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As acyclic oligonucleotides have been suggested as a primitive model of DNA or RNA in prebiotic times, we compared some biochemical properties of these analogues to that of natural ones. Firstly, an acyclic analogue of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates was tested as a potential substrate of enzymes intervening in nucleic acids synthesis. GlyTTP, a dTTP analogue with a missing 2-methylene group is notaccepted as a substrate by either DNA polymerase or deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT). Secondly, themodified dodecathymidylate (GlyT)12, the racemic acyclic sugar analogue of (dT)12, proved to be anefficient primer for DNA polymerase and TdT, though the associative properties of (GlyT)12 are very weak as shown by UV spectroscopy in phosphate buffer without magnesium chloride. But (GlyT)12 has the advantage to be 500-times more stable against hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase than the corresponding oligothymidylate.  相似文献   
Soil animals live in complex and heterogeneous habitats including litter of various types but also microhabitats such as mosses, fungal mats and grass patches. Soil food webs have been separated into a slow fungal and a fast bacterial energy channel. Bacterial-feeding nematodes are an important component of the bacterial energy channel by consuming bacteria and forming prey for higher trophic levels such as soil microarthropods. Investigating the role of nematodes as prey for higher trophic level consumers has been hampered by methodological problems related to their small body size and lack in skeletal structures which can be traced in the gut of consumers. Recent studies using molecular gut content analyses suggest that nematodes form major prey of soil microarthropods including those previously assumed to live as detritivores. Using molecular markers we traced nematode prey in fourteen abundant soil microarthropod taxa of Mesostigmata and Oribatida (both Acari) from three different microhabitats (litter, grass and moss). Consumption of nematodes varied between mite species indicating that trophic niche variation contributes to the high diversity of microarthropods in deciduous forests. Further, consumption of nematodes by Mesostigmata (but not Oribatida) differed between microhabitats indicating that trophic niches vary with habitat characteristics. Overall, the results suggest that free-living bacterial-feeding nematodes form important prey for soil microarthropods including those previously assumed to live as detritivores.  相似文献   
In this paper we propose a classification of the amphipathic helical repeats occurring in the plasma apolipoprotein sequences. It is based upon the calculation of the molecular hydrophobicity potential around the helical segments. The repeats were identified using a new autocorrelation matrix, based upon similarities of hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the amino acid residues within the apolipoprotein sequences. The helices were constructed by molecular modeling, the molecular hydrophobicity potential was calculated, and isopotential contour lines drawn around the helices yielded a three-dimensional visualization of the hydrophobicity potential. Two classes of apolipoproteins could be differentiated by comparing the hydrophobic angles obtained by projection of the isopotential contour lines on a plane perpendicular to the long axis of the helix. The isopotential contour lines around apo AI, AIV, and E are more hydrophilic than hydrophobic, whereas they are of similar intensity for apo AII, CI, and CIII. In both cases discoidal lipid-protein complexes are generated, with the amphipathic helices around the edge of the lipid core. The long axis of the helices is oriented parallel to the phospholipid acyl chains and the hydrophilic side of the helix toward the aqueous phase. As a result of the differences in hydrophobicity potential, the contact between the hydrophobic side of the helices and the phospholipid acyl chains is larger for apo AII, CI, and CIII than for the other apolipoproteins. This might account for the greater stability of the discoidal complexes generated between phospholipids and these apoproteins.  相似文献   
Bacterial DNA has been found in coronary plaques and it has therefore been concluded that bacteria may play a role as trigger factors in the chronic inflammatory process underlying coronary atherosclerosis. However, the microbial spectrum is complex and it is not known whether microorganisms other than bacteria are involved in coronary disease. Fungal 18S rDNA signatures were systematically investigated in atherosclerotic tissue obtained through catheter-based atherectomy of 38 patients and controls (unaffected coronary arteries) using clone libraries, denaturating gradient gel analysis (DGGE), in situ hybridization and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Fungal DNA was found in 35 of 38 (92.11%) coronary heart disease patients by either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with universal primers or in situ hybridization analysis (n = 5), but not in any control sample. In a clone library with more than 350 sequenced clones from pooled patient DNA, an overall richness of 19 different fungal phylotypes could be observed. Fungal profiles of coronary heart disease patients obtained by DGGE analysis showed a median richness of fungal species of 5 (range from 2 to 9) with a high interindividual variability (mean similarity 18.83%). For the first time, the presence of fungal components in atherosclerotic plaques has been demonstrated. Coronary atheromatous plaques harbour diverse and variable fungal communities suggesting a polymicrobial contribution to the chronic inflammatory aetiology.  相似文献   
Bioactive peptides are a group of diverse intercellular signalling molecules. Almost half a century of research on this topic has resulted in an enormous amount of data. In this essay, a general perspective to interpret all these data will be given. In classical endocrinology, neuropeptides were thought of as simple signalling molecules that each elicit one response. However, the fact that the total bioactive peptide signal is far from simple puts this view under pressure. Cells and tissues express many different bioactive peptides and they are also able to respond to many different bioactive peptides, indicating that multiple receptors and signal transduction pathways are present in a single cell. Therefore, the authors suggest that the bioactive peptide signalling system should be regarded in the context of network and systems biology. Bioactive peptides can best be viewed as an extension of the protein interaction network that allows regulating and fine‐tuning the metabolism of the different cells and tissues in the body. The cell thus responds to the ‘peptidome’ instead of to a single peptide. The intracellular part of this signalling network consists of the various signalling transduction cascades. Recently, new systems biology approaches have emerged for the modelling of cell signalling. The network and systems biology approach is also able to shed new light on the evolution of intercellular signalling.  相似文献   
Historical ecologists have demonstrated legacy effects in apparently wild landscapes in Europe, North America, Mesoamerica, Amazonia, Africa and Oceania. People live and farm in archaeological sites today in many parts of the world, but nobody has looked for the legacies of past human occupations in the most dynamic areas in these sites: homegardens. Here we show that the useful flora of modern homegardens is partially a legacy of pre-Columbian occupations in Central Amazonia: the more complex the archaeological context, the more variable the floristic composition of useful native plants in homegardens cultivated there today. Species diversity was 10% higher in homegardens situated in multi-occupational archaeological contexts compared with homegardens situated in single-occupational ones. Species heterogeneity (β-diversity) among archaeological contexts was similar for the whole set of species, but markedly different when only native Amazonian species were included, suggesting the influence of pre-conquest indigenous occupations on current homegarden species composition. Our findings show that the legacy of pre-Columbian occupations is visible in the most dynamic of all agroecosystems, adding another dimension to the human footprint in the Amazonian landscape.  相似文献   
Populations of a moderately thermophilic magnetotactic bacterium were discovered in Great Boiling Springs, Nevada, ranging from 32 to 63°C. Cells were small, Gram-negative, vibrioid to helicoid in morphology, and biomineralized a chain of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes. Phylogenetically, based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the organism belongs to the phylum Nitrospirae.Magnetotactic bacteria are a metabolically, morphologically, and phylogenetically heterogeneous group of prokaryotes that passively align and actively swim along magnetic field lines (3). This behavior, called magnetotaxis, is due to the presence of intracellular, membrane-bounded, single-magnetic-domain crystals of magnetite (Fe3O4) and/or greigite (Fe3S4) (3).Most known cultured magnetotactic bacteria are mesophilic and do not grow much above 30°C (e.g., Magnetospirillum species and Desulfovibrio magneticus strains MV-1 and MC-1 [D. A. Bazylinski, unpublished data]). Uncultured magnetotactic bacteria have been observed in numerous habitats that were mostly at 30°C and below. There is only one report describing thermophilic magnetotactic bacteria despite a number of efforts to look for them (e.g., in hydrothermal vents [D. A. Bazylinski, unpublished data]). Nash (12) reported the presence of thermophilic magnetotactic bacteria in microbial mats at about 45 to 55°C adjacent to the main flow in Little Hot Creek (but not in other springs in the same area at 40 to 80°C) and in microbial mats of other springs in central California at up to 58°C, all on the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Cells biomineralized bullet-shaped crystals of magnetite and were phylogenetically affiliated with the phylum Nitrospirae (12). Few additional details were provided regarding the organisms and their habitat.In this study, water and surface sediment samples were taken from the Great Boiling Springs (GBS) geothermal field in Gerlach, NV. GBS is a series of hot springs that range from ambient temperature to ∼96°C (2, 5). The geology, chemistry, and microbial ecology of the springs have been described in some detail (2, 5). The pHs of the samples ranged from 6.4 to 7.5, while the salinities were about 4 to 5 ppt, as determined with a handheld Palm Abbe PA203 digital refractometer (MISCO Refractometer, Cleveland, OH). Samples were examined for the presence of magnetotactic bacteria using the hanging drop technique on-site and in the laboratory at room temperature with and without magnetic enrichment of the sample (15). Some samples taken back to the laboratory were kept at an elevated temperature (∼62°C), while others were kept at ambient temperature. There did not appear to be a significant difference in the number of magnetotactic cells in samples taken back to the laboratory and kept at these two temperatures. Only one morphotype of magnetotactic bacteria was found in samples from nine springs whose temperatures ranged from 32 to 63°C, and we estimate their numbers to be between 103 to 105 cells ml−1 in surface sediments in sample bottles. We did not observe magnetotactic cells of this type in a large number of springs or pools that were at <32°C. Only one spring positive for the presence of these magnetotactic bacteria had sediment that was partially covered with a microbial mat, while sediment at most of the springs was dark gray in color. Cells were small (1.8 ± 0.4 by 0.4 ± 0.1 μm; n = 59), Gram negative, vibrioid to helicoid in morphology, and possessed a single polar flagellum (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Magnetotactic bacteria were not observed in springs that were at 67°C and above, suggesting the maximum survival and perhaps growth temperature for the organism is about 63°C. In the lab, cells remained viable and motile in samples kept at 25 to 62°C for several months. We refer to this organism as strain HSMV-1.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of cells and magnetosomes of strain HSMV-1. (A) TEM image of unstained cell of HSMV-1 showing a single polar flagellum and a single chain of bullet-shaped magnetosomes. The electron-dense structures at the poles were found to be phosphorus-rich based on energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (data not shown) and therefore likely represent polyphosphate granules. (B) Higher-magnification TEM image of the magnetosome chain. (C) High-magnification TEM image of magnetosomes from which a selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern was obtained (inset of B). The SAED pattern corresponds to the [1 0−1] zone of magnetite, Fe3O4: reflection o, (0 0 0); reflection a, (1 −1 1) (0.48 nm); reflection b, (1 1 1) (0.48 nm); reflection c, (2 0 2) (0.30 nm); angle a-o-b, 70.5°. (D) Iron, sulfur, and oxygen elemental maps, derived from energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM), showing that the positions of the magnetosome crystals correlate with increased concentrations of Fe and O, but not S, consistent with the iron oxide magnetite (Fe3O4).Cells of HSMV-1 biomineralized a single chain of magnetosomes that traversed the cells along their long axis (Fig. 1A to C). Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) elemental maps were determined on magnetosome crystals using a Tecnai model G2 F30 Super-Twin transmission electron microscope (FEI Company, Hillsboro OR). SAED patterns of HSMV-1 magnetosome crystals (Fig. (Fig.1B,1B, inset) indicated that they consisted of magnetite, while EFTEM elemental maps (Fe, O and S) (Fig. (Fig.1D)1D) clearly showed that the crystals consisted of an iron oxide and not an iron sulfide, again consistent with the mineral magnetite. Cells contained an average of 12 ± 6 magnetosome crystals per cell (n = 15 cells) that averaged 113 ± 34 by 40 ± 5 nm in size (n = 179). A plot of the length of the crystals as a function of the shape factor (width/length ratio) is provided in Figure S1 in the supplemental material and shows that the crystals fit in the theoretical single-magnetic-domain size range (4), along with all known mature magnetosome magnetite crystals from magnetotactic bacteria (3).Whole-cell PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene was performed by first magnetically purifying cells of HSMV-1 using the “capillary racetrack” described by Wolfe et al. (18). Purity of the collected cells was determined by microscopic examination, and contaminating cells were never observed. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified using bacteria-specific primers 27F 5′-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3′ and 1492R 5′-TACGGHTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′ (11). PCR products were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega Corporation, Madison, WI) and sequenced (Functional Biosciences, Inc., Madison, WI). Six of eight clones sequenced had identical inserts.Alignment of 16S rRNA gene sequences was performed using the CLUSTAL W multiple alignment accessory application in the BioEdit sequence alignment editor (7). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA version 4 (17) by applying the neighbor-joining method (14). Bootstrap values were calculated with 1,000 replicates. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain HSMV-1 places the organism in the phylum Nitrospirae (Fig. (Fig.2),2), with its closest relative in culture being Thermodesulfovibrio hydrogeniphilus (87.2% identity) (8). Two other uncultured magnetotactic bacteria are phylogenetically affiliated with the phylum Nitrospirae, including the unnamed rod-shaped bacterium strain MHB-1 (86.5% identity) (6) and the very large Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum (86.4% identity) (16). Interestingly, all the magnetotactic bacteria associated with the phylum Nitrospirae thus far (e.g., Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum) contain bullet-shaped magnetite crystals in their magnetosomes.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the phylogenetic position of strain HSMV-1 in the phylum Nitrospirae. Bootstrap values at nodes are percentages of 1,000 replicates. The magnetotactic bacteria Desulfovibrio magneticus and Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis (outgroup; deltaproteobacteria) were used to root the tree. GenBank accession numbers are given in parentheses. Bar represents 2% sequence divergence.Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to authenticate the 16S rRNA gene sequence. A specific Alexa594-labeled probe for HSMV-1 was designed (HSMVp, 5′-CCTTCGCCACAGGCCTTCTA-3′, complementary to nucleotides 690 to 709 of the 16S rRNA molecule) based on the alignment of 10 of the most similar 16S rRNA gene sequences found in GenBank after BLAST analysis (1) and on cultivated members of the phylum Nitrospirae. FISH with the Alexa594-labeled probe was carried out after fixation of magnetically concentrated cells directly on the wells of gelatin-coated hydrophobic microscope slides with 4% paraformaldehyde. FISH was performed according to the work of Pernthaler et al. (13). The hybridization solution contained 10 ng/ml of the probe, 20% formamide, 0.9 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 1 mM Na2EDTA, and 0.01% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Cells of HSMV-1 hybridized to the HSMVp probe, while other cells in the sample did not (Fig. (Fig.3),3), indicating that the 16S rRNA gene sequence we obtained is from the magnetotactic bacterium under study. Strain HSMV-1 clearly represents a new genus (Fig. (Fig.2),2), and based on the phylogeny and what we currently know phenotypically about strain HSMV-1, we propose the name Candidatus Thermomagnetovibrio paiutensis (the GBS site was originally occupied by the Paiute Indian Tribe).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of cells of strain HSMV-1 using an HSMV-1-specific oligonucleotide rRNA probe (HSMVp). Cells used for FISH were magnetically concentrated by placing a magnet next to the side of the sample bottle for 30 min and then removed with a Pasteur pipette. This technique was used rather than the magnetic racetrack method in order to have many HSMV-1 cells as well as some other cells that could be used as a negative control. (A) Differential interference contrast (DIC) image of HSMV-1 cells (filled arrows) and other cells (negative control; empty arrows) from hot spring samples; (B) cells stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI); (C) cells hybridized with the specific probe HSMVp.Nash (12) first reported thermophilic magnetotactic bacteria phylogenetically affiliated with the Nitrospirae phylum in hot springs, and it would be interesting and important to compare these organisms and their habitats. However, little can be compared at this time due to lack of information. Nash (12) reported that the one spring at Little Hot Creek was freshwater and that microbial mats were present at all springs where thermophilic magnetotactic bacteria were found. The water at our sampling sites was brackish, not freshwater, and microbial mats were not an important feature of our springs. Thus, it is difficult to determine without knowing the relationship between the organisms found by Nash (12) and strain HSMV-1 what environmental parameters are important to the growth and survival of these bacteria.It is also difficult to determine the temperature ranges for the survival and growth for strain HSMV-1 without having a pure culture. Data presented here suggest that the temperature range for both is quite wide, and this would be important for the continued presence of HSMV-1 at GBS, as temperatures in the hot springs are known to fluctuate greatly (2). Even if the maximum growth temperature of HSMV-1 is slightly lower than the maximum survival temperature (a conservative estimate) that we know of (63°C), it would still be considered a moderately thermophilic bacterium.The results presented here clearly show that some magnetotactic bacteria can be considered at least moderately thermophilic. They extend the upper temperature limit for environments where magnetotactic bacteria exist and likely grow (∼63°C) and where magnetosome magnetite is deposited, a finding that may prove significant in the study and interpretation of magnetofossils (9, 10).  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess urinary excretion of zinc and evaluation parameters of metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Thirty-one type 2 diabetic patients, of both genders, with 5.8 ± 5.6 years average time of the disease, age range 20–60 years, were selected. Evaluation of the nutritional status was performed using anthropometric measurements. To evaluate food consumption, the 3-day alimentary log method was used, and its analysis was performed using a software. Determination of urinary zinc was by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. From the obtained results, it was concluded that 51.6% of the patients were overweight. The mean of found waist circumference was 100.4 and 92.2 cm for men and women, respectively. Blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin values were higher than reference values, and plasma albumin concentration was adequate. The median of found urinary zinc excretion was 474.9 μg/24 h, within normal standards (300–600 μg/day). Regarding diet composition, calorie and protein concentration were above recommendation, while mean zinc concentration was adequate. This data allow the conclusion that the evaluated patients presented adequate urinary zinc excretion in comparison with reference values.  相似文献   


The authors have developed a small portable device for the objective measurement of the transparency of corneas stored in preservative medium, for use by eye banks in evaluation prior to transplantation.  相似文献   
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