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We investigated how the mitochondrial phase of ceramide-mediated cell death is initiated in nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells. We distinguished three independent effects of ceramide: free radical production; a transient increase in cytosolic free calcium; and a long-lasting increase in mitochondrial free calcium. Only the latter led to cell death, which could be prevented by buffering of mitochondrial calcium with the calcium binding protein calbindin D-28K ectopically expressed in mitochondria. We showed that mitochondrial calcium did not increase as a result of the increase in cytosolic free calcium levels. Rather, it appears to derive from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) since dantrolene, which inhibits release of calcium from ER into cytosol through ryanodine receptors, prevented the increase in cytosolic free calcium but potentiated the increase in mitochondrial free calcium. This suggests that a transfer of calcium occurs directly, or very locally, between the two organelles. This transfer implicated activation of caspase 8 and cleavage of its substrate Bid, a previously unknown function of these cell death intermediaries. The increase in mitochondrial free calcium was also responsible for the release of cytochrome c into the cytosol, underlining the critical role it plays in ceramide-mediated cell death.  相似文献   
Envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1and HIV-2) can interact with high-mannose glycans and with themannosyl or N-acetylglucosaminyl core of complex-type oligosaccharidicstructures. HIV-1 glycoproteins also specifically bind sulphatedpolysaccharides such as dextran sulphate (DS) and heparin. Here,we show that the latter property is shared by HIV-2 recombinantgp140 (rgpl40) precursor glycoprotein. Binding of rgpl40 andof corresponding rgp160 of HIV-1 to heparin- and DS-substituted(sulphated dextran beads; SDB) affinity matrices was inhibitedby the soluble specific ligand and also by fetuin, asialofetuinor the anionic simple carbohydrate derivative manncsse-6-phosphate(M6P). Interaction of HIV-1 rgpl20 subunit with the two affinitymatrices was also inhibited by M6P, but only rgpl20 bindingto heparin-agarose, and not that to SDB, was affected by fetuinand asialofetuin. These results suggest that HIV-1 and HIV-2envelope glycoproteins presumably display different sulphatedpolysaccharide and carbohydrate recognition sites. Some of thesemay be common or in close proximity: with respect to rgpl60,for example, the sites may be common on the gp41 moiety and/orin a region of gp120 which would be more accessible when expressedon rgpl60 than on processed gpl20, while they may be distincton the cleaved gpl20 subunit. Finally, because M6P is a markerof lysosomal enzymes, we verified that HIV-1 and HIV-2 envelopeglycoproteins could specifically bind in a M6P-inhibitable mannerto a representative lysosomal enzyme, bovine liver ß-glucuronidasecoupled to agarose, suggesting that they may possibly interferewith lysosomal enzyme sorting in HIV-infected cells. env glycoproteins HIV lectin mannose-6-phosphate sulphated polysaccharides  相似文献   
S100 proteins comprise a multigene family of EF-hand calcium binding proteins that engage in multiple functions in response to cellular stress. In one case, the S100B protein has been implicated in oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) regeneration in response to demyelinating insult. In this example, we report that the mitochondrial ATAD3A protein is a major, high-affinity, and calcium-dependent S100B target protein in OPC. In OPC, ATAD3A is required for cell growth and differentiation. Molecular characterization of the S100B binding domain on ATAD3A by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques defined a consensus calcium-dependent S100B binding motif. This S100B binding motif is conserved in several other S100B target proteins, including the p53 protein. Cellular studies using a truncated ATAD3A mutant that is deficient for mitochondrial import revealed that S100B prevents cytoplasmic ATAD3A mutant aggregation and restored its mitochondrial localization. With these results in mind, we propose that S100B could assist the newly synthesized ATAD3A protein, which harbors the consensus S100B binding domain for proper folding and subcellular localization. Such a function for S100B might also help to explain the rescue of nuclear translocation and activation of the temperature-sensitive p53val135 mutant by S100B at nonpermissive temperatures.The S100 proteins comprise a multigene family of low-molecular-weight EF-hand calcium binding and zinc binding proteins (5, 13, 16, 24, 33). To date, 19 different S100 proteins have been assigned to this protein family, and they show different degrees of similarity, ranging from 25 to 56% identity at the amino acid level. With S100B, S100P, and S100Z being the exceptions, the majority of the S100 genes are clustered on human chromosome 1q21 (33). Most S100 proteins serve as calcium sensor proteins that, upon activation, regulate the function and/or subcellular distribution of specific target proteins (13, 33, 47), and they are characterized by common structural motifs, including two low-affinity (KD [equilibrium dissociation constant] of ∼10 μM to 100 μM) helix-loop-helix calcium binding domains (EF hands) that are separated by a hinge region and flanked by amino- and carboxy-terminal domains. The carboxy-terminal domain is variable among S100 proteins, and it typically is the site that is responsible for the selective interaction of each individual S100 protein with specific target proteins (30). S100 proteins are often upregulated in cancers, in inflammation, and in response to cellular stress (14, 16), suggesting that they function in cell responses to stress situations. Consistent with this hypothesis, stress situations were necessary to reveal phenotypes associated with the S100 knockout in mice (11, 14, 33, 56). Moreover, recent observations revealed a new function for the S100 protein family that included their ability to assist and regulate multichaperone complex-ligand interactions (41, 50, 51).One member of the S100 protein family, S100B, has attracted much interest in the past few years because, like other proteins implicated in neurodegeneration (e.g., amyloid, superoxide dismutase, and dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A), its gene is located within a segment of chromosome 21, which is trisomic in Down''s syndrome (DS). Its expression in the brain of mammals coincides with defined periods of central nervous system (CNS) maturation and cell differentiation (43). In oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC), S100B expression is associated with differentiation, and S100B contributes to OPC differentiation in response to demyelinating insult (11). To understand the contribution of S100B to OPC differentiation, we searched for high-affinity S100B target proteins in this cell type by using far-Western analysis. A major and highly specific S100B target protein was identified, the mitochondrial ATAD3A protein.ATAD3A belongs to a new family of eukaryote-specific mitochondrial AAA+ ATPase proteins (17). In the human genome, two genes, Atad3A and Atad3B, are located in tandem on chromosome 1p36.33. The Atad3A gene is ubiquitous among multicellular organisms but absent in yeast. The Atad3B gene is specific to the human genome (27). ATAD3A is a mitochondrial protein anchored into the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) at contact sites with the outer membrane (OM). Thanks to its simultaneous interaction with the two membranes, ATAD3A regulates mitochondrial dynamics at the interface between the inner and outer membranes and controls diverse cell responses ranging from mitochondrial metabolism, cell growth, and mitochondrial fission 20a, 25). The ATAD3A protein has also been identified as a mitochondrial DNA binding protein (23) and as a cell surface antigen in some human tumors (20, 21). The plasma membrane localization of ATAD3A in tumor cells is suggestive that ATAD3A mitochondrial routing can be compromised in pathological situations such as cancer. To understand the functional response resulting from the interaction between S100B and ATAD3A, we first characterized the minimal interaction domain on ATAD3A for S100B binding using thermodynamic studies of wild-type and ATAD3A variants as well as via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques. These studies allowed us to further refine the consensus S100B binding motif, which is conserved in several other S100B target proteins, including the p53 protein and several newly discovered target proteins associated with the cell translational machinery. We next analyzed the cellular interaction of S100B with truncated ATAD3A mutants that harbor the S100B binding domain but that are deficient for mitochondrial import. These studies revealed that S100B could assist ATAD3A mutant proteins during cytoplasmic processing by preventing dysfunctional aggregation events. Our results are discussed in light of the possible function of S100B in assisting the cytoplasmic processing of proteins for proper folding and subcellular localization.  相似文献   
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) leads to monocyte dysfunction associated with atherogenesis and defective arteriogenesis. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, placenta growth factor (PlGF)-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)A play important roles in atherogenesis and arteriogenesis. VEGF-receptor (VEGFR)-mediated monocyte migration is inhibited in T2DM (VEGFA resistance), while TGF-β1-induced monocyte migration is fully functional. Therefore, we hypothesize that TGF-β antagonises the VEGFA responses in human monocytes. We demonstrate that monocytes from T2DM patients have an increased migratory response towards low concentrations of TGF-β1, while PlGF-1/VEGFA responses are mitigated. Mechanistically, this is due to increased expression of type II TGF-β receptor in monocytes under high-glucose conditions and increased expression of soluble (s)VEGFR1, which is known to interfere with VEGFA signalling. VEGFA resistance in monocytes from T2DM patients can be rescued by either experimental down-regulation of TGF-β receptor expression in vitro or by functional blocking of TGF-β signalling using either a TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitor or a TGF-β neutralizing antibody. Our data demonstrate that both T2DM and high-glucose potentiate the TGF-β pathway. TGF-β signalling impairs VEGFR-mediated responses in T2DM monocytes and in this way contributes to mononuclear cell dysfunction, provide novel insights into T2DM vascular dysfunction.  相似文献   
In order to detect serum antibodies against clinically important Old and New World hantaviruses simultaneously, multiparametric indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFAs) based on biochip mosaics were developed. Each of the mosaic substrates consisted of cells infected with one of the virus types Hantaan (HTNV), Puumala (PUUV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV), Dobrava (DOBV), Sin Nombre (SNV) or Andes (ANDV). For assay evaluation, serum IgG and IgM antibodies were analyzed using 184 laboratory-confirmed hantavirus-positive sera collected at six diagnostic centers from patients actively or previously infected with the following hantavirus serotypes: PUUV (Finland, n = 97); SEOV (China, n = 5); DOBV (Romania, n = 7); SNV (Canada, n = 23); ANDV (Argentina and Chile, n = 52). The control panel comprised 89 sera from healthy blood donors. According to the reference tests, all 184 patient samples were seropositive for hantavirus-specific IgG (n = 177; 96%) and/or IgM (n = 131; 72%), while all control samples were tested negative. In the multiparametric IFA applied in this study, 183 (99%) of the patient sera were IgG and 131 (71%) IgM positive (accordance with the reference tests: IgG, 96%; IgM, 93%). Overall IFA sensitivity for combined IgG and IgM analysis amounted to 100% for all serotypes, except for SNV (96%). Of the 89 control sera, 2 (2%) showed IgG reactivity against the HTNV substrate, but not against any other hantavirus. Due to the high cross-reactivity of hantaviral nucleocapsid proteins, endpoint titrations were conducted, allowing serotype determination in >90% of PUUV- and ANDV-infected patients. Thus, multiparametric IFA enables highly sensitive and specific serological diagnosis of hantavirus infections and can be used to differentiate PUUV and ANDV infection from infections with Murinae-borne hantaviruses (e.g. DOBV and SEOV).  相似文献   
Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology allows simultaneous nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon removal in compact wastewater treatment processes. To operate, design, and model AGS reactors, it is essential to properly understand the diffusive transport within the granules. In this study, diffusive mass transfer within full-scale and lab-scale AGS was characterized with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. Self-diffusion coefficients of water inside the granules were determined with pulsed-field gradient NMR, while the granule structure was visualized with NMR imaging. A reaction-diffusion granule-scale model was set up to evaluate the impact of heterogeneous diffusion on granule performance. The self-diffusion coefficient of water in AGS was ∼70% of the self-diffusion coefficient of free water. There was no significant difference between self-diffusion in AGS from full-scale treatment plants and from lab-scale reactors. The results of the model showed that diffusional heterogeneity did not lead to a major change of flux into the granule (<1%). This study shows that differences between granular sludges and heterogeneity within granules have little impact on the kinetic properties of AGS. Thus, a relatively simple approach is sufficient to describe mass transport by diffusion into the granules.  相似文献   
Organisms can either evade winter's unfavourable conditions by migrating or diapausing, or endure them and maintain their activities. When it comes to foraging during winter, a period of scarce resources, there is strong selective pressure on resource exploitation strategy. Generalist parasitoids are particularly affected by this environmental constraint, as their fitness is deeply linked to the profitability of the available hosts. In this study, we considered a cereal aphid–parasitoid system and investigated (1) the host–parasitoid community structure, host availability, and parasitism rate in winter, (2) the influence of host quality in terms of species and instars on the fitness of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani‐Perez (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), and (3) whether there is a detectable impact of host fidelity on parasitism success of this parasitoid species. Host density was low during winter and the aphid community consisted of the species Rhopalosiphum padi L. and Sitobion avenae Fabricius (both Hemiptera: Aphididae), both parasitized by A. rhopalosiphi at non‐negligible rates. Aphidius rhopalosiphi produced more offspring when parasitizing R. padi compared with S. avenae, whereas bigger offspring were produced when parasitizing S. avenae. Although aphid adults and old larvae were significantly larger hosts than young larvae, the latter resulted in higher emergence rates and larger parasitoids. No impact of host fidelity on emergence rates or offspring size was detected. This study provides some evidence that winter A. rhopalosiphi populations are able to take advantage of an array of host types that vary in profitability, indicating that host selectivity may drop under winter's unfavourable conditions.  相似文献   
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