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Leptin has emerged over the past decade as a key hormone not only in energy balance regulation but also in neuroendocrine and inflammatory processes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether hyperleptinemia deregulates neuropeptides during weight loss. A total of 86 post-pubertal obese adolescents (with or without hyperleptinemia) participated in one year of interdisciplinary weight loss therapy (clinical, nutritional, psychological and exercise-related). Adipokine and neuropeptide concentrations were measured by ELISA, visceral fat was measured by ultrasound and body composition was measured by pletismography. The hyperleptinemic patients presented a lower alpha-MSH concentration and higher NPY/AgRP ratio while the adiponectin/leptin (A/L) ratio was lower compared with the non-hyperleptinemic group. After therapy, significant improvements in BM, BMI, body fat mass, visceral and subcutaneous fat, HOMA-IR, QUICKI, total cholesterol and triglycerides were observed in both groups. Indeed, we observed significant increases in adiponectin and A/L as well as reductions in leptin and NPY/AgRP ratio in the hyperleptinemic group. In the stepwise multiple linear regression analysis with leptin concentration as the dependent variable, α-MSH and body fat mass (%) were the independent predictors to explain leptin concentration. For the entire group, we found positive correlations between leptinemia and BMI and body fat mass (%) as well as a negative correlation with free fat mass (%) and alpha-MSH. Finally, we verified negative correlations between adiponectin/leptin ratio with total cholesterol and LDL-c, only in hyperleptinemic patients. In conclusion, the hyperleptinemia in obese adolescents deregulates neuropeptides during weight loss.  相似文献   
Estrogen receptor (ER) positive primary breast cancers have a wide range of clinical outcomes. Prediction of the likely course of the disease aids treatment decision-making. In the translational arm of the ATAC (anastrozole or tamoxifen alone or combined) trial (TransATAC) we have assessed individual and multiparameter biomarkers for their prediction of overall and distant recurrence. None of the biomarkers identified differential benefit for anastrozole versus tamoxifen. Each of ER, PgR, HER2 and Ki67 was associated with risk of recurrence. A combination of these to create a single predictor IHC4 was as informative as the 21-gene recurrence score (RS). Integration of each of these molecular profiles with classical clinicopathologic variables provided the most accurate prediction of outcome.  相似文献   
Toxicity in amyloid diseases is intimately linked to the nature of aggregates, with early oligomeric species believed to be more cytotoxic than later fibrillar aggregates. Yet mechanistic understanding of how aggregating species evolve with time is currently lacking. We have explored the aggregation process of a chimera composed of a globular protein (cellular retinoic acid-binding protein, CRABP) and huntingtin exon 1 with polyglutamine tracts either above (Q53) or below (Q20) the pathological threshold using Escherichia coli cells as a model intracellular environment. Previously we showed that fusion of the huntingtin exon 1 sequence with >40Q led to structural perturbation and decreased stability of CRABP (Ignatova, Z., and Gierasch, L. M. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 12959-12967). Here we report that the Q53 chimera aggregates in cells via a multistep process: early stage aggregates are spherical and detergent-soluble, characteristics of prefibrillar aggregates, and appear to be dominated structurally by CRABP, in that they can promote aggregation of a CRABP variant but not oligoglutamine aggregation, and the CRABP domain is relatively sequestered based on its protection from proteolysis. Late stage aggregates appear to be dominated by polyGln; they are fibrillar, detergent-resistant, capable of seeding aggregation of oligoglutamine but not the CRABP variant, and show relative protection of the polyglutamine-exon1 domain from proteolysis. These results point to an evolution of the dominant sequences in intracellular aggregates and may provide molecular insight into origins of toxic prefibrillar aggregates.  相似文献   
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) plays a central role in control of epithelial surface hydration and vascular volume. Similar to other ion channels, ENaC activity is set, in part, by its membrane levels. The small G protein RhoA increases ENaC activity by increasing the membrane levels of this channel. We hypothesize that RhoA increases ENaC activity by promoting channel trafficking to the plasma membrane. Few experimental methods are available to directly visualize trafficking of ion channels to the plasma membrane. Here we combine electrophysiology with two complementary imaging methods, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, to study the mechanistic basis of RhoA actions on ENaC. Patch clamp results demonstrate that RhoA increases ENaC activity in an additive manner with dominant-negative dynamin. This is consistent with a mechanism of increased ENaC trafficking to the membrane. Direct visualization of ENaC movement near the plasma membrane with total internal reflection fluorescence-fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed that RhoA accelerates ENaC trafficking toward the membrane. RhoA-facilitated movement of the channel was sensitive to disrupting the endomembrane system. Moreover, facilitating retrieval decreased ENaC activity but not trafficking toward the membrane. ENaC at the plasma membrane clustered and was laterally immobile suggesting that the cytoskeleton tethers or corrals membrane resident channels or membrane-directed vesicles containing ENaC. Disrupting microtubules but not microfilaments led to reorganization of ENaC clusters and slowed trafficking toward the membrane. The cytoskeleton is an established target for RhoA signaling. We conclude that RhoA, likely through effects on the cytoskeleton, promotes ENaC trafficking to the plasma membrane to increase channel membrane levels and activity.  相似文献   
Infrared spectroscopy is a rapid, easy‐to‐operate, label‐free and therefore cost‐effective technique. Many studies performed on biofluids (eg, serum, plasma, urine, sputum, bile and cerebrospinal fluid) have demonstrated its promising application as a clinical diagnostic tool. Given all these characteristics, infrared spectroscopy appears to be an ideal candidate to be implemented into the clinics. However, before considering its translation, a clear effort is needed to standardise protocols for biofluid spectroscopic analysis. To reach this goal, careful investigations to identify and track errors that can occur during the pre‐analytical phase is a crucial step. Here, we report for the first time, results of investigations into pre‐analytical factors that can affect the quality of the spectral data acquired on serum and plasma, such as the impact of long‐term freezing time storage of samples as well as the month‐to‐month reproducibility of the spectroscopic analysis. The spectral data discrimination has revealed to be majorly impacted by a residual water content variation in serum and plasma dried samples.   相似文献   
Biopolymer homeostasis underlies the health of organisms, and protective osmolytes have emerged as one strategy used by Nature to preserve biopolymer homeostasis. However, a great deal remains unknown about the mechanism of action of osmolytes. Trehalose, as a prominent example, stabilizes proteins against denaturation by extreme temperature and denaturants, preserves membrane integrity upon freezing or in dry conditions, inhibits polyQ-mediated protein aggregation, and suppresses the aggregation of denatured proteins. The underlying thermodynamic mechanisms of such diverse effects of trehalose remain unclear or controversial. In this study, we applied the surface-additive method developed in the Record laboratory to attack this issue. We characterized the key features of trehalose-biopolymer preferential interactions and found that trehalose has strong unfavorable interactions with aliphatic carbon and significant favorable interactions with amide/anionic oxygen. This dissection has allowed us to elucidate the diverse effects of trehalose and to identify the crucial functional group(s) responsible for its effects. With (semi)quantitative thermodynamic analysis, we discovered that 1) the unfavorable interaction of trehalose with hydrophobic surfaces is the dominant factor in its effect on protein stability, 2) the favorable interaction of trehalose with polar amides enables it to inhibit polyQ-mediated protein aggregation and the aggregation of denatured protein in general, and 3) the favorable interaction of trehalose with phosphate oxygens, together with its unfavorable interaction with aliphatic carbons, enables trehalose to preserve membrane integrity in aqueous solution. These results provide a basis for a full understanding of the role of trehalose in biopolymer homeostasis and the reason behind its evolutionary selection as an osmolyte, as well as for a better application of trehalose as a chemical chaperone.  相似文献   


Plague, a zoonosis caused by Yersinia pestis, is found in Asia and the Americas, but predominantly in Africa, with the island of Madagascar reporting almost one third of human cases worldwide. Plague''s occurrence is affected by local climate factors which in turn are influenced by large-scale climate phenomena such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The effects of ENSO on regional climate are often enhanced or reduced by a second large-scale climate phenomenon, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). It is known that ENSO and the IOD interact as drivers of disease. Yet the impacts of these phenomena in driving plague dynamics via their effect on regional climate, and specifically contributing to the foci of transmission on Madagascar, are unknown. Here we present the first analysis of the effects of ENSO and IOD on plague in Madagascar.

Methodology/principal findings

We use a forty-eight year monthly time-series of reported human plague cases from 1960 to 2008. Using wavelet analysis, we show that over the last fifty years there have been complex non-stationary associations between ENSO/IOD and the dynamics of plague in Madagascar. We demonstrate that ENSO and IOD influence temperature in Madagascar and that temperature and plague cycles are associated. The effects on plague appear to be mediated more by temperature, but precipitation also undoubtedly influences plague in Madagascar. Our results confirm a relationship between plague anomalies and an increase in the intensity of ENSO events and precipitation.


This work widens the understanding of how climate factors acting over different temporal scales can combine to drive local disease dynamics. Given the association of increasing ENSO strength and plague anomalies in Madagascar it may in future be possible to forecast plague outbreaks in Madagascar. The study gives insight into the complex and changing relationship between climate factors and plague in Madagascar.  相似文献   
Plague (Yersinia pestis infection) is a highly virulent rodent disease that persists in many natural ecosystems. The black rat (Rattus rattus) is the main host involved in the plague focus of the central highlands of Madagascar. Black rat populations from this area are highly resistant to plague, whereas those from areas in which the disease is absent (low altitude zones of Madagascar) are susceptible. Various lines of evidence suggest a role for the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in plague resistance. We therefore used the MHC region as a candidate for detecting signatures of plague-mediated selection in Malagasy black rats, by comparing population genetic structures for five MHC-linked microsatellites and neutral markers in two sampling designs. We first compared four pairs of populations, each pair including one population from the plague focus and one from the disease-free zone. Plague-mediated selection was expected to result in greater genetic differentiation between the two zones than expected under neutrality and this was observed for one MHC-class I-linked locus (D20Img2). For this marker as well as for four other MHC-linked loci, a geographic pattern of genetic structure was found at local scale within the plague focus. This pattern would be expected if plague selection pressures were spatially variable. Finally, another MHC-class I-linked locus (D20Rat21) showed evidences of balancing selection, but it seems more likely that this selection would be related to unknown pathogens more widely distributed in Madagascar than plague.  相似文献   
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