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 应用蛋白质双向凝胶电泳 (two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 2-DE) 技术,分析在急性重度失血性休克 (refractory hemorrhagic shock, RHS) 条件下,大鼠肝脏蛋白质组表达的差异.16 只雄性 Wistar 大鼠随机分成正常对照组 (sham hemorrhage shock, SHS) 和 RHS 模型组,每组 8 只.采用股动脉放血的方法制备模型,在规定时间内处死大鼠并分离肝脏,提取肝脏总蛋白质后进行 2-DE.运用 Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 凝胶图像分析软件对 2-DE 凝胶图像进行差异表达分析.有意义的差异蛋白质点用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱进行肽质量指纹图谱分析,借助 Swiss-prot 数据库进行蛋白质搜索和鉴定.SHS 组和 RHS 组肝脏的 2-DE 图谱,分别平均识别到 698±11 和 700±13 个蛋白质点,SHS 组和 RHS 组肝脏间平均匹配率达88%~92 %.共发现 10 个差异有意义的蛋白质点,鉴定出了肿瘤抑制性抗原gp96、葡萄糖调节蛋白58、过氧还蛋白Ⅰ、细胞色素b5、谷胱甘肽转移酶、ATP合酶β亚单位、二磷酸果糖酶 B、三磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶等8种蛋白质.结果表明,以 2-DE 技术得到重复性和分辨率都较好的 2-DE图谱,并初步鉴定急性重度失血性休克后大鼠肝脏的差异表达蛋白质,为深入研究失血性休克的生理病理机制及寻找失血性休克预防和治疗的生物标志物提供了依据.  相似文献   
利用气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)、液相色谱紫外检测技术(LC-UV)和基因比对分析对Pseudonomassp.W 2菌株双酚A(Bpa)代谢途径进行了初步研究,发现对羟基苯甲醛、对羟基苯甲酸、对羟基苯乙酮,为中间代谢产物;并发现该菌株具有原儿茶酸双加氧酶基因(pcaG)。  相似文献   
心脏祖细胞(cardiac progenitor cells,CPCs)的研究对阐明先天性心脏病的机制及治疗心血管疾病具有重要意义.哺乳动物的心脏组织由多种不同CPCs分化形成.转录因子Tbx18在发育中的心外膜中表达,对心脏的发育形成起重要的调节作用.为了在组织及活体细胞水平检测和阐明Tbx18+CPC的分化潜能,应用Cre-LoxP系统建立Tbx18+CPCs基因命运谱系示踪模型:Tbx18-Cre/Rosa26R-EYFP和Tbx18-Cre/Rosa26R-LacZ双杂合基因敲入小鼠.该双杂合基因敲入小鼠通过Cre的表达能有效地示踪Tbx18+细胞在胚胎和成年小鼠中的分化命运.Tbx18-Cre/Rosa26R-EYFP双杂合小鼠心脏能非常容易地利用流式细胞分选系统(FACS)分离出YFP+细胞,也可在倒置共聚焦显微镜下观察.应用X-gal染色分析其表达模式,揭示Tbx18命运谱系参与心房肌、室间隔、心室肌、冠状动脉、瓣膜等的形成.应用免疫荧光技术初步揭示Tbx18+CPCs向心脏肌钙蛋白T(cTNT)阳性心肌细胞和平滑肌肌球蛋白重链11(MYH11)阳性血管平滑肌细胞分化的潜能.心脏是一个由多种肌肉和非肌肉组织细胞构成的复杂器官.推测Tbx18可能在心脏祖细胞向肌源性细胞分化的信号通路中起重要调节作用.在上述研究中应用基因谱系示踪技术,验证Tbx18可作为一类CPCs的标志,为更深入揭示心脏祖细胞向心系细胞的分化潜能打下基础.  相似文献   
Restoration of the antigen (Ag)-specific immune tolerance in an allergic environment is refractory. B cells are involved in immune regulation. Whether B cells facilitate the generation of Ag-specific immune tolerance in an allergic environment requires further investigation. This paper aims to elucidate the mechanism by which B cells restore the Ag-specific immune tolerance in an allergic environment. In this study, a B cell-deficient mouse model was created by injecting an anti-CD20 antibody. The frequency of tolerogenic dendritic cell (TolDC) was assessed by flow cytometry. The levels of cytokines were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The expression of thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) was assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, Western blotting, and methylation-specific PCR. The results showed that B cells were required in the generation of the TGF-β-producing TolDCs in mice. B cell-derived TSP1 converted the latent TGF-β to the active TGF-β in DCs, which generated TGF-β-producing TolDCs. Exposure to IL-13 inhibited the expression of TSP1 in B cells by enhancing the TSP1 gene DNA methylation. Treating food allergy mice with Ag-specific immunotherapy and IL-13 antagonists restored the generation of TolDCs and enhanced the effect of specific immunotherapy. In conclusion, B cells play a critical role in the restoration of specific immune tolerance in an allergic environment. Blocking IL-13 in an allergic environment facilitated the generation of TolDCs and enhanced the therapeutic effect of immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Insulin is known to regulate multiple cellular functions and is used for the treatment of diabetes. MicroRNAs have been demonstrated to be involved in many human diseases, including Type 2 diabetes. In this study, we showed that insulin decreased miR-99a expression levels, but induced glucose consumption and lactate production, and increased the expression of mTOR, HIF-1α and PKM2 in HepG2 and HL7702 cells. Forced expression of miR-99a or rapamycin treatment blocked insulin-induced PKM2 and HIF-1α expression, and glucose consumption and lactate production. Meanwhile, knockdown of HIF-1α inhibited PKM2 expression and insulin-induced glucose consumption. Taken together, these findings will reveal the role and mechanism ofinsulin in regulating glycolytic activities via miR-99a/mTOR.  相似文献   
PI3K activation is commonly observed in many human cancer cells. Survivin expression is elevated in cancer cells, and induced by some growth factors through PI3K activation. However, it is not clear whether PI3K activation is sufficient to induce survivin expression. To investigate the role of PI3K pathway in the regulation of survivin, we expressed an active form of PI3K, v-P3k in chicken embryonic fibroblast cells (CEF), and found that overexpression of PI3K-induced survivin mRNA expression. Forced expression of wild-type but not mutant tumor suppressor PTEN in CEF decreased survivin mRNA levels. PI3K regulates survivin expression through Akt activation. To further investigate downstream target of PI3K and Akt in regulating the expression of survivin mRNA, we found that PI3K and Akt-induced p70S6K1 activation and that overexpression of p70S6K1 alone was sufficient to induce survivin expression. The treatment of CEF cells by rapamycin decreased the survivin mRNA expression. This result demonstrated that p70S6K1 is an important target downstream of PI3K and Akt in regulating suvivin mRNA expression. The knockdown of survivin mRNA expression by its specific siRNA induced apoptosis of cancer cells when the cells were treated with LY294002 or taxol. Taken together, these results demonstrated that PI3K/Akt/p70S6K1 pathway is essential for regulating survivin mRNA expression.  相似文献   
目的:通过采取随机抽样法对湖南省5个市20个乡2500名农民进行问卷调查,调查其对新型农村合作医疗满意度,对新型农村合作医疗制度的认识程度以及该政策在实践运行中存在的不足,并针对问题提出相应建议.方法:抽样的2500名调查对象来自湘乡市、衡阳市、益阳市、邵阳市和怀化市,调查内容有对新型农村合作医疗制度的满意度,对新农合执行过程的满意度,对政策的意见看法,采用卡方检验方法.结果:对新农合制度的满意度为94%,对新型农村合作医疗制度执行过程的满意度57.5%,集中反映了10个问题.结论:为了提高农民对新型农村合作医疗制度执行过程的满意度,缓解农民"因病返贫,因病致贫"现象,改变农民"看病难,看病贵"现状,政府部门应加大对医疗卫生服务财政支持力度与监管力度,规范医疗行为,同时医务人员加强自身医德修养,减少农民不必要的医疗卫生经济支出并减轻农民负担.  相似文献   
通过对暖温带地区两种典型人工针叶林生态系统内树干茎流和穿透雨的收集,对其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S和Al等7种元素进行了测定。研究发现这些养分元素在树干茎流和穿透雨中的含量在年内有明显的时间动态变化,这些变化主要受元素在水分中的含量和它们在植物生命活动中的活跃程度等影响,甚至在不同的针叶林生态系统之间都有一定的差异,其中表现为明显的是N、K和S。  相似文献   
叶片被取食会导致树木生长发育和生理代谢发生显著的变化。目前对细根动态如何对叶片损失做出响应的了解仍然有限。以生物量分配和高生长策略不同的水曲柳(Fraxinus mandschurica)和落叶松(Larix gmelinii)苗木为研究对象, 进行了不同强度的人为去叶处理(叶面积去除0% (对照)、40%和80%), 采用微根管技术对细根(直径≤2 mm)生产和死亡的季节动态进行了定量观测, 同期测定了地上部分(苗高和地径)的生长。结果表明: 1)去叶降低了两树种苗高(统计上均不显著)和地径的生长, 但是对苗高生长的影响小于地径。随着去叶强度的提高, 苗木地上生长受到的影响加大, 生长季末期水曲柳苗高比对照降低3.3%-12.1%, 地径降低5.7%-23.1%; 而落叶松苗高和地径降低相对较少(< 12%)。2)去叶显著地减少了水曲柳和落叶松细根现存量(p< 0.001), 其相对增长量((去叶后现存量高峰-去叶当日现存量)/去叶当日现存量)随着去叶强度的加大而降低。3)与对照相比, 去叶后两树种细根生产量显著减少(p< 0.05), 而细根死亡量在不同处理间没有显著差异。综合来看, 去叶对水曲柳地上部分(特别是地径)生长影响较大, 而对落叶松地下部分(主要是新根)生长影响较大。研究结果为理解冠层碳供应对根系动态影响的种间差异及其机制提供了必要的理论依据。  相似文献   
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