by Mitchell (1) and modified later by Crofts et al. and others (2, 3).Although this quinol:cytochrome oxidoreductase activity is involved in both the respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer chains, recent x-ray data (46) have evidenced major structural differences between the b6f complex and its mitochondrial counterpart the bc1 complex (for reviews see Refs. 710). Indeed an additional heme localized in close contact with heme bH stands as another putative electron carrier as proposed earlier by Lavergne (11). Since it was brought to light by the x-ray studies, knowledge of the basic properties of this heme, named ci in reference to the Qi site (5) or cn in reference to its proximity to the negatively charged side of the membrane (4), has significantly improved. The proteins involved in the assembly machinery of the heme have been identified in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Arabidopsis thaliana (12, 13). Consistent with the structure, according to which the only axial ligand could be a water molecule interacting with the proponiate chain of the bH heme, the spectroscopic properties of this heme are those of a high spin heme (14, 15). Evidences for a high spin heme covalently bound to the cytochrome b subunit were also found in Heliobacterium modesticaldum and Heliobacillus mobilis (16).In the b6f complex from the oxygenic photosynthetic chain, EPR (15) and structural data (17) have shown that NQNO (2-n-nony l-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide), an inhibitor of the Qi pocket (18, 19), can act as an axial ligand to ci. This ligation is accompanied by a significant change in the redox properties of ci, because, in the presence of NQNO, at least two titrations waves were observed (13, 14), one with a midpoint potential (Em) similar to that observed in the absence of NQNO and the other with a midpoint potential downshifted by ∼250 mV. This, together with the widespread range of redox potential found for heme ci (11, 14, 15, 20), points to a structural plasticity of the ci ligand network.This plasticity may arise from the unusual coordination properties of the heme ci. As a matter of fact, the x-ray models of the complex from C. reinhardtii and Mastigocladus laminosus evidenced a water or hydroxyl molecule as a fifth ligand. The sixth position of coordination is directed toward the Qi pocket and appears as free. Nevertheless, the side chain of Phe40 of subunit IV protrudes above the heme plane, leaving little space for any axial ligand to the heme ci. Besides, modeling a quinone analogue in the electron density found in the Qi pocket of structures obtained in presence of Tridecyl- Stigmatellin or NQNO implies a steric clash with the native position of the Phe40 aromatic ring.5 The Phe40 residue of subunit IV therefore stands as a key residue for the plasticity of the site, making it an ideal mutagenesis target when attempting to alter the possible interactions between ci and the quinone or quinol (4, 5) (Fig. 1). Here we present the consequences of the substitution of Phe40 by a tyrosine on the properties and function of the ci heme.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A view of the Qi site from the dimer interface. The coordinates are from the Protein Data Bank 1Q90 model. The Van der Waal''s surface of the peptide chains was drawn with Pymol. Phe40 is in van der Waal''s contact with the plane of the ci, heme.  相似文献   
The functional significance of the apical vacuolar-type proton pump (V-ATPase) in Drosophila Malpighian tubules was studied by measuring the intracellular pH (pHi) and luminal pH (pHlu) with double-barrelled pH-microelectrodes in proximal segments of the larval anterior tubule immersed in nominally bicarbonate-free solutions (pHo 6.9). In proximal segments both pHi (7.43±0.20) and pHlu (7.10±0.24) were significantly lower than in distal segments (pHi 7.70±0.29, pHlu 8.09±0.15). Steady-state pHi of proximal segments was much less sensitive to changes in pHo than pH of the luminal fluid (pHlu/pHo was 0.49 while pHi/pHo was 0.18; pHo 6.50–7.20). Re-alkaliniziation from an NH4Cl-induced intracellular acid load (initial pHi recovery rate 0.55±0.34 pH·min-1) was nearly totally inhibited by 1 mmol·l-1 KCN (96% inhibition) and to a large degree (79%) by 1 mol·l-1 bafilomycin A1. In contrast, both vanadate (1 mmol·l-1) and amiloride (1 mmol·l-1) inhibited pHi recovery by 38% and 33%, respectively. Unlike amiloride, removal of Na+ from the bathing saline had no effect on pHi recovery, indicating that a Na+/H+ exchange is not significantly involved in pHi regulation. Instead pHi regulation apparently depended largely on the availability of ATP and on the activity of the bafilomycin-sensitive proton pump.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - NMDG N-methyl-D-glucamine - pHi intracellular pH - pHlu pH of the luminal fluid - pHo pH of the superfusion medium - I intrinsic intracellular buffer capacity  相似文献   
An existing lumped-parameter model of multiple lymphangions (lymphatic vascular segments) in series is adapted for the incorporation of recent physiological measurements of lymphatic vascular properties. The new data show very marked nonlinearity of the passive pressure–diameter relation during distension, relative to comparable blood vessels, and complex valve behaviour. Since lymph is transported as a result of either the active contraction or the passive squeezing of vascular segments situated between two one-way valves, the performance of these valves is of primary importance. The valves display hysteresis (the opening and closing pressure drop thresholds differ), a bias to staying open (both state changes occur when the trans-valve pressure drop is adverse) and pressure-drop threshold dependence on transmural pressure. These properties, in combination with the strong nonlinearity that valve operation represents, have in turn caused intriguing numerical problems in the model, and we describe numerical stratagems by which we have overcome the problems. The principal problem is also generalised into a relatively simple mathematical example, for which solution detail is provided using two different solvers.  相似文献   


Resolving the evolutionary relationships among Fungi remains challenging because of their highly variable evolutionary rates, and lack of a close phylogenetic outgroup. Nucleariida, an enigmatic group of amoeboids, have been proposed to emerge close to the fungal-metazoan divergence and might fulfill this role. Yet, published phylogenies with up to five genes are without compelling statistical support, and genome-level data should be used to resolve this question with confidence.  相似文献   
Cryosurgery has been performed very satisfactorily in the outpatient proctologic clinic for the treatment of anorectal condylomata and warts.Twenty-one patients with such lesions underwent an average of three freezing sessions. Condylomata reoccurred a few months later in two cases requiring further cryotherapy. This was readily accepted by the patients due to the advantages of the method, i.e., no need for anesthesia or hospitalization and lack of scars.  相似文献   
The semispinalis capitis and splenius muscles of the horse were analyzed for gross morphology, microarchitecture, fiber length, and fiber type. Although these two muscles are similar in size and anatomical position, they are very different from one another in structural design and histochemistry, implying diverse functional roles in the animal's behavior. The histochemical staining profile was limited to two fiber types: slow oxidative and fast glycolytic. The splenius muscle has simple architecture, long fibers, and a 60/40 ratio of SO to FG cross-sectional area. The semispinalis capitis has complex architecture with short-fibered, concentric compartments dorsal to its central tendon and longer-fibered compartments ventrally. The entire dorsal region has an increasing gradient of slow oxidative fiber percentage from caudal to cranial (58-71% SO). In contrast, the ventral region has a decreasing gradient of slow oxidative fibers from caudal to cranial (48-67% FG). These patterns can be interpreted within the context of the cervical musculature during locomotion and posture to indicate the functional advantages of this organization.  相似文献   
Structural response of growing bone to exercise and disuse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An important feature of addiction is the high drug craving that may promote the continuation of consumption. Environmental stimuli classically conditioned to drug-intake have a strong motivational power for addicts and can elicit craving. However, addicts differ in the attitudes towards their own consumption behavior: some are content with drug taking (consonant users) whereas others are discontent (dissonant users). Such differences may be important for clinical practice because the experience of dissonance might enhance the likelihood to consider treatment. This fMRI study investigated in smokers whether these different attitudes influence subjective and neural responses to smoking stimuli. Based on self-characterization, smokers were divided into consonant and dissonant smokers. These two groups were presented smoking stimuli and neutral stimuli. Former studies have suggested differences in the impact of smoking stimuli depending on the temporal stage of the smoking ritual they are associated with. Therefore, we used stimuli associated with the beginning (BEGIN-smoking-stimuli) and stimuli associated with the terminal stage (END-smoking-stimuli) of the smoking ritual as distinct stimulus categories. Stimulus ratings did not differ between both groups. Brain data showed that BEGIN-smoking-stimuli led to enhanced mesolimbic responses (amygdala, hippocampus, insula) in dissonant compared to consonant smokers. In response to END-smoking-stimuli, dissonant smokers showed reduced mesocortical responses (orbitofrontal cortex, subcallosal cortex) compared to consonant smokers. These results suggest that smoking stimuli with a high incentive value (BEGIN-smoking-stimuli) are more appetitive for dissonant than consonant smokers at least on the neural level. To the contrary, smoking stimuli with low incentive value (END-smoking-stimuli) seem to be less appetitive for dissonant smokers than consonant smokers. These differences might be one reason why dissonant smokers experience difficulties in translating their attitudes into an actual behavior change.  相似文献   
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