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Seaweed biofilters have proven their usefulness in the treatment of fishpond effluents. However, their performance poses a dilemma: TAN (Total Ammonia N) uptake rate – and with it seaweed yield and protein content – is inversely proportional to TAN uptake efficiency. The ideal for a seaweed biofilter performance would be a high uptake rate together with high uptake efficiency. The novel three-stage seaweed biofilter design described here has solved this dilemma. The design used the finding that the performance of seaweed ponds depended on the flux of TAN through them, and that therefore effluents with reduced TAN concentration could provide the seaweed with a high TAN flux if the water flow increased proportionally. Effluents from a seabream fishpond were passed through a series of three successively smaller (25, 12.5 and 6.25 m2, respectively) air-agitated Ulva lactuca ponds. The diminished inflow TAN concentrations to the second and third ponds of the biofilter system were compensated for by the increased water exchange rates, inversely proportional to their sizes. The biofilter performance was evaluated under several TAN loads. TAN was efficiently removed (85–90%), at a high areal rate (up to 2.9 g N m-2 d-1) while producing high protein U. lactuca (up to 44% dw) in all three stages, although with mediocre yields (up to 189 g fresh m-2 d-1). Performance of each seaweed biofilter pond correlated not with TAN concentration, but with areal TAN loads. The novel three-stage design provides significant functional and economic improvements in seaweed biofiltration of intensive fishpond water.  相似文献   
Peripheral sensory neurons respond to axon injury by activating an importin-dependent retrograde signaling mechanism. How is this mechanism regulated? Here, we show that Ran GTPase and its associated effectors RanBP1 and RanGAP regulate the formation of importin signaling complexes in injured axons. A gradient of nuclear RanGTP versus cytoplasmic RanGDP is thought to be fundamental for the organization of eukaryotic cells. Surprisingly, we find RanGTP in sciatic nerve axoplasm, distant from neuronal cell bodies and nuclei, and in association with dynein and importin-alpha. Following injury, localized translation of RanBP1 stimulates RanGTP dissociation from importins and subsequent hydrolysis, thereby allowing binding of newly synthesized importin-beta to importin-alpha and dynein. Perturbation of RanGTP hydrolysis or RanBP1 blockade at axonal injury sites reduces the neuronal conditioning lesion response. Thus, neurons employ localized mechanisms of Ran regulation to control retrograde injury signaling in peripheral nerve.  相似文献   
Rhomboids (ROMs) constitute a family of polytopic serine proteases conserved throughout evolution. The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii possesses six genes coding for ROM-like proteases that are targeted to distinct subcellular compartments: TgROM1 localizes to regulated secretory organelles, micronemes, TgROM2 is present in the Golgi, while TgROM4 and TgROM5 are found in the pellicle of the parasite. The targeting mechanism/s of ROM proteins is an aspect that has not yet been assessed. The existence of TgROM family members localized to different subcellular compartments provides a convenient system to study their sorting mechanisms in a genetically tractable organism that possesses an elaborate secretory pathway and conserved trafficking machineries. In this study, we experimentally established the topology of TgROM1 and TgROM4 at the plasma membrane and applied domain-exchange and site-directed mutagenesis approaches to identify critical sorting determinants on the N-terminal cytosolic domains of TgROM2 and TgROM1 that confer their Golgi and post-Golgi localizations, respectively.  相似文献   
The voltage recorded over the cortex (ECoG) or over the scalp (EEG) is generated by currents derived from many sources called “generators”. Different patterns and amplitudes are observed in aroused, sleepy, epileptic or other brain states. Differences in amplitude are generally attributed to differences in synchrony among generators. The degree of EEG synchrony is measured by the correlation between electrodes placed over different cortical regions. We present a new way to quantitatively assess the degree of synchronization of these generators via multichannel recordings. We illustrate how situations where there are several groups of generators with different inter-group and intra-group synchronies can be analyzed. Finally, we present a way to identify the organization of groups exhibiting topographic organization. Although the model presented here is highly simplified, several methods are based on averaging activity over increasingly larger areas. These types of measurements may be applied as well to EEG and ECoG recordings.  相似文献   
Degradation of IgM mu heavy chains in light chain-negative pre-B cells is independent of vesicular transport, as is evident by its insensitivity to brefeldin A or cell permeabilization. Conversely, by the same criteria, degradation of the secretory mu heavy chain in light chain-expressing B cells depends on vesicular transport. To investigate whether the presence of conventional light chains or the developmental stage of the B-lymphocytes dictates the degradative route taken by mu, we express in 70Z/3 pre-B cells either lambda ectopically or kappa by lipopolysaccharides-stimulated differentiation into B cells and show their assembly with mu heavy chains. The resulting sensitivity of mu degradation to brefeldin A and cell permeabilization demonstrates that conventional light chains, a hallmark of B cell differentiation, are necessary and sufficient to divert mu from a vesicular transport-independent to a vesicular transport-dependent degradative route. Although both routes converge at the ubiquitin-proteasome degradation pathway, only in light chain-expressing cells is vesicular transport a prerequisite for mu ubiquitination.  相似文献   
Gap junctions coordinate processes ranging from muscle contraction to ovarian follicle development. Here we show that the gap junction protein Zero population growth (Zpg) is required for germ cell differentiation in the Drosophila ovary. In the absence of Zpg the stem cell daughter destined to differentiate dies. The zpg phenotype is novel, and we used this phenotype to genetically dissect the process of stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Our findings suggest that germ line stem cells differentiate upon losing contact with their niche, that gap junction mediated cell-cell interactions are required for germ cell differentiation, and that in Drosophila germ line stem cell differentiation to a cystoblast is gradual.  相似文献   
How are phosphorylated kinases transported over long intracellular distances, such as in the case of axon to cell body signaling after nerve injury? Here, we show that the MAP kinases Erk1 and Erk2 are phosphorylated in sciatic nerve axoplasm upon nerve injury, concomitantly with the production of soluble forms of the intermediate filament vimentin by local translation and calpain cleavage in axoplasm. Vimentin binds phosphorylated Erks (pErk), thus linking pErk to the dynein retrograde motor via direct binding of vimentin to importin beta. Injury-induced Elk1 activation and neuronal regeneration are inhibited or delayed in dorsal root ganglion neurons from vimentin null mice, and in rats treated with a MEK inhibitor or with a peptide that prevents pErk-vimentin binding. Thus, soluble vimentin enables spatial translocation of pErk by importins and dynein in lesioned nerve.  相似文献   
DNA-based methods are increasingly important for bacterial typing. The high number of polymorphic sites present among closely related bacterial genomes is the basis for the presented method. The method identifies multilocus genomic polymorphisms in intergenic regions termed AILP (amplified intergenic locus polymorphism). For each locus, a pair of unique PCR primers was designed to amplify an intergenic sequence from one open reading frame (ORF) to the adjacent ORF. Presence, absence, and size variation of the amplification products were identified and used as genetic markers for rapidly differentiating among strains. Polymorphism was evaluated using 18 AILP sites among 28 strains of Listeria monocytogenes and 6 strains of Listeria spp. and 30 AILP markers among 27 strains of Escherichia coli. Up to four alleles per locus were identified among Listeria strains, and up to six were identified among E. coli strains. In both species, more than half of the AILP sites revealed intraspecies polymorphism. The AILP data were applied to phylogenetic analysis among Listeria and E. coli strains. A clear distinction between L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. was demonstrated. In addition, the method separated L. monocytogenes into the three known lineages and discriminated the most common virulent serotypic group, 4b. In E. coli, AILP analysis separated the known groups as well as the virulent O157:H7 isolates. These findings for both Listeria and E. coli are in agreement with other phylogenetic studies using molecular markers. The AILP method was found to be rapid, simple, reproducible, and a low-cost method for initial bacterial typing that could serve as a basis for epidemiological investigation.  相似文献   
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