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The role of the Notch signaling members Notch1, Notch2 and Rbpj in exocrine pancreatic development is not well defined. We therefore analyzed conditional pancreas-specific Rbpj and combined Notch1/Notch2 knockout mice using Ptf1a(+/Cre(ex1)) mice crossed with floxed Rbpj or Notch1/Notch2 mice. Mice were analyzed at different embryonic stages for pancreatic exocrine and endocrine development. The absence of Rbpj in pancreatic progenitor cells impaired exocrine pancreas development up to embryonic day 18.5 and led to premature differentiation of pancreatic progenitors into endocrine cells. In Rbpj-deficient pancreata, amylase-expressing acini and islets formed during late embryonic and postnatal development, suggesting an essential role of Rbpj in early but not late development. Contrary to this severe phenotype, the concomitant inactivation of Notch1 and Notch2 only moderately disturbed the proliferation of pancreatic epithelial cells during early embryonic development, and did not inhibit pancreatic development. Our results show that, in contrast to Rbpj, Notch1 and Notch2 are not essential for pancreatogenesis. These data favor a Notch-independent role of Rbpj in the development of the exocrine pancreas. Furthermore, our findings suggest that in late stages of pancreatic development exocrine cell differentiation and maintenance are independent of Rbpj.  相似文献   
The performance of capillary electrophoresis (CE) operating with a sulfonated capillary for the separation of protein adducts of anticancer ruthenium(III)-based drugs was evaluated. The coated capillary was shown to yield improved resolution of albumin- and transferrin-bound species of ruthenium compared with that attained with the bare fused-silica capillary. The coating also showed an increased reproducibility of migration times and peak areas and allowed reasonably high efficiency separation of analytes (up to 1300 theoretical plates per meter), which display high affinity toward a fused-silica surface. In addition, due to rather high electroosmotic flow (EOF, > 45 × 10−5 cm2 V−1 s−1) in the coated capillary, it enabled fast counter-EOF monitoring of albumin and transferrin adducts. This benefit, together with requiring only a short flush with the background electrolyte to have migration times reproducible (at < 1.5% relative standard deviation), makes this wall-modified capillary holding promise for CE examination of fast reactions such as those accompanying protein-drug interactions and biotransformations associated with drug delivery via protein binding.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis is a prolific producer of enzymes and biopharmaceuticals. However, the susceptibility of heterologous proteins to degradation by (extracellular) proteases is a major limitation for use of B. subtilis as a protein cell factory. An increase in protein production levels has previously been achieved by using either protease-deficient strains or addition of protease inhibitors to B. subtilis cultures. Notably, the effects of genetic and chemical inhibition of proteases have thus far not been compared in a systematic way. In the present studies, we therefore compared the exoproteomes of cells in which extracellular proteases were genetically or chemically inactivated. The results show substantial differences in the relative abundance of various extracellular proteins. Furthermore, a comparison of the effects of genetic and/or chemical protease inhibition on the stress response triggered by (over) production of secreted proteins showed that chemical protease inhibition provoked a genuine secretion stress response. From a physiological point of view, this suggests that the deletion of protease genes is a better way to prevent product degradation than the use of protease inhibitors. Importantly however, studies with human interleukin-3 show that chemical protease inhibition can result in improved production of protease-sensitive secreted proteins even in mutant strains lacking eight extracellular proteases.  相似文献   
In the past the Italian soil was considered as a low-endemic pabulum for H. capsulatum var. capsulatum and only few autochthonous cases of histoplasmosis were reported in Italy, especially in the Po valley. The aim of the paper was to evaluate this possibility by reviewing the literature and providing our own personal data. Four additional cases of histoplasmosis were observed during 1999-2003 in AIDS immigrant or in Italian citizens, and in travellers to endemic areas. One of the AIDS patients was an autochthonous case of histoplasmosis. The Italian literature was reviewed. Recent cases and literature data confirm the possible autochthonous presence of histoplasmosis in Italy, especially in the Northern regions.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of Ca2+ ions as well as esterified and deesterified pectins in unpollinated and pollinated wet (Petunia hybrida) and dry (Haemanthus albiflos) stigma was analyzed. Stigmas with different surfaces were found to differ in Ca2+ and pectin localization. In a wet Petunia hybrida stigma, Ca2+ ions were present in the exudate occurring in the intercellular spaces of secretory tissue before pollination. The exudate of an unpollinated stigma was the site of the localization of large amounts of deesterified pectins. Stigma penetration by pollen tubes induced the lysis of this category of pectins. The epidermal cells walls of the dry Haemanthus albiflos stigma before pollination lacked free and loosely bound Ca2+ ions. Pollination induced an accumulation of these ions in the apoplast of the stigma epidermal cells. In cells walls of an unpollinated stigma, mainly esterified pectins were present. Their deesterification took place after pollination at the site of pollen grain adhesion and then at the site of pollen tube growth. These results have shown that wet and dry stigmas differ in pectin metabolism and in the mechanism of forming a calcium environment at the site of pollen grain germination.  相似文献   
Alphavirus vectors are attractive as recombinant protein expression systems due to the high level of gene expression achieved. The combination of two mutations in the viral replicase, which render the replicase noncytopathic and temperature-sensitive, allowed the generation of a DNA-based vector (CytTs) that shows temperature inducible expression. This vector is of significant value for the production of toxic protein. However, like for other stable expression systems, tedious screening of individual cell clones are required in order to get a high producer cell clone. To circumvent this, we generated an episomally replicating vector by introducing an Epstein-Barr virus mini-replicon unit into CytTs. This novel vector allowed rapid generation of cell populations that showed tight regulation of expression and comparable expression levels to the ones achieved with high producer cell clones with CytTs. Moreover, protein production with selected cell populations could easily be scaled-up to a fermentation process.  相似文献   
The melanocortin 1 receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase, is a key regulator of epidermal melanocyte proliferation and differentiation and a determinant of human skin phototype and skin cancer risk. Despite its potential importance for regulation of pigmentation, no information is available on homologous desensitization of this receptor. We found that the human melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) and its mouse ortholog (Mc1r) undergo homologous desensitization in melanoma cells. Desensitization is not dependent on protein kinase A, protein kinase C, calcium mobilization, or MAPKs, but is agonist dose-dependent. Both melanoma cells and normal melanocytes express two members of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family, GRK2 and GRK6. Cotransfection of the receptor and GRK2 or GRK6 genes in heterologous cells demonstrated that GRK2 and GRK6 impair agonist-dependent signaling by MC1R or Mc1r. However, GRK6, but not GRK2, was able to inhibit MC1R agonist-independent constitutive signaling. Expression of a dominant negative GRK2 mutant in melanoma cells increased their cAMP response to agonists. Agonist-stimulated cAMP production decreased in melanoma cells enriched with GRK6 after stable transfection. Therefore, GRK2 and GRK6 seem to be key regulators of melanocortin 1 receptor signaling and may be important determinants of skin pigmentation.  相似文献   
Culture experiments on the toxic Nodularia spumigena strain NSGG-1 isolated from the Gulf of Gdańsk showed a significant effect of salinity on growth and nodularin production. Growth of the NSGG-1 strain, was optimal between 7 and 18 psu, lower at 3 and 24 psu and was significantly inhibited at the extreme salinities of 0 and 35 psu. Nodularin (NOD) content of N. spumigena, estimated by the NOD/Chla ratios, correlated positively with salinity and increased from 0 to 35 psu. The NOD/Chla ratio on day 10 of growth was high, and, reached the maximum at day 30. A sudden increase in salinity from 7 to 18 and 35 psu resulted in plasmolysis of Nodularia cells. Salinity was also observed to have other effects on NSGG-1; the filaments were longest at 7 psu, while an increased number of akinetes were formed at 35 psu. The number of heterocytes was markedly reduced at the extreme salinities. This latter finding might explain why Nodularia blooms do not occur outside a certain salinity range in nitrogen-deficient waters.  相似文献   
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