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By using a high-density AFLP marker linkage map, six QTLs for partial resistance to barley leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) isolate 1.2.1. have been identified in the RIL offspring of a cross between the partially resistant cultivar ’Vada’ and the susceptible line L94. Three QTLs were effective at the seedling stage, and five QTLs were effective at the adult plant stage. To study possible isolate specificity of the resistance, seedlings and adult plants of the 103 RILs from the cross L94×’Vada’ were also inoculated with another leaf rust isolate, isolate 24. In addition to the two QTLs that were effective against isolate 1.2.1. at the seedling stage, an additional QTL for seedling resistance to isolate 24 was identified on the long arm of chromosome 7. Of the eight detected QTLs effective at the adult plant stage, three were effective in both isolates and five were effective in only one of the two isolates. Only one QTL had a substantial effect at both the seedling and the adult plant stages. The expression of the other QTLs was developmental-stage specific. The isolate specificity of the QTLs supports the hypothesis of Parlevliet and Zadoks (1977) that partial resistance may be based on a minor-gene-for-minor-gene interaction. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 February 1999  相似文献   
Lactuca sativa (lettuce) is susceptible to Bremia lactucae (downy mildew). In cultivated and wild Lactuca species, Dm genes have been identified that confer race-specific resistance. However, these genes were soon rendered ineffective by adaptation of the pathogen. Lactuca saligna (wild lettuce) is resistant to all downy mildew races and can be considered as a non-host. Therefore, L. saligna might be an alternative source for a more-durable resistance to downy mildew in lettuce. In order to analyze this resistance, we have developed an F(2) population based on a resistant L. saligna x susceptible L. sativa cross. This F(2) population was fingerprinted with AFLP markers and tested for resistance to two Bremia races NL14 and NL16. The F(2) population showed a wide and continuous range of resistance levels from completely resistant to completely susceptible. By comparison of disease tests, we observed a quantitative resistance against both Bremia races as well as a race-specific resistance to Bremia race NL16 and not to NL14. QTL mapping revealed a qualitative gene ( R39) involved in the race-specific resistance and three QTLs ( RBQ1, RBQ2 and RBQ3) involved in the quantitative resistance. The qualitative gene R39 is a dominant gene that gives nearly complete resistance to race NL16 in L. saligna CGN 5271 and therefore it showed features similar to Dm genes. The three QTLs explained 51% of the quantitative resistance against NL14, which indicated that probably only the major QTLs have been detected in this F(2) population. The perspectives for breeding for durable resistance are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied axillary meristem formation of the lateral suppressor (ls) mutant of tomato after elevating the endogenous cytokinin levels through introduction of the isopentenyltransferase (ipt) gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Growth and development of several transformants were examined during in vitro culture. Transformants exhibited phenotypes varying in severity and were divided into four classes. A number of the ipt transformants had a normal phenotype, as non-transformed plants. Others showed a mild to severe ‘cytokinin-like’ phenotype. Transformants with a mild phenotype exhibited reduced internode length and reduced root development. Transformants with a severe phenotype showed even shorter internodes, loss of apical dominance, reduction of leaf size, production of callus at the basis of the shoots and absence of root development or development of green non-branching roots. The severity of the phenotype correlated well with the level of ipt gene expression, as measured by northern analysis. Transformants with a severe phenotype also exhibited increased levels of zeatin riboside, but zeatin levels were not elevated. The increase in endogenous zeatin riboside levels in the ls mutant did not restore axillary meristem formation, but sometimes bulbous structures were formed in the initially ‘empty’ leaf axils. Several adventitious meristems and shoots developed from below the surface of these structures. It is concluded that a reduced level of cytokinins in the ls mutant shoots is not responsible for the absence of axillary meristem formation.  相似文献   
Summary The contribution of introgressed regions derived from wild species to the genetic variation within the species of Lycopersicon esculentum was investigated by comparing the RFLP patterns of 2 introgression-free, obsolete cultivars (Moneymaker and Premier) and a modern cultivar (Sonatine) that carries at least 5 introgressed resistance genes. In this analysis 195 mapped nuclear markers were used in combination with 6 restriction enzymes. Among the 1170 probe-enzyme combinations tested, only 3 showed a polymorphism between the 2 introgression-free cultivars. On the other hand 24 probe-enzyme combinations were found to exhibit polymorphisms between Moneymaker and Sonatine. These represented ten polymorphic loci distributed among 5 linkage groups on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6, and 9.On the assumption that most of the polymorphic loci corresponded to introgressed chromosome segments of wild species carrying resistance genes, linkages between these loci and the component resistance genes were examined by RFLP analysis of pairs of near-isogenic lines differing only for one particular resistance gene, and a variety of commercial cultivars having different resistance gene compositions. Two of the polymorphic linkage groups could thus be ascribed to resistance genes whose map positions were already known: Cf2 on chromosome 6 and Tm2a on chromosome 9, whereas another marker, TG301 on chromosome 1, could be assigned to the Cladosporium fulvum resistance gene Cf9 with a hitherto disputable map position. By linkage analysis of a segregating F2 population the genetic distance between the Cf9 gene and the marker TG301 was estimated at 5.5 ± 2.3 cM.  相似文献   
Summary Plants were regenerated from leaf, cotyledon, and hypocotyl explants of tomato cv Moneymaker. Various phenotypic alterations were observed among regenerated plants (R1), but were not transmitted to the progenies, except for ploidy variation. Variation in ploidy level, mainly tetraploidy, occurred in R1 plants and their R2 progenies, and the frequency of polyploid plants depended on the explant source. More than 50% of the regenerants derived from hypocotyl explants were found to be polyploid. A correlation was observed between the percentage of polyploid cells present in the explant material in vivo and the frequency of polyploid plants. Several monogenic mutations were recovered in the R2, four of which were shown to be allelic to known, recessive, single-gene mutants. No significant effect of explant source or duration of tissue culture period on mutant frequency or spectrum was found. For several mutant types that could be scored unambiguously, somaclonal variation was compared to variation induced by treatment of seeds with ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS). The results showed that the mutant frequencies were higher after EMS treatment than those generated through tissue culture. With respect to the mutant spectrum, no clear differences were observed between the spectra obtained after EMS treatment and those after tissue culture. However, tissue culture gave rise to polyploid plants, whereas no ploidy variants occurred after EMS treatment.  相似文献   
Tomato powdery mildew caused by Oidium neolycopersici has become a globally important disease of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). To study the defense responses of tomato triggered by tomato powdery mildew, we first mapped a set of resistance genes to O. neolycopersici from related Lycopersicon species. An integrated genetic map was generated showing that all the dominant resistance genes (Ol-1, Ol-3, Ol-4, Ol-5, and Ol-6) are located on tomato chromosome 6 and are organized in three genetic loci. Then, near-isogenic lines (NIL) were produced that contain the different dominant Ol genes in a L. esculentum genetic background. These NIL were used in disease tests with local isolates of O. neolycopersici in different geographic locations, demonstrating that the resistance conferred by different Ol genes was isolate-dependent and, hence, may be race-specific. In addition, the resistance mechanism was analyzed histologically. The mechanism of resistance conferred by the dominant Ol genes was associated with hypersensitive response, which varies in details depending on the Ol-gene in the NIL, while the mechanism of resistance governed by the recessive gene ol-2 on tomato chromosome 4 was associated with papillae formation.  相似文献   
In order to map genes determining resistance to bacterial canker in tomato, backcrosses were made between a resistant and a susceptible Lycopersicon peruvianum accession. The linkage study with RFLP markers yielded a genetic map of L. Peruvianum. This map was compared to that derived from a L. esculentum x L. pennellii F2 population, based on 70 shared RFLP markers. The maps showed a good resemblance in both the order of markers and the length of the chromosomes, with the exception of just one relocated marker on chromosome 9. Because backcrosses were made with the F1, either as the pollen parent or as the pistil parent, linkage maps from male and female meioses could be estimated. It was concluded that recombination at male meiosis was reduced, and that gametophytic selection for parental genotypes at more than one locus per chromosome might be partly responsible for the reduction of the estimated male map length.  相似文献   
Summary Shoot regeneration from leaf discs and leaf mesophyll protoplasts of 11 genotypes of Lycopersicon esculentum (the cultivated tomato), were compared. In both regeneration procedures genotypic differences were observed between inbred lines, and also between F1 hybrids and their parental lines. In the tested hybrid genotypes no heterosis effect with respect to shoot regeneration capacity was observed. A correlation between shoot regeneration from leaf discs and from leaf mesophyll protoplasts was apparent in the tested genotypes. This suggests that using the described procedure, shoot regeneration from leaf discs can be usef for rapid pre-screening for regeneration capacity from protoplasts of tomato genotypes.  相似文献   
We have determined the rate constants of inactivation of factor Xa and thrombin by antithrombin III/heparin during the process of prothrombin activation. The second-order rate constant of inhibition of factor Xa alone by antithrombin III as determined by using the synthetic peptide substrate S-2337 was found to be 1.1 X 10(6) M-1 min-1. Factor Xa in prothrombin activation mixtures that contained prothrombin, and either saturating amounts of factor Va or phospholipid (20 mol % dioleoylphosphatidylserine/80 mol % dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, 10 microM), was inhibited by antithrombin III with a second-order rate constant that was essentially the same: 1.2 X 10(6) M-1 min-1. When both factor Va and phospholipid were present during prothrombin activation, factor Xa inhibition by antithrombin III was reduced about 10-fold, with a second-order rate constant of 1.3 X 10(5) M-1 min-1. Factor Xa in the prothrombin activation mixture that contained both factor Va and phospholipid was even more protected from inhibition by the antithrombin III-heparin complex. The first-order rate constants of these reactions at 200 nM antithrombin III and normalized to heparin at 1 microgram/mL were 0.33 and 9.5 min-1 in the presence and absence of factor Va and phospholipid, respectively. When the prothrombin concentration was varied widely around the Km for prothrombin, this had no effect on the first-order rate constants of inhibition. It is our conclusion that factor Xa when acting in prothrombinase on prothrombin is profoundly protected from inhibition by antithrombin III in the absence as well as in the presence of heparin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We investigated the kinetics of the inhibitory action of antithrombin III and antithrombin III plus heparin during the activation of factor X by factor IXa. Generation and inactivation curves were fitted to a three-parameter two-exponentional model to determine the pseudo first-order rate constants of inhibition of factor IXa and factor Xa by antithrombin III/heparin. In the absence of heparin, the second-order rate constant of inhibition of factor Xa generated by factor IXa was 2.5-fold lower than the rate constant of inhibition of exogenous factor Xa. It appeared that phospholipid-bound factor X protected factor Xa from inactivation by antithrombin III. It is, as yet, unclear whether an active site or a nonactive site interaction between factor Xa and factor X at the phospholipid surface is involved. The inactivation of factor IXa by antithrombin III was found to be very slow and was not affected by phospholipid, calcium, and/or factor X. With unfractionated heparin above 40 ng/ml and antithrombin III at 200 nM, the apparent second-order rate constant of inhibition of exogenous and generated factor Xa were the same. Thus, in this case phospholipid-bound factor X did not protect factor Xa from inhibition. In the presence of synthetic pentasaccharide heparin, however, phospholipid-bound factor X reduced the rate constant about 5-fold. Pentasaccharide had no effect on the factor IXa/antithrombin III reaction. Unfractionated heparin (1 micrograms/ml) stimulated the antithrombin III-dependent inhibition of factor IXa during factor X activation 400-fold. In the absence of reaction components this stimulated was 65-fold. We established that calcium stimulated the heparin-dependent inhibition of factor IXa.  相似文献   
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