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Production of cGMP in bacteria has been studied since the early 1970s. From the beginning on it proved to be a challenging topic. In Escherichia coli the cGMP levels were two orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding cAMP levels. Furthermore, no specific cGMP receptor protein was identified in the bacterium and a physiological role of cGMP in the bacterium was not substantiated. Consequently in 1977, compelling evidence was given that cGMP is a by-product of E. coli adenylate cyclase in vivo. This may be the reason why also work on cGMP in other bacteria like Bacillus licheniformis and Caulobacter crescentus was not pursued any further. However, recent study on cGMP and guanylate cyclase in the cyanobacterium Synechocysis PCC 6803 brought cGMP signaling in bacteria back to attention. In Synechocystis cGMP levels are of similar magnitude as those of cAMP and deletion of the cya2 gene markedly reduced the amount of cGMP without affecting cAMP. A few months ago the Cya2 gene product has been biochemically and structurally characterized. It behaves as a specific guanylate cyclase in vitro and a single amino acid substitution transforms the enzyme into a specific adenylate cyclase. These data point toward the existence of a true bacterial cGMP-signaling pathway, which needs to be explored and established by future experiments.  相似文献   
Biparental care is common in birds, with the allocation of effort being highly variable between the sexes. In most songbird species, the female typically provides the most care early in the breeding cycle with both parents providing care when provisioning young. Food provisioning should be directly related to offspring quality; however, the relative influence each parent has on offspring quality has rarely been assessed at the nest level. Consequently, we were interested in assessing the relative influence male and female provisioning has on one measurement of offspring quality, nestling mass, in the black‐throated blue warbler Dendroica caerulescens. Over a six year period, 2003–2008, we collected information on average nestling mass per brood on day 6 of the nestling cycle and parental provisioning rates on day 7 of the nestling cycle from 182 first brood nests on three different study plots. We found that average nestling mass was directly related to male provisioning rate, while it was not related to female provisioning rate. On the other hand, estimated biomass provisioned had little influence on average nestling mass, calling into question its utility in assessing parental quality. Finally, there was some indication that parental influence on average nestling mass was dependent on the other parent's provisioning rate, suggesting that parents work in concert to influence nestling quality.  相似文献   
Several extended-release methylphenidate medications are available for treatment of children with ADHD. Pharmacokinetic investigations suggest that the serum levels of methylphenidate are partially altered when the medication is taken without breakfast. Clinical data comparing different breakfast situations are missing. In this study, different breakfast compositions and their influence on treatment with Ritalin LA are investigated. A total of 150 patients were enrolled in a rater-blinded, randomized crossover trial that compared a minimal breakfast with a standard breakfast in patients under stable treatment with Ritalin LA. Ratings for clinical efficacy were carried out after 1 week by teachers and parents (FBB-ADHS), as well as physicians (CGI). Additionally, a math test was administered to the patients. Of the total patients, 144 finished the trial with a breakfast compliance of 93%. All of the clinical rating scales showed consistently no difference between the two breakfast conditions. Non-inferiority of minimal breakfast versus standard breakfast was shown to be statistically significant (FBB-AHDS(Teacher): 0.97 with minimal breakfast, 1.01 with standard breakfast, P < 0.0001). The clinical efficacy of Ritalin LA is not influenced by breakfast and works independently of food intake.  相似文献   
BATO (boronic acid adduct of technetium dioximes) complexes, TcCl(dioxime)3BR, were prepared in which the boron substituent (R) was the protein-reactive 2-carboxy-4-phenyl isothiocyanate (CPITC). The 99Tc complexes, where the dioxime was either dimethylglyoxime (DMG) or cyclohexanedione dioxime (CDO), were prepared and characterized. The 99mTc complex TcCl(DMG)3CPITC was prepared from a freeze-dried kit and used to label B72.3 (anti-TAG.72) and NP-4 (anti-CEA) whole antibodies, and the NP-4 F(ab')2 fragment. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis indicated that the labeling reagent was strongly bound to antibody. The labeled antibodies displayed high binding to affinity columns and good tumor uptake in GW39 tumor-bearing mice.  相似文献   
We have identified a highly conserved phenylalanine in motif IV of the DEAD-box helicases that is important for their enzymatic activities. In vivo analyses of essential proteins in yeast showed that mutants of this residue had severe growth phenotypes. Most of the mutants also were temperature sensitive, which suggested that the mutations altered the conformational stability. Intragenic suppressors of the F405L mutation in yeast Ded1 mapped close to regions of the protein involved in ATP or RNA binding in DEAD-box crystal structures, which implicated a defect at this level. In vitro experiments showed that these mutations affected ATP binding and hydrolysis as well as strand displacement activity. However, the most pronounced effect was the loss of the ATP-dependent cooperative binding of the RNA substrates. Sequence analyses and an examination of the Protein Data Bank showed that the motif IV phenylalanine is conserved among superfamily 2 helicases. The phenylalanine appears to be an anchor that maintains the rigidity of the RecA-like domain. For DEAD-box proteins, the phenylalanine also aligns a highly conserved arginine of motif VI through van der Waals and cation-pi interactions, thereby helping to maintain the network of interactions that exist between the different motifs involved in ATP and RNA binding.  相似文献   
Novel cationic amphiphilic compounds were prepared from vernonia oil, a natural epoxidized triglyceride, and studied with respect to vesicle formation, encapsulation of biomaterials such as DNA, and their physical stability and transport through isolated plant cuticle membranes. The amphiphiles studied were a single-headed compound III (a quaternary ammonium head group with two alkyl chains) and a triple-headed compound IV, which is essentially three molecules of compound III bound together through a glycerol moiety. Vesicles of the two amphiphiles, prepared by sonication in water and solutions of uranyl acetate or the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichloropenoxy acetic acid), were examined by TEM, SEM, AFM, and confocal laser systems and had a spherical shape which encapsulated the solutes with diameters between 40 and 110 nm. Vesicles from amphiphile IV could be made large enough to encapsulate a condensed 5.2kb DNA plasmid (pJD328). Vesicles of amphiphile IV were also shown to pass intact across isolated plant cuticle membranes and the rate of delivery of encapsulated radio-labeled 2,4-D through isolated plant cuticle membranes obtained with these vesicles was clearly greater in comparison to liposomes prepared from dipalmitopyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and the control, nonencapsulated 2,4-D. Vesicles from amphiphiles III and IV were found to be more stable than those of liposomes from DPPC. The data indicate the potential of vesicles prepared from the novel amphiphile IV to be a relatively efficient nano-scale delivery system to transport DNA and other bioactive agents through plant biological barriers. This scientific approach may open the way for further development of efficient in vivo plant transformation systems.  相似文献   
The universal secondary messenger cAMP is produced by adenylyl cyclases (ACs). Most bacterial and all eukaryotic ACs belong to class III of six divergent classes. A class III characteristic is formation of the catalytic pocket at a dimer interface and the presence of additional regulatory domains. Mycobacterium tuberculosis possesses 15 class III ACs, including Rv1264, which is activated at acidic pH due to pH-dependent structural transitions of the Rv1264 dimer. It has been shown by X-ray crystallography that the N-terminal regulatory and C-terminal catalytic domains of Rv1264 interact in completely different ways in the active and inhibited states. Here, we report an in-depth structural and functional analysis of the regulatory domain of Rv1264. The 1.6 A resolution crystal structure shows the protein in a tight, disk-shaped dimer, formed around a helical bundle, and involving a protein chain crossover. To understand pH regulation, we determined structures at acidic and basic pH values and employed structure-based mutagenesis in the holoenzyme to elucidate regulation using an AC activity assay. It has been shown that regulatory and catalytic domains must be linked in a single protein chain. The new studies demonstrate that the length of the linker segment is decisive for regulation. Several amino acids on the surface of the regulatory domain, when exchanged, altered the pH-dependence of AC activity. However, these residues are not conserved amongst a number of related ACs. The closely related mycobacterial Rv2212, but not Rv1264, is strongly activated by the addition of fatty acids. The structure resolved the presence of a deeply embedded fatty acid, characterised as oleic acid by mass spectrometry, which may serve as a hinge. From these data, we conclude that the regulatory domain is a structural scaffold used for distinct regulatory purposes.  相似文献   
Improved ways to cleave peptide chains at engineered sites easily and specifically would form useful tools for biochemical research. Uses of such methods include the activation or inactivation of enzymes or the removal of tags for enhancement of recombinant protein expression or tags used for purification of recombinant proteins. In this work we show by gel electrophoresis and mass spectroscopy that salts of Co(II) and Cu(II) can be used to cleave fusion proteins specifically at sites where sequences of His residues have been introduced by protein engineering. The His residues could be either consecutive or spaced with other amino acids in between. The cleavage reaction required the presence of low concentrations of ascorbate and in the case of Cu(II) also hydrogen peroxide. The amount of metal ions required for cleavage was very low; in the case of Cu(II) only one to two molar equivalents of Cu(II) to protein was required. In the case of Co(II), 10 molar equivalents gave optimal cleavage. The reaction occurred within minutes, at a wide pH range, and efficiently at temperatures ranging from 0 degrees C to 70 degrees C. The work described here can also have implications for understanding protein stability in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
Reproductive costs are an essential component of evolutionary theory. For instance, an increase in reproduction is generally coupled with a decrease in immunocompetence shortly after mating. However, recent work in Drosophila melanogaster suggests that the potential to mount an immune response, as measured by the levels of immune gene expression, increases after mating. These data are in contrast to previous studies, which suggest that mating can reduce a fly's ability to survive an actual bacterial challenge (realized immunity). This pattern may be driven by some aspect of mating, independent of resource limitation, which reduces immune function by inhibiting the effective deployment of immune gene products. Though several studies have examined both the potential and the realized immunity after mating, none have examined these immune measures simultaneously. Here, we examined the link between the potential and the realized immunity in a sterile mutant of D. melanogaster. Shortly after mating, we found that female immune gene expression was high, but survival against infection was low. Surprisingly, this pattern was reversed within 24 h. Thus, estimates of immunity based on gene expression do not appear to reflect an actual ability to defend against pathogens in the hours following copulation. We discuss the possible mechanisms that may account for this pattern.  相似文献   
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