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Iron overload of the liver by trimethylhexanoylferrocene in rats.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Iron-deficient female Wistar rats were fed a diet, which contained 0.5% trimethylhexanoylferrocene, over a 56-week period. This dietary iron loading resulted in a progressive siderosis and enlargement of the liver with a maximum iron content of 947.0 +/- 148.0 mg (vs. 0.07 +/- 0.04 mg in iron deficiency) and a maximum organ weight of 39.4 +/- 6.6 g (vs. 6.9 +/- 1.4 g in iron-deficient control rats). Up to 43 weeks, whole liver iron rose by increase in iron concentration (max. 28.0 +/- 6.1 mg/g wet weight, w.w.) as well as by enlargement of the organ. Afterwards whole liver iron increased solely by ongoing hepatomegaly. At the commencement of iron loading, stainable iron was almost exclusively stored by hepatocytes equally throughout all areas of the liver lobule. Later, the distribution of iron-loaded hepatocytes became strikingly periportal, and, in addition, Kupffer cells as well as sinus-lining endothelia began to store iron. Animals with a liver iron concentration of more than 10.4 +/- 0.75 mg/g w.w. showed no further increase in ferritin and haemosiderin within hepatocytes. Iron-burdened Kupffer cells/macrophages, however, accumulated permanently, hereby forming intrasinusoidal and portal siderotic nodules and areas. First signs of liver damage such as necrosis of single hepatocytes and mild fibrosis began at a liver iron concentration of 14.7 +/- 1.4 mg/g w.w. With advancement of iron loading, focal necrosis of hepatocytes and iron-burdened macrophages took place, and significant perisinusoidal as well as portal fibrosis developed. Cirrhosis, however, the final stage of impairment in iron overload of the liver in humans, could not be induced in this animal model up to now.  相似文献   
The expression of opioid genes was examined in isolated populations of glial cells in primary culture. Northern blot analysis of purified type I astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and mixed oligodendrocyte-type-2-astrocyte lineage cells derived from cerebral cortex demonstrated robust expression of proenkephalin mRNA exclusively in type I astrocytes. The expression of proenkephalin mRNA was stimulated by the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, and 8-(4-chlorophenyl thio)adenosine 3'-5'-cyclic monophosphate (cpt-cAMP). Both of these compounds regulated a proenkephalin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion gene transiently transfected into type I astrocytes. HPLC and immunoassay of the cell culture media revealed significant levels of unprocessed proenkephalin secreted by the cell and this secretion was stimulated by isoproterenol and cpt-cAMP. The relatively high levels of proenkephalin expressed suggest that enhanced expression in astrocytes may be important during neural development, in trauma-induced gliosis and in neuroimmune interactions.  相似文献   
In vitro infection of insect cells with baculoviruses is increasingly considered a viable means for the production of biopesticides, recombinant veterinary vaccines, and other recombinant products. Batch fermentation processes traditionally employ intermediate to high multiplicities of infection necessitating two parallel scale-up processes-one for cells and one for virus. In this study, we consider the use of multiplicities of infection as low as 0.0001 plaque-forming units per cell, a virus level low enough to enable infection of even large reactors (e.g., 10 m(3)) directly from a frozen stock. Using low multiplicities in the Sf9/beta-gal-AcNPV system, recombinant protein titers comparable with the maximum titer observed in high multiplicity infections were achieved. Cultures yielding the maximum titer were characterized by reaching a maximum cell density between 3 and 4 x 10(9) cell L(-1). This optimal cell yield did not depend on the multiplicity of infection, supporting the existing view that batch cultures are limited by availability of substrate. Up to a certain cell density, product titer will increase almost linearly with availability of biocatalyst, that is, cells. Beyond this point any further cell formation comes at the expense of final product titer. Low multiplicity infections were found not to cause any significant dispersion of the protein production process. Hence, product stability is not a major issue of concern using low multiplicities of infection. The sensitivity to initial conditions and disturbances, however, remains an issue of concern for the commercial use of low multiplicity infections. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The traH gene of the staphylococcal conjugative plasmid pSK41 has recently been shown to encode a lipoprotein (N. Firth, K. P. Ridgway, M. E. Byrne, P. D. Fink, L. Johnson, I. T. Paulsen, and R. A. Skurray, Gene 136:13-25, 1993). Here we report that traH encodes a product recognized as a pheromone by Enterococcus faecalis cells harboring the conjugative plasmid pAD1. The mature traH product is not essential for this phenomenon, as expression of pheromone-like activity was found to require sequences encoding only the pro-TraH signal peptide.  相似文献   
In a systematic screening for mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator among Danish cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, we identified a mutation in exon 3 (394delTT); this mutation was found to be relatively common in Denmark. We therefore screened for 394delTT in Sweden and Norway, where it turned out to be the second most frequent mutation, accounting for 4% of all CF mutations. It also occurs with a high frequency in Finland, but has not been found in larger surveys of mutations in the CFTR gene. Thus, 394delTT seems to be a specific Nordic CF mutation.  相似文献   
The region of the clock gene period (per) that encodes a repetitive tract of threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) pairs has been compared between Dipteran species both within and outside the Drosophilidae. All the non- Drosophilidae sequences in this region are short and present a remarkably stable picture compared to the Drosophilidae, in which the region is much larger and extremely variable, both in size and composition. The accelerated evolution in the repetitive region of the Drosophilidae appears to be mainly due to an expansion of two ancestral repeats, one encoding a Thr-Gly dipeptide and the other a pentapeptide rich in serine, glycine, and asparagine or threonine. In some drosophilids the expansion involves a duplication of the pentapeptide sequence, but in Drosophila pseudoobscura both the dipeptide and the pentapeptide repeats are present in larger numbers. In the nondrosophilids, however, the pentapeptide sequence is represented by one copy and the dipeptide by two copies. These observations fulfill some of the predictions of recent theoretical models that have simulated the evolution of repetitive sequences.   相似文献   
The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank database and have been assigned the accession numbers M94181-M94183.  相似文献   
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