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The formation and composition of the insoluble heparin-fibronectin-collagen complex and its degradation by proteolysis was investigated. At fixed concentrations of the other molecular components of the complex, the maximal rate of complex formation, measured turbidimetrically, was reached at a concentration of 4 microM heparin and 0.9 microM collagen, while the rate of complex formation was linearly related to concentrations of fibronectin as high as 3 microM. Heparin was incorporated into the complex in a saturable manner, and was released in active anticoagulant form by plasmin but not by urokinase. The complex formation was inhibited by 5 mM calcium or 250 mM NaCl as well as by polybrene or spermin. It is suggested that fibronectin binds both heparin and collagen cooperatively to form an insoluble ternary complex of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
The mammalian small intestine is both a source and a site of degradation of neurotensin. Metabolites produced by incubation of the peptide with dispersed enterocytes from porcine small intestine were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography and identified by amino-acid analysis. The principal sites of cleavage were at the Tyr-11-Ile-12 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-11), and at the Pro-10-Tyr-11 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-10). The corresponding COOH-terminal fragments, neurotensin-(11-13) and -(12-13) were metabolized further. Formation of neurotensin-(1-11) and -(1-10) was completely inhibited by phosphoramidon (Ki = 6 nM), an inhibitor of endopeptidase 24.11, but not by captopril, an inhibitor of peptidyl dipeptidase A. Incubation of neurotensin with purified endopeptidase 24.11 from pig stomach also resulted in cleavage of the Tyr-11-Ile-12 and Pro-10-Tyr-11 bonds. A minor pathway of cell-surface-mediated degradation was the phosphoramidon-insensitive cleavage of the Tyr-3-Glu-4 bond, generating neurotensin-(1-3) and neurotensin-(4-13). No evidence for specific binding sites (putative receptors) for neurotensin was found either on the intact enterocyte or on vesicles prepared from the basolateral membranes of the cells. Neurotensin-(1-8), the major circulating metabolite, was not formed when neurotensin(1-13) was incubated with cells, but represented a major metabolite (together with neurotensin-(1-10] when neurotensin-(1-11) was used as substrate. The study has shown that degradation of neurotensin in the epithelial layer of the small intestine is mediated principally through the action of endopeptidase 24.11, but this enzyme is probably not responsible for the production of the neurotensin fragments detected in the circulation.  相似文献   
OK cells, derived from an American opossum kidney, were analyzed for proximal tubular transport functions. In monolayers, L-glutamate, L-proline, L-alanine, and alpha-methyl-glucopyranoside (alpha-methyl D-glucoside) were accumulated through Na+-dependent and Na+-independent transport pathways. D-Glucose and inorganic sulfate were accumulated equally well in the presence or absence of Na+. Influx of inorganic phosphate was only observed in the presence of Na+. Na+/alpha-methyl D-glucoside uptake was preferentially inhibited by phlorizin and D-glucose uptake by cytochalasin B. An amiloride-sensitive Na+-transport was also identified. In isolated apical vesicles (enriched 8-fold in gamma-glutamyltransferase), L-glutamate, L-proline, L-alanine, alpha-methyl D-glucoside and inorganic phosphate transport were stimulated by an inwardly directed Na+-gradient as compared to an inwardly directed K+-gradient. L-Glutamate transport required additionally intravesicular K+. D-Glucose transport was similar in the presence of a Na+- and a K+-gradient. Na+/alpha-methyl D-glucoside uptake was inhibited by phlorizin whereas cytochalasin B had no effect on Na+/D-glucose transport. An amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange mechanism was also found in the apical vesicle preparation. It is concluded that the apical membrane of OK cells contains Na+-coupled transport systems for amino acids, hexoses, protons and inorganic phosphate. D-Glucose appears a poor substrate for the Na+/hexose transport system.  相似文献   
The labeling of molecular species of phosphatidylcholine (PC) has been studied in bovine retinas incubated for 2 h with (1-14C)-labeled (n-6) eicosatetraenoate (n-3) docosapentaenoate and (n-3) docosahexaenoate (20:4, 22:5 and 22:6, respectively) and in four subcellular fractions isolated after such incubations. Of the total radioactivity incorporated in PC, the following percentages of the above fatty acids, respectively, are found in its dipolyunsaturated species: 58, 56 and 53% in rod outer segments; 29, 41 and 49% in mitochondria; 24, 28 and 39% in microsomes; 12, 14 and 16% in postmicrosomal supernatants; 28, 36 and 58% in entire retinas. The remainder percentages are in tetra-, penta- and hexaenoic species of PC, respectively. The levels of pentaenoic species in the PCs of all fractions are similar, while tetraenes are lowest and hexaenes highest in photoreceptor membranes. Dipolyunsaturated species are highly concentrated in photoreceptor membranes, but are minor components of mitochondrial, microsomal and cytosolic PC. The specific radioactivities of tetraenoic, pentaenoic and hexaenoic PCs are decreasingly lower in the following order: postmicrosomal supernatants, microsomes, mitochondria, photoreceptor membranes. In contrast, the specific radioactivities of dipolyunsaturated PCs are higher in mitochondria and microsomes than in the other fractions, especially with 22:5 and 22:6. It is suggested that mitochondria as well as the endoplasmic reticulum could play a role in the synthesis and further modifications of dipolyunsaturated PCs before being supplied to photoreceptor membranes.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutants of the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) of Escherichia coli. The mutant proteins were purified to homogeneity and tested for stability and DNA binding. It is shown that mutations at the position of Arg180 abolish specific DNA binding, whereas those at the position Arg185 have very little effect. Both positions have previously been implicated as crucial for the specific interaction between CRP and DNA. The Ser128----Ala mutant shows a slight reduction in DNA binding affinity relative to wild-type. All mutants investigated show similar stability profiles to wild-type CRP with respect to thermolysin proteolysis as a function of temperature.  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in ectomycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizas   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
F Martin  M Ramstedt  K S?derh?ll 《Biochimie》1987,69(6-7):569-581
The literature concerning the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen compounds in ectomycorrhizal associations of trees is reviewed. The absorption and translocation of mineral ions by the mycelia require an energy source and a reductant which are both supplied by respiratory catabolism of carbohydrates produced by the host plant. Photosynthates are also required to generate the carbon skeletons for amino acid and carbohydrate syntheses during the growth of the mycelia. Competition for photosynthates occurs between the fungal cells and the various vegetative sinks in the host tree. The nature of carbon compounds involved in these processes, their routes of metabolism, the mechanisms of control and the partitioning of metabolites between the various sites of utilization are only poorly understood. Both ascomycetous and basidiomycetous ectomycorrhizal fungi synthesize and some, if not all, accumulate mannitol, trehalose and triglycerides. The fungal strains employ the Embden--Meyerhof pathway of glucose catabolism and the key enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, transaldolase and transketolase). Anaplerotic CO2 fixation, via pyruvate carboxylase and/or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, provides high pools of amino acids. This process could be important in the recapture and assimilation of respired CO2 in the rhizosphere. The ectomycorrhizas are thought to contain the Embden--Meyerhof pathway, the pentose phosphate pathway and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which provide the carbon skeletons for the assimilation of ammonia into amino acids. The main route of assimilation of ammonia appears to be through the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase cycle in the ectomycorrhizas. Glutamate dehydrogenase plays a minor role in this process. Glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase are present in free-living ectomycorrhizal fungi and they participate in the assimilation of ammonia and the synthesis of amino acids through the glutamate dehydrogenase/glutamine synthetase sequence. In both in vitro cultures of fungi and ectomycorrhizas, the assimilated nitrogen accumulates in glutamine. Glutamine, but also ammonia, are thought to be exported from the fungal tissues to the host cells. Studies on the metabolism of ectomycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizal fungi have focused on the metabolic pathways and compounds which accumulate in the symbiotic tissues. Studies on regulation of the overall process, and the control of enzyme activity in particular, are still fragmentary.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
P T M?nnist? 《Medical biology》1987,65(2-3):121-126
Remarkable progress has been made during recent years in the central regulation of the hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting factors and the respective anterior pituitary hormones. There are two nearly universal inhibitory organizations: short tuberoinfundibular dopamine (TIDA) neurons and somatostatinergic system originating from the periventricular hypothalamus and terminating to the median eminence. It is now known that e.g. dopamine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine enhance while 5-hydroxytryptamine and GABA inhibit somatostatin secretion. These transmitters are also involved in the regulation of all releasing factors and pituitary hormones. Clinical applications have been developed based on the regulation of prolactin and growth hormone. Inhibitory TIDA neurons are undoubtedly the major determinants of prolactin secretion. Hyperprolactinaemia is one of the most common endocrinological side-effects of the drugs antagonizing dopaminergic transmission. Expectedly, dopaminergic drugs (bromocryptine, lergotrile, piribedil, dopamine and levodopa) are quite effective in reducing high prolactin levels regardless of the reason. The secretion of growth hormone is predominantly under dual dopaminergic control: hypothalamic stimulation and pituitary inhibition. The former masters the function of the normal gland, while the peripheral inhibitory component takes over in acromegalic gland. Hence dopaminergic drugs are able to reduce elevated growth hormone levels in 30-50% of the acromegalic patients. In normal man, dopamine agonists increase growth hormone levels. An analogous situation can be seen in Cushing's disease regarding ACTH secretion.  相似文献   
Peptides and neurotransmission in the central nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radioimmunoassays of brain extracts have shown that several peptides occur in high concentrations in the CNS. The releasing-factor peptides TRF, LRF, somatostatin, CRF and GRF have the highest concentration in the hypothalamic extracts. High levels of somatostatin, CCK octapeptide, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) are found in cortical extracts. Substance P, CCK, NPY, and enkephalins are present in high concentrations in basal ganglia and mesolimbic areas. Pharmacological doses of these peptides result in several behavioural and vegetative effects. Immunocytochemical studies show that the CNS peptides are localised in neurones and in synaptic vesicles. In vitro studies with brain tissues show that peptides are capable of modifying the ongoing classical neurotransmission. In depressive patients several neuropeptides (CCK, CRF and NPY) have been shown to have low CSF levels. Patients dying of senile dementia have low cortical levels of somatostatin, CRF and substance P. In schizophrenic patients CCK peptides have shown to improve some symptoms. At present the therapeutic potentials of peptides are poorly known. More studies are required to understand their role in neurotransmission and related pathological states.  相似文献   
P Kovács  G Csaba 《Histochemistry》1987,87(6):619-622
Insulin gives rise to positive imprinting in Tetrahymena pyriformis, but to negative imprinting in T. thermophila, as revealed by the respective increases and decreases in the insulin-binding capacity of these organisms observed during later interactions with this hormone. We found that changes in insulin-binding capacity exhibited parallelism with fluctuations of the levels of free, intracellular Ca2+ detectable by Quin-2 labeling. An exception was the second interaction of T. thermophila with insulin, which although showing a positive trend, produced a relatively small increase in the level of intracellular Ca2+. These observations suggest an interrelationship between hormone-binding capacity and the fluctuation of intracellular Ca2+ levels. Either hormone binding depends on the availability of Ca2+, or, alternatively, the latter depends on the binding capacity. Further studies are required to elucidate the true nature of this interdependence.  相似文献   
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