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Blood samples were collected via jugular catheters from ovariectomized rats at 10-minute intervals for one hour before and two hours after microinjection of 0.5 μl of either saline vehicle or morphine sulfate (10 μg) into the dorsal raphe nucleus (DNR) or adjacent peri-aqueductal gray by means of chronically-implanted guide cannulae. LH was measured by radioimmunoassay and mean pre-injec post-injection values were compared for each rat (t test) as well as for each treatment group (paired t test). Neither saline in DRN nor morphine at other sites significantly altered circulating LH. A significant decrease in LH was observed following injection of morphine into DRN. This effect of morphine was prevented by pre treatment of the animals with the narcotic antagonist naltrexone (10 mg/kg i.v.), indicating the involvement of opiate receptors. These results indicate that DRN is one site at which systemically-administered morphine might act, and suggest the possibility of participation of this mechanism in modulation of LH release by endogenous opioids.  相似文献   
A hallmark of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is the characteristic enlargement of the host cells (i.e., cytomegaly). Because iron (Fe) is required for cell growth and Fe chelators inhibit viral replication, we investigated the effects of HCMV infection on Fe homeostasis in MRC-5 fibroblasts. Using the metallosensitive fluorophore calcein and the Fe chelator salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (SIH), the labile iron pool (LIP) in mock-infected cells was determined to be 1.04 ± 0.05 µM. Twenty-four hours postinfection (hpi), the size of the LIP had nearly doubled. Because cytomegaly occurs between 24 and 96 hpi, access to this larger LIP could be expected to facilitate enlargement to 375% of the initial cell size. The ability of Fe chelation by 100 µM SIH to limit enlargement to 180% confirms that the LIP plays a major role in cytomegaly. The effect of SIH chelation on the mitochondrial membrane potential (M) and morphology was studied using the mitochondrial voltage-sensitive dye JC-1. The mitochondria in mock-infected cells were heterogeneous with a broad distribution of M and were threadlike. In contrast, the mitochondria of HCMV-infected cells had a more depolarized M distributed over a narrow range and were grainlike in appearance. However, the HCMV-induced alteration in M was not affected by SIH chelation. We conclude that the development of cytomegaly is inhibited by Fe chelation and may be facilitated by an HCMV-induced increase in the LIP. cell size; mitochondria  相似文献   
A high proportion of nonreproductive (NR) Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), is commonly observed in honey bee colonies displaying the varroa sensitive hygienic trait (VSH). This study was conducted to determine the influence of brood removal and subsequent host reinvasion of varroa mites on mite reproduction. We collected foundress mites from stages of brood (newly sealed larvae, prepupae, white-eyed pupae, and pink-eyed pupae) and phoretic mites from adult bees. We then inoculated these mites into cells containing newly sealed larvae. Successful reproduction (foundress laid both a mature male and female) was low (13%) but most common in mites coming from sealed larvae. Unsuccessful reproductive attempts (foundress failed to produce both a mature male and female) were most common in mites from sealed larvae (22%) and prepupae (61%). Lack of any progeny was most common for mites from white-eyed (83%) and pink-eyed pupae (92%). We also collected foundress mites from sealed larvae and transferred them to cells containing newly sealed larvae, prepupae, white-eyed pupae, or pink-eyed pupae. Successful reproduction only occurred in the transfers to sealed larvae (26%). Unsuccessful reproductive attempts were most common in transfers to newly sealed larvae (40%) and to prepupae (25%). Unsuccessful attempts involved the production of immature progeny (60%), the production of only mature daughters (26%) or the production of only a mature male (14%). Generally, lack of progeny was not associated with mites having a lack of stored sperm. Our results suggest that mites exposed to the removal of prepupae or older brood due to hygiene are unlikely to produce viable mites if they invade new hosts soon after brood removal. Asynchrony between the reproductive status of reinvading mites and the developmental stage of their reinvasion hosts may be a primary cause of NR mites in hygienic colonies. Even if reinvading mites use hosts having the proper age for infestation, only a minority of them will reproduce.  相似文献   


Genes present in only certain strains of a bacterial species can strongly affect cellular phenotypes and evolutionary potentials. One segment that seemed particularly rich in strain-specific genes was found by comparing the first two sequenced Helicobacter pylori genomes (strains 26695 and J99) and was named a “plasticity zone”.

Principal Findings

We studied the nature and evolution of plasticity zones by sequencing them in five more Helicobacter strains, determining their locations in additional strains, and identifying them in recently released genome sequences. They occurred as discrete units, inserted at numerous chromosomal sites, and were usually flanked by direct repeats of 5′AAGAATG, a sequence generally also present in one copy at unoccupied sites in other strains. This showed that plasticity zones are transposable elements, to be called TnPZs. Each full length TnPZ contained a cluster of type IV protein secretion genes (tfs3), a tyrosine recombinase family gene (“xerT”), and a large (≥2800 codon) orf encoding a protein with helicase and DNA methylase domains, plus additional orfs with no homology to genes of known function. Several TnPZ types were found that differed in gene arrangement or DNA sequence. Our analysis also indicated that the first-identified plasticity zones (in strains 26695 and J99) are complex mosaics of TnPZ remnants, formed by multiple TnPZ insertions, and spontaneous and transposable element mediated deletions. Tests using laboratory-generated deletions showed that TnPZs are not essential for viability, but identified one TnPZ that contributed quantitatively to bacterial growth during mouse infection and another that affected synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines in cell culture.


We propose that plasticity zone genes are contained in conjugative transposons (TnPZs) or remnants of them, that TnPZ insertion is mediated by XerT recombinase, and that some TnPZ genes affect bacterial phenotypes and fitness.  相似文献   
We have previously identified Ser201 of Sic1, a yeast cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, as an in vitro target of protein kinase CK2. Here we present new evidence, by using specific anti-P-Ser201 antibodies and 2-D gel electrophoresis coupled to MALDI mass spectrometry analysis, that Sic1 is phosphorylated in vivo on Ser201 shortly after its de novo synthesis, during late anaphase in glucose-grown cells. This phosphorylation is also detected in Sic1 immunopurified from G1 cells. In agreement with these data we also show that the catalytic alpha' subunit of CK2, whose function is required for cell cycle progression, is detected in Sic1 immunopurified complexes, and that phosphorylation on Ser201 is reduced after CK2 inactivation at the non-permissive temperature in a cka1delta cka2(ts) yeast strain. These data strongly support the notion that CK2 phosphorylates Sic1 in vivo.  相似文献   
The effects ofhuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection onCl/HCO3exchanger activity in human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5 cells) were studiedusing fluorescent, ion-sensitive dyes. The intracellular pH(pHi) of mock- and HCMV-infectedcells bathed in a solution containing 5%CO2-25 mMHCO3 were nearly the same. However,replacement of external Clwith gluconate caused anH2DIDS-inhibitable (100 µM)increase in the pHi ofHCMV-infected cells but not in mock-infected cells. Continuous exposureto hyperosmotic external media containing CO2/HCO3caused the pHi of both cell typesto increase. The pHi remainedelevated in mock-infected cells. However, in HCMV-infected cells, thepHi peaked and then recoveredtoward control values. This pHirecovery phase was completely blocked by 100 µMH2DIDS. In the presence ofCO2/HCO3, there was an H2DIDS-sensitivecomponent of net Cl efflux(external Cl wassubstituted with gluconate) that was less in mock- than in HCMV-infected cells. When nitrate was substituted for external Cl (in the nominal absenceofCO2/HCO3),the H2DIDS-sensitive netCl efflux was much greaterfrom HCMV- than from mock-infected cells. In mock-infected cells,H2DIDS-sensitive, netCl efflux decreased aspHi increased, whereas forHCMV-infected cells, efflux increased aspHi increased. All these resultsare consistent with an HCMV-induced enhancement ofCl/HCO3exchanger activity.

Gastric cancer is one of the most lethal types of cancer and its incidence varies worldwide, with the Andean region of South America showing high incidence rates. We evaluated the genetic structure of the population from Lima (Peru) and performed a case-control genetic association study to test the contribution of African, European, or Native American ancestry to risk for gastric cancer, controlling for the effect of non-genetic factors. A wide set of socioeconomic, dietary, and clinic information was collected for each participant in the study and ancestry was estimated based on 103 ancestry informative markers. Although the urban population from Lima is usually considered as mestizo (i.e., admixed from Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans), we observed a high fraction of Native American ancestry (78.4% for the cases and 74.6% for the controls) and a very low African ancestry (<5%). We determined that higher Native American individual ancestry is associated with gastric cancer, but socioeconomic factors associated both with gastric cancer and Native American ethnicity account for this association. Therefore, the high incidence of gastric cancer in Peru does not seem to be related to susceptibility alleles common in this population. Instead, our result suggests a predominant role for ethnic-associated socioeconomic factors and disparities in access to health services. Since Native Americans are a neglected group in genomic studies, we suggest that the population from Lima and other large cities from Western South America with high Native American ancestry background may be convenient targets for epidemiological studies focused on this ethnic group.  相似文献   
A new bidentate chelating pyrazolylpyrimidine ligand bearing a strong electron-donating substituent, i.e. 4-(3,5-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-6-(piperidin-1-yl)pyrimidine (L) (Scheme 1), has been synthesized and used to obtain the copper(II) complexes by reaction with CuCl2. The molar ratio Cu:L = 1:2 leads to isolation of a complex having CuL2Cl2 empirical formula, while the molar ratio Cu:L = 1:1 gives a complex with CuLCl2 empirical formula. The crystal structure of L as well as the structures of both complexes were studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure of CuL2Cl2 compound is formed by trans-[CuL2Cl2] mononuclear molecules. Surprisingly, in contrast to the previous compound having molecular structure, the crystal structure of CuLCl2 consists of mononuclear [CuL2Cl]+ complex cations and dinuclear [Cu2Cl6]2− anions. Thus, formula of CuLCl2 complex can be represented as [CuL2Cl]2[Cu2Cl6]. In both complexes molecules of L adopt bidentate chelating coordination mode through N2 atom of pyrazole and N3 atom of pyrimidine rings forming five-membered CuN3C metallocycles. Owing to C-H···N interactions and π-π-stacking L molecules form 2D network. In the structure of trans-[CuL2Cl2] there exist double lone pair(N(piperidine))-π(pyrimidine) interactions and C-H···Cl contacts resulting in the formation of 1D chains. Layered 2D structure of [CuL2Cl]2[Cu2Cl6] results from C-H···Cl, C-H···π and double lone pair(Cl([CuL2Cl]+ complex cation)-π(pyrimidine) interactions.  相似文献   
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