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Cryoprotectant toxicity is a fundamental obstacle to the full potential of artificial cryoprotection, yet it remains in general a poorly understood phenomenon. Unfortunately, most relevant biochemical studies to date have not met the basic criteria required for demonstrating mechanisms of toxicity. A model biochemical study of cryoprotectant toxicity was that of Baxter and Lathe, which demonstrated that alteration of a specific enzyme (fructose diphosphatase, or FDPase) was the cause of impaired glycolysis after treatment with and removal of dimethyl sulfoxide (D). FDPase alteration by D was reported to be preventable by the simultaneous presence of amides. This protection could be due to a "counteracting solute" effect similar to that employed by nature, but we find no meaningful correlation between the general protein stabilizing or destabilizing tendency of the cryoprotectant medium and its toxicity. Baxter and Lathe postulated that the effect of D arises from hydrogen bonding between D and the epsilon amino groups of surface lysine residues on FDPase, and it was found that molecules which resembled this group could block the alteration induced by D, presumably by competing with lysine residues for association with D. However, we find that the interaction between D and lysine in the presence of water is actually thermochemically repulsive, and that the presence of formamide does not affect the interaction between D and lysine, implying no useful complex formation between formamide and D. We were also unable to demonstrate that the blocking compounds consistently reduce toxicity when added to D rather than substituting for D, contrary to predictions based on complex formation between blocking compounds and D. In summary, it seems that present concepts of cryoprotectant toxicity are in need of serious revision.  相似文献   
Making use of troponin with fluorescently labeled troponin I subunit (N-((2-(iodoacetoxy)ethyl)-N-methyl)amino-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1, 3-diazole-troponin I, IANBD-TnI) that had previously been described in solution studies as a probe for thin filament activation (. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 77:7209-7213), we present a new approach that allows the kinetics of thin filament activation to be studied in skinned muscle fibers. After the exchange of native troponin for fluorescently labeled troponin, the fluorescence intensity is sensitive to both changes in calcium concentration and actin attachment of cross-bridges in their strong binding states (. Biophys. J. 77:000-000). Imposing rapid changes in the fraction of strongly attached cross-bridges, e.g., by switching from isometric contraction to high-speed shortening, causes changes in thin filament activation at fixed Ca(2+) concentrations that can be followed by recording fluorescence intensity. Upon changing to high-speed shortening we observed small (<20%) changes in fluorescence that became faster at higher Ca(2+) concentrations. At all Ca(2+) concentrations, these changes are more than 10-fold faster than force redevelopment subsequent to the period of unloaded shortening. We interpret this as an indication that equilibration among different states of the thin filament is rapid and becomes faster as Ca(2+) is raised. Fast equilibration suggests that the rate constant of force redevelopment is not limited by changes in the activation level of thin filaments induced by the isotonic contraction before force redevelopment. Instead, our modeling shows that, in agreement with our previous proposal for the regulation of muscle contraction, a rapid and Ca(2+)-dependent equilibration among different states of the thin filament can fully account for the Ca(2+) dependence of force redevelopment and the fluorescence changes described in this study.  相似文献   
The parasitoids of arthropod pests of apple and pear in northern and central Europe and their use as biological control agents are reviewed. The review demonstrates that apple and pear pests are host to a large and varied parasitoid fauna. All important pests are known to be host of parasitoids, but many parasitoids play only a minor part in regulating populations of their host. However, many parasitoid species are important natural enemies and some effectively regulate pest populations in unsprayed and/or commercial (insecticide sprayed) apple or pear orchards either individually or as part of parasitoid guilds. Exploitation/fostering of existing populations of parasitoids has been demonstrated to be an effective or partially effective approach for natural control of several important pest species. Important examples include natural regulation of the apple sawfly by Lathrolestes ensator and Aptesis nigrocincta, of the summer fruit tortrix moth by Colpoclypeus florus and Teleutaea striata, of leaf midges by Platygaster demades, of woolly aphid by Aphelinus mali and of leaf mining moths by guilds of parasitoid species. Introduction of parasitoids is an alternative approach to the exploitation of parasitoids already present in the orchard. This approach has been little explored and its success rate has been low, mainly confined to the control of non-indigenous pests by introducing parasitoids from their native region. Mass production methods for parasitoids are difficult and costly and are likely to be economic only where long-term populations can be established. Even where low cost mass culture techniques are developed, the degree of control may not be high enough to prevent economic pest damage as demonstrated by negative results with mass release of Trichogramma egg parasites for control of tortricids in orchards. Suitability of the orchard habitat is recognized as crucial to the success of individual parasitoids. Key requirements are adequate populations of the pest(s) and/or alternative hosts, suitable shelter, overwintering sites or food sources and avoidance of harmful effects of pesticides. Many species are highly sensitive to broad-spectrum insecticides, especially in the adult life-stage. Avoiding the harmful affects of insecticides is crucial to successful exploitation. The use of insecticides needs to be avoided, either altogether or at crucial times in the parasitoids' life cycle, or less harmful alternatives need to be used. Numerous parasitoids could potentially be exploited as biological control agents but hitherto have received little attention because little is known about them and/or because they are sensitive to broad-spectrum pesticides and are thus virtually absent from commercial orchards. The aim of future studies should be to develop effective strategies for establishing equilibria between important pests and their parasitoids, with pest damage rarely exceeding the economic threshold.  相似文献   
The small nucleolytic ribozymes are largely (but not exclusively) found in the RNA of plant pathogens and are involved in the self-catalysed processing of the concatameric RNA resulting from rolling circle replication. They catalyse a site-specific transesterification reaction in which their 2' hydroxyl attacks the 3' phosphate, with the exclusion of the 5' oxyanion. This requires an in-line geometry, which is not present in normal RNA structure. A significant part of the activation is probably provided by a distortion of the local conformation in order to facilitate the trajectory into the transition state and, thus, RNA folding and catalysis are intimately connected. A second element of the catalysis is provided by bound metal ions; however, a number of recent experiments cast doubt on the direct role of metal ions in the catalytic chemistry.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) is a tool for measuring changes in protein expression between samples involving pre-electrophoretic labeling ith cyanine dyes. In multi-gel experiments, univariate statistical tests have been used to identify differential expression between sample types by looking for significant changes in spot volume. Multivariate statistical tests, which look for correlated changes between sample types, provide an alternate approach for identifying spots with differential expression. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), a multivariate statistical approach, was combined with an iterative threshold process to identify which protein spots had the greatest contribution to the model, and compared to univariate test for three datasets. This included one dataset where no biological difference was expected. The novel multivariate approach, detailed here, represents a method to complement the univariate approach in identification of differentially expressed protein spots. This new approach has the advantages of reduced risk of false-positives and the identification of spots that are significantly altered in terms of correlated expression rather than absolute expression values.  相似文献   
Analysis of growth and division often involves measurements made on cell populations, which tend to average data. The value of single cell analysis needs to be appreciated, and models based on findings from single cells should be taken into greater consideration in our understanding of the way in which cell size and division are co-ordinated. Examples are given of some single cell analyses in mammalian cells, yeast and other microorganisms. There is also a short discussion on how far the results are in accord with simple models.  相似文献   
Junction-resolving enzymes are nucleases that are selective for the structure of the four-way DNA junction that is important in genetic recombination. They exhibit selectivity for the structure of the junction, but they also manipulate the structure. Local disruption of DNA structure around the centre of the junction by CCE1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been investigated using 2-aminopurine fluorescence. On binding CCE1, 2-aminopurine bases located at the point of strand exchange exhibit a large increase in fluorescence intensity (up to 39-fold enhancement), consistent with complete unstacking. This was observed for all positions around the centre of the junction, both 5' and 3' to the point of strand exchange. Thymine bases complementary to the modified adenine bases adjacent to the junction centre were strongly reactive to potassium permanganate. The results indicate that binding of CCE1 results in a complete unpairing of the four central base-pairs of the junction, with a lesser disruption of the next base-pairs.  相似文献   
Havas K  Flaus A  Phelan M  Kingston R  Wade PA  Lilley DM  Owen-Hughes T 《Cell》2000,103(7):1133-1142
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activities participate in the alteration of chromatin structure during gene regulation. All have DNA- or chromatin-stimulated ATPase activity and many can alter the structure of chromatin; however, the means by which they do this have remained unclear. Here we describe a novel activity for ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activities, the ability to generate unconstrained negative superhelical torsion in DNA and chromatin. We find that the ability to distort DNA is shared by the yeast SWI/SNF complex, Xenopus Mi-2 complex, recombinant ISWI, and recombinant BRG1, suggesting that the generation of superhelical torsion represents a primary biomechanical activity shared by all Snf2p-related ATPase motors. The generation of superhelical torque provides a potent means by which ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activities can manipulate chromatin structure.  相似文献   
Regulation of quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi by LuxO and sigma-54   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi controls light production (lux) by an elaborate quorum-sensing circuit. V. harveyi produces and responds to two different autoinducer signals (AI-1 and AI-2) to modulate the luciferase structural operon (luxCDABEGH) in response to changes in cell-population density. Unlike all other Gram-negative quorum-sensing organisms, V. harveyi regulates quorum sensing using a two-component phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cascade. Each autoinducer is recognized by a cognate hybrid sensor kinase (called LuxN and LuxQ). Both sensors transduce information to a shared phosphorelay protein called LuxU, which in turn conveys the signal to the response regulator protein LuxO. Phospho-LuxO is responsible for repression of luxCDABEGH expression at low cell density. In the present study, we demonstrate that LuxO functions as an activator protein via interaction with the alternative sigma factor, sigma54 (encoded by rpoN). Our results suggest that LuxO, together with sigma54, activates the expression of a negative regulator of luminescence. We also show that phenotypes other than lux are regulated by LuxO and sigma54, demonstrating that in Vibrio harveyi, quorum sensing controls multiple processes.  相似文献   
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