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S. V. Kuznetsov 《Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology》2009,45(6):643-662
The work presents a short review of concepts of origin and representation of ancient (primary) endogenous rhythms whose period is in the near-second-near minute ranges. These rhythms are the basis for the appearance of the viscero-and somatomotor excitation in various functional systems of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Based on literature data and the own studies, there has been considered a hypothesis of universality of mechanisms of generation of endogenous rhythms of a certain frequency range regardless of their localization. The recently performed new experimental works have confirmed and enlarged A.V. Voino-Yasenetskiis’s viewpoints suggested in the 1950–1980s. It has been shown that under effect of certain extreme or pathological factors, in excitable structures, functional dissolution of coordinational mechanisms can be observed; it is accompanied by a change of the activity pattern and reproduction in it of the ancient excitation rhythms absent in the normal state. The appeared atypical rhythmicity is similar with pathological activity described in clinical medicine. Development of further studies of mechanisms of reproduction of primary rhythms might be not only of fundamental, but also of certain practical interest. 相似文献
V. P. Gumenyuk G. P. Volinets T. M. Kuchmerovskaya I. O. Trikash 《Neurophysiology》2009,41(6):395-403
We studied the effects of three antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in a cell-free model system containing isolated synaptic vesicles (SVs) and cytosolic proteins, which allowed us to reproduce one of the stages of complex exocytosis. Ethosuximide, sodium valproate, and gabapentin intensified calcium- and Mg2+-ATP-induced fusion of SVs; the effect was indicative of the ability of these agents to influence the processes of simple and/or complex exocytosis in synaptic connections in the CNS structures. Antiepileptic drugs did not change the intensity of calcium-dependent fusion of liposomes and SVs treated by proteases. Therefore, the effect of AEDs can be realized via their interaction with proteins of SVs. After decrease in the level of cholesterol in the membranes of SVs using treatment by methyl-β- cyclodextrin, the ability of AEDs to activate fusion of SVs remained unchanged. Therefore, the studied AEDs act via proteins localized beyond the borders of cholesterol-enriched microdomains of the membrane. Drugs that induce convulsions (corazole and picrotoxin) did not change the characteristics of fusion of SVs under the in vitro action of AEDs. This is indicative of the absence of molecular targets for the above chemoconvulsants in the SV membranes, as compared with those in the plasma membranes of nerve terminals. According to our experiments, just proteins of SVs are functional targets for ethosuximide, sodium valproate, and gabapentin providing their anticonvulsant actions. The proposed model, which allows one to reproduce the membrane fusion, can be successfully used for the testing of drugs influencing a presynaptic link of synaptic contacts in the CNS. 相似文献
Sanja Mihajlovic Silvia Lang Marta V. Sut Heimo Strohmaier Christian J. Gruber Günther Koraimann Elena Cabezón Gabriel Moncalián Fernando de la Cruz Ellen L. Zechner 《Journal of bacteriology》2009,191(22):6877-6887
Selective substrate uptake controls initiation of macromolecular secretion by type IV secretion systems in gram-negative bacteria. Type IV coupling proteins (T4CPs) are essential, but the molecular mechanisms governing substrate entry to the translocation pathway remain obscure. We report a biochemical approach to reconstitute a regulatory interface between the plasmid R1 T4CP and the nucleoprotein relaxosome dedicated to the initiation stage of plasmid DNA processing and substrate presentation. The predicted cytosolic domain of T4CP TraD was purified in a predominantly monomeric form, and potential regulatory effects of this protein on catalytic activities exhibited by the relaxosome during transfer initiation were analyzed in vitro. TraDΔN130 stimulated the TraI DNA transesterase activity apparently via interactions on both the protein and the DNA levels. TraM, a protein interaction partner of TraD, also increased DNA transesterase activity in vitro. The mechanism may involve altered DNA conformation as TraM induced underwinding of oriT plasmid DNA in vivo (ΔLk = −4). Permanganate mapping of the positions of duplex melting due to relaxosome assembly with TraDΔN130 on supercoiled DNA in vitro confirmed localized unwinding at nic but ruled out formation of an open complex compatible with initiation of the TraI helicase activity. These data link relaxosome regulation to the T4CP and support the model that a committed step in the initiation of DNA export requires activation of TraI helicase loading or catalysis.Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) in gram-negative bacteria mediate translocation of macromolecules out of the bacterial cell (14). The transmission of effector proteins and DNA into plant cells or other bacteria via cell-cell contact is one example of their function, and conjugation systems as well as the transferred DNA (T-DNA) delivery system of the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens are prototypical of the T4SS family. Macromolecular translocation is achieved by a membrane-spanning protein machinery comprised of 12 gene products, VirB1 to VirB11 and an associated factor known as the coupling protein (VirD4) (66). The T4SS-associated coupling protein (T4CP) performs a crucial function in recognition of appropriate secretion substrates and governing entry of those molecules to the translocation pathway (7, 8, 10, 30, 41). In conjugation systems substrate recognition is applied to the relaxosome, a nucleoprotein complex of DNA transfer initiator proteins assembled specifically at the plasmid origin of transfer (oriT). In current models, initiation of the reactions that provide the single strand of plasmid (T-strand) DNA for secretion to recipient bacteria is expected to resemble the initiation of chromosomal replication (for reviews, see references 18, 54, and 81). Controlled opening of the DNA duplex is required to permit entry of the DNA processing machinery. The task of remodeling the conjugative oriT is generally ascribed to two or three relaxosome auxiliary factors, of host and plasmid origin, which occupy specific DNA binding sites at this locus. Intrinsic to the relaxosome is also a site- and strand-specific DNA transesterase activity that breaks the phosphodiester backbone at nic (5). Upon cleavage, the transesterase enzyme (also called relaxase) forms a reversible phosphotyrosyl linkage to the 5′ end of the DNA. Duplex unwinding initiating from this site produces the single-stranded T strand to be exported. A wealth of information is available supporting the importance of DNA sequence recognition and binding by relaxosome components at oriT to the transesterase reaction in vitro and for effective conjugative transfer (for reviews, see references 18, 54, and 81). On the other hand, the mechanisms controlling release of the 3′-OH generated at nic and the subsequent DNA unwinding stage remain obscure.Equally little is known about the process of nucleoprotein uptake by the transport channel. DNA-independent translocation of the relaxases TrwC (R388), MobA (RSF1010), and VirD2 (Ti plasmid) has been demonstrated; thus, current models propose that the relaxase component of the protein-DNA adduct is the substrate actively secreted by the transport system after interaction with the T4CP (42, 66). Cotransport of the covalently linked single-stranded T strand occurs concurrently (42). The mechanisms underlying relaxosome recognition by T4CPs are not understood. Direct interactions have been observed biochemically between the RP4 TraG protein and relaxase proteins of the cognate plasmid (65) and heterologous relaxosomes that it mobilizes (73, 76). TrwB of R388 interacts in vitro with relaxase TrwC and an auxiliary component, TrwA (44). TraD proteins of plasmid R1 and F are known to interact with the auxiliary relaxosome protein TraM (20) via a cluster of C-terminal amino acids (3, 62). Extensive mutagenic analyses (45) plus recent three-dimensional structural data for a complex of the TraM tetramerization domain and the C-terminal tail of TraD (46) have provided more detailed models for the intermolecular contacts involved in recognition.Application of the Cre recombinase assay for translocation of conjugative relaxases as well as effector proteins to eukaryotic cells is currently the most promising approach to elucidate protein motifs recognized by T4CPs (56, 68, 78, 79). Despite that progress, the nature of the interactions between a T4CP and its target protein that initiate secretion and the mechanisms controlling this step remain obscure. In contrast to systems dedicated specifically to effector protein translocation, conjugation systems mobilize nucleoprotein complexes that additionally exhibit catalytic activities, which can be readily monitored. These models are therefore particularly well suited to investigate aspects of regulation occurring at the physical interface of a T4CP and its secretion substrate. For this purpose the MOBF family of DNA-mobilizing systems is additionally advantageous, since DNA processing within this family features the fusion of a dedicated conjugative helicase to the DNA transesterase enzyme within a single bifunctional protein. The TraI protein of F-like plasmids, originally described as Escherichia coli DNA helicase I (1, 2, 23), and the related TrwC protein of plasmid R388 (25) are well characterized (reviewed in reference 18). Early work by Llosa et al. revealed a complex domain arrangement for TrwC (43). Similar analyses with TraI identified nonoverlapping transesterase and helicase domains (6, 77), while the remaining intermediate and C-terminal regions of the protein additionally provide functions essential to effective conjugative transfer (49, 71). The ability to physically separate the catalytic domains of TraI and TrwC has facilitated a detailed biochemical characterization of their DNA transesterase, ATPase, and DNA-unwinding reactions. Nonetheless, failure of the physically disjointed polypeptides to complement efficient conjugative transfer when coexpressed indicates a role(s) for these proteins in the strand transfer process that goes beyond the need for their dual catalytic activities (43, 50). The assignment of additional functional properties to regions within TraI is a focus of current investigation (16, 29, 49).In all systems studied thus far, conditions used to reconstitute relaxosomes on a supercoiled oriT plasmid have not supported the initiation steps necessary to enable duplex unwinding by a conjugative helicase. The question remains open whether additional protein components are required and/or whether the pathway of initiation is subject to specific repression. In the present study, we applied the IncFII plasmid R1 paradigm to investigate the potential for interaction between purified components of the relaxosome and its cognate T4CP, TraD, to exert regulatory effects on relaxosome activities in vitro. In this and in the accompanying report (72), we present evidence for wide-ranging stimulatory effects of the cytoplasmic domain of TraD protein and its interaction partner TraM on multiple aspects of relaxosome function. 相似文献
Michael G. Cripps Grant R. Edwards Graeme W. Bourdôt David J. Saville Hariet L. Hinz Simon V. Fowler 《Plant Ecology》2010,209(1):123-134
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Californian, Canada, or creeping thistle) is an exotic perennial herb indigenous to Eurasia that successfully
established in New Zealand (NZ) approximately 130 years ago. Presently, C. arvense is considered one of the worst invasive weeds in NZ arable and pastoral productions systems. A mechanism commonly invoked
to explain the apparent increased vigour of introduced weeds is release from natural enemies. The enemy-release hypothesis
(ERH) predicts that plants in an introduced range should experience reduced herbivory, particularly from specialists, and
that release from this natural enemy pressure facilitates increased plant performance in the introduced range. In 2007, surveys
were carried out in 13 populations in NZ (7 in the North Island and 6 in the South Island) and in 12 populations in central
Europe to quantify and compare growth characteristics of C. arvense in its native versus introduced range. Altitude and mean annual precipitation for each population were used as covariates
in an attempt to explain differences or similarities in plant traits among ranges. All plant traits varied significantly among
populations within a range. Shoot dry weight was greater in the South Island compared to Europe, which is in line with the
prediction of increased plant performance in the introduced range; however, this was explained by environmental conditions.
Contrary to expectations, the North Island was not different from Europe for all plant traits measured, and after adjustment
for covariates showed decreased shoot density and dry weight compared to the native range. Therefore, environmental factors
appear to be more favourable for growth of C. arvense in both the North and South Islands. In accordance with the ERH, there was significantly greater endophagous herbivory in
the capitula and stems of shoots in Europe compared to both NZ ranges. In NZ, capitulum attack from Rhinocyllus conicus was found only in the North Island, and no stem-mining attack was found anywhere in NZ. Thus, although C. arvense experiences significantly reduced natural enemy pressure in both the North and South Islands of NZ there is no evidence that
it benefits from this enemy release. 相似文献
N A Khan I Masson V Quemener G Clari V Moret J P Moulinoux 《Biochemistry international》1990,20(5):863-868
In vitro regulation of cytosolic tyrosine protein (Tyr-P) kinase from human erythrocytes by polyamines, polyamino acids, negative charged compounds or by insulin using angiotensin II or poly (Glu-Tyr)4:1 as substrates was studied. All the three polyamines, putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) stimulated the Tyr-P kinase activity in a dose dependent manner. Spm stimulated Tyr-P kinase activity higher than Put and Spd whether the substrate was angiotension II or poly (Glu-Tyr)4:1. Polyamino acids (polyornithine, polyarginine, polyglutamic acid and polyaspartic acid) did not affect significantly the Tyr-P kinase phosphorylation except polylysine which significantly stimulated the Tyr-P kinase activity. Negative charged compounds (chondroitin sulfate A, B and C) and heparin inhibited the Tyr-P kinase phosphorylation while insulin did not influence the enzyme activity in the presence of either substrates. 相似文献
V de Silva S Thapa L R Wilkens M G Farr K Jayasinghe J E McMahan 《Journal of biosocial science》1988,20(2):143-156
The effects of different levels of compensatory payment for vasectomy on sterilization acceptance were examined in 496 vasectomized men in urban Sri Lanka. The results indicate that compensatory payments significantly enhanced the participation of economically poor men in vasectomy programs, especially those who had already achieved a large family size. The proportion of poor acceptors (those with a monthly income of Rs 1000 or less) increased with higher levels of payment; the acceptor's level of education was negatively correlated with the compensation amount, and the mean age of the youngest child was higher among those who received higher payments. 60% of vasectomy acceptors reported using contraception immediately before the vasectomy, suggesting a high level of motivation not to have another child. Respondents cited high effectiveness, no extra expense, and no side effects for their wives as the main reasons for selecting vasectomy over other means of contraception, regardless of the amount of payment received. Only 5% said cash payment was an important reason for choosing vasectomy, and this response did not vary significantly by level of payment. There was no influence of payment level on postoperative complications or satisfaction. While compensatory payments significantly enhanced the participation of poor men in vasectomy programs, they were not effective in attracting poorer men with few children or those whose last child was relatively young. Overall, this study's findings suggest that the decision to provide compensatory payments and how much to provide should be based on economic and political factors, not on the grounds that higher compensatory payments have led to the recruitment of ineligible men or that the promotion of vasectomy has been at the expense of a loss in the quality of services provided. 相似文献
G. V. Sibgatullina N. I. Rumyantseva L. R. Khaertdinova A. N. Akulov N. B. Tarasova E. A. Gumerova 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2012,59(5):662-669
It is shown that the inhibitor of catalase 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT) at the concentration of 2 mM affected differently growth of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.) callus lines differing in the morphogenecity. In some cases, AT induced the death of a great fraction of non-morphogenic callus cells; in other cases, it inhibited growth and reduced viability of morphogenic callus. The death of non-morphogenic callus cells may be related to the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and the development of oxidative stress. After morphogenic callus treatment with AT, we obtained a modified line 1?C8 AT tolerant to AT and differing from the original line in morphology, cell sizes, proliferative activity, and some biochemical characteristics. In the 1?C8 AT line, catalase was sensitive to this inhibitor action. In this case, catalase inactivation with AT did not increase the content of hydrogen peroxide in the cells, which may indicate the compensatory functioning of another/others mechanism(s) destroying hydrogen peroxide. 相似文献
Antipeptide antibodies specifically recognize the l1 protein of the human papilloma virus of type 31
S. M. Andreev A. V. Gilyazova M. R. Khaitov D. G. Kozlov 《Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry》2012,38(6):590-598
Antibodies which specifically recognize the capsid protein (L1) of the human papilloma virus (HPV) serve as an important tool for creation of vaccines against HIV infection. Peptide fragments that corresponded to the 49?C65, 131?C145, 172?C189, 349?C362, and 402?C414 sequences of the L1 protein of HPV type 31 (L1?C31) and modulated protein B-cellular epitopes were predicted on the basis of a three-dimensional model of the protein and synthesized. The above-mentioned peptides were conjugated with the hemocyanin from the Megathura crenulata and with bovine serum albumin. The conjugates were used as antigens for immunization of the CBAxC57BL/6 mice. The antipeptide high-titer sera that reacted with the yeast-produced recombinant L1?C31 proteins were obtained. The peptides corresponding to the 49?C65 and 172?C189 sequences of the protein were found to have the maximum reactivity and type specificity. The isolated IgG-antibodies to these epitopes easily recognized L1-31, but did not recognize L1?C16. These antibodies were promising for the analysis of the L1-31 production in various expression systems. 相似文献
I. V. Volvenko 《Russian Journal of Marine Biology》2012,38(7):495-508
In the virtual multidimensional space of integral biocenotic characteristics, such as abundance, the sizes of individuals, and the components of species diversity, which are scaled on corresponding coordinate axes, the points that represent samples from various biocenotic assemblages, form similar multi-layered hill-shaped figures. The examples we considered are the pelagic macrofauna of the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the adjacent waters of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean; the phytoplankton, zooplankton, and zoobenthos of Lake Ladoga, the Neva Bay, and the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea; the beetle guild in the rainforest of Borneo Island on the Malay Archipelago; and the bird taxocenes and biotope groups of soil mites in North America, among others. The obvious similarity of the composed diagrams results from the close interrelationships of all the integral characteristics and also from the universality of the structure of links between them, which is tolerant to movements in the real space-time continuum and invariant towards the subject of the studies. The multidimensional domain of the analyzed variables is a set of points that are aggregated along a segment, whose length and orientation relative to the coordinate axes determine the general rules of the biocenotic organization of the living matter. 相似文献
RNA silencing requires assembly of an effector complex, RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), composed of a small RNA and the Ago protein. In this issue of Molecular Cell, Liu et al. (2012) provide insights of miRNP/RISC assembly pathways in mammals, using an in vitro human RISC assembly assay programmed by pre-miRNAs. 相似文献