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Measuring and estimating biodiversity patterns is a fundamental task of the scientist working to support conservation and inform management decisions. Most biodiversity studies in temperate regions were often carried out over a very short period of time (e.g., a single season) and it is often-at least tacitly-assumed that these short-term findings are representative of long-term general patterns. However, should the studied biodiversity pattern in fact contain significant temporal dynamics, perhaps leading to contradictory conclusions. Here, we studied the seasonal diversity dynamics of arboreal spider communities dwelling in 216 European beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) to assess the spider community composition in the following seasons: two cold seasons (I: November 2005-January 2006; II: February-April) and two warm seasons (III: May-July; IV: August-October). We show that the usually measured diversity of the warm season community (IV: 58 estimated species) alone did not deliver a reliable image of the overall diversity present in these trees, and therefore, we recommend it should not be used for sampling protocols aimed at providing a full picture of a forest's biodiversity in the temperate zones. In particular, when the additional samplings of other seasons (I, II, III) were included, the estimated species richness nearly doubled (108). Community I possessed the lowest diversity and evenness due to the harsh winter conditions: this community was comprised of one dominant species together with several species low in abundance. Similarity was lowest (38.6%) between seasonal communities I and III, indicating a significant species turnover due to recolonization, so that community III had the highest diversity. Finally, using nonparametric estimators, we found that further sampling in late winter (February-April) is most needed to complete our inventory. Our study clearly demonstrates that seasonal dynamics of communities should be taken into account when studying biodiversity patterns of spiders, and probably forest arthropods in general.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic habitat modifications, including conversion of forest to agricultural production cause losses of native species. In this study we examined the losses suffered by ant communities in relation to the intensity of management in cocoa plantations established in former tropical forest. An extensive sampling protocol consisting of pitfall trapping, leaf litter sampling, soil sampling and hand sampling was used to characterize ant species richness and composition in the native forest and compare it with three cocoa farms differing in their management intensity. Species richness was negatively correlated with management intensity and differed greatly between management practices and the forest. Two subfamilies (Myrmicinae and Amblyoponinae) showed a significant negative correlation with agricultural intensification probably because their species are constrained to living in forest like habitat. The species composition differed greatly between management practices and the forest. Intensively and moderately managed cocoa plantations were most dissimilar to the forest. In contrast, forest ants were well represented in the least intensively managed plantation. Overall, the findings of this study show that only slightly managed cocoa plantations sustain an ant diversity that comes close to that of the forest. This also holds true for cocoa plantations on former agricultural, and thus previously heavily used, land. The findings may help in the conservation of biodiversity as management practices most likely to sustain forest like ant communities have been identified.  相似文献   
We examined the influence of gas exchange on the architectureof termite mounds. In Comoé National Park (Côted'Ivoire), Macrotermes bellicosus builds, as an adaptation toambient temperature conditions, differently shaped mounds inthe shrub savanna and the gallery forest. Previous studies suggestedthat there might be a constraint that limits the degree of thermalinsulation of the interior (i.e., nest) of the mounds in environmentswith relatively low ambient temperatures. This factor causes,in proximate terms, suboptimal low nest temperatures and ultimatelyleads to reduced reproductive success in the gallery forest.In this study, we examined whether the necessity for gas exchangemight constrain mound architecture. We measured CO2 concentrationsin the air channels of mounds in different habitats and undermanipulated temperature regimes. During both the dry and therainy season we found higher CO2 concentrations in mounds ofthe gallery forest than in mounds of the savanna. Additional measurementsin forest mounds, architecturally resembling those of the savanna dueto an experimental increase in ambient temperatures, revealedlower CO2 concentrations than unmanipulated mounds in this habitat. Generally,concentrations were higher during the rainy season comparedto the dry season and lower during day than during night. Summarizingthese results we present a model that illustrates this trade-offbetween thermoregulation and gas exchange under different temperatureregimes. Both factors together result in different mound architecturesunder different environmental temperatures and may finally limitthe distribution of this species.  相似文献   
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