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The term 'phytoremediation' is used to describe the clean-up of heavy metals from contaminated soils by plants. In this study, we examined Alyssum argenteum and Alyssum maritimum for their ability to accumulate Cd2+. We also exemined Ni2+ accumulation by A. maritimum with comparison with the known Ni-hyperaccumulator A. argenteum , in a hydroponic system. Both species were tolerant to low levels of Cd2+, and accumulated high quantities under the experimental conditions. Only very low levels of Ni2+ were found in the shoot of A. maritimum , defining it as a non-hyperaccumulator. The role of the antioxidative enzyme system was investigated in relation to Ni2+ and Cd2+ stress. In both species, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was elevated at high Cd2+ concentrations, while ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity remained unchanged and glutathione reductase (GR) activity was reduced. In the presence of Ni2+, A. maritimum exhibited a typical antioxidative defense mechanism, as evidenced by the elevated activities of all three enzymes tested. A. argenteum exhibited a different enzyme response pattern, with a significant reduction in SOD activity, and elevated APX and GR activities only at the highest Ni2+ concentration.  相似文献   
DNA hybridization detection in microfluidic devices can reduce sample volumes, processing times, and can be integrated with other measurements. However, as device footprints decrease and their complexity increase, the signal-to-noise ratio in these systems also decreases and the sensitivity is thereby compromised. Device miniaturization produces distinct properties and phenomena with greater influence at the micro-scale than at the macro-scale. Here, a diffusion-restriction model was applied to a miniaturized biochip nanovolume reactor to accurately characterize DNA hybridization events that contribute to shifts in both charge transfer resistance and diffusional resistance. These effects are shown to play a significant role in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses at these length scales. Our highly functional microfluidic biosensor enables the detection of ssDNA targets selectively, with a calculated detection limit of 3.8 nM, and cross-reactivity of 13% following 20 min incubation with the target. This new biosensing approach can be further modeled and tested elucidating diffusion behavior in miniaturized devices and improving the performance of biosensors.  相似文献   
Pleurotus ostreatus (the oyster mushroom) and other white rot filamentous basidiomycetes are key players in the global carbon cycle. P. ostreatus is also a commercially important edible fungus with medicinal properties and is important for biotechnological and environmental applications. Efficient gene targeting via homologous recombination (HR) is a fundamental tool for facilitating comprehensive gene function studies. Since the natural HR frequency in Pleurotus transformations is low (2.3%), transformed DNA is predominantly integrated ectopically. To overcome this limitation, a general gene targeting system was developed by producing a P. ostreatus PC9 homokaryon Δku80 strain, using carboxin resistance complemented by the development of a protocol for hygromycin B resistance protoplast-based DNA transformation and homokaryon isolation. The Δku80 strain exhibited exclusive (100%) HR in the integration of transforming DNA, providing a high efficiency of gene targeting. Furthermore, the Δku80 strains produced showed a phenotype similar to that of the wild-type PC9 strain, with similar growth fitness, ligninolytic functionality, and capability of mating with the incompatible strain PC15 to produce a dikaryon which retained its resistance to the corresponding selection and was capable of producing typical fruiting bodies. The applicability of this system is demonstrated by inactivation of the versatile peroxidase (VP) encoded by mnp4. This enzyme is part of the ligninolytic system of P. ostreatus, being one of the nine members of the manganese-peroxidase (MnP) gene family, and is the predominantly expressed VP in Mn(2+)-deficient media. mnp4 inactivation provided a direct proof that mnp4 encodes a key VP responsible for the Mn(2+)-dependent and Mn(2+)-independent peroxidase activity under Mn(2+)-deficient culture conditions.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Isolated aldosterone biosynthesis defect causing congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism with otherwise normal adrenal function usually results from aldosterone synthase deficiency. Patients present with manifestations of mineralocorticoid deficiency during the first weeks of life. The largest numbers of cases have been described in Iranian Jews, who carried concomitantly two homozygous missense mutations (R181W and V386A). In a few cases with presumed aldosterone synthase deficiency no mutations in CYP11B2 gene have been identified. We describe a molecular and endocrine evaluation of seven cases of congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism in Israel. PATIENTS/METHODS: Two of the six Jewish patients are of Iranian origin. The parents of five other patients originated from Yemen, Syria and Morocco. One patient is a Muslim-Arab. CYP11B2's exons, exon-intron boundaries and promoter region were sequenced by multiple PCR amplifications. Gene size determination was performed either by long-range PCR or by Southern blot analysis. RESULTS: Only two patients (Iranian Jews) carried a known homozygous R181W, V386A mutations, other two were compound heterozygotes for either the R181W or V386A and one additional novel amino acid substitution (A319V or D335G), and one patient was found to be a carrier of the two novel variations (A319V and D335G). We could not find a molecular defect in 2 patients: one was a carrier of the D335G mutation and the other had no detectable molecular change in the coding and promoter regions. CONCLUSION: The genetic and molecular basis of congenital hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism is more heterogeneous than previously described. The significance of amino acid substitutions identified in this study remains to be determined.  相似文献   
Compost amendment and inoculations with specific microorganisms are fundamentally different soil treatment methods, commonly used in agriculture for the improvement of plant growth and health. Although distinct, both methods affect the rhizosphere and the plant roots. In the present study we used a 16S rRNA gene approach to achieve an overview of early consequences of these treatments on the assemblage of plant root bacterial communities. For this purpose, cucumber seedlings were grown, under controlled conditions, in perlite potting mix amended with biosolid compost or straw compost, or inoculated with Streptomyces spp. A uniform trend of response of root bacterial communities for all treatments was observed. Root bacterial density, measured as bacterial targets per plant tef gene by real-time PCR, was reduced in 31 to 67%. In addition, increased taxonomic diversity accompanied shifts in composition (α-diversity). The magnitude of change in these parameters relative to the perlite control varied between the different treatments but not in relation to the treatment method (compost amendments versus inoculations). Similarity between the compositions of root and of potting mix bacterial communities (β-diversity) was relatively unchanged. The abundance of Oxalobacteraceae was >50% of the total root bacterial community in the untreated perlite. Root domination by this group subsided >10-fold (straw compost) to >600-fold (Streptomyces sp. strain S1) after treatment. Thus, loss of dominance appears to be the major phenomenon underlining the response trend of the root bacterial communities.Environmental concern over conventional agricultural fertilization and disease control measures has led to increased interest in finding environmentally friendly alternatives. The most explored ones include compost amendments (18, 36) and the application of different microbial preparations (11, 19, 37). These are widely distinct applications. The first approach adds to the amended medium not only a rich and diverse consortium of biological agents but also organic matter and nutrients. It was confirmed that the efficacy of such treatments involves the response of the soil, the plant, and the rhizosphere microbial communities (19, 56). The activities of rhizosphere microorganisms alter the rhizosphere and thus affect plant health and root growth and development (24). Therefore, one of the main objectives of compost amendment or of inoculation with specific microbial strains is manipulation of the plant rhizosphere conditions, particularly via manipulation of the microbial community composition (32).The response of rhizosphere bacterial communities to different anthropogenic and other disturbances has been discussed in terms of resilience (3, 32). Generally, the introduction of new microorganisms produces only restricted spatial and temporal effects on the soil, rhizosphere, and root microbial communities (4, 29, 35). Thus, the plant growth-promoting effect of such treatments may be related to microbial events occurring during the early stages of plant development. Such early effects were pointed out for inoculants of different bacterial species (14, 42) and for compost amendment (15, 21, 50).Consequences of compost amendment or of single species inoculation often include shifts in the plant roots hormonal balance or a plant systemic response, namely, induced systemic resistance (8, 38, 52). Thus, direct or indirect activities of the introduced microorganisms may result in similar modifications of the root habitat. If so, bacterial assemblages of treated roots may share qualitative and quantitative characteristics different from those exhibited by untreated roots.The objective of the present study was therefore to describe and compare responses of bacterial communities of young plant roots to the application of compost or bacterial inoculants. This was performed in a simple model comprised of cucumber seedlings grown in potting mixes amended with compost or inoculated with Streptomyces spp. isolated from the two different composts.  相似文献   
Autophagy, a process of self‐digestion of cellular constituents, regulates the balance between protein synthesis and protein degradation. Beclin 1 represents an important component of the autophagic machinery. It interacts with proteins that positively regulate autophagy, such as Vps34, UVRAG, and Ambra1, as well as with anti‐apoptotic proteins such as Bcl‐2 via its BH3‐like domain to negatively regulate autophagy. Thus, Beclin 1 interactions with several proteins may regulate autophagy. To identify novel Beclin 1 interacting proteins, we utilized a GST‐Beclin 1 fusion protein. Using mass spectroscopic analysis, we identified Beclin 1 as a protein that interacts with GST‐Beclin 1. Further examination by cross linking and co‐immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that Beclin 1 self‐interacts and that the coiled coil and the N‐terminal region of Beclin 1 contribute to its oligomerization. Importantly, overexpression of vps34, UVRAG, or Bcl‐xL, had no effect on Beclin 1 self‐interaction. Moreover, this self‐interaction was independent of autophagy induction by amino acid deprivation or rapamycin treatment. These results suggest that full‐length Beclin 1 is a stable oligomer under various conditions. Such an oligomer may provide a platform for further protein–protein interactions. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1262–1271, 2010. Published 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A protocol for plantlet regeneration through shoot formation was developed for the neotropical shrub Brunfelsia calycina. This shrub is unique in its change in flower color from dark purple to white. Explants from young and mature leaves were incubated on MS medium (pH 5.7, 30 g/l sucrose, 7.5 g/l agar) with various combinations of Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 6-Benzyladenine (BA) under a 16 h photoperiod at a constant temperature of 25°C. Shoot emergence was best at 4.44 μM BA and 2.85 μM IAA for young leaf explants, and at 8.88 μM BA, 2.85 μM IAA for mature leaf explants. When shoots were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 1.23–2.46 μM indole butrytic acid (IBA), they developed roots.  相似文献   
Restricting linear peptides to their bioactive conformation is an attractive way of improving their stability and activity. We used a cyclic peptide library with conformational diversity for selecting an active and stable peptide that mimics the structure and activity of the HIV-1 integrase (IN) binding loop from its cellular cofactor LEDGF/p75 (residues 361-370). All peptides in the library had the same primary sequence, and differed only in their conformation. Library screening revealed that the ring size and linker structure had a huge effect on the conformation, binding and activity of the peptides. One of the cyclic peptides, c(MZ 4-1), was a potent and stable inhibitor of IN activity in vitro and in cells even after 8 days. The NMR structure of c(MZ 4-1) showed that it obtains a bioactive conformation that is similar to the parent site in LEDGF/p75.  相似文献   
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