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This study represents the first large-scale analysis using nuclear molecular markers to assess genetic diversity and structure of Cupressus sempervirens L.. Genetic and fossil data were combined to infer the possible role of human activity and evolutionary history in shaping the diversity of cypress populations. We analysed 30 populations with six polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers. Dramatic reductions in heterozygosity and allelic richness were observed from east to west across the species range. Structure analysis assigned individuals to two main groups separating central Mediterranean and eastern populations. The two main groups could be further divided into five subgroups which showed the following geographical distributions: Turkey with the Greek islands Rhodes and Samos, Greece (Crete), Southern Italy, Northern Italy, Tunisia with Central Italy. This pattern of genetic structure is also supported by samova and Barrier analyses. Palaeobotanical data indicated that Cupressus was present in Italy in the Pliocene, Pleistocene and Holocene. Furthermore, our molecular survey showed that Italian cypress populations experienced bottlenecks that resulted in reduced genetic diversity and allelic richness and greater genetic differentiation. Recent colonization or introduction may also have influenced levels of diversity detected in the Italian populations, as most individuals found in this range today have multilocus genotypes that are also present in the eastern range of the species. The data reveal a new interpretation of the history of cypress distribution characterized by ancient eastern populations (Turkey and Greek islands) and a mosaic of recently introduced trees and remnants of ancient, depauperate populations in the central Mediterranean range.  相似文献   


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common preventable cause of mortality in hospitalized medical patients. Despite rigorous randomized trials generating strong recommendations for anticoagulant use to prevent VTE, nearly 40% of medical patients receive inappropriate thromboprophylaxis. Knowledge-translation strategies are needed to bridge this gap.


We conducted a 16-week pilot cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) to determine the proportion of medical patients that were appropriately managed for thromboprophylaxis (according to the American College of Chest Physician guidelines) within 24 hours of admission, through the use of a multicomponent knowledge-translation intervention. Our primary goal was to determine the feasibility of conducting this study on a larger scale. The intervention comprised clinician education, a paper-based VTE risk assessment algorithm, printed physicians’ orders, and audit and feedback sessions. Medical wards at six hospitals (representing clusters) in Ontario, Canada were included; three were randomized to the multicomponent intervention and three to usual care (i.e., no active strategies for thromboprophylaxis in place). Blinding was not used.


A total of 2,611 patients (1,154 in the intervention and 1,457 in the control group) were eligible and included in the analysis. This multicomponent intervention did not lead to a significant difference in appropriate VTE prophylaxis rates between intervention and control hospitals (appropriate management rate odds ratio = 0.80; 95% confidence interval: 0.50, 1.28; p = 0.36; intra-class correlation coefficient: 0.022), and thus was not considered feasible. Major barriers to effective knowledge translation were poor attendance by clinical staff at education and feedback sessions, difficulty locating preprinted orders, and lack of involvement by clinical and administrative leaders. We identified several factors that may increase uptake of a VTE prophylaxis strategy, including local champions, support from clinical and administrative leaders, mandatory use, and a simple, clinically relevant risk assessment tool.


Hospitals allocated to our multicomponent intervention did not have a higher rate of medical inpatients appropriately managed for thromboprophylaxis than did hospitals that were not allocated to this strategy.  相似文献   
In many observational studies, individuals are measured repeatedly over time, although not necessarily at a set of prespecified occasions. Instead, individuals may be measured at irregular intervals, with those having a history of poorer health outcomes being measured with somewhat greater frequency and regularity; i.e., those individuals with poorer health outcomes may have more frequent follow-up measurements and the intervals between their repeated measurements may be shorter. In this article, we consider estimation of regression parameters in models for longitudinal data where the follow-up times are not fixed by design but can depend on previous outcomes. In particular, we focus on general linear models for longitudinal data where the repeated measures are assumed to have a multivariate Gaussian distribution. We consider assumptions regarding the follow-up time process that result in the likelihood function separating into two components: one for the follow-up time process, the other for the outcome process. The practical implication of this separation is that the former process can be ignored when making likelihood-based inferences about the latter; i.e., maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the regression parameters relating the mean of the longitudinal outcomes to covariates does not require that a model for the distribution of follow-up times be specified. As a result, standard statistical software, e.g., SAS PROC MIXED (Littell et al., 1996, SAS System for Mixed Models), can be used to analyze the data. However, we also demonstrate that misspecification of the model for the covariance among the repeated measures will, in general, result in regression parameter estimates that are biased. Furthermore, results of a simulation study indicate that the potential bias due to misspecification of the covariance can be quite considerable in this setting. Finally, we illustrate these results using data from a longitudinal observational study (Lipshultz et al., 1995, New England Journal of Medicine 332, 1738-1743) that explored the cardiotoxic effects of doxorubicin chemotherapy for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antibody raised against allatostatin-3 of Blattella germanica (BLAST-3) has been used to immunolocalize allatostatin-like peptides in the brain-retrocerebral complex of Labidura riparia adult females. Strongly stained immunoreactive cells are observed in the pars intercerebralis (14 cells) and mainly in the pars lateralis (32 cells). Fibres leading to the corpus allatum are also stained. In the deutocerebrum, one cell is immunostained at the root of each antennal nerve. In the tritocerebmm two cells in each brain hemisphere are weakly immunostained. During the reproductive cycle, these cells and their axons show immunoreactivity at previtellogenic, ovulation and ovarian arrest periods. During vitellogenesis, immunoreactivity is restricted to only four perikarya in the pars intercerebralis.

When young vitellogenic females are injected with 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), which inhibits vitellogenesis, full immunoreactivity reappears, suggesting sensibility of these cells to 20E as is expected for a negative feed-back loop (Sayah et al., 1995).

These results show that BLAST-3-like material is produced periodically in Labidura in correlation with low levels of juvenile hormone and the absence of vitellogenesis. This study contributes to provide information on the degree of homology of allatostatins across various insects.  相似文献   
为拓展分子标记在燕麦种质资源分析与鉴定中的应用,利用公共数据库中的25376条EST(expressed sequence tags)序列,开展了燕麦EST-SSR功能性标记的开发和利用研究。25376条EST序列经拼接去冗余后获得了11618条序列,从中筛选出含有不同重复基元的SSR且重复次数较多、长度较长的556条EST序列进行引物设计,开发了50对燕麦EST-SSR引物,通过筛选得到40对有效的EST-SSR引物。选取其中4对引物对5个燕麦种质资源进行了PCR扩增及产物测序,结果表明扩增条带多态性是由SSR差异造成的。利用40对ESTSSR引物对15个六倍体燕麦种质资源进行遗传多样性分析,共扩增出89个等位基因,平均每对引物产生2.23个等位基因;UPGMA聚类分析表明,15个六倍体燕麦种质资源在Dice系数为0.93处聚为3支,基本上是按照不同种进行聚类的,在相同种中又根据地理来源分别聚集成支。利用40对EST-SSR引物对31个遗传背景不清的燕麦种质资源进行基因组倍性鉴定,发现这些种质中可能存在有四倍体和二倍体的燕麦新资源。本研究开发的燕麦EST-SSR功能性标记将在燕麦遗传多样性分析、遗传图谱构建及燕麦属内种间基因组鉴定等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
正西藏岩蜥(Laudakiapapenfussi)隶属于爬行纲(Reptilia)有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)鬣蜥科(Agamidae)岩蜥属(赵尔宓等1999,Baig et al. 2012)。1998年,赵尔宓仅以1号雄性标本描述了西藏岩蜥新种,没有雌性标本。邹大虎等(2016)丰富了西藏岩蜥的标本,特别是补充了西藏岩蜥雌性标本的空白。目前,  相似文献   
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