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Contrasting patterns of radiation in African and Australian Restionaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The floras of the Mediterranean-climate areas of southern Africa and southwestern Australia are remarkably species rich. Because the two areas are at similar latitudes and in similar positions on their respective continents, they have probably had similar Cenozoic climatic histories. Here we test the prediction that the evolution of the species richness in the two areas followed a similar temporal progression by comparing the rates of lineage accumulation for African and Australian Restionaceae. Restionaceae (Poales) are typical and often dominant elements in the fynbos vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa and the kwongan vegetation of the Southwestern Floristic Province of Western Australia. The phylogeny of the family was estimated from combined datasets for rbcL and trnL-F sequences and a large morphological dataset; these datasets are largely congruent. The monophyly of Restionaceae is supported and a basal division into an African clade (approximately 350 species) and an Australian clade (146 species) corroborated. There is also support for a futher subdivision of these two large sister-clades, but the terminal resolution within the African clade is very weak. Fossil pollen records provided a minimum age of the common ancestor of Australian and African Restionaceae as 64-71 million years ago, and this date was used to calibrate a molecular clock. A molecular clock was rejected by a likelihood ratio test; therefore, rate changes between the lineages were smoothed using nonparametric rate smoothing. The rate-corrected ages were used to construct a plot of lineages through time. During the Palaeogene the Australian lineage diversity increased consistent with the predictions of the constant birthrate model, while the African lineage diversity showed a dramatic increase in diversification rate in the Miocene. Incomplete sampling obscures the patterns in the Neogene, but extending the trends to the modern extant diversity suggests that this acceleration in the speciation rate continued in the African clade, whereas the Australian clade retained a constant diversification rate. The substantial morphological and anatomical similarity between the African and Australian Restionaceae appear to preclude morphological innovations as possible explanations for the intercontinental differences. Most likely these differences are due to the greater geographical extent and ecological variation in temperate Australia than temperate Africa, which might have provided refugia for basal Restionaceae lineages, whereas the more mountainous terrain of southern Africa might have provided the selective regimes for a more rapid, recent speciation.  相似文献   
The Yersinia outer surface protein invasin binds to β1 integrins on target cells and has been shown to trigger phagocytic uptake by macrophages. Here, we investigated the role of the actin regulator Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp), its effector the Arp2/3 complex and the Rho-GTPases CDC42Hs, Rac and Rho in invasin/β1 integrin-triggered phagocytosis. During uptake of invasin-coated latex beads, the α5β1 integrin, WASp and the Arp2/3 complex were recruited to the developing actin-rich phagocytic cups in primary human macrophages. Blockage of β1 integrins by specific antibodies, inhibition of Arp2/3 function by microinjection of inhibitors or the use of WASp knockout macrophages inhibited phagocytic cup formation and uptake. Furthermore, microinjection of the dominant negative GTPase mutants N17CDC42Hs, N17Rac or the Rho-specific inhibitor C3-transferase into macrophages greatly attenuated invasin-induced formation of cups. These data suggest that during invasin-triggered phagocytosis β1 integrins activate actin polymerization via CDC42Hs, its effector WASp and the Arp2/3 complex. The contribution of Rac and Rho to phagocytic cup formation also suggests a complex interplay between different Rho GTPases during phagocytosis of pathogens.  相似文献   
The gene cyaB1 from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 codes for a protein consisting of two N-terminal GAF domains (GAF-A and GAF-B), a PAS domain and a class III adenylyl cyclase catalytic domain. The catalytic domain is active as a homodimer, as demonstrated by reconstitution from complementary inactive point mutants. The specific activity of the holoenyzme increased exponentially with time because the product cAMP activated dose dependently and nucleotide specifically (half-maximally at 1 microM), identifying cAMP as a novel GAF domain ligand. Using point mutants of either the GAF-A or GAF-B domain revealed that cAMP activated via the GAF-B domain. We replaced the cyanobacterial GAF domain ensemble in cyaB1 with the tandem GAF-A/GAF-B assemblage from the rat cGMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase type 2, and converted cyaB1 to a cGMP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. This demonstrated the functional conservation of the GAF domain ensemble since the divergence of bacterial and eukaryotic lineages >2 billion years ago. In cyanobacteria, cyaB1 may act as a cAMP switch to stabilize committed developmental decisions.  相似文献   
Guanylyl cyclases in eukaryotic unicells were biochemically investigated in the ciliates Paramecium and Tetrahymena, in the malaria parasite Plasmodium and in the ameboid Dictyostelium. In ciliates guanylyl cyclase activity is calcium-regulated suggesting a structural kinship to similarly regulated membrane-bound guanylyl cyclases in vertebrates. Yet, cloning of ciliate guanylyl cyclases revealed a novel combination of known modular building blocks. Two cyclase homology domains are inversely arranged in a topology of mammalian adenylyl cyclases, containing two cassettes of six transmembrane spans. In addition the protozoan guanylyl cyclases contain an N-terminal P-type ATPase-like domain. Sequence comparisons indicate a compromised ATPase function. The adopted novel function remains enigmatic to date. The topology of the guanylyl cyclase domain in all protozoans investigated is identical. A recently identified Dictyostelium guanylyl cyclase lacks the N-terminal P-type ATPase domain. The close functional relation of Paramecium guanylyl cyclases to mammalian adenylyl cyclases has been established by heterologous expression, respective point mutations and a series of active mammalian adenylyl cyclase/Paramecium guanylyl cyclase chimeras. The unique structure of protozoan guanylyl cyclases suggests that unexpectedly they do not share a common guanylyl cyclase ancestor with their vertebrate congeners but probably originated from an ancestral mammalian-type adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   
Modern genetic engineering technologies enable us to manipulate the mouse genome in increasingly complex ways to model human biology and disease. As a result, the number of mouse strains carrying transgenes or induced mutations has increased markedly. Thorough understanding of strain and gene nomenclature is essential to ensure that investigators know what kind of mouse they have, and what to expect in terms of phenotype. Genetically engineered mice alter gene function by over-expressing, eliminating, or modifying a gene product. The resulting phenotype is often unexpected and not completely understood, necessitating special care and potentially complex breeding and husbandry strategies. Animal care technicians responsible for routine maintenance of the colony, facility managers, veterinarians, and research personnel working with mice should be well informed about the nature of the mutation, distinguishing characteristics, and necessary precautions in handling the mice. Personnel working with mice also must be aware of the multitude of factors intrinsic to the mouse and present in the environment that can influence reproductive performance. Finally, diligent adherence to the maintenance of genetic quality in conjunction with cryopreservation of germplasm is the best insurance against loss of a colony.  相似文献   
RGS4 binds to membranes through an amphipathic alpha -helix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RGS4, a mammalian GTPase-activating protein for G protein alpha subunits, requires its N-terminal 33 amino acids for plasma membrane localization and biological activity (Srinivasa, S. P., Bernstein, L. S., Blumer, K. J., and Linder, M. E. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 5584-5589). In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the N-terminal domain mediates membrane binding by forming an amphipathic alpha-helix. RGS4 bound to liposomes containing anionic phospholipids in a manner dependent on the first 33 amino acids. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of a peptide corresponding to amino acids 1-31 of RGS4 revealed that the peptide adopted an alpha-helical conformation in the presence of anionic phospholipids. Point mutations that either neutralized positive charges on the hydrophilic face or substituted polar residues on the hydrophobic face of the model helix disrupted plasma membrane targeting and biological activity of RGS4 expressed in yeast. Recombinant mutant proteins were active as GTPase-activating proteins in solution but exhibited diminished binding to anionic liposomes. Peptides corresponding to mutants with the most pronounced phenotypes were also defective in forming an alpha-helix as measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy. These results support a model for direct interaction of RGS4 with membranes through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions of an N-terminal alpha-helix.  相似文献   
To investigate the reproductive regulation of the ridgeback shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis, vitellin (Vn) synthesis was studied. Using gel filtration chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Vn was found to have a molecular mass of 322 kDa and to be composed of three subunits of 182, 91 and 85 kDa. Purified Vn was used to prepare anti-Vn antiserum, which was used to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a dynamic range of 0.3-300 ng. The ELISA was used to measure hemolymph levels of yolk proteins. The mean hemolymph concentrations in fresh caught animals ranged from 256 (+/-36.6 S.E.M.) to 1073 (+/-87.6 S.E.M.) mg/ml in stage 2 and 4 animals, respectively. The ELISA was also used to determine the effects of steroid hormone injections in adult non-reproductive female shrimp. One milligram injections of progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone or 17beta-estradiol were administered for three consecutive days to individual females. There were no changes in hemolymph vitellogenin levels during the successive 7-day period following the first injection of any steroid.  相似文献   
Production of cGMP in bacteria has been studied since the early 1970s. From the beginning on it proved to be a challenging topic. In Escherichia coli the cGMP levels were two orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding cAMP levels. Furthermore, no specific cGMP receptor protein was identified in the bacterium and a physiological role of cGMP in the bacterium was not substantiated. Consequently in 1977, compelling evidence was given that cGMP is a by-product of E. coli adenylate cyclase in vivo. This may be the reason why also work on cGMP in other bacteria like Bacillus licheniformis and Caulobacter crescentus was not pursued any further. However, recent study on cGMP and guanylate cyclase in the cyanobacterium Synechocysis PCC 6803 brought cGMP signaling in bacteria back to attention. In Synechocystis cGMP levels are of similar magnitude as those of cAMP and deletion of the cya2 gene markedly reduced the amount of cGMP without affecting cAMP. A few months ago the Cya2 gene product has been biochemically and structurally characterized. It behaves as a specific guanylate cyclase in vitro and a single amino acid substitution transforms the enzyme into a specific adenylate cyclase. These data point toward the existence of a true bacterial cGMP-signaling pathway, which needs to be explored and established by future experiments.  相似文献   
Several extended-release methylphenidate medications are available for treatment of children with ADHD. Pharmacokinetic investigations suggest that the serum levels of methylphenidate are partially altered when the medication is taken without breakfast. Clinical data comparing different breakfast situations are missing. In this study, different breakfast compositions and their influence on treatment with Ritalin LA are investigated. A total of 150 patients were enrolled in a rater-blinded, randomized crossover trial that compared a minimal breakfast with a standard breakfast in patients under stable treatment with Ritalin LA. Ratings for clinical efficacy were carried out after 1 week by teachers and parents (FBB-ADHS), as well as physicians (CGI). Additionally, a math test was administered to the patients. Of the total patients, 144 finished the trial with a breakfast compliance of 93%. All of the clinical rating scales showed consistently no difference between the two breakfast conditions. Non-inferiority of minimal breakfast versus standard breakfast was shown to be statistically significant (FBB-AHDS(Teacher): 0.97 with minimal breakfast, 1.01 with standard breakfast, P < 0.0001). The clinical efficacy of Ritalin LA is not influenced by breakfast and works independently of food intake.  相似文献   
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