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Random in vitro mutagenesis of a cloned Bacillus cereus 5/B/6 beta-lactamase II gene was used to select defective genes unable to confer ampicillin or cephalosporin C resistance to Escherichia coli. DNA sequencing of mutant genes identified histidine at position 28 as important to beta-lactamase II function. In addition, the isolation of six identical frameshift mutants established that the carboxyl-terminal end of beta-lactamase II is critical for enzyme function. Random mutagenesis also revealed that His88 (implicated previously as one of 4 residues acting as a zinc ligand) is crucial to enzymatic activity and that a glycine to glutamic acid substitution at position 148 produced a defective beta-lactamase. Oligonucleotide mutagenesis directed at Glu37 and Glu212 suggests that these residues are inconsequential to enzyme function but that histidine at position 28 may be involved in substrate binding or recognition.  相似文献   
Hydrogen exchange kinetic behavior of human erythrocyte glucose transporter protein in vesicles was studied in the absence and in the presence of D-glucose or a well known inhibitor, cytochalasin B. This is to detect a proposed channel of water penetrating into the protein through which the sugar molecule passes and to monitor any conformational changes induced by the substrate or inhibitor. Analyses of the kinetic data revealed several classes of hydrogens which exchange with readily distinguishable rates. Of 660 hydrogens detected per transporter, approximately 30% exchanged with rates generally characterized as those of free amide hydrogens indicating they are interfaced to solvent water. Since the transporter is known to be embedded deep in the hydrophobic area of the membrane with minimum exposure to the outside of the membrane lipid bilayer, a significant portion of these free amide hydrogens must be at the purported channel rather than outside of the membrane. D-Glucose and cytochalasin B affected the exchange kinetics of these presumably channel-associated free amide hydrogens rather differently. D-Glucose reduced the apparent rate constants, but not the total number. Cytochalasin B on the other hand reduced the total number to one-half without significantly changing the apparent rate constants. The remaining 70% of the labeled hydrogens exchanged with much slower rates which vary 10-10,000-fold, indicating that they are internally structured peptide amide and side chain hydrogens. Both D-glucose and cytochalasin B further reduced the rates of these hydrogens, indicating a global stabilization of the protein structure.  相似文献   
Neurone-specific enolase (NSE) and the brain form of creatine phosphokinase (CPK-BB) were previously found to be present in rat synaptosomal plasma membranes (SPM) using two-dimensional gel (2-D gel) and peptide analysis; enzymatic activities of these and of pyruvate kinase (PK), all involved in ATP generation, were shown to be "cryptic" unless the SPM were treated with Triton X-100. We now show that enzymatic activation also occurs when the SPM are treated with trifluoperazine (TFP). TFP activation occurred even when the enzymes were membrane associated, showing that solubilization was not responsible for "unmasking" the enzyme activities. When TFP treatment was performed at alkaline instead of neutral pH, NSE and CPK-BB were released as well as PK, nonneuronal enolase, and aldolase which were identified by 2-D gel and tryptic peptide analysis. Other proteins released included calmodulin, actin, and the 70-kilodalton heat-shock cognate protein. Tubulin, synapsin I, and a 35-kilodalton basic protein were largely unaffected. The latter was identified as the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase on the basis of 2-D gel and peptide analyses and subsequent partial sequencing of a rat brain cDNA coding for the same protein. TFP treatment is thus useful for activating latent enzymes as well as for distinguishing enzymes that have a different disposition on the membrane.  相似文献   
Patterns of gonadotropin storage in individual gonadotropes change with alterations in the physiological state. After castration in the male rat, there is a 2.5-fold increase in the percentage of gonadotropes and an increase in the proportion of gonadotropes storing both LH and FSH. In addition, there are 6- to 8-fold increases in the pituitary concentrations of LH beta subunit mRNAs. In order to determine whether these changes are due to increases in the number of gonadotropes containing subunit mRNA, or the amount of mRNA per cell or both, an in situ hybridization technique using a photobiotinylated rat LH beta cRNA probe (bio-LH beta-cRNA) was applied to detect LH beta mRNA in fixed whole rat pituitary cells from intact or castrated rats. After hybridization, the bio-LH beta-cRNA was localized with either avidin-biotin peroxidase complex or the fluorescent streptavidin phycoprobe methods. The cells containing LH beta mRNA were then counted and the amount of mRNA per cell was measured by video microdensitometry. Ten percent of the anterior pituitary cells from intact animals contained LH beta mRNA. After castration (2-4 weeks) this percentage rose to 19-24.5%. Image and microdensitometric analyses showed that castration produced a 1.9-fold increase in the amount of LH beta mRNA per cell, and a 2.2-fold increase in the area of cells containing LH beta mRNA. Hence, castration resulted in an increase in the level of LH beta mRNA per cell as well as the number of LH beta mRNA-containing cells. When in situ hybridization was followed by immunocytochemistry in cells from intact rats, 83% of gonadotropes that stained for LH beta and 80% of gonadotropes that stained for FSH beta contained LH beta mRNA whereas after castration 99% of LH-storing and 93% of FSH-storing cells contained LH beta mRNA. This new in situ hybridization protocol is rapid and allows quantification of mRNA within individual gonadotropes. In addition, since the hybridization protocol does not apparently alter the gonadotropin antigens, the hormone content of the same gonadotrope may be defined by immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   
Thyroidectomized rats were used to study the effects of a single injection of T3 on pituitary mRNA synthesis and hormone secretion. T3 was injected ip at doses of 0, 0.2, 1, or 5 micrograms/100 g body weight, and and animals were killed 24 h later. T3 caused a significant decrease in serum TSH, but caused no significant change in either serum GH or PRL. Pituitary mRNA was quantified by slot blot hybridization with cDNA probes specific for alpha-TSH, beta-TSH, PRL, and GH. We found that both the alpha and beta mRNA subunits decreased, that PRL mRNA remained relatively unchanged, and that GH mRNA increased with increasing T3 dose. The data show that a single dose of T3 can profoundly influence mRNA levels in the anterior pituitary; the lowest dose of T3 caused maximum inhibition of alpha-TSH mRNA while beta-TSH mRNA declined further in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   
The problem of feedback optimization of the feed rate for fed-batch fermentation processes is formulated in the framework of singular control theory and switching hypersurfaces. Using four differential balance equations that describe a general class of fedbatch processes and a general objective function to be minimized, it is shown that under certain restrictions the feedback optimization of the feed rate can be realized as a nonlinear function of the state variables, such as the concentrations of cell mass, substrate and product, and the fermentor volume. The restrictions on the initial conditions, the fermentation kinetics and the objective function, that are needed for realization of the feedback optimization, are provided. Fed-batch fermentation models of lysine and alcohol are used to construct switching curves and to illustrate the feedback optimization of the feed flow rates.  相似文献   
A simple mathematical model for calculating the concentration of mobile carbon skeletons in the shoot of soya bean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Ransom] was built to examine the suitability of measured net photosynthetic rates (PN) for calculation of saccharide flux into the plant. The results suggest that either measurement of instantaneous PN overestimated saccharide influx or respiration rates utilized in the model were underestimated. If neither of these is the case, end-product inhibition of photosynthesis or waste respiration through the alternative pathway should be included in modelling of CH2O influx or efflux; and even if either of these is the case, the model output at a low coefficient of leaf activity indicates that PN still may be controlled by either end-product inhibition or alternative respiration.  相似文献   
We have purified to homogeneity the regions derived by chymotryptic digestion of the ox neurofilament polypeptides NFH and NFM; the regions, called M1 and M2, are thought to form part of the projecting sidearms of mammalian neurofilaments [Chin, Eagles & Maggs (1983) Biochem. J. 215, 239-252]. They were isolated and purified under non-denaturing conditions and showed no tendency to interact with each other in solution. The Mr values obtained by sedimentation are approx. 61,000 for M1 and 42,000 for M2, considerably lower than the values obtained by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. These Mr values were unchanged in the presence of 6 M-guanidine hydrochloride, suggesting that the regions exist as monomers in solution. Both M1 and M2 are highly phosphorylated, and there is only a slight change in the sedimentation value upon dephosphorylation. Dephosphorylation of M1 with alkaline phosphatase was more than 90% efficient but was never absolute. Dephosphorylation of M2 was complete. Both M1 and M2 bind Ca2+; in the case of M1, this binding is phosphorylation-dependent. M1 also binds cytochrome c, and dephosphorylation affects binding. In similar conditions, neurofilaments bind at least twice their own mass of cytochrome c, owing to their opposite net charges. No interactions were observed between native or dephosphorylated M1 and M2, and intact neurofilaments under a wide variety of conditions. These results are discussed in terms of the possible roles that neurofilament sidearms might play and throw doubt upon their supposed function of rigidly cross-linking neurofilaments together within the axoplasm of neurons.  相似文献   
Determination of the optimal feed rate for fed-batch fermentation is normally a problem in singular control with a state inequality constraint and as such is, in general, difficult to solve, especially for those described by a large number of dynamic mass balance equations. In this article we use a new set of state variables and the culture volume as the control variable. In this way the problem is converted to one of nonsingular control with the magnitude and rate constraints on the manipulated variable and can be numerically solved by a gradient-based technique, thus avoiding the difficulty associated with singular control problems. Examples are given to illustrate the method.  相似文献   
Unilamellar vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and either phosphatidic acid (PA) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG) partition to the upper poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-rich phase of a charge-sensitive 5%:5% (w/w) PEG 8000/Dextran T-500 phase system containing 10 mM sodium phosphate at pH 7, consistent with the vesicles bearing a net negative charge. When prepared in the presence of a pH gradient (interior acidic), PC/PA vesicles exhibit an increased partition to the top PEG-rich phase, consistent with a redistribution of the PA from the inner to the outer monolayer of the vesicle bilayer. Conversely, when prepared in the presence of a pH gradient (interior basic), PC/PG vesicles exhibit a decreased top-phase partition, consistent with a redistribution of the PG from the outer to the inner monolayer of the vesicle bilayer. Unilamellar vesicles composed of PC and stearylamine partition to the lower dextran-rich phase of a 5%:5% (w/w) PEG 8000/Dextran T-500 phase system containing 10 mM sodium phosphate at pH 8.5, consistent with the vesicles bearing a net positive charge. When prepared in the presence of a pH gradient (interior acidic), conditions under which the stearylamine is trapped on the inner monolayer of the bilayer, the vesicles now partition predominantly to the interface in a manner similar to vesicles composed of PC alone. These results demonstrate that partitioning in aqueous two-phase polymer systems is a sensitive method for monitoring the asymmetry of charged lipids in model membrane systems and also suggests that partitioning in charge-sensitive systems depends only on the physical nature of the exterior surface of the membrane.  相似文献   
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