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以现有乳酸菌信息为依据,利用汉字foxbase2.10进行数据处理,研制出一套乳酸菌微机检索软件。该软件的特点:检索速度快,途径灵活,增添、修改、删除、打印方便,各模块性能优良,实用性强。  相似文献   
磨盘山天然次生林凋落物数量及动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以磨盘山5.76hm2天然次生林群落固定监测样地为平台,均匀布设144个凋落物收集器,于2006年每月末(4—11月)连续收集其凋落物,用以分析群落尺度上的凋落物产量、组成及时空变化。结果表明,天然次生林年凋落量为3039.6 kg/hm2,以凋落叶(2499.2 kg/hm2)所占的比例最大,占年凋落量的82.22%,而凋落枝仅占年凋落量的9.92%,花果皮等所占比例更小,占总量的5%以下。1a内,凋落物收集器内共收集到42种树木的凋落叶,占样地内树种总数(46种)的91.30%,其中花曲柳(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)、核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)和蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)3个树种的凋落叶占落叶总量的82.97%,为叶凋落量的主要来源。不同收集器之间凋落量存在较大差异,99个收集器的年凋落量在200—400 g,2个收集器超过600 g;单个收集器全年最多可收集到19种树种的凋落叶,收集到凋落叶种数12种的收集器最多(29个)。凋落量月动态呈单峰型,69.78%的凋落量产生于9—10月份,叶凋落量月动态与凋落总量变化相同。落叶以秋季为主,但树种间叶凋落节律存在差异,其中核桃楸叶的凋落高峰集中在8—9月,花曲柳和春榆(Ulmus japonica)集中在9—10月,色木槭(Acer mono)为10月,蒙古栎叶为10—11月。  相似文献   
松嫩草原不同演替阶段大型土壤动物功能类群特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大型土壤动物处于整个土壤食物网的最顶端,其各功能类群控制着其他动物所需资源的有效性,是土壤生态系统的重要组成部分。为了查明松嫩草原大型土壤动物的功能类群特征,在2006年5—10月期间,逐月对松嫩草原羊草、羊草+虎尾草、虎尾草、碱茅、碱蓬和光碱斑6个演替阶段大型土壤动物的功能类群组成、结构、多样性等特征进行研究。依据其食性将该区土壤动物划分为杂食性、植食性、捕食性和腐食性4个功能类群其中,杂食性土壤动物个体密度所占比例最多为39.16%,植食性土壤动物的类群数所占比例最多为50.00%,腐食性土壤动物个体密度和类群数所占比例均最小,分别为8.09%和12.82%。各功能类群土壤动物个体密度和类群数的相关性不显著(P0.05)。从水平结构来看,总体上各功能类群土壤动物在羊草群落和羊草+虎尾草群落个体密度和类群数较多,在无植被的光碱斑生境土壤动物的个体密度和类群数较少,植食性土壤动物的个体密度和类群数、杂食性土壤动物个体密度、腐食性土壤动物个体密度和类群数随着群落演替发生显著的变化(P0.01)。植食性和腐食性土壤动物个体密度和类群数相关性显著(P0.05)。垂直结构上,0—10 cm土层和20—30 cm土层除捕食性土壤动物个体密度以外,其它各功能类群土壤动物个体密度随着群落演替发生显著的变化(P0.05或P0.01);10—20 cm土层,除腐食性土壤动物个体密度以外,其它各功能类群土壤动物个体密度随着群落演替发生显著的变化(P0.05或P0.01)。0—10cm土层,植食性和杂食性土壤动物个体密度(P0.05)相关性显著;10—20 cm土层,植食性和腐食性土壤动物个体密度(P0.05)相关性显著。不同演替阶段对各功能类群土壤动物的多样性影响程度有所不同。4种功能类群土壤动物在羊草群落和光碱斑之间相似性指数较低,个体数量组成在演替初期的羊草群落和演替后期的光碱斑差异比较大。以上研究结果表明,松嫩草原不同退化演替阶段能够降低大型土壤动物功能类群组成和结构复杂性。  相似文献   
SINPV基因组酶切图谱及多角体基因的序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用限制性内切酶EcoRI、XabI、XhoI、BamHI、PstI、SacI、HidnⅢ、SmaI酶解斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒广州株基因组DNA,分别得到26、26、24、20、13、17、9、1条片段,并算得基因组平均大小为136.0kbp。以AcNPV多角体基因的部分读码框为探针,经Southem杂交将SINPV多角体基因定位于XbaIO片段上。将此片段克隆并序列分析,结果表明SI  相似文献   
柠檬酸合酶(citrate synthase 3, CS3)是细胞代谢途径中的关键酶之一,其活性调节着生物体的物质和能量代谢过程。本研究旨在从苹果全基因组中鉴定CS3基因家族成员,并进行生物信息学和表达模式分析,为研究苹果CS3基因的潜在功能提供理论基础。利用BLASTp基于GDR数据库鉴定苹果CS3家族成员,通过Pfam、SMART、MEGA5.0、clustalx.exe、ExPASy Proteomics Server、MEGAX、SOPMA、MEME和WoLF PSORT等软件分析CS3蛋白序列基本信息、亚细胞定位情况、结构域组成、系统进化关系以及染色体定位情况。利用酸含量的测定和实时荧光定量PCR (real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR)技术检测苹果6个CS3的组织表达和诱导表达特性。苹果CS3基因家族包含6个成员,这些CS3蛋白包括473−608个不等的氨基酸残基,等电点分布在7.21−8.82。亚细胞定位结果显示CS3蛋白分别定位在线粒体和叶绿体。系统进化分析可将其分为3类,各亚家族基因数量分别为2个。染色体定位结果显示,CS3基因分布在苹果不同的染色体上。蛋白二级结构以a-螺旋为主,其次是无规则卷曲,b-转角所占比例最小。筛选的6个家族成员在不同苹果组织中均有表达,整体表达趋势从高到低依次为MdCS3.4相对表达含量最高,MdCS3.6次之,其他家族成员相对表达量依次为MdCS3.3>MdCS3.2>MdCS3.1>MdCS3.5。qRT-PCR结果显示,MdCS3.1MdCS3.3基因在酸含量较低的‘成纪1号’果肉中相对表达量最高,酸含量较高的‘艾斯达’果肉中MdCS3.2MdCS3.3基因相对表达量最高。因此,本研究对不同苹果品种中CS3基因相对表达量进行了检测,并分析了其在苹果果实酸合成过程中的作用。结果表明,CS3基因在不同苹果品种中的相对表达量存在差异,为后续研究苹果品质形成机制提供了参考。  相似文献   
KP167 is a novel hypoxia‐activated prodrug (HAP), targeting cancer cells via DNA intercalating and alkylating properties. The single agent and radiosensitizing efficacy of KP167 and its parental comparator, AQ4N, were evaluated in 2D and 3D cultures of luminal and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines and compared against DNA damage repair inhibitors. 2D normoxic treatment with the DNA repair inhibitors, Olaparib or KU‐55933 caused, as expected, substantial radiosensitization (sensitiser enhancement ratio, SER0.01 of 1.60–3.42). KP167 induced greater radiosensitization in TNBC (SER0.01 2.53 in MDAMB‐231, 2.28 in MDAMB‐468, 4.55 in MDAMB‐436) and luminal spheroids (SER0.01 1.46 in MCF‐7 and 1.76 in T47D cells) compared with AQ4N. Significant radiosensitization was also obtained using KP167 and AQ4N in 2D normoxia. Although hypoxia induced radioresistance, radiosensitization by KP167 was still greater under 2D hypoxia, yielding SER0.01 of 1.56–2.37 compared with AQ4N SER0.01 of 1.13–1.94. Such data show KP167 as a promising single agent and potent radiosensitiser of both normoxic and hypoxic breast cancer cells, with greater efficacy in TNBCs.  相似文献   
Recovering phylogenetic relationships in lineages experiencing intense diversification has always been a persistent challenge in evolutionary studies, including in Gentiana section Chondrophyllae sensu lato (s.l.). Indeed, this subcosmopolitan taxon encompasses more than 180 mostly annual species distributed around the world. We sequenced and assembled 22 new plastomes representing 21 species in section Chondrophyllae s.l. In addition to previously released plastome data, our study includes all main lineages within the section. We reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships based on protein‐coding genes and recombinant DNA (rDNA) cistron sequences, and then investigated plastome structural evolution as well as divergence time. Despite an admittedly humble species cover overall, we recovered a well‐supported phylogenetic tree based on plastome data, and found significant discordance between phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic treatments. Our results show that G. capitata and G. leucomelaena diverged early within the section, which is then further divided into two clades. The divergence time estimation showed that section Chondrophyllae s.l. evolved in the second half of the Oligocene. We found that section Chondrophyllae s.l. had the smallest average plastome size (128 KB) in tribe Gentianeae (Gentianaceae), with frequent gene and sequence losses such as the ndh complex and its flanking regions. In addition, we detected both expansion and contraction of the inverted repeat (IR) regions. Our study suggests that plastome degradation parallels the diversification of this group, and illustrates the strong discordance between phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic treatments, which now need to be carefully revised.  相似文献   
景观生态学在土地整治中的应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王军  钟莉娜 《生态学报》2017,37(12):3982-3990
在土地整治中融入景观生态学理念是推动土地整治生态建设的必然要求。阐述了土地整治中的景观生态学原理,分析了相关文献变化和研究重点,总结了中国土地整治中的景观生态学研究现状,提出了土地整治中的景观生态学研究展望:(1)重视土地整治中景观生态学的基础理论研究,构建土地整治的景观生态学理论与技术体系;(2)加强土地整治的景观动态与生态效应机制研究,建立适用土地整治景观生态影响的方法和模型;(3)强化土地整治的多尺度和长序列景观生态研究,揭示土地整治过程中的尺度效应和多尺度耦合机制;(4)加强土地整治中多种生态系统服务的集成与优化,强化用于指导土地整治生态规划设计与管理工作,以期为深化土地整治中的景观生态学研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
For many animals, the availability and provision of dietary resources can vary markedly between juvenile and adult stages, often leading to a temporal separation of nutrient acquisition and use. Juvenile developmental programs are likely limited by the energetic demands of many adult tissues and processes with early developmental origins. Enhanced dietary quality in the adult stage may, therefore, alter selection on life history and growth patterns in juvenile stages. Heliconius are unique among butterflies in actively collecting and digesting pollen grains, which provide an adult source of essential amino acids. The origin of pollen feeding has therefore previously been hypothesized to lift constraints on larval growth rates, allowing Heliconius to spend less time as larvae when they are most vulnerable to predation. By measuring larval and pupal life‐history traits across three pollen‐feeding and three nonpollen‐feeding Heliconiini, we provide the first test of this hypothesis. Although we detect significant interspecific variation in larval and pupal development, we do not find any consistent shift associated with pollen feeding. We discuss how this result may fit with patterns of nitrogen allocation, the benefits of nitrogenous stores, and developmental limitations on growth. Our results provide a framework for studies aiming to link innovations in adult Heliconius to altered selection regimes and developmental programs in early life stages.  相似文献   
Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). As the sole methyl-donor for methylation of DNA, RNA, and proteins, SAM levels affect gene expression by changing methylation patterns. Expression of MAT2A, the catalytic subunit of isozyme MAT2, is positively correlated with proliferation of cancer cells; however, how MAT2A promotes cell proliferation is largely unknown. Given that the protein synthesis is induced in proliferating cells and that RNA and protein components of translation machinery are methylated, we tested here whether MAT2 and SAM are coupled with protein synthesis. By measuring ongoing protein translation via puromycin labeling, we revealed that MAT2A depletion or chemical inhibition reduced protein synthesis in HeLa and Hepa1 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of MAT2A enhanced protein synthesis, indicating that SAM is limiting under normal culture conditions. In addition, MAT2 inhibition did not accompany reduction in mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 activity but nevertheless reduced polysome formation. Polysome-bound RNA sequencing revealed that MAT2 inhibition decreased translation efficiency of some fraction of mRNAs. MAT2A was also found to interact with the proteins involved in rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis; depletion or inhibition of MAT2 reduced 18S rRNA processing. Finally, quantitative mass spectrometry revealed that some translation factors were dynamically methylated in response to the activity of MAT2A. These observations suggest that cells possess an mTOR-independent regulatory mechanism that tunes translation in response to the levels of SAM. Such a system may acclimate cells for survival when SAM synthesis is reduced, whereas it may support proliferation when SAM is sufficient.  相似文献   
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