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Abstract Twenty-five isolates of dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria were clustered based on similarity analysis of their phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA). Of these, 22 showed that phylogenetic relationships based on the sequence similarity of their 16S rRNA directly paralleled the PLFA relationships. Desulfobacter latus and Desulfobacter curvatus grouped with the other Desulfobacter spp. by 16S rRNA comparison but not with the PLFA analysis as they contained significantly more monoenoic PLFA than the others. Similarly, Desulfovibrio africanus clustered with the Desulfovibrio spp. by 16S rRNA but not with them when analyzed by PLFA patterns because of higher monoenoic PLFA content. Otherwise, clustering obtained with either analysis was essentially congruent. The relationships defined by PLFA patterns appeared robust to shifts in nutrients and terminal electron acceptors. Additional analyses utilizing the lipopolysaccharide-lipid A hydroxy fatty acid patterns appeared not to shift the relationships based on PLFA significantly except when completely absent, as in Gram-positive bacteria. Phylogenetic relationships between isolates defined by 16S rRNA sequence divergence represent a selection clearly different from the multi-enzyme activities responsible for the PLFA patterns. Determination of bacterial relationships based on different selective pressures for various cellular components provides more clues to evolutionary history leading to a more rational nomenclature.  相似文献   
Analysis of a primer-independent GTF-I from Streptococcus salivarius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A glucosyltransferase (GTF) gene, designated gtfL , from Streptococcus salivarius was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and its nucleotide sequence determined. The GTF-L enzyme catalysed the synthesis of water-insoluble glucan in a primer-independent manner. The nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence of GTF-L were similar in size and domain structure to previously sequenced glucosyltransferases. However, a 464-bp region of high variability was identified which could be selectively amplified from strains of S. salivarius by the polymerase chain reaction and could therefore form the basis for species identification. No sequence-specific motifs related to the solubility and linkage of the glucan product or its need for a dextran primer could be ascertained.  相似文献   
Two satellite DNAs, designated CapA and CapB, were isolated from the neotropical primate,Cebus apella. The satellites exhibit nonoverlapping distributions onC. apella chromosomes. CapA is a major component of interstitial regions of constitutive heterochromatin, a very large block of heterochromatin comprising most of the long arm of chromosome 11, and some telomeres. The CapA monomer has a length of about 1500 bp and appears recently to have undergone an amplification episode in theC. apella genome. CapA-like sequences are probably present in members of the family Cebidae (to whichC. apella belongs), but not in members of the family Callitrichidae (marmosets). CapB sequences can be detected at the centromeres of manyC. apella chromosomes, and similar sequences are present in all neotropical primates. The 342 bp CapB monomer shares 60%–64% sequence identity with several alpha satellite sequences of human origin. Because of its structure, sequence, and location, it appears that CapB is the New World primate homolog of Old World primate alpha satellite DNA.  相似文献   
International Microbiology - Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic human pathogen that has become a global threat to healthcare institutions. This Gram-negative bacterium is one of the most...  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that the female reproductive fluid (FRF) plays an important role in cryptic female choice through its differential effect on the performance of sperm from different males. In a natural spawning event, the male(s) may release ejaculate closer or further away from the spawning female. If the relative spatial proximity of competing males reflects the female pre-mating preference towards those males, then favoured males will encounter higher concentrations of FRF than unpreferred males. Despite this being a common situation in many external fertilizers, whether different concentrations of FRF can differentially influence the sperm performance of distinct male phenotypes (favoured and unfavoured by the female) remains to be elucidated. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), a fish with distinct territorial-sneaker reproductive tactics and female pre-mating preference towards territorial males, that consequently mate in an advantaged position and whose sperm experience higher concentrations of FRF. Our findings revealed a differential concentration-dependent effect of FRF over sneaker and territorial sperm motility only at low concentrations (i.e. at the distance where sneakers typically ejaculate), with increasing FRF concentrations (i.e. close to the eggs) similarly boosting the sperm performance of both sneaker and territorial males. The ability to release sperm close to the eggs is a prerogative of territorials, but FRF can likewise advantage the sperm of those sneakers that are able to get closer, allowing flexibility in the direction of female post-mating choice.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to separate and characterise products formed by oxidation of uric acid by hydroxyl radicals with a view to probing for these products in vivo in clinical contexts. Aerated solutions of 200 μM uric acid, or its oxidation products, allantoin or parabanic acid, were exposed to gamma radiolysis, (52.0 Gy/min), as a source of HO- radicals, at pH 3.4 and 7.4. Aliquots were taken every 5 minutes for 20 minutes and oxidation products were separated by HPLC and analysed with a diode array detector. Identities of oxidation products were confirmed on the basis of similarity of retention times and absorbance spectra and peak purity parameters of known standards. Hydroperoxides were measured by tri-iodide formation in the 20 minute sample. Exposure of uric acid to such HO fluxes produced a net loss of the parent compound with formation of a complex mixture of products with allantoin and parabanic acid being the predominant products at pH 3.4. The rate of uric acid degradation at physiological pH was slower and the distribution of oxidation products was different. A small but significant amount of uric acid hydroperoxide was detected at both pHs. A mechanism for uric acid oxidation under these conditions is presented.  相似文献   
Synopsis The reproductive biology of the chondricthyan fishes is remarkably sophisticated. Using both oviparous and viviparous reproductive modes, the group has generally adapted the style of bringing forth relatively few young at one time, each representing the investment of a great deal of maternal energy. The oviparous species foreshadow the situation common in oviparous reptiles and universal in birds. On the other hand, viviparous species range from simple internal incubators, in which large yolked eggs are retained, to other species in which the complexity of placentation and yolk reduction approach the eutherian condition. Further, in certain viviparous elasmobranchs the phenomenon of histotrophic nutrition attains an importance and complexity not seen in any other vertebrate group including mammals. Internal fertilization and amniote patterns of reproductive tract development also operate in virtually all elasmobranchs. The summary of work presented here suggests that these female reproductive styles are associated with a reproductive endocrinology which is the archetype for amniote vertebrates.  相似文献   
Variable subcellular localization of glycosphingolipids   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Although most glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are thought to be locatedin the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, recent evidenceindicates that GSLs are also associated with intracellular organelles.We now report that the subcellular localization of GSLs variesdepending on the GSL structure and cell type. GSL localizationwas determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy offixed permeabilized cells. A single GSL exhibited variable subcellularlocalization in different cells. For example, antibody to GalCeris localized primarily to the plasma membrane of HaCaT II-3keratinocytes, but to intracellular organelies in other epithelialcells. GalCer is localized to small vesicles and tubulovesicularstructures in MDCK cells, and to the surface of phase-denselipid droplets in HepG2 hepatoma cells. Furthermore, withina single cell type, individual GSLs were found to exhibit differentpatterns of subcellular localization. In HepG2 cells, LacCerwas associated with small vesicles, which differed from thephase-dense vesicles stained by anti-GalCer, and Gb4Cer wasassociated with the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton.Both anti-GalCer and monoclonal antibody A2B5, which binds polysialogangliosides,localized to mitochondria. The distinct subcellular localizationpatterns of GSLs raise interesting questions about their functionsin different organelles. Together with published data on theenrichment of GSLs in specific organelles and in apical plasmamembrane, these findings indicate the existence of specificsorting mechanisms that regulate the intracellular transportand localization of GSLs. cytoskeleton glycosphingolipid intracellular organelles mitochondria subcellular localization  相似文献   
Coastal kelp forests produce substantial marine carbon due to high annual net primary production (NPP) rates, but upscaling of NPP estimates over time and space remains difficult. We investigated the impact of variable underwater photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and photosynthetic parameters on photosynthetic oxygen production of Laminaria hyperborea, the dominant NE-Atlantic kelp species, throughout summer 2014. Collection depth of kelp had no effect on chlorophyll a content, pointing to a high photoacclimation potential of L. hyperborea towards incident light. However, chlorophyll a and photosynthesis versus irradiance parameters differed significantly along the blade gradient when normalized to fresh mass, potentially introducing large uncertainties in NPP upscaling to whole thalli. Therefore, we recommend a normalization to kelp tissue area, which is stable over the blade gradient. Continuous PAR measurements revealed a highly variable underwater light climate at our study site (Helgoland, North Sea) in summer 2014, reflected by PAR attenuation coefficients (Kd) between 0.28 and 0.87 m−1. Our data highlight the importance of continuous underwater light measurements or representative average values using a weighted Kd to account for large PAR variability in NPP calculations. Strong winds in August increased turbidity, resulting in a negative carbon balance at depths >3–4 m over several weeks, considerably impacting kelp productivity. Estimated daily summer NPP over all four depths was 1.48 ± 0.97 g C · m−2 seafloor · d−1 for the Helgolandic kelp forest, which is in the range of other kelp forests along European coastlines.  相似文献   
Parasites are known to alter the behavior of their hosts, but little is known about their effects on responses to sexual stimuli. Periplaneta americanainfected with the acanthocephalan Moniliformis moniliformiswere compared to uninfected animals in their behavioral and electroantennogram responses to a synthetic P. americanapheromone component, periplanone-B, and a pheromone mimic, bornyl acetate. In a t-maze there was no significant difference between infected animals' responses to periplanone-B and a random binomial distribution; the responses of uninfected animals were significantly nonrandom. The electroan-tennogram responses of infected and uninfected animals to bornyl acetate or periplanone-B did not differ significantly, however, indicating that the alteration probably does not occur at the peripheral level but at a central nervous system level.  相似文献   
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