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The prohibitin 3 untranslated region (3UTR) belongs to a novel class of non-coding regulatory RNAs. It arrests cell cycle progression by blocking G1-S transition in breast and other cancers. Our previous studies comparing MCF7 derived clones constitutively expressing a common allelic form of prohibitin RNA (UTR/C) to various controls demonstrated that it functions as a tumor suppressor. Here, we further characterized the morphology and motility of these transgenic breast cancer cells when grown in cell culture and on nude mice. In contrast to empty vector (EV) cells, UTR/C cells were observed to grow in an organized manner with more cell-cell contact and differentiate into structures with a duct-like appearance. Computer assisted cytometry to evaluate differences in nuclear morphology was performed on UTR/C and EV tissues from nude mice. Receiver operator curve areas generated using a logistic regression model were 0.8, indicating the ability to quantitatively distinguish UTR/C from EV tissues. Keratinocyte growth factor-induced motility experiments showed that migration of UTR/C cells was significantly reduced (80–90%) compared to EV cells. Together, these data indicate that this novel 3UTR influences not only the tumorigenic phenotype but also may play a role in differentiation and migration of breast cancer cells.  相似文献   
The class I MHC allele HLA-B27 is highly associated with the human spondyloarthropathies, but the basis for this association remains poorly understood. Transgenic rats with high expression of HLA-B27 develop a multisystem inflammatory disease that includes arthritis and colitis. To investigate whether CD8alphabeta T cells are needed in this disease, we depleted these cells in B27 transgenic rats before the onset of disease by adult thymectomy plus short-term anti-CD8alpha mAb treatment. This treatment induced profound, sustained depletion of CD8alphabeta T cells, but failed to suppress either colitis or arthritis. To address the role of CD8alpha(+)beta(-) cells, we studied four additional groups of B27 transgenic rats treated with: 1) continuous anti-CD8alpha mAb, 2) continuous isotype-matched control mAb, 3) the thymectomy/pulse anti-CD8alpha regimen, or 4) no treatment. Arthritis occurred in approximately 40% of each group, but was most significantly reduced in severity in the anti-CD8alpha-treated group. In addition to CD8alphabeta T cells, two sizeable CD8alpha(+)beta(-) non-T cell populations were also reduced by the anti-CD8alpha treatment: 1) NK cells, and 2) a CD4(+)CD8(+)CD11b/c(+)CD161a(+)CD172a(+) monocyte population that became expanded in diseased B27 transgenic rats. These data indicate that HLA-B27-retricted CD8(+) T cells are unlikely to serve as effector cells in the transgenic rat model of HLA-B27-associated disease, in opposition to a commonly invoked hypothesis concerning the role of B27 in the spondyloarthropathies. The data also suggest that one or more populations of CD8alpha(+)beta(-) non-T cells may play a role in the arthritis that occurs in these rats.  相似文献   
A laser scanning device, the ChemScan RDI (Chemunex, Paris, France), was compared with manual fluorescence microscopy for the detection of oocysts of Cryptosporidium. Pairs of filters were spiked with approximately 100 oocysts. Over 24 h at least 1000 l of treated water was passed through the filters, then concentrated deposits were subjected to an immunomagnetic separation (IMS) protocol described by the manufacturer (Dynal, Oslo, Norway) and examination by fluorescence microscopy, or an IMS protocol (Chemunex) and detection by ChemScan laser scanning. Subsequently a set of five 1-ml samples containing oocysts over a range of concentrations, including a negative control, were examined blind by the two methods (stage two). In stage 1 the average recovery rates were estimated to be 49% (manual fluorescence microscopy) and 73% (ChemScan). The average ratio of ChemScan to manual fluorescence microscopy counts was 1.54 (range 1.08-2.36). In stage 2, statistical comparison of all but one set of results showed there was no significant difference between methods. Differences for the high count sample may possibly have been caused by duplicate counting of oocysts by manual fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   
Vitreous cryopreservation maintains the function of vascular grafts   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Avoidance of ice formation during cooling can be achieved by vitrification, which is defined as solidification in an amorphous glassy state that obviates ice nucleation and growth. We show that a vitrification approach to storing vascular tissue results in markedly improved tissue function compared with a standard method involving freezing. The maximum contractions achieved in vitrified vessels were >80% of fresh matched controls with similar drug sensitivities, whereas frozen vessels exhibited maximal contractions below 30% of controls and concomitant decreases in drug sensitivity. In vivo studies of vitrified vessel segments in an autologous transplant model showed no adverse effects of vitreous cryopreservation compared with fresh tissue grafts.  相似文献   
Epidemiological evidence has suggested an association between meat consumption and the risk of breast cancer. 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), a heterocyclic amine found in cooked meat, has been implicated in the aetiology of breast cancer and has been shown to induce tumour formation in rodent mammary glands. In addition, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) which has also been shown to induce tumour formation at a number of sites in rodents including the breast, are produced during the cooking of meat through the pyrolysis of fats. The aim of this study was to examine the bioavailability of these compounds to human breast tissue and their ability to bind to DNA to form DNA adducts. Patients undergoing breast surgery at York District Hospital were orally administered prior to surgery a capsule containing 20microg of 14C PhIP (182kBq, specific activity 2.05GBq/mmol) or 5microg of 14C B[a]P (36kBq, specific activity 1.81GBq/mmol). At surgery, normal and tumour breast tissue was resected and tissue concentrations of carcinogen measured by liquid scintillation counting and DNA adduct levels by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) were subsequently determined. It was found that both 14C PhIP and 14C B[a]P were able to reach the target organ where they had the ability to form DNA adducts. The level of adducts ranged from 26.22-477.35 and 6.61-208. 38 adducts/10(12) nucleotides following administration of 14C PhIP and 14C B[a]P, respectively, with no significant difference observed between levels in normal or tumour tissue. In addition, the data obtained in this study were comparable to adduct levels previously found in colon samples following administration of the same compounds to individuals undergoing colorectal surgery. This is the first report that these two carcinogens bind to human breast DNA after administration of a defined low dose.  相似文献   
本文用脑室灌注和Fura2测定细胞内游离钙技术观察了地塞米松(dexamethasone,DEX)对家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热效应和下丘脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)的影响,借此深入探讨地塞米松解热作用的中枢机制。结果发现:脑室灌注乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸(06nmol)引起家兔结肠温度明显升高,静脉注射地塞米松(5mg/kg)显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,地塞米松(60~120μmol/L)并不影响下丘脑细胞内[Ca2+]i,而事先脑室灌注抑制基因转录的放线菌素D(3nmol)则完全取消了地塞米松对乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热的解热作用。这些结果提示:地塞米松显著抑制家兔乙二醇双(2氨基乙醚)四乙酸性发热,其机制与地塞米松激活脑内某些基因的表达有关,而与下丘脑神经细胞跨膜钙离子流无关。  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade components of the extracellular matrix of the disc, but the presence of MMP-19 has not been explored. In other tissues, MMP-19 is known to act in proteolysis of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-3, thereby exposing this protein to make it available to influence cell behavior. MMP-19 also has been shown to inhibit capillary-like formation and thus play a role in the avascular nature of the disc. Using immunohistochemistry, normal discs from six subjects aged newborn through 10 years and 20 disc specimens from control donors or surgical patients aged 15-76 (mean age 40.2 years) were examined for immunolocalization of MMP-19; six Thompson grade I discs, five Thompson grade II, eight Thompson grade III, five Thompson grade IV, and one Thompson grade V discs were analyzed. The results indicate that in discs from young subjects, MMP-19 was uniformly localized in the outer annulus. In discs from adult donors and surgical patients, outer and inner annulus cells only occasionally showed MMP-19 localization. The greatest expression of MMP-19 was observed in young discs, and little expression was seen in older or degenerating discs. Because MMP-19 has been shown to regulate IGF-mediated proliferation in other tissues, its decline in the aging/degenerating disc may contribute to the age-related decrease in disc cell numbers.  相似文献   
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) has a genome of about 4 Gb that appears to share conserved synteny with model legumes having genomes of 0.2-0.4 Gb despite extensive intergenic expansion. Pea plant inventory (PI) accession 269818 has been used to introgress genetic diversity into the cultivated germplasm pool. The aim here was to develop pea bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries that would enable the isolation of genes involved in plant disease resistance or control of economically important traits. The BAC libraries encompassed about 3.2 haploid genome equivalents consisting of partially HindIII-digested DNA fragments with a mean size of 105 kb that were inserted in 1 of 2 vectors. The low-copy oriT-based T-DNA vector (pCLD04541) library contained 55 680 clones. The single-copy oriS-based vector (pIndigoBAC-5) library contained 65 280 clones. Colony hybridization of a universal chloroplast probe indicated that about 1% of clones in the libraries were of chloroplast origin. The presence of about 0.1% empty vectors was inferred by white/blue colony plate counts. The usefulness of the libraries was tested by 2 replicated methods. First, high-density filters were probed with low copy number sequences. Second, BAC plate-pool DNA was used successfully to PCR amplify 7 of 9 published pea resistance gene analogs (RGAs) and several other low copy number pea sequences. Individual BAC clones encoding specific sequences were identified. Therefore, the HindIII BAC libraries of pea, based on germplasm accession PI 269818, will be useful for the isolation of genes underlying disease resistance and other economically important traits.  相似文献   
The pollination biology of a population of 250 Yucca elata (Liliaceae) plants was studied in southern New Mexico. Yucca elata and the prodoxid yucca moth Tegeticula yuccasella have a mutualistic association that is essential for the successful sexual reproduction of both species. However, a wide range of other invertebrate species visit flowers during the day and at night. Our aim was to quantify the role of yucca moths and other invertebrate visitors in pollination and fruit set, using manipulative field experiments. Inflorescences were bagged during the day or night (N=12 inflorescences) to restrict flower visitors to either nocturnal or diurnal groups. Yucca moths were active exclusively nocturnally during the flowering period and thus did not visit inflorescences that were unbagged during the day. None of the 4022 flowers exposed only to diurnal visitors set fruit, whereas 4.6% of the 4974 flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors (including yucca moths) produced mature fruit. The proportion of flowers producing fruit in the latter treatment was not significantly different from unbagged control inflorescences. In a series of experimental manipulations we also determined that: (1) flowers opened at dusk and were open for two days on average, but were only receptive to pollen on the first night of opening; (2) pollen must be pushed down the stigmatic tube to affect pollination; and (3) most plants require out-cross pollination to produce fruit. The combination of these results strongly suggests that yucca moths are the only species affecting pollination in Y. elata, and that if another species was to affect pollination, it would be a rare event.  相似文献   
5种沉水植物无性繁殖和定居能力的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)、微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus)、苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)、黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)是长江中下游湖泊主要的沉水植物。在栽培条件下,它们的无性繁殖速率(单位时间内新增个体数)大小顺序为黑藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>苦草>穗花狐尾藻。同时采用抛掷实验的方法观察研究了这5种沉水植物及其无性繁殖体的存活和生根情况;完整植株存活率为黑藻>穗花狐尾藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>苦草,无性繁殖体部分存活率为黑藻>苦草>穗花狐尾藻>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜。生根能力和其存活时间长短相关,而且生根能力与存活率大小基本一致。在实验中,只有穗花狐尾藻的断枝存活率和生根能力存在差异,故无性繁殖体生根能力为黑藻>苦草>微齿眼子菜>竹叶眼子菜>穗花狐尾藻。  相似文献   
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