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The extent of genome-wide restructuring predicted in bottleneck models of speciation is addressed in assays of non-reproductive behavior in lines of the housefly. After five serial founder-flush cycles of one of three sizes (1, 4, or 16 pairs), each bottleneck line showed significant differentiation from the outbred control in ambulatory levels and grooming sequences in videotaped records of precopulatory activity. Only one line (4-pair) showed overall lethargy which was associated to inbreeding depression in egg-to-adult viability, thus exemplifying a case of probable extinction due to bottlenecks. The two most hyperactive lines (1- and 16-pair) showed very similar directions of differentiation from the control in locomotor activity and grooming behavior, as well as in mating behavior evaluated from a separate study. This high congruence suggested that directional selection toward the phenotypic optima of the ancestor operated on the bottleneck populations and that a 10-fold difference in theoretical inbreeding coefficients did not affect the magnitude of response. The remaining two bottleneck lines showed some independence from these general trajectories, their divergence along minor axes of ancestral intercorrelation structure possibly being more important to the formation of new species. Significant perturbations of the thresholds for execution of grooming and locomotor movements suggested increased evolutionary potential for ritualization (i.e., sexual selection for adoption of non-reproductive behavior into courtship repertoire) due to bottlenecks.  相似文献   
We examined reproductive attrition in Fremontodendron decumbens to characterize sexual reproduction in this rare California shrub. Reproductive individuals produced an average of 2,900 flower buds in a season, with no significant difference in bud production between two seasons. Because of intense insect predation, <;2% of initiated flower buds became mature fruits. A threefold decrease in predation of flower buds between seasons resulted in an increase in seed output the second season, indicating that seed production was partially predator-limited. Most seeds (97.8%) were dormant due to an impermeable seed coat. Breaking of the coat, mechanically or by heat, allowed high levels of germination. Chamise charate and ash added to the potting medium resulted in the highest level of germination and emergence. Rodents were more important than birds as seed predators, destroying 90% of seeds under parent shrub canopies within 8–10 months. Seeds already integrated into the seed bank were comparatively safe from predation, relative to newly added seeds. If predation was prevented, seeds were long-lived under field conditions (>;80% survived after 5.75 years). Most seedlings produced in unburned chaparral by planting heat-treated seeds in openings between shrubs were destroyed by predators (rodents and insects). All seedlings that escaped predation died during the summer drought. We concluded that sexual reproduction was limited by (in order of importance): 1) lack of fire, 2) predehiscence predation by insects, and 3) postdehiscence predation by rodents. Size distributions from two populations revealed that, despite the apparent absence of sexual reproduction in unbumed chaparral, two unbumed sites contained a large proportion of individuals in small size classes. Excavation of several small individuals demonstrated they were sprouts from the roots of nearby larger shrubs. Because asexual reproduction by rootsprouting circumvents the high attrition of sexual reproductive effort on unbumed sites, rootsprouting may be a significant reproductive strategy of some ‘sprouter’ species in chaparral.  相似文献   
A receptor for protein import into potato mitochondria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five potential surface receptors for protein import into plant mitochondria were identified by gentle trypsin treatment of intact mitochondria from potato tubers and subsequent preparation of outer mitochondrial membranes. One of them, a 23 kDa protein, was purified to homogeneity and analysed by direct protein sequencing. Copy DNA clones encoding the corresponding polypeptide were isolated with labelled oligonucleotides derived from the amino acid data. The 23 kDa protein shares significant sequence similarity with protein import receptors from fungal mitochondria and contains one of their typical tetratricopeptide motifs. Its integration into the outer membrane is independent of protease accessible surface receptors and not accompanied by proteolytic processing. Monospecific antibodies against the 23 kDa protein significantly reduce import capacity of isolated mitochondria indicating that this component is indeed involved in the recognition or import of precursor proteins. As in fungi, immunological inhibition of protein import with IgGs against a single receptor is incomplete suggesting the existence of other receptors in the outer mitochondrial membrane of plant mitochondria.  相似文献   
Summary Techniques for the isolation of ahhighly pure population of viable osteoclasts are limited. For this reason, we developed an isolation procedure that results in a high yield of osteoclast-like cells, up to 92% pure, from 3-wk-old chicken tibias. The unique feature of the method is the migration of cells from marrow-free endosteal surfaces to vitronectin-coated plates. The cells retain the osteoclast phenotype and remain viable in culture for a minimum of 1 wk. The cells were characterized and compared to two populations of authentic avian osteoclasts, which were isolated on the basis of association with fibronectin-coated plates. The cells contained substantial amounts of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Alkaline phosphatase levels were negligible, suggesting little contamination by osteoblasts. Response to parathyroid hormone, dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate, calcitonin, acetazolamide, 17β-estradiol, and prostaglandin E2 was evident, as detected by measuring acid production. The vitronectin-associating cells contained numerous mitochondria, had the ability to resorb bone in anin vitro bone slice assay, and specifically bound biotinylated vitronectin. At 5 d of culture, the cells demonstrated marginal multinuclearity, having two to three nuclei. A large number (∼1×106 cells/tibia) of viable cells that exhibit characteristics of authentic osteoclasts can be obtained by the method described. Potentially, this method could be applied to other species.  相似文献   
The fluid dynamics of sperm motility near both rigid and elastic walls is studied using the immersed boundary method. Simulations of both single and interacting organisms are presented. In particular, we find that nearby organisms originally undulating with a 90° phase shift may adjust their relative swimming velocities and phase-lock. Comparisons with previous analytical results are also discussed. The tendency of a near-wall to attract organisms is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Seed paternity in Erythronium grandiflorum does not fully reflect the proportion of pollen on the stigma. When two types of pollen are simultaneously applied to the stigma, outbred seeds are produced over inbred, and seeds from more distant donors are produced over seeds from donors nearby. I looked for postfertilization causes of these previously reported patterns of differential success of pollen donors. I simultaneously pollinated stigmas with pollen from two donors and observed ovule development through a window sliced in the ovary. Pollen donor pairs were self and cross, donors 1 and 100 m from the recipient, and two donors each 100 m from the recipient. Since one donor was always the alternate homozygote from the recipient at the malate dehydrogenase locus, I could determine the paternity of developing seeds. When it appeared that ovules were aborting, I removed them and determined their paternity using starch gel electrophoresis. Ovules fertilized by self pollen were more likely to abort than ovules fertilized by cross pollen, and ovules fertilized by nearby donors were more likely to abort than ovules fertilized by distant donors. Ovules fertilized by donors 100 m from the recipient were equally likely to abort. There was not a significant relationship between the proportion of ovules fertilized by a pollen donor and the probability of those fertilized ovules developing into seeds. There was no relationship between ovule position within a fruit and ovule abortion. I manipulated available resources by removing leaves and by permitting only one fruit to develop per plant. Decreasing the amount of resources increased the proportion of aborted ovules. Abortion of ovules of lesser quality appears to release resources that can then be used to develop other offspring.  相似文献   
A satellited long arm of the Y chromosome (Yqs) is considered a normal variation, whereas the presence of a satellite on the short arm of the Y (Yps) has never been described in the literature. A Yps chromosome could be clinically significant if the translocation resulting in Yps has relocated the testis-determining gene, SRY, to another chromosome. A carrier of such a translocation would therefore be at increased risk for having XX male and XY female offspring. Here we describe the first reported case of de novo Yps present in a phenotypically normal male. This Yps chromosome was positive for C-banding and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) staining and showed a hybridization signal for the -satellite sequence. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis indicated that SRY was retained on the Yps and the translocation breakpoint on Yps was distal to the pseudoautosomal region. At prenatal diagnosis, a normal appearing Y chromosome was found in his son, and thus the satellite on Yps was lost during meiotic Xp-Yp pairing. This Yps chromosome was likely the product of an unstable translocation.  相似文献   
Cells transformed by Polyoma virus (Py) can undergo a high rate of excision or amplification of integrated viral DNA sequences, and these phenomena require the presence of homology (i.e., repeats) within the viral insertion as well as a functional viral large T antigen (T-Ag). To determine whether the main role of large T-Ag in excision and amplification was replicative or recombination-promoting, we studied transformed rat cell lines containing tandem insertions of a ts-a Py molecule (encoding a thermolabile large T-Ag) with a deletion of the origin of viral DNA replication. Culturing of these cells at the temperature permissive for large T-Ag function did not result in any detectable excision or amplification of integrated Py sequences. We then introduced into origin-defective lines a recombinant plasmid containing the viral origin of replication and the gene coding for resistance to the antibiotic G418. All G418-resistant clones analyzed readily amplified the integrated plasmid molecules when grown under conditions permissive for large T-Ag function, showing that these cells produced viral large T-Ag capable of promoting amplification in trans of DNA sequences containing the Py origin. These observations strongly suggest that Polyoma large T antigen promotes excision or amplification of viral DNA by initiating replication at the integrated origin, providing a favorable substrate for subsequent recombination.  相似文献   
Summary Different compounds derived from choline, and obtained by demethylation or by oxidation of the primary alcohol group with subsequent N-demethylation, were tested as inducer agents of acid phosphatase and cholinesterase in Ps. aeruginosa. It was found that betaine and dimethylglycine were the most effective inducers of both enzyme activities. These metabolites including choline itself, were not inducers of acid phosphatase and cholinesterase in other Gram-negative bacteria such as: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella flexneri, Enterobacter liquefacciens and Proteus mirabilis. The acid phosphatase activities found in these bacteria were not inhibited in vitro by choline, betaine and phosphorylcholine. From these results it may be concluded that the acid phosphatase activity from Ps. aeruginosa is different from the same activity observed in the other bacteria. In addition, it is also shown that Ps. aeruginosa acid phosphatase and cholinesterase were inhibited by a number of compounds containing a positively charged amino group, with methyl or ethyl groups bound to it. These results seem to confirm that Ps. aeruginosa acid phosphatase and cholinesterase may contain a similar anionic site.  相似文献   
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