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Chronic anticoagulation is a standard of care in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). However, hemostatic abnormalities in this disease remain poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to study markers of thrombogenesis and fibrinolysis in patients with IPAH.


We studied 27 consecutive patients (67% female) with IPAH aged 50.0 years (IQR: 41.0 - 65.0) and 16 controls without pulmonary hypertension. Prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2) and thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complexes were measured to assess thrombogenesis; tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) antigen and plasmin-anti-plasmin complex to characterize activation of fibrinolysis; plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) to measure inhibition of fibrinolysis; and endothelin-1 (ET-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to assess endothelial activation and systemic inflammation, respectively. In addition, in treatment-naive IPAH patients these markers were assessed after 3 months of PAH-specific therapies.


TPA (10.1[6.8-15.8] vs 5.2[3.3-7.3] ng/ml, p<0.001), plasmin-anti-plasmin (91.5[60.3-94.2] vs 55.8[51.1-64.9] ng/ml, p<0.001), IL-6 (4.9[2.5-7.9] vs 2.1[1.3-3.8] pg/ml, p=0.001) and ET-1 (3.7 [3.3-4.5] vs 3.4[3.1-3.5], p= 0.03) were higher in patients with IPAH than in controls. In IPAH patients plasmin-anti-plasmin and tPA correlated positively with IL-6 (r=0.39, p=0.04 and r=0.63, p<0.001, respectively) and ET-1 (r=0.55, p=0.003 and r=0.59, p=0.001, respectively). No correlation was found between tPA or plasmin-anti-plasmin and markers of thrombogenesis. Plasmin-anti-plasmin decreased after 3 months of PAH specific therapy while the other markers remained unchanged.


In the present study we showed that markers of fibrynolysis were elevated in patients with IPAH however we did not find a clear evidence for increased thrombogenesis in this group of patients. Fibrinolysis, inflammation, and endothelial activation were closely interrelated in IPAH.  相似文献   
The tip growth apparatus of Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hyphal tip growth in fungi is important because of the economic and medical importance of fungi, and because it may be a useful model for polarized growth in other organisms. We have investigated the central questions of the roles of cytoskeletal elements and of the precise sites of exocytosis and endocytosis at the growing hyphal tip by using the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Time-lapse imaging of fluorescent fusion proteins reveals a remarkably dynamic, but highly structured, tip growth apparatus. Live imaging of SYNA, a synaptobrevin homologue, and SECC, an exocyst component, reveals that vesicles accumulate in the Spitzenkörper (apical body) and fuse with the plasma membrane at the extreme apex of the hypha. SYNA is recycled from the plasma membrane by endocytosis at a collar of endocytic patches, 1–2 μm behind the apex of the hypha, that moves forward as the tip grows. Exocytosis and endocytosis are thus spatially coupled. Inhibitor studies, in combination with observations of fluorescent fusion proteins, reveal that actin functions in exocytosis and endocytosis at the tip and in holding the tip growth apparatus together. Microtubules are important for delivering vesicles to the tip area and for holding the tip growth apparatus in position.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are tightly linked to cellular nutrient sensing, and provide not only energy, but also intermediates for the de novo synthesis of cellular compounds including amino acids. Mitochondrial metabolic enzymes as generators and/or targets of signals are therefore important players in the distribution of intermediates between catabolic and anabolic pathways. The highly regulated 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) participates in glucose oxidation via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It occupies an amphibolic branch point in the cycle, where the energy-producing reaction of the 2-oxoglutarate degradation competes with glutamate (Glu) synthesis via nitrogen incorporation into 2-oxoglutarate. To characterize the specific impact of the OGDHC inhibition on amino acid metabolism in both plant and animal mitochondria, a synthetic analog of 2-oxoglutarate, namely succinyl phosphonate (SP), was applied to living systems from different kingdoms, both in situ and in vivo. Using a high-throughput mass spectrometry-based approach, we showed that organisms possessing OGDHC respond to SP by significantly changing their amino acid pools. By contrast, cyanobacteria which lack OGDHC do not show perturbations in amino acids following SP treatment. Increases in Glu, 4-aminobutyrate and alanine represent the most universal change accompanying the 2-oxoglutarate accumulation upon OGDHC inhibition. Other amino acids were affected in a species-specific manner, suggesting specific metabolic rearrangements and substrate availability mediating secondary changes. Strong perturbation in the relative abundance of amino acids due to the OGDHC inhibition was accompanied by decreased protein content. Our results provide specific evidence of a considerable role of OGDHC in amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   
South American camelids comprise the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), which are wild species, and the domestic llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Lama pacos). This paper presents the first complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the guanaco and the mt coding sequence of the vicuña. The guanaco mtDNA is 16,649 nt long and its composition and organization are similar to the mitochondrial genome of other mammals. Excluding the control region, comparison of the complete guanaco and vicuña mtDNA showed 4.4% sequence divergence. Nucleotide differences in peptide coding genes varied from 1.9% in ATP6 to 6.4% in Cyt b. These values are compatible with the close relatedness of both species identified by other authors. Based on the differences between the control region sequence here reported and that previously described, we also discuss the occurrence of NUMTs in the genome of South American camelids.  相似文献   
Photosystem I of higher plants is characterized by a typically long wavelength fluorescence emission associated to its light-harvesting complex I moiety. The origin of these low energy chlorophyll spectral forms was investigated by using site-directed mutagenesis of Lhca1-4 genes and in vitro reconstitution into recombinant pigment-protein complexes. We showed that the red-shifted absorption originates from chlorophyll-chlorophyll (Chl) excitonic interactions involving Chl A5 in each of the four Lhca antenna complexes. An essential requirement for the presence of the red-shifted absorption/fluorescence spectral forms was the presence of asparagine as a ligand for the Chl a chromophore in the binding site A5 of Lhca complexes. In Lhca3 and Lhca4, which exhibit the most red-shifted red forms, its substitution by histidine maintains the pigment binding and, yet, the red spectral forms are abolished. Conversely, in Lhca1, having very low amplitude of red forms, the substitution of Asn for His produces a red shift of the fluorescence emission, thus confirming that the nature of the Chl A5 ligand determines the correct organization of chromophores leading to the excitonic interaction responsible for the red-most forms. The red-shifted fluorescence emission at 730 nm is here proposed to originate from an absorption band at approximately 700 nm, which represents the low energy contribution of an excitonic interaction having the high energy band at 683 nm. Because the mutation does not affect Chl A5 orientation, we suggest that coordination by Asn of Chl A5 holds it at the correct distance with Chl B5.  相似文献   
Caffarri S  Croce R  Cattivelli L  Bassi R 《Biochemistry》2004,43(29):9467-9476
The major antenna complex of higher-plant photosynthesis, LHCII, is composed by the products of three genes, namely, Lhcb1-2-3. In this paper, the biochemical and spectroscopic properties of each of the three gene products were investigated. The three complexes were obtained by overexpression of the apoproteins in bacteria and refolding in vitro with purified pigments, thus allowing detection of differences in the structure/function of the pigment-binding gene products. The analyses showed that Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 complexes have similar pigment binding properties, although not identical, while Lhcb3 is clearly different with respect to both pigment binding and spectral properties and cannot produce homotrimers in vitro. Heterotrimers containing Lhcb3 together with Lhcb1 and/or -2 proteins were obtained upon assembly with Lhcb proteins purified from thylakoids. The major functional characteristics of Lhcb3 with respect to Lhcb1 and -2 consisted in (i) a red-shift of one specific chlorophyll a chromophore, strongly affecting the red-most region of the absorption spectrum and (ii) a different specificity for xanthophylls binding to sites L2 and N1. These properties make Lhcb3 a relative sink for excitation energy in isolated heterotrimers with Lhcb1 + Lhcb2, and potentially, a preferential site of regulation of the antenna function in excess light conditions.  相似文献   
The fluorescence decay kinetics of Photosystem II (PSII) membranes from spinach with open reaction centers (RCs), were compared after exciting at 420 and 484 nm. These wavelengths lead to preferential excitation of chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b, respectively, which causes different initial excited-state populations in the inner and outer antenna system. The non-exponential fluorescence decay appears to be 4.3+/-1.8 ps slower upon 484 nm excitation for preparations that contain on average 2.45 LHCII (light-harvesting complex II) trimers per reaction center. Using a recently introduced coarse-grained model it can be concluded that the average migration time of an electronic excitation towards the RC contributes approximately 23% to the overall average trapping time. The migration time appears to be approximately two times faster than expected based on previous ultrafast transient absorption and fluorescence measurements. It is concluded that excitation energy transfer in PSII follows specific energy transfer pathways that require an optimized organization of the antenna complexes with respect to each other. Within the context of the coarse-grained model it can be calculated that the rate of primary charge separation of the RC is (5.5+/-0.4 ps)(-1), the rate of secondary charge separation is (137+/-5 ps)(-1) and the drop in free energy upon primary charge separation is 826+/-30 cm(-1). These parameters are in rather good agreement with recently published results on isolated core complexes [Y. Miloslavina, M. Szczepaniak, M.G. Muller, J. Sander, M. Nowaczyk, M. R?gner, A.R. Holzwarth, Charge separation kinetics in intact Photosystem II core particles is trap-limited. A picosecond fluorescence study, Biochemistry 45 (2006) 2436-2442].  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare reaction time, joint torque, rate of torque development, and magnitude of neuromuscular activation of lower-extremity muscles in elderly female fallers and nonfallers. Participants included 11, elderly, female fallers (71.3 ± 5.4 years) and twelve nonfallers (71.3 ± 6.2 years) who completed a fall risk questionnaire. Then, maximal, voluntary, isometric contractions of the knee and ankle muscles were performed in reaction to a visual cue to determine joint torque, rate of torque development, reaction time, and nervous activation of agonists and antagonists. Results indicated that significantly more fallers reported “dizziness upon rising”, “use of balance altering medications”, “stress or depression”, “not enough sleep”, “arthritis in lower body”, “chronic pain in lower body”, and “tiring easily while walking” (all P < 0.05). Normalized dorsiflexion and plantarflexion strength scores (summation of peak torque, rate of torque development and impulse) were lower in fallers than in nonfallers (P < 0.05). When summed across lower-extremity muscle groups, fallers demonstrated 19% lower peak torque and 29% longer motor time (P < 0.05). In conclusion, comprehensive fall risk screening and prevention programs should address both neuromuscular and non-muscular factors, and, weakness of the ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflexors should be further studied as potential contributors to falls in older adults.  相似文献   
In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), hallmark β-amyloid deposits are characterized by the presence of activated microglia around them. Despite an extensive characterization of the relation of amyloid plaques with microglia, little is known about the initiation of this interaction. In this study, the detailed investigation of very small plaques in brain slices in AD transgenic mice of the line APP-PS1(dE9) revealed different levels of microglia recruitment. Analysing plaques with a diameter of up to 10 μm we find that only the half are associated with clear morphologically activated microglia. Utilizing in vivo imaging of new appearing amyloid plaques in double-transgenic APP-PS1(dE9)xCX3CR1+/- mice further characterized the dynamic of morphological microglia activation. We observed no correlation of morphological microglia activation and plaque volume or plaque lifetime. Taken together, our results demonstrate a very prominent variation in size as well as in lifetime of new plaques relative to the state of microglia reaction. These observations might question the existing view that amyloid deposits by themselves are sufficient to attract and activate microglia in vivo.  相似文献   
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