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The complex process of phloem sugar transport involves symplasmic and apoplasmic events. We characterized Arabidopsis thaliana lines ectopically expressing a phloem-specific gene encoding NDR1/HIN1-like26 (NHL26), a putative membrane protein. NHL26 overexpressor plants grew more slowly than wild-type plants, accumulated high levels of carbohydrates in mature leaves, and had a higher shoot biomass, contrasting with slower root growth and a lower seed yield. Similar effects were observed when NHL26 was overexpressed in companion cells, under the control of a companion cell–specific promoter. The soluble sugar content of the phloem sap and sink organs was lower than that in the wild type, providing evidence of a sugar export defect. This was confirmed in a phloem-export assay with the symplastic tracer carboxyfluorescein diacetate. Leaf sugar accumulation was accompanied by higher organic acid, amino acid, and protein contents, whereas analysis of the metabolite profile of phloem sap exudate revealed no change in amino acid or organic acid content, indicating a specific effect on sugar export. NHL26 was found to be located in the phloem plasmodesmata and the endoplasmic reticulum. These findings reveal that NHL26 accumulation affects either the permeability of plasmodesmata or sugar signaling in companion cells, with a specific effect on sugar export.  相似文献   
Genomic instability and aging-like phenotype in the absence of mammalian SIRT6   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The Sir2 histone deacetylase functions as a chromatin silencer to regulate recombination, genomic stability, and aging in budding yeast. Seven mammalian Sir2 homologs have been identified (SIRT1-SIRT7), and it has been speculated that some may have similar functions to Sir2. Here, we demonstrate that SIRT6 is a nuclear, chromatin-associated protein that promotes resistance to DNA damage and suppresses genomic instability in mouse cells, in association with a role in base excision repair (BER). SIRT6-deficient mice are small and at 2-3 weeks of age develop abnormalities that include profound lymphopenia, loss of subcutaneous fat, lordokyphosis, and severe metabolic defects, eventually dying at about 4 weeks. We conclude that one function of SIRT6 is to promote normal DNA repair, and that SIRT6 loss leads to abnormalities in mice that overlap with aging-associated degenerative processes.  相似文献   
Methionine can be reversibly oxidized to methionine sulfoxide (MetO) under physiological conditions. Organisms evolved two distinct methionine sulfoxide reductase families (MSRA & MSRB) to repair oxidized methionine residues. We found that 5 MSRB genes exist in the soybean genome, including GmMSRB1 and two segmentally duplicated gene pairs (GmMSRB2 and GmMSRB5, GmMSRB3 and GmMSRB4). GmMSRB2 and GmMSRB4 proteins showed MSRB activity toward protein-based MetO with either DTT or thioredoxin (TRX) as reductants, whereas GmMSRB1 was active only with DTT. GmMSRB2 had a typical MSRB mechanism with Cys121 and Cys 68 as catalytic and resolving residues, respectively. Surprisingly, this enzyme also possessed the MSRB activity toward free Met-R-O with kinetic parameters similar to those reported for fRMSR from Escherichia coli, an enzyme specific for free Met-R-O. Overexpression of GmMSRB2 or GmMSRB4 in the yeast cytosol supported the growth of the triple MSRA/MSRB/fRMSR (Δ3MSRs) mutant on MetO and protected cells against H2O2-induced stress. Taken together, our data reveal an unexpected diversity of MSRBs in plants and indicate that, in contrast to mammals that cannot reduce free Met-R-O and microorganisms that use fRMSR for this purpose, plants evolved MSRBs for the reduction of both free and protein-based MetO.  相似文献   
The sry‐related high‐mobility box (SOX)‐2 protein has recently been proven to play a significant role in progression, metastasis, and clinical prognosis spanning several cancer types. Research on the role of SOX2 in melanoma is limited and currently little is known about the mechanistic function of this gene in this context. Here, we observed high expression of SOX2 in both human melanoma cell lines and primary melanomas in contrast to melanocytic nevi. This overexpression in melanoma can, in part, be explained by extra gene copy numbers of SOX2 in primary samples. Interestingly, we were able to induce SOX2 expression, mediated by SOX4, via TGF‐β1 stimulation in a time‐dependent manner. Moreover, the knockdown of SOX2 impaired TGF‐β‐induced invasiveness. This phenotype switch can be explained by SOX2‐mediated cross talk between TGF‐β and non‐canonical Wnt signaling. Thus, we propose that SOX2 is involved in the critical TGF‐β signaling pathway, which has been shown to correlate with melanoma aggressiveness and metastasis. In conclusion, we have identified a novel downstream factor of TGF‐β signaling in melanoma, which may have further implications in the clinic.  相似文献   
The α-catenin molecule links E-cadherin/ β-catenin or E-cadherin/plakoglobin complexes to the actin cytoskeleton. We studied several invasive human colon carcinoma cell lines lacking α-catenin. They showed a solitary and rounded morphotype that correlated with increased invasiveness. These round cell variants acquired a more normal epithelial phenotype upon transfection with an α-catenin expression plasmid, but also upon treatment with the protein kinase C (PKC) activator 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Video registrations showed that the cells started to establish elaborated intercellular junctions within 30 min after addition of TPA. Interestingly, this normalizing TPA effect was not associated with α-catenin induction. Classical and confocal immunofluorescence showed only minor TPA-induced changes in E-cadherin staining. In contrast, desmosomal and tight junctional proteins were dramatically rearranged, with a conversion from cytoplasmic clusters to obvious concentration at cell–cell contacts and exposition at the exterior cell surface. Electron microscopical observations revealed the TPA-induced appearance of typical desmosomal plaques. TPA-restored cell–cell adhesion was E-cadherin dependent as demonstrated by a blocking antibody in a cell aggregation assay. Addition of an antibody against the extracellular part of desmoglein-2 blocked the TPA effect, too. Remarkably, the combination of anti–E-cadherin and anti-desmoglein antibodies synergistically inhibited the TPA effect.

Our studies show that it is possible to bypass the need for normal α-catenin expression to establish tight intercellular adhesion by epithelial cells. Apparently, the underlying mechanism comprises upregulation of desmosomes and tight junctions by activation of the PKC signaling pathway, whereas E-cadherin remains essential for basic cell–cell adhesion, even in the absence of α-catenin.



Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a crucial role in growth and patterning during embryonic development, and also in stem cell maintenance and tissue regeneration in adults. Aberrant Shh pathway activation is involved in the development of many tumors, and one of the most affected Shh signaling steps found in these tumors is the regulation of the signaling receptor Smoothened by the Shh receptor Patched. In the present work, we investigated Patched activity and the mechanism by which Patched inhibits Smoothened.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using the well-known Shh-responding cell line of mouse fibroblasts NIH 3T3, we first observed that enhancement of the intracellular cholesterol concentration induces Smoothened enrichment in the plasma membrane, which is a crucial step for the signaling activation. We found that binding of Shh protein to its receptor Patched, which involves Patched internalization, increases the intracellular concentration of cholesterol and decreases the efflux of a fluorescent cholesterol derivative (BODIPY-cholesterol) from these cells. Treatment of fibroblasts with cyclopamine, an antagonist of Shh signaling, inhibits Patched expression and reduces BODIPY-cholesterol efflux, while treatment with the Shh pathway agonist SAG enhances Patched protein expression and BODIPY-cholesterol efflux. We also show that over-expression of human Patched in the yeast S. cerevisiae results in a significant boost of BODIPY-cholesterol efflux. Furthermore, we demonstrate that purified Patched binds to cholesterol, and that the interaction of Shh with Patched inhibits the binding of Patched to cholesterol.


Our results suggest that Patched may contribute to cholesterol efflux from cells, and to modulation of the intracellular cholesterol concentration. This activity is likely responsible for the inhibition of the enrichment of Smoothened in the plasma membrane, which is an important step in Shh pathway activation.  相似文献   


We recently showed that transient warming effects decreased the functional and adhesion properties of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) while post-thaw viability remained high. In an attempt to better predict functional impairment of cryopreserved MSC, we further analysed the correlation between viability, immunosuppressive activity and adhesion of cells exposed or not to warming events.


MSC prepared from six umbilical cords were frozen to ?130°C and immediately transferred in a dry ice container or exposed to room temperature for 2 to 10 min (warming events) prior to storage in liquid nitrogen. Viability, functionality (inhibition of T-cell proliferation), adhesion and expression of various integrins were evaluated.


The monotonic loss of functional activity with time was proportional to the length of warming events to which MSC were subjected and correlated with the monotonic loss of adhesion capacity. In contrast, post-thaw viability assessment did not predict functional impairment. Interestingly, flow cytometry analyses revealed the emergence of a FSClow population present in the viable cell fraction of freshly thawed MSC, which displayed poor adhesion capacity and expressed low levels of integrin β5. The prevalence of this FSClow population increased with the length of warming events and correlated with impaired functional and adhesion properties.


Our results reveal that loss of functional activity (4-day test) induced by transient warming events could be predicted by evaluating adhesion (2-hr test) or FSC profile (10-min test) of MSC immediately post-thaw. These observations could lead to the development of surrogate tests for rapidly assessing the functional quality of cryopreserved MSC.  相似文献   
Sesbania sesban was evaluated as green manure crop for lowland rice in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. The legume was grown during a fallow period before lowland rice (Oryza sativa) and ploughed under just before transplanting. Weight loss and nitrogen content in litterbags containing leaves, stems and roots of the legume were monitored. Comparisons were made between rice yields from 20 m2 plots after green manuring in combination with different nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 2.4, 4.8 and 7.2 gm−2) and nitrogen fertilizer (9.6 gm−2) alone. Above-ground biomass ofS. sesban was 440 gm−2 (dry wt) when ploughed under after 84 days growth. N-content in leaves, stems and roots was 3.76%, 0.41% and 0.73%, respectively. This gave a N-input fromS. sesban of 9.2 gm−2 (8.3 g from above-ground parts and 0.9 g from roots). The corresponding K and P inputs were 7.3 and 0.6 gm−2 respectively. The nitrogen rich leaves, which contained 88% of the nitrogen in the above-ground parts, decomposed and released its nitrogen much more rapidly than the stems and roots. After only four days the leaves had released 5.3 g Nm−2 and after 14 days they had released 6.4 g Nm−2. The highest rice yield (505 gm−2) was obtained usingS. sesban and 4.8 gm−2 of N-fertilizer. The yields with only N-fertilizer or onlyS. sesban were 442 gm−2 and 396 gm−2, respectively. Due to the rapid decomposition of the nitrogen rich leaves,S. sesban did not behave as a slow release fertilizer. Thus, it is not necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers as a basal dose.  相似文献   
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