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Quorum sensing is a form of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to control a wide range of physiological processes in a population density-dependent manner. Production of peptide antibiotics is one of the processes regulated by quorum sensing in several species of Gram-positive bacteria, including strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum. This bacterium and its peptide antibiotics are of interest due to their potential applications in food preservation. The molecular bases of the quorum sensing phenomenon controlling peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum remain poorly understood. The present study was aimed at gaining a deeper insight into the molecular mechanism involved in quorum sensing-mediated regulation of peptide antibiotic (bacteriocin) production by C. maltaromaticum. We report the functional analyses of the CS (autoinducer)-CbnK (histidine protein kinase)-CbnR (response regulator) three-component regulatory system and the three regulated promoters involved in peptide antibiotic production in C. maltaromaticum LV17B.  相似文献   
The oxygen-insensitive nitroreductases nfsA and nfsB are known to reduce para-nitrated aromatic compounds. We tested the hypothesis that these nitroreductases are capable of reducing 3-nitrotyrosine in proteins and peptides, as well as in free amino acids using wild-type and nfsA nfsB mutant strains of Escherichia coli. E. coli homogenates were incubated with nitrated proteins and the level of 3-nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity was assayed by Western blotting. Assay conditions that allow the nitroreductases to rapidly reduce nitrofurantoin did not result in the modification of 3-nitrotyrosine in protein, peptide, or free amino acid. Stimulation of nfsA nfsB activity with paraquat had no effect on 3-nitrotyrosine reduction. Nonlethal exposure of E. coli to peroxynitrite/CO(2) resulted in the reproducible nitration of tyrosine residues in endogenous proteins. The degree of 3-nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity over the 2-h postexposure period did not differ between mutant and wild-type strains. These results indicate that the nfsA and nfsB enzymes do not reduce 3-nitrotyrosine.  相似文献   
The genetic factors involved in the regulation of physical activity are not well understood. The dopamine system has been implicated in the control of voluntary locomotion and wheel running (WR) in mice and is thus a likely candidate as a genetic/biological system important to the regulation of physical activity. This study evaluated the effects of four different dopaminergic acting drugs on WR in differentially active inbred strains of mice. High active C57L/J (n=7, 3 controls, 4 experimental) and low active C3H/HeJ (n=8, 3 controls, 5 experimental) were analyzed for baseline wheel-running indices of distance (km/day), duration (mins/day), and speed (m/min) for 21 days. Experimental mice received increasing doses over four days of each of the following drugs: SKF 81297 (D1 agonist), SCH 23390 (D1 antagonist), GBR 12783 (DAT inhibitor), and AMPT (tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor). Each drug dose response treatment was separated by three days of recovery (no drug injections). WR indices were monitored during drug treatments and during drug wash-out phases. SKF 81297 significantly reduced (p=0.0004) WR in the C57L/J mice, but did not affect WR in the C3H/HeJ mice. GBR 12783 significantly increased (p=0.0005) WR in C3H/HeJ mice, but did not affect WR in C57L/J mice. Only duration (not overall WR) was significantly reduced in C57L/J mice in response to SCH 23390 (p=0.003) and AMPT (p=0.043). SCH 23390 (p=0.44) and AMPT (p=0.98) did not significantly affect WR in C3H/HeJ mice. These results suggest that genetic differences in dopamine signaling may play a role in the WR response to dopaminergic-acting drugs in inbred strains of mice. The high activity in the C57L/J strain appears most responsive to D1-like receptor acting drugs, while in the C3H/HeJ strain, dopamine re-uptake appears to have an influence on activity level.  相似文献   
The flowers of Marantaceae (~ 550 species) exhibit a highly derived pollination mechanism within Zingiberales, with a rapid and irreversible style movement based on a close synorganization of different floral parts. Given the complexity of the structure, we assume that little variation is possible if functionality is to be maintained. To test this, we investigated how much floral diversity exists in the clade and whether this diversity potentially influences the breeding system and placement of pollen on the pollinator. Flowers of 66 species covering the five major phylogenetic clades of the family were analysed. All species are similar in their basic flower construction: the fleshy staminode forms the tunnel‐shaped roof of the flower and narrows the tube with stiff swellings, and the hooded staminode holds the style under tension and narrows the flower entrance with its trigger appendage. Despite morphological diversity of the pollination apparatus, functionality is maintained by coordinated variation of the fleshy and hooded staminodes. Autogamy is usually avoided by herkogamy. However, in a few exceptions, subtle morphological changes alter the breeding system from allogamy to autogamy. Variable floral proportions allow for differential pollen deposition potentially causing mechanical isolation between sister taxa. This study clearly illustrates that structural variation is not only present in the highly synorganized flowers of Marantaceae, but that it also creates potentially new options for evolutionary diversification. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 300–322.  相似文献   
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars show differences in their resistance to both the leaf scorch and root rot of sudden death syndrome (SDS). The syndrome is caused by root colonization by Fusarium virguliforme (ex. F. solani f. sp. glycines). Root susceptibility combined with reduced leaf scorch resistance has been associated with resistance to Heterodera glycines HG Type (race 14) of the soybean cyst nematode (SCN). In contrast, the rhg1 locus underlying resistance to Hg Type 0 was found clustered with three loci for resistance to SDS leaf scorch and one for root infection. The aims of this study were to compare the inheritance of resistance to leaf scorch and root infection in a population that segregated for resistance to SCN and to identify the underlying quantitative trait loci (QTL). “Hartwig”, a cultivar partially resistant to SDS leaf scorch, F. virguliforme root infection and SCN HG Type was crossed with the partially susceptible cultivar “Flyer”. Ninety-two F5-derived recombinant inbred lines and 144 markers were used for map development. Four QTL found in earlier studies were confirmed. One contributed resistance to leaf scorch on linkage group (LG) C2 (Satt277; P = 0.004, R 2 = 15%). Two on LG G underlay root infection at R8 (Satt038; P = 0.0001 R 2 = 28.1%; Satt115; P = 0.003, R 2 = 12.9%). The marker Satt038 was linked to rhg1 underlying resistance to SCN Hg Type 0. The fourth QTL was on LG D2 underlying resistance to root infection at R6 (Satt574; P = 0.001, R 2 = 10%). That QTL was in an interval previously associated with resistance to both SDS leaf scorch and SCN Hg Type The QTL showed repulsion linkage with resistance to SCN that may explain the relative susceptibility to SDS of some SCN resistant cultivars. One additional QTL was discovered on LG G underlying resistance to SDS leaf scorch measured by disease index (Satt130; P = 0.003, R 2 = 13%). The loci and markers will provide tagged alleles with which to improve the breeding of cultivars combining resistances to SDS leaf scorch, root infection and SCN HG Type Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Resistance to the sudden-death syndrome (SDS) of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines, is controlled by a number of quantitatively inherited loci (QTLs). Forrest showed a strong field resistance to SDS while Essex is susceptible to SDS. A population of 100 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross of Essex × Forrest was used to map the loci effecting resistance to SDS using phenotypic data obtained from six environments. Six loci involved in resistance to SDS were identified in this population. Four of the QTLs identified by BARC-Satt214 (P = 0.0001, R2= 24.1%), BARC-Satt309 (P = 0.0001, R2 = 16.3), BARC-Satt570 (P = 0.0001, R2 = 19.2%) and a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker OEO21000 (P = 0.0031, R2=12.6) were located on linkage group (LG) G (Satt309 and OEO21000 were previously reported). Jointly the four QTLs on LG G explained 50% of the variation in SDS disease incidence (DI). All the QTLs on LG G derived the beneficial allele from Forrest. Two QTLs, BARC-Satt371 (P = 0.0019, R2 = 12%) on LG C2 (previously reported) and BARC-Satt354 (P = 0.0015, R2 = 11.5%) on LG I, derived their beneficial allele from Essex and jointly explained about 40% of the variation in SDS DI. Two-way and multi-way interactions indicated that gene action was additive among the loci underlying resistance to SDS. These results suggest that cultivars with durable resistance to SDS can be developed via gene pyramiding. Received: 19 January 2000 / Accepted: 30 April 2000  相似文献   
Field resistance to cyst nematode (SCN) race 3 (Heterodera glycines I.) in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cv ’Forrest’ is conditioned by two QTLs: the underlying genes are presumed to include Rhg1 on linkage group G and Rhg4 on linkage group A2. A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and two populations of near-isogenic lines (NILs) derived from a cross of Forrest×Essex were used to map the loci affecting resistance to SCN. Bulked segregant analysis, with 512 AFLP primer combinations and microsatellite markers, produced a high-density genetic map for the intervals carrying Rhg1 and Rhg4. The two QTLs involved in resistance to SCN were strongly associated with the AFLP marker EATGMCGA87 (P=0.0001, R2=24.5%) on linkage group G, and the AFLP marker ECCGMAAC405 (P=0.0001, R2 =26.2%) on linkage group A2. Two- way analysis of variance showed epistasic interaction (P=0.0001, R2 =16%) between the two loci controlling SCN resistance in Essex×Forrest recombinant inbred lines. Considering the two loci as qualitative genes and the resistance as female index FI <5%, jointly the two loci explained over 98% of the resistance. The locations of the two QTLs were confirmed in the NILs populations. Therefore SCN resistance in Forrest×Essex is bigenic. High-efficiency marker-assisted selection can be performed using the markers to develop cultivars with stable resistance to SCN. Received: 5 November 2000 / Accepted: 23 January 2001  相似文献   
Two trials of the isolation and enumeration of a given strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from water are reported. In each trial participants received concentrated samples from two batches, one with low and one with high counts, to be diluted to 500 ml in sterile distilled or deionized water and examined for Ps. aeruginosa by membrane filtration. Membranes were incubated at 37°C for 48 h on pads soaked in modified King's A broth (MKAB) and Unipath Pseudomonas Agar plus CFC supplement (PCFC). The first trial involved eight Public Health Laboratories (PHL) and the organizers provided media from single batches. The second trial, involving 50 PHL, examined the feasibility of a large scale external quality assessment (EQA) distribution. Participants were invited to use the same two media and their usual medium if different. Average counts were close to expected and the spread of results was comparable to that observed from the EQA scheme for indicator organisms. From the results of the two trials a better isolation of the strain of Ps. aeruginosa under consideration was noted with PCFC compared with MKAB.  相似文献   
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