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The recombination activating gene (RAG) 1 and 2 proteins are required for initiation of V(D)J recombination in vivo and have been shown to be sufficient to introduce DNA double-strand breaks at recombination signal sequences (RSSs) in a cell-free assay in vitro. RSSs consist of a highly conserved palindromic heptamer that is separated from a slightly less conserved A/T-rich nonamer by either a 12 or 23 bp spacer of random sequence. Despite the high sequence specificity of RAG-mediated cleavage at RSSs, direct binding of the RAG proteins to these sequences has been difficult to demonstrate by standard methods. Even when this can be demonstrated, questions about the order of events for an individual RAG-RSS complex will require methods that monitor aspects of the complex during transitions from one step of the reaction to the next. Here we have used template-independent DNA polymerase terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) in order to assess occupancy of the reaction intermediates by the RAG complex during the reaction. In addition, this approach allows analysis of the accessibility of end products of a RAG-catalyzed cleavage reaction for N nucleotide addition. The results indicate that RAG proteins form a long-lived complex with the RSS once the initial nick is generated, because the 3'-OH group at the nick remains obstructed for TdT-catalyzed N nucleotide addition. In contrast, the 3'-OH group generated at the signal end after completion of the cleavage reaction can be efficiently tailed by TdT, suggesting that the RAG proteins disassemble from the signal end after DNA double-strand cleavage has been completed. Therefore, a single RAG complex maintains occupancy from the first step (nick formation) to the second step (cleavage). In addition, the results suggest that N region diversity at V(D)J junctions within rearranged immunoglobulin and T cell receptor gene loci can only be introduced after the generation of RAG-catalyzed DNA double-strand breaks, i.e. during the DNA end joining phase of the V(D)J recombination reaction.  相似文献   
The contraction dynamics of end and center regions of single fibers have been measured during fixed-end tetani. Experimental control and data acquisition are provided by a digital system that can acquire diffraction data as fast as every 260 microseconds for 300-700 ms. Tension records are simultaneously displayed on a storage oscilloscope. Resting sarcomere length variation between the end and center regions was analogous to that of Gordon et al. (1966). During the rapid rise in force (less than 45 ms), the end regions contract almost twice as fast as the center regions. During the slow rise in force, the velocity of contraction of the end regions was 3.8 times the velocity of stretch of the center regions. In addition, factors that affected the rate and extent of the slow rise in tension also affected the rate and extent of end shortening. In 58% of the cases studied, the amount of shortening observed in the end region was enough to explain the extent of the slow rise in tension. These data support the explanation of creep first proposed by A. V. Hill (1953) and used by Gordon et al. (1966) to justify their use of the back-extrapolation technique in measuring the isometric force-generating capability of a single fiber. These data also indicate that the laser diffraction technique may provide an effective, noninvasive method for studying sarcomere dynamics during creep and related phenomena.  相似文献   
We examined a series of extrachromosomal DNA substrates for V(D)J recombination under replicating and nonreplicating conditions. Complete and partial replications were examined by monitoring the loss of prokaryote-specific adenine methylation at 14 to 22 MboI-DpnI restriction sites (GATC) on the substrates. Some of these sites are within 2 bases of the signal sequence ends. We found that neither coding joint nor signal joint formation requires substrate replication. After ruling out replication as a substrate requirement, we determined whether replication had any effect on the efficiency of V(D)J recombination. Quantitation of V(D)J recombination efficiency on nonreplicating substrates requires some method of monitoring the entry of substrate molecules into the cells. We devised such a method by monitoring DNA repair of substrates into which we had substituted deoxyuridine for 10 to 20% of the thymidine nucleotides in the DNA. The substrates which enter the lymphoid cells were repaired efficiently in vivo by the eukaryotic uracil DNA repair system. Upon plasmid harvest, we distinguished repaired (entered) from unrepaired (not entered) plasmids by cleaving unrepaired molecules with uracil DNA glycoylase and Escherichia coli endonuclease IV in vitro. This method of monitoring DNA entry does not appear to underestimate or overestimate the amount of DNA entry. By using this method, we found no significant quantitative effect of DNA replication on V(D)J recombination efficiency.  相似文献   
Ribosomal RNAs have secondary structures that are maintained by internal Watson-Crick pairing. Through analysis of chordate, arthropod, and plant 5S ribosomal RNA sequences, we show that Darwinian selection operates on these nucleotide sequences to maintain functionally important secondary structure. Insect phylogenies based on nucleotide positions involved in pairing and the production of secondary structure are incongruent with those constructed on the basis of positions that are not. Furthermore, phylogeny reconstruction using these nonpairing bases is concordant with other, morphological data.   相似文献   
An experimental and theoretical analysis is presented involving the effect of variation in fiber and beam diameter upon the determination of average sarcomere length in isolated single muscle fibers using laser light diffraction. The muscle diffraction phenomenon is simplified by first considering diffraction order position and intensity to be the result of grating and Bragg diffraction. It is the product of the intensity profiles, which results from these types of diffraction, that produces the diffracted order. These simplifying assumptions are then extended to the case of the real muscle. Based on these considerations and the theory that we recently presented, conditions are set forth under which grating information (i.e., sarcomere length) can be maximally expressed to yield accurate average sarcomere length values.  相似文献   
After alcohol ingestion, an amount of acetaldehyde much larger than previously appreciated by measurements in plasma is released from the splanchnic areas, travels reversibly bound to the red blood cells, and is taken up by extrahepatic tissues. The magnitude of this new modality for acetaldehyde transport is markedly enhanced in alcoholics and may contribute to acetaldehyde toxicity in extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   
NADPH:cytochrome c (cytochrome P-450) reductase (Fp) from hamster liver microsomes has been purified to near homogeneity using a simple and rapid method. Microsomes were treated with the detergent Chaps (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulfonic acid) in combination with 0.07% protamine sulfate and then centrifuged to pellet insoluble material. While over 60% of the total microsomal protein was solubilized, all Fp activity remained in the pellet. Fp was extracted from the Chaps-insoluble material using a combination of the detergents sodium cholate and Lubrol PX. This treatment resulted in a fivefold increase in Fp specific activity and allowed direct processing of the enriched Fp fraction by 2',5'-ADP agarose affinity chromatography. The purified Fp had a total flavin content of 23 nmol/mg protein (flavin adenine dinucleotide:flavin mononucleotide ratio = 1:1), a specific activity of 26,000 units/mg protein at 22 degrees C using cytochrome c as electron acceptor, and migrated as a single band on sodium-dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a relative molecular weight of 76,000. The purity, specific activity, and yield were nearly identical to results obtained when the flavoprotein was purified by conventional methods. This procedure eliminates the need for anion-exchange chromatography and allows for the rapid purification of large amounts of Fp suitable for use in studies concerning cytochrome P-450-mediated drug metabolism. Importantly, this method is equally effective when used to purify Fp from rat liver microsomes.  相似文献   
We previously reported that the HS-4 insulator, derived from the chicken beta-globin locus, was able to shield a downstream inducible promoter from viral enhancers or silencers present in the genome of adenovirus vectors. In this study, we constructed two recombinant adenoviruses (Ad) that express an alkaline phosphatase (AP) reporter gene driven by an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) enhancer/promoter with and without HS-4 insulator (Ad.HS4.AFP-AP and Ad.AFP-AP). The insulated vector, Ad.HS4.AFP-AP, conferred significantly higher AP expression than Ad.AFP-AP in all AFP-producing hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (HepG2, Hep3B, and HuH7) examined. AP expression from Ad.HS4.AFP-AP was specific to hepatoma cells and barely detectable in AFP-negative tumor cell lines and normal human cells, including human hepatocytes. Intravenous infusion of viral vectors into mice with liver metastasis derived from Hep3B hepatoma cells resulted in AP expression exclusively localized to tumor cells. The number of tumor cells with detectable AP expression was significantly higher in mice infused with Ad.HS4.AFP-AP than in mice that received the non-insulated vector. This study demonstrates that the HS-4 insulator in the context of an Ad vector can increase the activity of the AFP promoter, while maintaining its tumor-specificity in vitro and in vivo. Considering that the anti-tumor activity of oncolytic vectors often depends on the level of pro-apoptotic or suicide gene expression, insulators might be a useful tool to improve the efficacy and specificity of these vectors.  相似文献   
Most of the presently used adenovirus (Ad) vectors are based on serotype 5. However, the application of these vectors is limited by the native tropism of Ad5. To address this problem, a series of fiber chimeric vectors were produced to take advantage of the different cellular receptors used by Ad of different subgroups. In this study we utilize an Ad5-based chimeric vector containing sequences encoding the Ad35 fiber knob domain instead of the Ad5 knob (Ad5/35L) to analyze factors responsible for selection of intracellular trafficking routes by Ads. By competition analysis with recombinant Ad5 and Ad35 knobs we showed that the Ad5/35L vector infected cells through a receptor different from the Ad5 receptor. Intracellular trafficking of Ad5 and Ad5/35L viruses was analyzed in HeLa cells by tracking fluorophore-conjugated Ad particles, by immunostaining for capsid hexon protein, by electron microscopy, and by Southern blotting for viral DNA. These studies showed that the interaction with the Ad35 receptor(s) predestines Ad5/35L vector to intracellular trafficking pathways different from those of Ad5. Ad5 efficiently escaped from the endosomes early after infection. In contrast, Ad5/35L remained longer in late endosomal/lysosomal compartments and used them to achieve localization to the nucleus. However, a significant portion of Ad5/35L particles appeared to be recycled back to the cell surface. This phenomenon resulted in significantly less efficient Ad5/35L-mediated gene transfer compared to that of Ad5. We also demonstrated that the selection of intracellular trafficking routes was determined by the fiber knob domain and did not depend on the length of the fiber shaft. This study contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern the infection of retargeted, capsid-modified vectors which have potential application for hematopoietic stem cell and tumor gene therapy.  相似文献   
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