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Contrasting patterns of radiation in African and Australian Restionaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The floras of the Mediterranean-climate areas of southern Africa and southwestern Australia are remarkably species rich. Because the two areas are at similar latitudes and in similar positions on their respective continents, they have probably had similar Cenozoic climatic histories. Here we test the prediction that the evolution of the species richness in the two areas followed a similar temporal progression by comparing the rates of lineage accumulation for African and Australian Restionaceae. Restionaceae (Poales) are typical and often dominant elements in the fynbos vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa and the kwongan vegetation of the Southwestern Floristic Province of Western Australia. The phylogeny of the family was estimated from combined datasets for rbcL and trnL-F sequences and a large morphological dataset; these datasets are largely congruent. The monophyly of Restionaceae is supported and a basal division into an African clade (approximately 350 species) and an Australian clade (146 species) corroborated. There is also support for a futher subdivision of these two large sister-clades, but the terminal resolution within the African clade is very weak. Fossil pollen records provided a minimum age of the common ancestor of Australian and African Restionaceae as 64-71 million years ago, and this date was used to calibrate a molecular clock. A molecular clock was rejected by a likelihood ratio test; therefore, rate changes between the lineages were smoothed using nonparametric rate smoothing. The rate-corrected ages were used to construct a plot of lineages through time. During the Palaeogene the Australian lineage diversity increased consistent with the predictions of the constant birthrate model, while the African lineage diversity showed a dramatic increase in diversification rate in the Miocene. Incomplete sampling obscures the patterns in the Neogene, but extending the trends to the modern extant diversity suggests that this acceleration in the speciation rate continued in the African clade, whereas the Australian clade retained a constant diversification rate. The substantial morphological and anatomical similarity between the African and Australian Restionaceae appear to preclude morphological innovations as possible explanations for the intercontinental differences. Most likely these differences are due to the greater geographical extent and ecological variation in temperate Australia than temperate Africa, which might have provided refugia for basal Restionaceae lineages, whereas the more mountainous terrain of southern Africa might have provided the selective regimes for a more rapid, recent speciation.  相似文献   
We have here examined ionizing radiation (IR)-induced apoptotic signaling in one IR-sensitive small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and one resistant non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cell line, both harboring mutant p53. In the sensitive SCLC cell line, IR induced conformational modulation of Bak and Bax, mitochondrial depolarization, and nuclear fragmentation. These events were not observed in the IR-resistant NSCLC cell line. However, in the same cells, cisplatin, a DNA-damaging drug, induced Bak and Bax modulation, mitochondrial depolarization, and nuclear fragmentation. Pre-mitochondrial signaling events were examined in order to further characterize the differing IR response. In the SCLC cell line, IR-induced apoptotic signaling was found to involve a MEKK1-related pathway and activation of the stress-activated kinases JNK and p38. In comparison, the NSCLC cell line had higher basal levels of activity of JNK and p38, and IR treatment did not further activate these kinases. However, NSCLC cells were sensitive to Bak modulation and apoptosis induced by a kinase-active mutant of MEKK1. Together, the results delineate a mechanism of IR resistance in NSCLC cells and indicate that IR and cisplatin induce Bak modulation and apoptosis via different pathways.  相似文献   
Linder CC 《Lab animal》2001,30(5):34-39
In recent years, the use of genetically altered mice as models of complex human disease has revolutionized biomedical research into the genetics of disease pathogenesis and potential therapeutic interventions. Whether a mouse expresses a spontaneous or induced mutation, it is critical to remember that the observed phenotype is not always the direct result of the genetic alteration. The author points out the importance of considering the genetic background of the strain used to create these important models.  相似文献   
The Yersinia outer surface protein invasin binds to β1 integrins on target cells and has been shown to trigger phagocytic uptake by macrophages. Here, we investigated the role of the actin regulator Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp), its effector the Arp2/3 complex and the Rho-GTPases CDC42Hs, Rac and Rho in invasin/β1 integrin-triggered phagocytosis. During uptake of invasin-coated latex beads, the α5β1 integrin, WASp and the Arp2/3 complex were recruited to the developing actin-rich phagocytic cups in primary human macrophages. Blockage of β1 integrins by specific antibodies, inhibition of Arp2/3 function by microinjection of inhibitors or the use of WASp knockout macrophages inhibited phagocytic cup formation and uptake. Furthermore, microinjection of the dominant negative GTPase mutants N17CDC42Hs, N17Rac or the Rho-specific inhibitor C3-transferase into macrophages greatly attenuated invasin-induced formation of cups. These data suggest that during invasin-triggered phagocytosis β1 integrins activate actin polymerization via CDC42Hs, its effector WASp and the Arp2/3 complex. The contribution of Rac and Rho to phagocytic cup formation also suggests a complex interplay between different Rho GTPases during phagocytosis of pathogens.  相似文献   
In chromosomal rearrangements of acute myeloid leukaemia patients the mixed lineage leukaemia (MLL) gene, a human homolog of the Drosophila gene trithorax, is frequently fused to AF10. Here we describe the identification and a functional characterization of the Drosophila homolog dAF10. We show that dAF10 functions in heterochromatin-dependent genomic silencing of position effect variegation, a phenomenon associated with chromosomal rearrangements that cause mosaic expression of euchromatic genes when relocated next to heterochromatin. We also demonstrate that dAF10 can associate with the heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) in vitro and in vivo. The results indicate that dAF10 is an HP1-interacting component of the heterochromatin-dependent gene silencing pathway, which either contributes to the stability of the heterochromatin complex or to its function.  相似文献   
Studies of immune deficiencies have a history as long as that of immunology. However, reports of two key spontaneous recessive mutations in mice (nude in 1966-1968 and scid in 1983) laid the foundations for widespread application of immune-deficient rodents to a broad range of research topics. More recently, technologies modifying the mouse genome by transgenesis, gene ablation and crossbreeding for lines with multiple immune deficits have provided a large number of new types of immunologically impaired mice. The primary goals of this overview are to help non-immunologists understand key differences between some of the immunodeficient strains, develop an appreciation for the value of information derived from immunodeficient mouse-based research and to encourage expanded, creative use of these specialized research animals. Secondary goals are to promote greater awareness of unexpected outcomes that can arise when working with genetically immune-deficient mice, the need for vigilance in maintaining these research animals, and the care required in interpretation of the data that immune-deficient modeling provides. Two illustrations on developing appropriate immune deficient animal models for a new research application conclude the review.  相似文献   
Hydrophobins are surface-active proteins produced by filamentous fungi, where they seem to be ubiquitous. They have a variety of roles in fungal physiology related to surface phenomena, such as adhesion, formation of surface layers, and lowering of surface tension. Hydrophobins can be divided into two classes based on the hydropathy profile of their primary sequence. We have studied the adhesion behavior of two Trichoderma reesei class II hydrophobins, HFBI and HFBII, as isolated proteins and as fusion proteins. Both hydrophobins were produced as C-terminal fusions to the core of the hydrolytic enzyme endoglucanase I from the same organism. It was shown that as a fusion partner, HFBI causes the fusion protein to efficiently immobilize to hydrophobic surfaces, such as silanized glass and Teflon. The properties of the surface-bound protein were analyzed by the enzymatic activity of the endoglucanase domain, by surface plasmon resonance (Biacore), and by a quartz crystal microbalance. We found that the HFBI fusion forms a tightly bound, rigid surface layer on a hydrophobic support. The HFBI domain also causes the fusion protein to polymerize in solution, possibly to a decamer. Although isolated HFBII binds efficiently to surfaces, it does not cause immobilization as a fusion partner, nor does it cause polymerization of the fusion protein in solution. The findings give new information on how hydrophobins function and how they can be used to immobilize fusion proteins.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to modify the cell surface properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression of the HFBI hydrophobin of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei on the yeast cell surface. The second aim was to study the immobilization capacity of the modified cells. Fusion to the Flo1p flocculin was used to target the HFBI moiety to the cell wall. Determination of cell surface characteristics with contact angle and zeta potential measurements indicated that HFBI-producing cells are more apolar and slightly less negatively charged than the parent cells. Adsorption of the yeast cells to different commercial supports was studied. A twofold increase in the binding affinity of the hydrophobin-producing yeast to hydrophobic silicone-based materials was observed, while no improvement in the interaction with hydrophilic carriers could be seen compared to that of the parent cells. Hydrophobic interactions between the yeast cells and the support are suggested to play a major role in attachment. Also, a slight increase in the initial adsorption rate of the hydrophobin yeast was observed. Furthermore, due to the engineered cell surface, hydrophobin-producing yeast cells were efficiently separated in an aqueous two-phase system by using a nonionic polyoxyethylene detergent, C(12-18)EO(5).  相似文献   
G proteins interact with effectors at multiple sites and regulate their activity. The functional significance of multiple contact points is not well understood. We previously identified three residues on distinct surfaces of Gbetagamma that are crucial for G protein-coupled inward rectifier K(+) (GIRK) channel activation. Here we show that mutations at these sites, S67K, S98T, and T128F, abolished or reduced direct GIRK current activation in inside-out patches, but, surprisingly, all mutants synergized with sodium in activating K(+) currents. Each of the three Gbeta(1) mutants bound the channel indicating that the defects reflected mainly functional impairments. We tested these mutants for functional interactions with effectors other than K(+) channels. With N-type calcium channels, Gbetagamma wild type and mutants all inhibited basal currents. A depolarizing pre-pulse relieved Gbetagamma inhibition of Ca(2+) currents by the wild type and the S98T and T128F mutants but not the S67K mutant. Both wild type and mutant Gbetagamma subunits activated phospholipase C beta(2) with similar potencies; however, the S67K mutant showed reduced maximal activity. These data establish a pattern where mutations can alter the Gbetagamma regulation of a specific effector function without affecting other Gbetagamma-mediated functions. Moreover, Ser-67 showed this pattern in all three effectors tested, suggesting that this residue participates in a common functional domain on Gbeta(1) that regulates several effectors. These data show that distinct domains within Gbetagamma subserve specific functional roles.  相似文献   
The gene cyaB1 from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 codes for a protein consisting of two N-terminal GAF domains (GAF-A and GAF-B), a PAS domain and a class III adenylyl cyclase catalytic domain. The catalytic domain is active as a homodimer, as demonstrated by reconstitution from complementary inactive point mutants. The specific activity of the holoenyzme increased exponentially with time because the product cAMP activated dose dependently and nucleotide specifically (half-maximally at 1 microM), identifying cAMP as a novel GAF domain ligand. Using point mutants of either the GAF-A or GAF-B domain revealed that cAMP activated via the GAF-B domain. We replaced the cyanobacterial GAF domain ensemble in cyaB1 with the tandem GAF-A/GAF-B assemblage from the rat cGMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase type 2, and converted cyaB1 to a cGMP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. This demonstrated the functional conservation of the GAF domain ensemble since the divergence of bacterial and eukaryotic lineages >2 billion years ago. In cyanobacteria, cyaB1 may act as a cAMP switch to stabilize committed developmental decisions.  相似文献   
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