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The optimum conditions for using the method of radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP) for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in serum samples have been established. Out of several available cell lines persistently infected with HIV, specially selected line 17 has been chosen. The characteristic feature of this is the high and stable (under the conditions of prolonged cultivation) accumulation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells. The optimum conditions for making the test and its evaluation have also been established. The data of literature on the advantages of the method of RIP over such traditional methods as the enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting have been confirmed. Thus, the presence of specific antibodies in several serum samples registered as false negative has been established. The intertypical reactivity of two serotypes of the virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2, has been studied. Cross reactivity of antibodies with respect to the HIV gene gag, but not with respect to viral glycoproteids, has been established. Ideas on the expediency and prospects of using RIP for the serological control of HIV infection are presented.  相似文献   
Mammalian cells deploy autophagy to defend their cytosol against bacterial invaders. Anti‐bacterial autophagy relies on the core autophagy machinery, cargo receptors, and “eat‐me” signals such as galectin‐8 and ubiquitin that label bacteria as autophagy cargo. Anti‐bacterial autophagy also requires the kinase TBK1, whose role in autophagy has remained enigmatic. Here we show that recruitment of WIPI2, itself essential for anti‐bacterial autophagy, is dependent on the localization of catalytically active TBK1 to the vicinity of cytosolic bacteria. Experimental manipulation of TBK1 recruitment revealed that engagement of TBK1 with any of a variety of Salmonella‐associated “eat‐me” signals, including host‐derived glycans and K48‐ and K63‐linked ubiquitin chains, suffices to restrict bacterial proliferation. Promiscuity in recruiting TBK1 via independent signals may buffer TBK1 functionality from potential bacterial antagonism and thus be of evolutionary advantage to the host.  相似文献   


The influenza A virus is an important infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and was responsible for 3 pandemics in the 20th century. As the replication of the influenza virus is based on its host's machinery, codon usage of its viral genes might be subject to host selection pressures, especially after interspecies transmission. A better understanding of viral evolution and host adaptive responses might help control this disease.  相似文献   
Understanding the interactions among microbial communities, plant communities and soil properties following deforestation could provide insights into the long-term effects of land-use change on ecosystem functions, and may help identify approaches that promote the recovery of degraded sites. We combined high-throughput sequencing of fungal rDNA and molecular barcoding of plant roots to estimate fungal and plant community composition in soil sampled across a chronosequence of deforestation. We found significant effects of land-use change on fungal community composition, which was more closely correlated to plant community composition than to changes in soil properties or geographic distance, providing evidence for strong links between above- and below-ground communities in tropical forests.  相似文献   
Three satellite DNA families were identified in three species of burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis, N. marginatus, and N. americanus. Southern hybridization and nucleotide sequence analysis of individual randomly cloned repeats shows that these satellite DNA families are highly abundant in the genome, are composed of unique repeats, and are species-specific. The repeats do not have identifiable core elements or substructures that are similar in all three families, and most interspecific sequence similarity is confined to homopolymeric runs of A and T. Satellite DNA from N. marginatus and N. americanus show single-base-pair indels among repeats, but single-nucleotide substitutions characterize most of the repeat variability. Although the repeat units are of similar lengths (342, 350, and 354 bp) and A + T composition (65%, 71%, and 71%, respectively), the average nucleotide divergence among sequenced repeats is very low (0.18%, 1.22%, and 0.71%, respectively). Transition/transversion ratios from the consensus sequence are 0.20, 0.69, and 0.70, respectively.   相似文献   
Three biopsies of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid were grown in monolayer culture. All three cultures initially released high levels of calcitonin into the medium, but the conretion from the culture cells was not stimulated when the medium calcium concentration was increased from 1.8 to 3.6 mEq/L. Four peaks of calcitonin immunoreactivity were found when the culture medium of one cell line was fractionated by gel filtration on Bio-Gel P-10. This closely corresponded to the heterogeneous molecular profile of calcitonin in the serum of this patient and other patients with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid.  相似文献   
The electrical properties of the frog taste cells during gustatory stimulations with distilled water and varying concentrations of NaCl were studied with intracellular microelectrodes. Under the Ringer adaptation of the tongue, two types of taste cells were distinguished by the gustatory stimuli. One type, termed NaCl-sensitive (NS) cells, responded to water with hyperpolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with depolarizations. In contrast, the other type of cells, termed water-sensitive (WS) cells, responded to water depolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with hyperpolarizations. The membrane resistance of both taste cell types increased during the hyperpolarizing receptor potentials and decreased during the depolarizing receptor potentials, Reversal potentials for the depolarizing and hyperpolarizing responses in each cell type were a few millivolts positive above the zero membrane potential. When the tongue was adapted with Na-free Ringer solution for 30 min, the amplitude of the depolarizing responses in the NS cells reduced to 50% of the control value under normal Ringer adaptation. On the basis of the present results, it is concluded (a) that the depolarizing responses of the NS and WS cells under the Ringer adaptation are produced by the permeability increase in some ions, mainly Na+ ions across the taste cell membranes, and (b) that the hyperpolarizing responses of both types of taste cells are produced by a decrease in the cell membrane permeability to some ions, probably Na+ ions, which is slightly enhanced during the Ringer adaptation.  相似文献   
In experiments on sexual competition in Drosophila melanogaster, the course of mating succes with time is represented by a sigmoid curve. By logarithmic transformation such curves are changed into straight lines that can be compared by covariance analysis. This method allows discrimination of the behaviour of the two types in competition, and allows us to follow it in the course of time. From a sexual competition experiment between the wild type Canton S and the mutant white-ebony we conclude that sexual activity of males and females of both types is generally frequency dependent, with evidence of rare-female advantage as well as rare-male advantage.  相似文献   
Mouse t haplotypes are variant forms of chromosome 17 that exist at high frequencies in worldwide populations of two species of commensal mice. To determine both the relationship of t haplotypes to each other and the species within which they exist, 35 representative t haplotypes were analyzed by means of 10 independent molecular probes, including five DNA clones and five polypeptide spots identified by means of two- dimensional gel electrophoresis. All of the tested haplotypes were found to share restriction fragments and polypeptide spots that are absent in mice carrying wild-type forms of chromosome 17. This observation provides the first direct evidence that all of the known t haplotypes are descendents of a single ancestral chromosome. The absence of variation among t haplotypes could mean that this ancestral chromosome existed relatively recently, in which case it would be necessary to postulate introgressions of t haplotypes across species lines to explain their presence in both Mus domesticus and M. musculus. Alternatively, it is possible that the ancestral chromosome existed prior to the split between M. domesticus and M. musculus and that, by chance, our probes fail to detect polymorphisms that exist among the t haplotypes. A further result of our analysis is the characterization of a partial t haplotype in a wild population of Israeli mice.   相似文献   
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