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The vast majority of parasites exhibit an aggregated frequency distribution within their host population, such that most hosts have few or no parasites while only a minority of hosts are heavily infected. One exception to this rule is the trophically transmitted parasite Pterygodermatites peromysci of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), which is randomly distributed within its host population. Here, we ask: what are the factors generating the random distribution of parasites in this system when the majority of macroparasites exhibit non-random patterns? We hypothesise that tight density-dependent processes constrain parasite establishment and survival, preventing the build-up of parasites within individual hosts, and preclude aggregation within the host population. We first conducted primary infections in a laboratory experiment using white-footed mice to test for density-dependent parasite establishment and survival of adult worms. Secondary or challenge infection experiments were then conducted to investigate underlying mechanisms, including intra-specific competition and host-mediated restrictions (i.e. acquired immunity). The results of our experimental infections show a dose-dependent constraint on within-host-parasite establishment, such that the proportion of mice infected rose initially with exposure, and then dropped off at the highest dose. Additional evidence of density-dependent competition comes from the decrease in worm length with increasing levels of exposure. In the challenge infection experiment, previous exposure to parasites resulted in a lower prevalence and intensity of infection compared with primary infection of naïve mice; the magnitude of this effect was also density-dependent. Host immune response (IgG levels) increased with the level of exposure, but decreased with the number of worms established. Our results suggest that strong intra-specific competition and acquired host immunity operate in a density-dependent manner to constrain parasite establishment, driving down aggregation and ultimately accounting for the observed random distribution of parasites.  相似文献   
In this investigation, detection dogs are trained and used in identifying red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and their nests. The methodology could assist in reducing the frequency and scope of chemical treatments for red imported fire ant management and thus reduce labor costs and chemical use as well as improve control and quarantine efficiency. Three dogs previously trained for customs quarantine were retrained to detect the scents of red imported fire ants. After passing tests involving different numbers of live red imported fire ants and three other ant species--Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, Paratrechina longicornis Latreille, and Pheidole megacephala F.--placed in containers, ajoint field survey for red imported fire ant nests by detection dogs and bait traps was conducted to demonstrate their use as a supplement to conventional detection methods. The most significant findings in this report are (1) with 10 or more red imported fire ants in scent containers, the dogs had >98% chance in tracing the red imported fire ant. Upon the introduction of other ant species, the dogs still achieved on average, a 93% correct red imported fire ant indication rate. Moreover, the dogs demonstrated great competence in pinpointing emerging and smaller red imported fire ant nests in red imported fire ant-infested areas that had been previously confirmed by bait trap stations. (2) Along with the bait trap method, we also discovered that approximately 90% of red imported fire ants foraged within a distance of 14 m away from their nests. The results prove detection dogs to be most effective for red imported fire ant control in areas that have been previously treated with pesticides and therefore containing a low density of remaining red imported fire ant nests. Furthermore, as a complement to other red imported fire ant monitoring methods, this strategy will significantly increase the efficacy of red imported fire ant control in cases of individual mount treatment.  相似文献   
The RNA-binding protein L7Ae, known for its role in translation (as part of ribosomes) and RNA modification (as part of sn/oRNPs), has also been identified as a subunit of archaeal RNase P, a ribonucleoprotein complex that employs an RNA catalyst for the Mg2+-dependent 5′ maturation of tRNAs. To better understand the assembly and catalysis of archaeal RNase P, we used a site-specific hydroxyl radical-mediated footprinting strategy to pinpoint the binding sites of Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) L7Ae on its cognate RNase P RNA (RPR). L7Ae derivatives with single-Cys substitutions at residues in the predicted RNA-binding interface (K42C/C71V, R46C/C71V, V95C/C71V) were modified with an iron complex of EDTA-2-aminoethyl 2-pyridyl disulfide. Upon addition of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbate, these L7Ae-tethered nucleases were expected to cleave the RPR at nucleotides proximal to the EDTA-Fe–modified residues. Indeed, footprinting experiments with an enzyme assembled with the Pfu RPR and five protein cofactors (POP5, RPP21, RPP29, RPP30 and L7Ae–EDTA-Fe) revealed specific RNA cleavages, localizing the binding sites of L7Ae to the RPR''s catalytic and specificity domains. These results support the presence of two kink-turns, the structural motifs recognized by L7Ae, in distinct functional domains of the RPR and suggest testable mechanisms by which L7Ae contributes to RNase P catalysis.  相似文献   
Striped Marlin is a highly migratory species distributed throughout tropical and temperate waters in the North Pacific Ocean. The habitat characteristics of Striped Marlin in the western and central North Pacific Ocean were examined using generalized additive models by modelling fishery catch-rates as a function of remotely-sensed environmental covariates, including sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL), mixed layer depth (MLD) and sea height anomalies (SHA). SST explained the largest proportion of the deviance, and is therefore considered the best predictor for the habitat of Striped Marlin. Spatial distributions of the relative density of Striped Marlin indicated that there is a seasonal north–south migration, and that the highest densities occur in the central North Pacific Ocean. The preferred habitat characteristics of Striped Marlin in high density areas were identified as SST between 23 and 26 °C, MLD within 30 m depth, and CHL around 0.08 mg m?3, while no preferred range was found for SHA. The results of this study could improve our understanding of Striped Marlin spatial distributions and habitat characteristics.  相似文献   


Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is associated with an increased prevalence of hypertension. This study investigated the left ventricular function using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) in small breed dogs affected with spontaneous HAC.Age-matched healthy controls (n?=?9), dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH, n?=?10), and dogs with adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (ADH, n?=?9) were included in this study. Conventional echocardiography, global longitudinal and circumferential strain, and strain rate were assessed.


On group-wise comparison, left ventricular free wall (LVFWd) and interventricular septal thickness in diastole (IVSd) were thickest in the ADH group, followed by the PDH and controls (P?=?0.014 and P?=?0.001, respectively). Neither LVFWd nor IVSd was correlated with systemic blood pressure (P?=?0.238 and P?=?0.113, respectively). The values of all variables derived from the global strain and strain rate in longitudinal and circumferential directions followed the same pattern: highest in the controls, followed by PDH and then ADH (all P?<?0.05, respectively). On multiple regression analyses, global longitudinal strain, global longitudinal strain rate in systole and early diastole, and global circumferential strain all decreased linearly with increased IVSd (all P?<?0.05).


Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was more prevalent in the HAC group compared to the control group. Association between hypertension and development of LVH was not identified. Decreased global longitudinal and circumferential strains were associated with increased IVSd. 2D-STE revealed significant decreases in systolic functions that were undetected using conventional echocardiography in the ADH and PDH groups.
AGR2 is a member of the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) family, which is implicated in cancer cell growth and metastasis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease. Despite the contributions of this protein to several biological processes, the regulatory mechanisms controlling expression of the AGR2 gene in different organs remain unclear. Zebrafish anterior gradient 2 (agr2) is expressed in several organs, including the otic vesicles that contain mucus-secreting cells. To elucidate the regulatory mechanisms controlling agr2 expression in otic vesicles, we generated a Tg(− 6.0 k agr2:EGFP) transgenic fish line that expressed EGFP in a pattern recapitulating that of agr2. Double immunofluorescence studies were used to demonstrate that Agr2 and GFP colocalize in the semicircular canals and supporting cells of all sensory patches in the otic vesicles of Tg(− 6.0 k agr2:EGFP) embryos. Transient/stable transgenic analyses coupled with 5′-end deletion revealed that a 100 bp sequence within the − 2.6 to − 2.5 kbp region upstream of agr2 directs EGFP expression specifically in the otic vesicles. Two HMG-binding motifs were detected in this region. Mutation of these motifs prevented EGFP expression. Furthermore, EGFP expression in the otic vesicles was prevented by knockdown of the sox10 gene. This corresponded with decreased agr2 expression in the otic vesicles of sox10 morphants during different developmental stages. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays were used to show that Sox10 binds to HMG-binding motifs located within the − 2.6 to − 2.5 kbp region upstream of agr2. These results demonstrate that agr2 expression in the otic vesicles of zebrafish embryos is regulated by Sox10.  相似文献   
The inflammatory cytokine IL-1β is critical for host responses against many human pathogens. Here, we define Group B Streptococcus (GBS)-mediated activation of the Nod-like receptor-P3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in macrophages. NLRP3 activation requires GBS expression of the cytolytic toxin, β-hemolysin, lysosomal acidification, and leakage. These processes allow the interaction of GBS RNA with cytosolic NLRP3. The present study supports a model in which GBS RNA, along with lysosomal components including cathepsins, leaks out of lysosomes and interacts with NLRP3 to induce IL-1β production.  相似文献   
Ninety seven Rhizoctonia isolates were collected from different Brassica species with typical Rhizoctonia symptoms in different provinces of Vietnam. The isolates were identified using staining of nuclei and sequencing of the rDNA-ITS barcoding gene. The majority of the isolates were multinucleate R. solani and four isolates were binucleate Rhizoctonia belonging to anastomosis groups (AGs) AG-A and a new subgroup of A-F that we introduce here as AG-Fc on the basis of differences in rDNA-ITS sequence. The most prevalent multinucleate AG was AG 1-IA (45.4% of isolates), followed by AG 1-ID (17.5%), AG 1-IB (13.4%), AG 4-HGI (12.4%), AG 2-2 (5.2%), AG 7 (1.0%) and an unknown AG related to AG 1-IA and AG 1-IE that we introduce here as AG 1-IG (1.0%) on the basis of differences in rDNA-ITS sequence. AG 1-IA and AG 1-ID have not been reported before on Brassica spp. Pathogenicity tests revealed that isolates from all AGs, except AG-A, induced symptoms on detached leaves of several cabbage species. In in vitro tests on white cabbage and Chinese cabbage, both hosts were severely infected by AG 1-IB, AG 2-2, AG 4-HGI, AG 1-IG and AG-Fc isolates, while under greenhouse conditions, only AG 4-HGI, AG 2-2 and AG-Fc isolates could cause severe disease symptoms. The occurrence of the different AGs seems to be correlated with the cropping systems and cultural practices in different sampling areas suggesting that agricultural practices determine the AGs associated with Brassica plants in Vietnam.  相似文献   
Fischer-344 (F-344) rats differ from other common rat strains in that they fail to show any preference for NaCl at any concentration in two- bottle preference tests. Because 100 microM amiloride partially blocks the NaCl-evoked chorda tympani (CT) response in electrophysiological studies, we tested NaCl preference (0.068-0.273 M) in F-344 rats with and without 100 microM amiloride solution as the solvent. A third group was tested with unadulterated NaCl solutions following CT transection. Amiloride had no significant effect on the NaCl preference-aversion function, whereas CT transection significantly reduced NaCl avoidance. These results suggest that the amiloride-sensitive component of the NaCl response is not necessary for F-344 rats to display avoidance of NaCl, but the entire CT input is.   相似文献   
Oxidant stress influences many cellular processes, including cell growth, differentiation, and cell death. A well-recognized link between these processes and oxidant stress is via alterations in Ca2+ signaling. However, precisely how oxidants influence Ca2+ signaling remains unclear. Oxidant stress led to a phenotypic shift in Ca2+ mobilization from an oscillatory to a sustained elevated pattern via calcium release–activated calcium (CRAC)–mediated capacitive Ca2+ entry, and stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1)– and Orai1-deficient cells are resistant to oxidant stress. Functionally, oxidant-induced Ca2+ entry alters mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and bioenergetics and triggers cell death. STIM1 is S-glutathionylated at cysteine 56 in response to oxidant stress and evokes constitutive Ca2+ entry independent of intracellular Ca2+ stores. These experiments reveal that cysteine 56 is a sensor for oxidant-dependent activation of STIM1 and demonstrate a molecular link between oxidant stress and Ca2+ signaling via the CRAC channel.  相似文献   
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