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A number of Aspergillus and Penicillium species were tested for production of ochratoxin A (OA) in several media. After 8 days of static incubations of submerged cultures at 28 degrees C, toxin yields of 25 and 30 micrograms/ml were obtained with Aspergillus alliaceus NRRL 4181 in Ferreirás and 2% yeast extract-4% sucrose media, respectively. However, the largest production observed in the preliminary screening was 54 micrograms/ml; this highest level was produced by A. sulphureus NRRL 4077 in a modified Czapek solution. The medium contained the basal salts and sucrose of Czapek plus urea (3%) and corn steep liquor (0.5% solids). A time study of toxin production demonstrated maximum yield of 350 micrograms/ml by the A. sulphureus isolate in the modified Czapek medium after 11 days of static incubation at 28 degrees C. The optimal production conditions were employed in additional tests designed to measure the efficiency of 14C incorporation from sodium [1-14C]-acetate into OA. Samples (20 microCi) of sodium acetate were added to separate culture flasks at 24-h intervals during the initial 9 days of the fermentation. Addition of [14C]acetate on day 4 of incubation provided the maximum yield of labeled OA. The highest specific activity of labeled toxin obtained was 0.07 microCi/mg of OA and the maximum incorporation rate of labeled acetate was 5.3%.  相似文献   
A homologous family of UDP- N -acetylgalactosamine: polypeptide N - acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (GalNAc-transferases) initiate O- glycosylation. These transferases share overall amino acid sequence similarities of approximately 45-50%, but segments with higher similarities of approximately 80% are found in the putative catalytic domain. Here we have characterized the genomic organization of the coding regions of three GalNAc-transferase genes and determined their chromosomal localization. The coding regions of GALNT1 , -T2 , and -T3 were found to span 11, 16, and 10 exons, respectively. Several intron/exon boundaries were conserved within the three genes. One conserved boundary was shared in a homologous C. elegans GalNAc- transferase gene. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that GALNT1 , -T2 , and -T3 are localized at chromosomes 18q12-q21, 1q41-q42, and 2q24-q31, respectively. These results suggest that the members of the polypeptide GalNAc-transferase family diverged early in evolution from a common ancestral gene through gene duplication.   相似文献   
Intercellular adhesion between adjacent airway epithelial cells plays a critical role in maintaining the barrier function of the respiratory mucosa. In the current study, we examined the expression and interaction of cell surface adhesion molecules (E-cadherin, ICAM-1, and MUC1) and their intracellular binding partners (alpha-catenin, beta-catenin, gamma-catenin, and ezrin) in 16HBE14o-, HBE1, 1HAEo-, BEAS-2B, A549, and NCI-H292 human airway epithelial cells. Expression of E-cadherin and MUC1, both in whole cell lysates and biotinylated surface proteins, was observed in 16HBE14o-, HBE1, A549, and NCI-H292 cells, while ICAM-1 was detected only in NCI-H292. In contrast, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-catenin and ezrin were expressed in all of the cells. E-cadherin formed coimmunoprecipitation complexes with beta- and gamma-catenin, whereas MUC1 only associated with beta-catenin. ICAM-1, but not MUC1, coimmunoprecipitated with ezrin in NCI-H292 cells. We conclude that airway epithelial cell-cell adhesion involves a complex network of protein-protein interactions mediated by a diverse array of membrane-bound and cytosolic protein partners.  相似文献   
Mucus hypersecretion associated with airway inflammation is reduced by glucocorticoids. Two mechanisms of glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of mucus production have been proposed, direct inhibition of mucus production by airway epithelial cells and indirectly through inhibition of proinflammatory mediators that stimulate mucus production. In this study, we examined the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) on mRNA expression and synthesis of MUC5AC by A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells as well as Muc5ac and total high-molecular-weight (HMW) mucins by primary rat tracheal surface epithelial (RTSE) cells. Our results showed that in primary RTSE cells, DEX 1) dose dependently suppressed Muc5ac mRNA levels, but the levels of cellular Muc5ac protein and HMW mucins were unaffected; 2) did not affect constitutive or UTP-stimulated mucin secretion; 3) enhanced the translation of Muc5ac; and 4) increased the stability of intracellular Muc5ac protein by a mechanism other than the inhibition of the proteasomal degradation. In A549 cells, however, DEX suppressed both MUC5AC mRNA levels and MUC5AC protein secretion in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that whereas DEX inhibits the levels of Muc5ac mRNA in primary RTSE cells, the levels of Muc5ac protein remain unchanged as a consequence of increases in both translation and protein stability. Interestingly, some of the effects of DEX were opposite in a cell line.  相似文献   
The fact that colchicines inhibits hepatic secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles has been interpreted to mean that microtubules are involved in hepatic VLDL secretion. To further define this relationship, we have attempted to see if changes in hepatic VLDL secretion are associated with changes in hepatocyte microtubule or tubulin content. Accordingly, hepatic secretion of VLDL was increased in rats, and the hepatocyte content of both microtubules (using quantitative morphometric methods) and tubulin (using a time-decay colchicine binding assay) was determined. In acute experiments, VLDL secretion was increased by perfusion of isolated rat livers for 2 h with varying concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA). Results indicate that hepatic VLDL triglyceride (TG) secretion at perfusate FFA levels of 0.7 μEq/ml is threefold greater (P < 0.01) than when livers are perfused without added FFA. However, no differences are observed in the content of microtubules in these livers: specifically, microtubules occupy 0.029 percent of hepatocyte cytoplasm in livers perfused without FFA and 0.030 percent of cytoplasm in livers perfused with FFA. In chronic experiments, rats were fed for 1 wk with either standard rat chow or a hyperlipidemic (sucrose/lard) diet. With the experimental diet, plasma triglyceride levels increase threefold over controls, and liver VLDL-TG production, as determined by [(3)H]glycerol turnover studies, is 55 percent greater (P < 0.01) than controls. However, microtubules occupy 0.027 percent of the cytoplasm of hepatocyte cytoplasm whether rats are on standard or hyperlipidemic diets. Furthermore, the tubulin content of isolated hepatocytes does change, and represents 1 percent of hepatocyte soluble protein, irrespective of diet. These results suggest that increases in hepatic VLDL secretion can occur without any demonstrable change in hepatocyte assembled microtubule or tubulin content, and raise questions as to the role played by microtubules in hepatic VLDL secretion.  相似文献   
We reported previously that Muc1 on the surface of epithelial cells was a receptor for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Lillehoj EP, Kim BT, and Kim KC. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 282: L751-L756, 2002). Other studies showed that the Muc1 cytoplasmic tail (CT) contains multiple phosphorylation sites, some of which are phosphorylated constitutively and associated with signaling proteins. However, the relationship between extracellular P. aeruginosa binding and intracellular signaling is unknown. To investigate the signaling mechanism of Muc1, this study examined phosphorylation of its CT and activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in response to stimulation by P. aeruginosa or purified flagellin. Our results showed 1) the Muc1 CT was phosphorylated constitutively on serine and tyrosine, 2) serine phosphorylation was stimulated by bacterial cells or flagellin, and 3) binding of P. aeruginosa or flagellin to Muc1 induced phosphorylation of ERK. These results are the first to demonstrate Muc1 CT phosphorylation and ERK activation in response to a clinically important airway pathogen.  相似文献   
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