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Equine arteritis virus (EAV) induces apoptosis in infected cells. Cell death caused by EAV has been studied mainly using three cell lines, BHK-21, RK-13 and Vero cells. The mechanism of apoptosis varies among cell lines and results cannot be correlated owing to differences in EAV strains used. We evaluated different markers for apoptosis in BHK-21, RK-13 and Vero cell lines using the Bucyrus EAV reference strain. Acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining revealed morphological changes in infected cells, while flow cytometry indicated the extent of apoptosis. We also observed DNA fragmentation, but the DNA ladder was detected at different times post-infection depending on the cell line, i.e., 48, 72 and 96 h post-infection in RK-13, Vero and BHK-21 cells, respectively. Measurement of viral titers obtained with each cell line indicated that apoptosis causes interference with viral replication and therefore decreased viral titers. As an unequivocal marker of apoptosis, we measured the expression of caspase-3 and caspases-8 and -9 as extrinsic and intrinsic markers of apoptosis pathways, respectively. Caspase-8 in BHK-21 cells was the only protease that was not detected at any of the times assayed. We found that Bucyrus EAV strain exhibited a distinctive apoptosis pathway depending on the cell line.  相似文献   
In this study, we have identified an altered B cell compartment in patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a disorder of phagocyte function, characterized by pyogenic infections and granuloma formation caused by defects in NADPH activity. This is characterized by an expansion of CD5-expressing B cells, and profound reduction in B cells expressing the memory B cell marker, CD27. Both findings were independent of the age, genotype, and clinical status of the patients, and were not accompanied by altered CD5 and CD27 expression on T cells. Focusing on CD27-positive B cells, considered to be memory cells based on somatically mutated Ig genes, we found that the reduction was not caused by CD27 shedding or abnormal retention of CD27 protein inside the cell. Rather, it was determined that CD27-negative B cells were, appropriately, CD27 mRNA negative, consistent with a naive phenotype, whereas CD27-positive B cells contained abundant CD27 mRNA and displayed somatic mutations, consistent with a memory B cell phenotype. Thus, it appears that CGD is associated with a significant reduction in the peripheral blood memory B cell compartment, but that the basic processes of somatic mutation and expression of CD27 are intact. X-linked carriers of CGD revealed a significant correlation between the percentage of CD27-positive B cells and the percentage of neutrophils with normal NADPH activity, reflective of the degree of X chromosome lyonization. These results suggest a role for NADPH in the process of memory B cell formation, inviting further exploration of secondary Ab responses in CGD patients.  相似文献   
Aims: Ornithogalum dubium is a natural host of the soft rot pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum (Pcc). The present study was aimed to develop a quantification system for Pcc expressing a gfp reporter gene, using fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS) in planta. Methods and Results: Several calibration steps were required to distinctly gate the GFP‐labelled bacteria at FL1 mode and count the bacteria. To validate the bacterial counts obtained by FACS analysis, an internal standard of polystyrene green fluorescent microsphere beads was employed, resulting in high correlation with serial dilutions and plate counting. This allowed quantification of the bacteria, with no further need to culture, dilute or plate the cells. Micropropagation tools were developed to produce uniform plantlets of O. dubium, which were either inoculated with increasing concentrations of Pcc or elicited for resistance towards Pcc using methyl jasmonate. The rapid counting procedure allowed recovering, gating and counting the bacterial population in planta, separately from the plant cells background and from the microsphere beads. Conclusions: The FACS based quantification approach of Pcc was found accurate, reproducible and time saving, thus useful for counting bacteria in planta. Significance and Impact of the Study: The combination of time‐ and cost‐saving approach for Pcc quantification with efficient screening tools during early stages of micropropagation may facilitate the preliminary process of selection for resistant cultivars.  相似文献   
The effects of anti-CD3 mAb on MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic activity of NK depleted PHA-activated human T cells were examined. Anti-CD3 mAb had variable effects on killing of K562 or Daudi targets. Whereas lower concentrations of OKT3 often inhibited lysis of either target, higher concentrations (greater than 1 micrograms/ml) frequently increased K562 killing and always augmented Daudi lysis. However, lysis of the renal cell carcinoma, Cur, was consistently inhibited by OKT3 over a broad concentration range. Such variable effects were not related to differential regulation of heterogeneous subsets of effector cells, as similar patterns of OKT3-mediated modulation of tumor cell lysis by T cell clones was also observed. Another IgG2a anti-CD3 mAb, 64.1, and either F(ab')2 fragments of OKT3 or intact OKT3 in the presence of aggregated human Ig were found to inhibit lysis of Cur, K562, and Daudi targets consistently. Additional experiments were carried out to determine whether modulation of CD3 accounted for the inhibitory effects of the anti-CD3 mAb. PMA was noted to cause modulation of CD3 from the surface of PHA or alloantigen-activated T cells, and the combination of anti-CD3 and PMA caused even more marked modulation of CD3. Whereas preincubation with PMA and/or anti-CD3 decreased alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T cell function in relative proportion to the loss of CD3 expression, no consistent relationship between CD3 expression and the capacity of PHA-activated T cells to kill Cur targets was noted. PMA alone caused no consistent alteration of Cur lysis. Moreover, in the presence of PMA, anti-CD3 mAb caused no significant inhibitory effect on Cur lysis, in spite of increased modulation and in some cases virtual total loss of surface CD3 expression. These findings indicate that when FcR interactions are prevented, anti-CD3 mAb consistently inhibit MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity by PHA-activated T cells. Despite this, the data support the conclusion that CD3/TCR complex interactions with target cells are not required for either target cell recognition or triggering of lysis by MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   
Regulation of human T lymphocyte mitogenesis by antibodies to CD3   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The inhibitory and mitogenic effects of anti-CD3 antibodies (anti-CD3) were examined in cultures of human peripheral blood T cells. Resting T cells required the presence of accessory cells (AC) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) to be stimulated by soluble anti-CD3 (OKT3 and 64.1). Anti-CD3 was unable to induce activation of AC-depleted T cells as determined by IL 2 receptor expression, IL 2 production, cell cycle analysis, or detectable DNA synthesis. Although T cell responses to PHA also required AC, far fewer were necessary to generate responses. Anti-CD3 inhibited PHA-stimulated T cell IL 2 production, IL 2 receptor expression and proliferation in partially AC-depleted cultures. Moreover, anti-CD3 was able to inhibit PHA responses when added to culture as late as 24 to 42 hr after the initiation of a 96-hr incubation. Increasing concentrations of PHA reduced the inhibitory effect of anti-CD3 on PHA-stimulated T cell proliferation, whereas IL 2 production remained suppressed. Anti-CD3 linked to Sepharose beads effectively inhibited PHA-stimulated T cell DNA synthesis, indicating that internalization of the CD3 molecule was not required for inhibition of PHA responses. Although inhibition of IL 2 production was a major effect of anti-CD3 in PHA-stimulated cultures, it was not the only apparent inhibitory effect because the addition of exogenous IL 2 could not prevent inhibition completely. Intact AC but not IL 1 also reduced anti-CD3-mediated inhibition of PHA responsiveness, whereas the addition of both IL 2 and AC largely prevented inhibition. Thus, anti-CD3 in the absence of adequate AC signals exerted a number of distinct inhibitory effects on mitogen-induced T cell activation. These results suggest that the CD3 molecular complex may play a role in regulating T cell responsiveness after engagement of the T cell receptor by a number of mechanisms, some of which involve inhibition of IL 2 production.  相似文献   
The first enzyme of histidine biosynthesis in Salmonella typhimurium, adenosine triphosphate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC, has been purified from two bacterial strains containing histidine operator deletions and compared to the eenzyme from a strain that has a normal operator. The enzymes isolated in different ways also are compared. Evidence as to the separateness of the operator and first structural gene or covalent modification of the first enzyme was sought. Specific activity, histidine feedback inhibition, amino acid analysis, discontinuous-gel electrophoresis, and gel filtration of the native enzyme, and Ouchterlony double-immunodiffusion tests were carried out. The purified enzyme contains little phosphorous and has five cysteine residues per subunit, which all are readily titratable. No evidence for differences in the enzyme preparations was obtained. Thus, no evidence for overlap of the histidine operator with the first structural gene was obtained.  相似文献   
Adenosine triphosphate phosphoribosyltransferase is inactivated rapidly by bulky alkylating reagents in a biphasic reaction. The initial inactivation rate is dependent upon an optimal concentration of histidine and is more rapid at low enzyme concentrations and low ionic strength. A histidine-free dimer form of the enzyme is the proposed reactive species. The dimer is shown by ultraviolet difference spectroscopy to bind histidine about 1 order of magnitude more weakly than the hexameric form of the enzyme. Alkylated enzyme is similar to native enzyme in dissociation and histidine-binding properties. Native enzyme must exist at significant levels in at least five different conformational and dissociative states to account for the inactivation behavior.  相似文献   
The antigen independent binding of guinea pig lymph node lymphocytes by glass-adherent macrophages was investigated. Binding was found to be mediated by a trypsin digestible, divalent cation-dependent, temperature-sensitive macrophage receptor mechanism that was not competitively inhibited by excess immunoglobulin. Data are presented to indicate that in the absence of antigen, macrophages were capable of binding both thymus-derived and bone marrow-derived lymphocytes without apparent selectivity, and further, that the binding of neither cell was mediated by surface membrane-associated immunoglobulin.  相似文献   
Summary Leakage of lactate dehydrogenase and staining by the vital dye trypan blue were investigated in adult rat hepatocytes at the time of isolation, in suspensions up to 3 h and in primary monolayer cultures up to 3 d. These two parameters of plasma membrane integrity were found to correlate closely in hepatocyte suspensions, but to a lesser degree in monolayer cultures. Functional activity was demonstrated in culture by glucose consumption and lactic acid production. There was a balance of total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity over time for both hepatocyte suspensions and cultures. Loss of LDH activity in the cell fraction was accompanied by a corresponding increase in enzyme activity in the media fraction. Lactate dehydrogenase activity per dye-excluding hepatocyte was calculated to be 9.2±1.5×10−6 IU assayed at 37°C for 25 preparations of isolated hepatocytes. The results suggest that leakage of cytoplasmic enzyme and vital dye staining are of comparable sensitivity in evaluating hepatocyte preparations. Measurement of LDH leakage offers a less subjective alternative to cell counting procedures and is applicable to both attached and suspended cells. This study was supported in part by Grants HL-11945-11 and 1-RO1-AM 26520-01A1 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
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