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Correlated motion and oscillation of neighboring cells in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has long been realized that fibroblastic and epithelial cells establish recognizable patterns in tissue culture. This behavior implies that neighboring cells interact with one another to produce organized populations. Interaction between cells that are separated by many intervening cells is also possible and is demonstrated here using a special configuration of a biosensor referred to as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). Normally the electrical impedance of a single electrode covered with a confluent cell layer is measured, and the morphological changes of the cells are reflected in the impedance. In this case the cells are cultured on two closely spaced electrodes whose impedances are measured independently as a function of time, and communication between the cell populations is revealed as a correlation between these two time series. We also report for the first time another striking manifestation of dynamic cell interaction, where confluent layers of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK) on a single electrode are observed to oscillate in synchrony with a period of approximately 2.5 h.  相似文献   
Clathrin-coated pits at the cell surface select material for transportation into the cell interior. A major mode of cargo selection at the bud site is via the micro 2 subunit of the AP-2 adaptor complex, which recognizes tyrosine-based internalization signals. Other internalization motifs and signals, including phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, also tag certain proteins for incorporation into a coated vesicle, but the mechanism of selection is unclear. Disabled-2 (Dab2) recognizes the FXNPXY internalization motif in LDL-receptor family members via an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain. Here, we show that in addition to binding AP-2, Dab2 also binds directly to phosphoinositides and to clathrin, assembling triskelia into regular polyhedral coats. The FXNPXY motif and phosphoinositides contact different regions of the PTB domain, but can stably anchor Dab2 to the membrane surface, while the distal AP-2 and clathrin-binding determinants regulate clathrin lattice assembly. We propose that Dab2 is a typical member of a growing family of cargo-specific adaptor proteins, including beta-arrestin, AP180, epsin, HIP1 and numb, which regulate clathrin-coat assembly at the plasma membrane by synchronizing cargo selection and lattice polymerization events.  相似文献   
Both a dramatic decline in CD8 responses and a switch to memory T cell predominance occur with aging. The extent to which the loss of responsiveness is the consequence of the accumulation of more differentiated vs intrinsically defective T cells (or both) has been unclear. Using similar conditions of Ag stimulation, we have examined the responses generated by CD8(+) cells isolated from aged TCR transgenic mice. We found that the naive transgene(+) CD8(+) cells from aged 2C mice expressed activation markers, produced IL-2, proliferated, and differentiated into cytotoxic T cells as efficiently as their young counterparts. The extent of responsiveness and the level of the responses were comparable in both age groups regardless of the stimulatory conditions used, i.e., partial costimulation/adhesion molecule expression on APCs, or presentation of lower affinity peptide or diminished peptide concentrations. By day 4 after Ag stimulation, no significant age-related differences were observed in the number of effector cells generated nor in the levels of secreted IL-2 or IFN-gamma. Upon restimulation of effector cells, IL-2 secretion and to a lesser extent TNF-alpha expression, but not IFN-gamma secretion, were diminished with age. These findings suggest that age-associated alterations in naive CD8 cell function are not found after primary stimulation, but may become apparent upon restimulation.  相似文献   
The theoretic advantage of distraction osteogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton, especially in cases of severe midface retrusion and in the presence of maxillary scarring, is prevention of relapse following significant advancements. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the utility of a new low-profile, intraoral, internal device for midface distraction at the conventional or high Le Fort I level. In addition, the present study compares the efficacy of immediate versus delayed distraction on subsequent maxillary relapse. Four adult rhesus Macaca mulatta monkeys were divided into two groups. Group 1 underwent immediate midface distraction; group 2 underwent delayed distraction. All four monkeys underwent a modified Le Fort I osteotomy through an upper buccal sulcus incision and bilateral application of the intraoral midface distraction devices. No other osteotomies or incisions were necessary. Immediate distraction, performed in group 1, entailed intraoperative activation of the devices and distraction of 10 mm followed by a 5-day lag period before postoperative activation and distraction of an additional 10 mm at the rate of 1 mm/day. Delayed distraction, performed in group 2, entailed a 5-day postoperative lag period before device activation and distraction of 20 mm at the rate of 1 mm/day. Both groups thus underwent 20 mm of midface distraction. All devices were removed 6 weeks after completion of distraction. All monkeys tolerated the devices and daily distraction uneventfully. On the basis of serial cephalograms and dental models obtained throughout the experimental period, there was no evidence of relapse in either the immediate or delayed groups 6 months after distraction. In addition, on the basis of histologic, ultrastructural, and dry skull analysis, no significant differences were observed in the quality of regenerate bone obtained when comparing the immediate and delayed distraction groups. Significant midface advancement is thus feasible using this new internal, intraoral distraction device, which presents several advantages over other internal devices that require coronal incisions and additional osteotomies to achieve midface advancement. In addition, immediate distraction may abbreviate the distraction period without adverse sequelae.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are a family of proteins, expressed in a tissue-specific manner, that bind fatty acid ligands and are involved in shuttling fatty acids to cellular compartments, modulating intracellular lipid metabolism, and regulating gene expression. Several members of the FABP family have been shown to have important roles in regulating metabolism and have links to the development of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Recent studies demonstrate a role for intestinal FABP in the control of dietary fatty acid absorption and chylomicron secretion. Heart FABP is essential for normal myocardial fatty acid oxidation and modulates fatty acid uptake in skeletal muscle. Liver FABP is directly involved in fatty acid ligand signaling to the nucleus and interacts with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in hepatocytes. The adipocyte FABP (aP2) has been shown to affect insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism and lipolysis, and has recently been shown to play an important role in atherosclerosis. Interestingly, expression of aP2 by the macrophage promotes atherogenesis, thus providing a link between insulin resistance, intracellular fatty acid disposition, and foam cell formation. The FABPs are promising targets for the treatment of dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis in humans.  相似文献   
P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a drug transporter which pumps toxic hydrophobic compounds out of cells, conferring mutidrug resistance. P-gp is predicted to consist of 12 transmembrane alpha-helices and there is a strong body of experimental support for this model. However, a number of studies, including those on P-gp expressed in E. coli, have reported topologies with fewer than 12 transmembrane alpha-helices, leading to the hypothesis that the transmembrane topology of the protein changes during function. It is well established that P-gp undergoes conformational changes during its transport cycle and it has been recently shown that these changes are large in magnitude and could, potentially, reflect a changing transmembrane topology. One therefore, reassessed the transmembrane topology of P-gp expressed in E. coli and compared it directly with the topology of the protein expressed in mammalian cells. It was clear that the transmembrane topology of the protein was different in the different cell types and that the misfolding of P-gp in E. coli was due to the misrecognition of multiple P-gp sequences as topogenic signals. Thus, the alternative transmembrane topologies reported for P-gp in E. coli are artefacts of the heterologous expression system used, and models based on such data in which the transmembrane topology changes during drug transport are unlikely to be correct. Instead, the large conformational changes observed during the transport cycle are more likely due to changes in alpha-helix packing.  相似文献   
Conventional wisdom suggests that halting or reversing long-term atherosclerosis requires increasing the amount of circulating high-density lipoprotein (HDL) coursing through the vasculature. However, recent evidence seems to indicate that reducing the size of cholesterol-containing lipid plaques might be accomplished by methods that either do not raise or, in fact, lower the amount of circulating HDL. Carriers of apoAI(Milano), a variant of apoprotein AI (a component of HDL), have reduced levels of circulating low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Intriguingly, these individuals have reduced amounts of circulating HDL and total apoAI. Infusions of the ApoAI(Milano) variant given to patients with coronary atherosclerosis appear to lead to disease regression and reduced plaque size. However, larger studies are required to provide definitive proof of apoAI(Milano)'s benefits. What is certain is that attention should be focused on the removal of cholesterol from plaques rather than simply desiring to raise HDL concentrations in patients.  相似文献   
This study investigated the body image concerns of women who sought cosmetic breast augmentation. Thirty breast augmentation candidates completed several measures of body image before their initial surgical consultation. Thirty physically similar women who were not interested in breast augmentation were recruited from the medical center and university community and also completed the measures. Breast augmentation candidates, as compared with women not seeking augmentation, reported greater dissatisfaction with their breasts. Augmentation candidates rated their ideal breast size, as well as the breast size preferred by women, as significantly larger than did controls. In addition, women interested in breast augmentation reported greater investment in their appearance, greater distress about their appearance in a variety of situations, and more frequent teasing about their appearance. Finally, breast augmentation candidates also reported more frequent use of psychotherapy in the year before the operation as compared with women not seeking augmentation. These results replicate and extend previous studies of body image in cosmetic surgery patients.  相似文献   
Only the metopic suture normally fuses during early childhood; all other cranial sutures normally fuse much later in life. Despite this, metopic synostosis is one of the least common forms of craniosynostosis. The temporal sequence of normal physiologic metopic suture fusion remains undefined and controversial. Therefore, diagnosis of metopic synostosis on the basis of computed tomography images alone can prove misleading. The present study sought to determine the normal sequence of metopic suture fusion and characterize both endocranial and ectocranial suture morphology. An analysis of computed tomography scans of 76 trauma patients, ranging in age from 10 days to 18 months, provided normative craniofacial data that could be compared to similar data obtained from the preoperative computed tomography scans of 30 patients who had undergone surgical treatment for metopic synostosis. Metopic suture fusion was complete by 6 to 8 months in all nonsynostotic patients, with initiation of suture fusion evident as early as 3 months of age. Fusion was found to commence at the nasion, proceed superiorly in progressive fashion, and conclude at the anterior fontanelle. Although an endocranial ridge was not commonly seen in synostotic patients, an endocranial metopic notch was virtually diagnostic of premature suture fusion and was seen in 93 percent of synostotic patients. A metopic notch was not seen in any nonsynostotic patient. The morphologic and normative craniofacial data presented permit diagnosis of metopic synostosis based on computed tomography images obtained beyond the normal fusion period.  相似文献   
The nitrogen requirements for tissue maintenance, moulting, and oogenesis were determined experimentally for the herbivorous land crab Gecarcoidea natalis. The maintenance nitrogen requirements for intermoult animals was very low (4.83+/-1.68 mmol N kg-1 dry body wt d-1), but during oogenesis the total requirement was much higher (8. 6 mmol N kg-1 dry body wt d-1). Gecarcoidea natalis could potentially assimilate enough nitrogen from rain forest leaf litter or leaves of Ficus or Erythrina to satisfy not only the maintenance nitrogen requirements but the observed rate of incorporation of nitrogen into the ovaries during oogenesis. The ovaries developed slowly over a period of 2 mo (mid-July to late September) and had a final nitrogen content of 359+/-15.9 (n=18) mmol kg-1 dry body wt. This was equivalent to 9.3%+/-0.4% of the total body nitrogen. A substantial nitrogen debt was incurred during ecdysis (658+/-126 mmol kg-1 dry body wt). This nitrogen debt could be satisfied slowly, from leaf litter, over a period of 1-3 mo. After ecdysis, the majority of the nitrogen and urate within the animal prior to moulting was retained within the soft crab (85.0%+/-1.2% total nitrogen, 82.0%+/-1.2% nonurate nitrogen and 99.56% urate), while only a minority was lost with the exuviae (18.0%+/-1.2% total nitrogen, 14.7%+/-1.2% nonurate nitrogen, and 0.4%+/-0.4% urate). The urate deposits in G. natalis were not mobilized as a source of nitrogen in animals maintained on a nitrogen-free diet.  相似文献   
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