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Mercury concentrations, non-protein thiol levels and the enzyme activities of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were measured in the blades and sheaths of the marine phanerogam Posidonia oceanica. The seagrass was collected in January and June and at three sites: the Bay of Rosignano (Italy) known for its mercury contamination, the north of the Lérins islands (Bay of Cannes, France), the Bay of Tonnara (Corsica, France). The two latter sites are considered as free of any known industrial inputs. Mercury concentrations and GST activities in both tissues were always higher in samples from Rosignano, particularly in June. Non-protein thiol levels were significantly higher in the blades than in the sheaths of P. oceanica from Tonnara and Lérins. In contrast, at Rosignano, the sheaths presented a significantly higher non-protein thiol concentration than the blades, particularly in June. Levels in the sheaths appeared to increase with the degree of pollution. Western Blot performed on sheaths of P. oceanica collected in June at Rosignano and Lérins revealed a characteristic band of GSTs at 31 kDa, proving the presence of the GST enzyme in this tissue. Mercury seemed to exert an influence upon non-protein thiol metabolism, including GST induction, in P. oceanica collected from the NW Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Pectin was acid extracted from orange albedo by microwave heating under pressure. Extraction times ranged from 2.5 to 8 min. Solubilized pectin was characterized for molar mass (M), rms radius of gyration (Rg) and intrinsic viscosity [eta] by HPSEC with online light scattering and viscosity detection. M, Rg and [eta] all decreased with increasing extraction time. Nevertheless, at heating times of 2.5 and 3.0 min, M, Rg and [eta] were significantly higher than a commercial citrus pectin when the albedo:solvent ratio was 1:25 (w/v). At the heating time of 2.5 min Mw was 3.6 x 10(5), Rgz was 38 nm and [eta]w was 10.8 dL/g. Chromatography revealed that solubilized pectin distributions were bimodal in nature and that the low-molar-mass fraction increased at the expense of the high-molar-mass fraction with increasing extraction time. Scaling law exponents revealed that the high-molar-mass fraction was extremely compact in shape, whereas the low-molar-mass fraction was more asymmetric in shape. Possibly these results indicated that at short extraction times, pectin was solubilized as compact aggregated network structures that were broken down to their more asymmetric components with increased heating times.  相似文献   
Although most models of mating system evolution assign a central role to the male transmission advantage of selfing genotypes, empirical data on the male fitness consequences of increased self-pollination are still uncommon. Here, I use measures of pollen import and export by focal plants in genotyped arrays to investigate the effects of floral morphology and pollination environment on self and outcross male function. Plants from an autogamous population of Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae) exhibit complete pollen discounting relative to closely related outcrossers, as do morphologically intermediate F1 hybrids between the two populations. However, the low cumulative male fitness of hybrids probably results from reduced pollen number or competitive ability, rather than a nonlinear relationship with floral morphology. When surrounded by selfers, plants from the outcrosser population self-fertilize at nearly the same rate as selfers (>80%), but have much lower self male fitness due to reduced fruit set. Because outcross siring success is also extremely low (<8%) in this treatment, these mate-limited outcrossers are at male fitness disadvantage to both pseudocleistogamous selfers and nonlimited outcrossers. The relative male fitness of plants with different mating systems appears dependent on the ecological context, as well as on morphological trade-offs.  相似文献   
The existence of specific rabies virus (RV) glycoprotein (G) binding sites on the surfaces of neuroblastoma cells is demonstrated. Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf21) cells expressing G of the RV strain CVS (Gcvs-Sf21 cells) bind specifically to neuroblastoma cells of different species but not to any other cell type (fibroblast, myoblast, epithelial, or glioma). Attachment to mouse neuroblastoma NG108-15 cells is abolished by previous treatment of Gcvs-Sf21 cells with anti-G antibody. Substitutions for lysine at position 330 and for arginine at position 333 in RV G greatly reduce interaction between Gcvs-Sf21 cells and NG108-15 cells. These data are consistent with in vivo results: an avirulent RV mutant bearing the same double mutation is not able to infect sensory neurons or motoneurons (P. Coulon, J.-P. Ternaux, A. Flamand, and C. Tuffereau, J. Virol. 72:273–278, 1998) after intramuscular inoculation into a mouse. Furthermore, infection of NG108-15 cells by RV but not by vesicular stomatitis virus leads to a reduction of the number of binding sites at the neuronal-cell surface. Our data strongly suggest that these specific attachment sites on neuroblastoma cells represent a neuronal receptor(s) used by RV to infect certain types of neurons in vivo.  相似文献   
Highly active lipase and protease complexes were prepared by non-covalent modification with stearic acid. The protein content and yield of the modified enzyme complexes depended on the enzymes' source. The increase in the transesterification activity of the modified enzymes was 15 fold for Candida rugosa lipase and porcine pancreatic lipase, with preservation of the enantioselectivity. Pseudomonas sp. lipase which showed no activity in its crude form, exhibited an activity of 38 mol/h·mg protein in the modified form. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
Sec12p is an integral membrane protein required in vivo and in vitro for the formation of transport vesicles generated from the ER. Vesicle budding and protein transport from ER membranes containing normal levels of Sec12p is inhibited in vitro by addition of microsomes isolated from a Sec12p-overproducing strain. Inhibition is attributable to titration of a limiting cytosolic protein. This limitation is overcome by addition of a highly enriched fraction of soluble Sar1p, a small GTP-binding protein, shown previously to be essential for protein transport from the ER and whose gene has been shown to interact genetically with sec12. Furthermore, Sar1p binding to isolated membranes is enhanced at elevated levels of Sec12p. Sar1p-Sec12p interaction may regulate the initiation of vesicle budding from the ER.  相似文献   
Since charge as well as size may influence the passage of plasma proteins from blood to lung lymph, we used uncharged dextrans as tracers to study the effects of hyperoxic lung injury on the molecular sieving properties of the pulmonary microcirculation in unanesthetized sheep. Polydisperse [3H]dextran was infused intravenously into five sheep before and after the animals breathed 100% O2 until lymph flow increased threefold (66-84 h). Lymph-to-plasma concentration ratios (L/P) were determined for [3H]dextran fractions of graded molecular sizes (1.6-8.4 nm effective radius) from samples obtained during the infusions. Before hyperoxia the blood-lymph barrier was highly restrictive to transport of [3H]dextrans above 5.0 nm in radius; steady-state L/P for these molecules averaged 0.03 or less. After the sheep breathed 100% O2, [3H]dextrans as large as 8.4 nm radius appeared in the lymph. Posthyperoxia, the L/P were significantly increased relative to prehyperoxia base-line values for every [3H]dextran fraction larger than 2.0 nm radius (P less than 0.05). In contrast, neither the L/P for albumin or total protein changed significantly. At autopsy, electron microscopy showed widespread damage to the endothelium of the alveolar capillaries with infrequent gaps between endothelial cells. In two control sheep, inhalation of compressed air for 96 h had no effect on lymph flow or L/P for the [3H]dextrans. We conclude that O2 poisoning reduced the selective sieving of uncharged dextrans across the blood-lymph barrier of the lungs and allowed larger dextrans to enter the lymph. These larger molecules may have leaked from the pulmonary microcirculation via disruptions in the continuity of the endothelial lining.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton and Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. biovolumes were characterized and modeled, respectively, with regard to hydrological and meteorological variables during zebra mussel invasion in Saginaw Bay (1990–1996). Total phytoplankton and Microcystis biomass within the inner bay were one and one‐half and six times greater, respectively, than those of the outer bay. Following mussel invasion, mean total biomass in the inner bay decreased 84% but then returned to its approximate initial value. Microcystis was not present in the bay during 1990 and 1991 and thereafter occurred at/in 52% of sample sites/dates with the greatest biomass occurring in 1994–1996 and within months having water temperatures >19°C. With an overall relative biomass of 0.03 ± 0.01 (mean + SE), Microcystis had, at best, a marginal impact upon holistic compositional dynamics. Dynamics of the centric diatom Cyclotella ocellata Pant. and large pennate diatoms dominated compositional dissimilarities both inter‐ and intra‐annually. The environmental variables that corresponded with phytoplankton distributions were similar for the inner and outer bays, and together identified physical forcing and biotic utilization of nutrients as determinants of system‐level biomass patterns. Nonparametric models explained 70%–85% of the variability in Microcystis biovolumes and identified maximal biomass to occur at total phosphorus (TP) concentrations ranging from 40 to 45 μg · L?1. From isometric projections depicting modeled Microcystis/environmental interactions, a TP concentration of <30 μg · L?1 was identified as a desirable contemporary “target” for management efforts to ameliorate bloom potentials throughout mussel‐impacted bay waters.  相似文献   
Cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α) are increased after exhaustive exercise in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RPAT) and mesenteric adipose tissue (MEAT). An exhaustive acute exercise protocol induces inflammation in adipose tissue that lasts 6 h after the exercise has ended. It is well-established that this protocol increases circulating plasma levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), compounds that are important in stimulating signaling via toll like receptor-4 (TLR-4) in different type cells. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of TLR-4 and DNA-binding of nuclear factor-κBp65 (NF-κBp65) in different depots of adipose tissue in rats after exhaustive exercise. Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n=6), 2 (E2 group, n=6), and 6 h (E6 group, n=6) after the exhaustive exercise, which consisted of running on a treadmill (approximately 70% V(O2max) ) for 50 min and then running at an elevated rate that increased at 1 m/min, until exhaustion. The control group (C group, n=6) was not subjected to exercise. In RPAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, and IkBα increased in the E2 group after exercise. MYD-88 and TRAF6 remained increased in the E6 group in comparison with the control group. DNA-binding of NF-κBp65 was not altered. In MEAT, TLR-4, MYD-88, TRAF6, and DNA-binding of NF-κBp65 were increased only in the E6 group. In conclusion, we have shown that increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue pads after exhaustive exercise may be mediated via TLR-4 signaling, leading to increases in NF-κBp65 binding to DNA in MEAT.  相似文献   
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