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Comparative study of alloimmune responses against major and minor histocompatibility Ags has been limited by the lack of suitable assays. Here, we use a bioassay that permits tracking of alloreactive CD4+ T cell populations as they proliferate in response to major or minor histocompatibility Ags in vivo. Division of alloreactive CD4+ T cells proceeded more rapidly in response to major histocompatibility Ags than minor Ags, although CD4+ T cells alloreactive to minor Ags had a similar capacity to divide successively up to eight times after stimulation. Allorecognition of minor histocompatibility Ags was highly dependent on CD28 costimulation, with the frequency of CD4+ T cells proliferating in response to minor Ags in the absence of CD28 costimulation reduced up to 20-fold. These findings highlight differences in signaling processes that lead to allorecognition of major and minor histocompatibility Ags and have implications on the design of interventions aimed at abrogating these responses.  相似文献   
Four novel small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), h5sn1, h5sn2, h5sn3, and h5sn4, were successfully amplified from human total RNAs using RT-PCR. They exhibited the structural hallmarks of box H/ACA snoRNAs and formed sequence complementarity to 5S rRNA. The nucleotide sequences of the snoRNAs from different donors were highly conserved as evidenced by single-stranded conformational polymorphism and direct nucleotide sequence analysis. Although their host genes had no protein-coding potential, the expression of the snoRNAs was differentially displayed in different tissues. Noticeably, h5sn2 was highly expressed in normal brain, but its expression drastically decreased in meningioma. This opens the fascinating possibility of the relationship between the processing of snoRNAs and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
The rates of bacterial growth in nature are often restricted by low concentrations of oxygen or carbon substrates. In the present study the metabolic properties of 24 isolates that had been isolated using various concentrations of 3-chlorobenzoate, benzoate and oxygen as well as using continuous culture at high and low growth rates were determined to investigate the effects of these parameters on the metabolism of monoaromatic compounds. Bacteria were enriched from different sampling sites and subsequently isolated. In batch culture this was done both under low oxygen (2% O(2)) and air-saturated concentrations. Chemostat enrichments were performed under either oxygen or 3-chlorobenzoate limiting conditions. Bacteria metabolizing aromatics with gentisate or protocatechuate as intermediates (gp bacteria) as well as bacteria metabolizing aromatic compounds via catechols (cat bacteria) were isolated from batch cultures when either benzoate or 3CBA were used as C sources, regardless of the enrichment conditions applied. In contrast, enrichments performed in chemostats at low dilution rates resulted in gp-type organisms only, whereas at high dilution rates cat-type organisms were enriched, irrespective of the oxygen and 3-chlorobenzoate concentration used during enrichment. It is noteworthy that the gp-type of bacteria possessed relatively low μ(max) values on 3CBA and benzoate along with relatively high substrate and oxygen affinities for these compounds. This is in contrast with cat-type of bacteria, which seemed to be characterized by high maximum specific growth rates on the aromatic substrates and relatively high apparent half saturation constants. In contrast, bacteria degrading chlorobenzoate via gentisate or protocatechuate may possibly be better adapted to conditions leading to growth at reduced rates such as low oxygen and low substrate concentrations.  相似文献   
Diversity and productivity of primary producers are known to be influenced simultaneously by resource availability and resource ratio, but the relative importance of these two factors differed among studies and so far only entire phytoplankton communities were investigated which might ignore specific nutrient requirements and stoichiometric plasticity of different functional groups. We measured nutrient availability (DIN, total N [TN], total P [TP]), nutrient imbalance (TN:TP, DIN:TP, N:Pseston), species richness, and abundance of the whole phytoplankton community, as well as those specific for cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates in Cau Hai lagoon in Vietnam. We determined the correlation among these variables, using structural equation modeling. The models applied to the whole phytoplankton community indicated that the nutrient availability (particularly TP and DIN) drove variation in phytoplankton abundance and richness, and that abundance also depended on species richness. The models applied to different functional groups differed considerably from the entire community and among each other, and only a part of the models was significant. The relationship between nutrient availability (mainly TP) and abundance was driven by cyanobacteria, and the relationship between nutrient imbalance (only with N:Pseston) and species richness was driven by diatoms. Remarkably, the positive relationship between species richness and abundance, as consistently observed for the whole phytoplankton community, was only observed for one of the three functional groups (diatoms), indicating that resource complementarity occurs particularly among species of different functional groups. Our results emphasized that nutrient availability (TP and to a lesser extent DIN) as well as nutrient imbalance (albeit only with N:Pseston as proxy) were driving factors for the phytoplankton community in the Cau Hai lagoon and hence alterations in both of these factors leading to a shift in phytoplankton species composition and productivity.  相似文献   
There is little research investigating relationships between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and athletic performance in female athletes. This study analyzed the relationships between FMS (deep squat; hurdle step [HS]; in-line lunge [ILL]; shoulder mobility; active straight-leg raise [ASLR]; trunk stability push-up; rotary stability) scores, and performance tests (bilateral and unilateral sit-and-reach [flexibility]; 20-m sprint [linear speed]; 505 with turns from each leg; modified T-test with movement to left and right [change-of-direction speed]; bilateral and unilateral vertical and standing broad jumps; lateral jumps [leg power]). Nine healthy female recreational team sport athletes (age = 22.67 ± 5.12 years; height = 1.66 ± 0.05 m; body mass = 64.22 ± 4.44 kilograms) were screened in the FMS and completed the afore-mentioned tests. Percentage between-leg differences in unilateral sit-and-reach, 505 turns and the jumps, and difference between the T-test conditions, were also calculated. Spearman''s correlations (p ≤ 0.05) examined relationships between the FMS and performance tests. Stepwise multiple regressions (p ≤ 0.05) were conducted for the performance tests to determine FMS predictors. Unilateral sit-and-reach positive correlated with the left-leg ASLR (r = 0.704-0.725). However, higher-scoring HS, ILL, and ASLR related to poorer 505 and T-test performance (r = 0.722-0.829). A higher-scored left-leg ASLR related to a poorer unilateral vertical and standing broad jump, which were the only significant relationships for jump performance. Predictive data tended to confirm the correlations. The results suggest limitations in using the FMS to identify movement deficiencies that could negatively impact athletic performance in female team sport athletes.  相似文献   
Retrograde transport pathways from early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) are poorly defined. We have investigated the role of TGN golgins in retrograde trafficking. Of the four TGN golgins, p230/golgin-245, golgin-97, GCC185, and GCC88, we show that GCC88 defines a retrograde transport pathway from early endosomes to the TGN. Depletion of GCC88 in HeLa cells by interference RNA resulted in a block in plasma membrane-TGN recycling of two cargo proteins, TGN38 and a CD8 mannose-6-phosphate receptor cytoplasmic tail fusion protein. In GCC88-depleted cells, cargo recycling was blocked in the early endosome. Depletion of GCC88 dramatically altered the TGN localization of the t-SNARE syntaxin 6, a syntaxin required for endosome to TGN transport. Furthermore, the transport block in GCC88-depleted cells was rescued by syntaxin 6 overexpression. Internalized Shiga toxin was efficiently transported from endosomes to the Golgi of GCC88-depleted cells, indicating that Shiga toxin and TGN38 are internalized by distinct retrograde transport pathways. These findings have identified an essential role for GCC88 in the localization of TGN fusion machinery for transport from early endosomes to the TGN, and they have allowed the identification of a retrograde pathway which differentially selects TGN38 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor from Shiga toxin.  相似文献   
Cyathin A3, produced by the fungus Cyathus helenae, is a member of the cyathane family of diterpene natural products. While many of the cyathanes display antibacterial/antimicrobial activity or have cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines, their most exciting therapeutic potential is derived from their ability to induce nerve growth factor (NGF) release from glial cells, making the cyathanes attractive lead molecules for the development of neuroprotective therapeutics to prevent/treat Alzheimer’s disease. To investigate if cyathin A3 has NGF-inducing activity, we set out to obtain it using published C. helenae bench-scale fungal fermentations. However, to overcome nonproducing fermentations, we developed an alternative, bacteria-induced static batch fermentation approach to the production of cyathin A3, as described in this report. HPLC, UV absorption spectra, and mass spectrometry identify cyathin A3 in fungal fermentations induced by the timely addition of Escherichia coli K12 or Bacillus megabacterium. Pre-filtration of the bacterial culture abolishes cyathin A3 induction, suggesting that bacteria-associated media changes or physical interaction between the fungus and bacteria underlie the induction mechanism. Through alteration of incubation conditions, including agitation, the timing of induction, and media composition, we optimized the fermentation to yield nearly 1 mg cyathin A3/ml media, a sixfold increase over previously described yields. Additionally, by comparison of fermentation profiles, we reveal that cyathin A3 biosynthesis is regulated by carbon catabolite repression. We have used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to illustrate that cyathin A3 induces NGF release from cultured glial cells, and therefore cyathin A3 warrants further examination in the development of neuroprotective therapeutics.  相似文献   
The etoposide-induced protein Ei24 was initially identified as a p53-responsive, proapoptotic factor, but no clear function has been described. Here, we use a nonbiased proteomics approach to identify members of the importin (IMP) family of nuclear transporters as interactors of Ei24 and characterize an IMPβ-binding-like (IBBL) domain within Ei24. We show that Ei24 can bind specifically to IMPβ1 and IMPα2, but not other IMPs, and use a mutated IMPβ1 derivative to show that Ei24 binds to the same site on IMPβ1 as the IMPα IBB. Ectopic expression of Ei24 reduced the extent of IMPβ1- or IMPα/β1-dependent nuclear protein import specifically, whereas specific alanine substitutions within the IBBL abrogated this activity. Induction of endogenous Ei24 expression through etoposide treatment similarly inhibited nuclear import in a mouse embryonic fibroblast model. Thus, Ei24 can bind specifically to IMPβ1 and IMPα2 to impede their normal role in nuclear import, shedding new light on the cellular functions of Ei24 and its tumor suppressor role.  相似文献   


Biclustering has emerged as a powerful algorithmic tool for analyzing measurements of gene expression. A number of different methods have emerged for computing biclusters in gene expression data. Many of these algorithms may output a very large number of biclusters with varying degrees of overlap. There are no systematic methods that create a two-dimensional layout of the computed biclusters and display overlaps between them.  相似文献   
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