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Peat samples, 3 015 from 103 boring points, on two mires (Åkhult mire, Store Mosse mire) south Sweden, have been subjected to macrofossil analysis. Based on plant remains, 9 peat groups were distinguished in the field. A further classification using phytosociological methods revealed 29 peat types. The affinities between the peat types were determined from TABORD classification and a Reciprocal Averaging ordination. The primary floristic differentiation is correlated with a gradient from treeless-to wooded stands, which coincides largely with the mire expanse-mire margin gradient. The poor-rich gradient seems to parallel the treeless-wooded gradient as well and may reflect the natural conditions in this mire before it was affected by man. The hummock-mud-bottom gradient is easy to distinguish in peat, formed by bog communities, but is not distinct in peat formed by fen communities and impossible to detect in peat dominated by wood remains. The amount of identifiable remains depends on the decomposition, which is determined by (1) the period of time the plant litter stays in the acrotelm, and (2) the nutrient status. The decomposition is greatest in fen-peat with abundant wood remains. This probably depends on a good supply of oxygen caused by greater horizontal water movements and better nutrient status.  相似文献   
E Eriksson  K Svensson  D Clark 《Life sciences》1985,36(19):1819-1827
Recent behavioural and biochemical investigations have suggested that the alpha-2 receptor agonist B-HT 920 is also a centrally acting dopamine (DA) agonist with a selectivity for autoreceptors. It is presently demonstrated that B-HT 920, in contrast to the structurally related alpha-2 agonist B-HT 933, effectively reduces the firing rate of nigral DA neurons both after intravenous and microiontophoretic administration. Furthermore, B-HT 920, but not B-HT 933, decreases plasma levels of prolactin in reserpine pretreated rats. The electrophysiological as well as the neuroendocrine effects of the drug were antagonised by DA antagonists but not by alpha-2 receptor antagonists. The data support the contention that B-HT 920 acts as an agonist at central DA autoreceptors. Furthermore, they reinforce the hypothesis that lactotroph DA receptors are more similar to DA autoreceptors than to postsynaptic DA receptors in the brain.  相似文献   
Linus Svensson 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):373-377
Summary Pollen carryover by ants was estimated in a natural population of Scleranthus perennis L. (Caryophyllaceae) using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue.A highly significant exponential decrease in deposition of dye grains in a sequence of flowers visited by the main flowr visitor, Formica (S.) rufibarbis F., was observed with most grains being deposited in the first few flowers visited. At most 12 flowers were visited in a sequence.The mean between-flower transfer distance was estimated to be 6.2 cm, within-plant pollen transfers being recorded as zero. When all within-plant movements were excluded the mean was 22.5 cm. The distribution of transport distances differed from what I observed for honey-bees which occasionally foraged on dense stands of S. perennis. Calculations made on the deposition of dye grains transferred by ants showed that 7% of the dye grains deposited in the first flower visited after the dye source may reach a flower situated c. 30 cm from the dye source.  相似文献   
Summary Three naturally occurring isomers of the disaccharideO--d-mannosyl-d-mannoside were synthesized by reversing the hydrolytic activity of jack bean -mannosidase at 75°C in a very high concentration of mannose. Higher oligosaccharides were also obtained at the later stages of the reaction. The maximum total yield of disaccharides was 37% (w/w) based on the total amount of saccharides.  相似文献   
Multiple conformations of amino acid residues in ribonuclease A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly refined 1.26 A structure (R = 0.15) of phosphate-free bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A was modeled with 13 residues having discrete multiple conformations of side chains. These residues are widely distributed over the protein surface, but only one of them, Lys 61, is involved in crystal packing interactions. The discrete conformers have no unusual torsion angles, and their interactions with the solvent and with other atoms of the protein are similar to those residues modeled with a single conformation. For three of the residues--Val 43, Asp 83, and Arg 85--two correlated conformations are found. The observed multiple conformations on the protein surfaces will be of significance in analyzing structure-function relationships and in performing protein engineering.  相似文献   
A fluorescent pigment was isolated from the culture fluid of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain H. This pigment was shown to be 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin by various spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. This compound was previously described as the FO acid hydrolysis fragment of coenzyme F420. On the basis of the time of appearance of the pigment in the course of fermentation, it is suggested that this substance may be an over-produced biosynthetic precursor of F420.  相似文献   
M. G. Day    Ian  Linn 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(4):463-473
There is some apprehension about the possible effect of the introduced American mink Mustela vison upon the indigenous British fauna, either as a predator exerting new and excessive pressure upon native prey species, or as a carnivore competing for prey resources against native carnivores. Concern is also felt by preservers of game, and by keepers of small domestic animals (poultry and rabbits) about the mink's potential as a pest. To investigate the food habits of the mink in England and Wales the alimentary canals of 1165 trapped animals were examined, yielding 204 samples for analysis. The resulting information provides a general picture of the mink's diet, including seasonal variations. Comparisons were possible with similar work carried out in other countries, and with the diets of other British carnivores. Tentative conclusions were reached regarding the broad pattern of food relationships between the mink and other British animals, wild and domestic.  相似文献   
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