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While there has been considerable progress in designing protein–protein interactions, the design of proteins that bind polar surfaces is an unmet challenge. We describe the computational design of a protein that binds the acidic active site of hen egg lysozyme and inhibits the enzyme. The design process starts with two polar amino acids that fit deep into the enzyme active site, identifies a protein scaffold that supports these residues and is complementary in shape to the lysozyme active-site region, and finally optimizes the surrounding contact surface for high-affinity binding. Following affinity maturation, a protein designed using this method bound lysozyme with low nanomolar affinity, and a combination of NMR studies, crystallography, and knockout mutagenesis confirmed the designed binding surface and orientation. Saturation mutagenesis with selection and deep sequencing demonstrated that specific designed interactions extending well beyond the centrally grafted polar residues are critical for high-affinity binding.  相似文献   
In the brain and heart, auxiliary Kv channel-interacting proteins (KChIPs) co-assemble with pore-forming Kv4 α-subunits to form a native K+ channel complex and regulate the expression and gating properties of Kv4 currents. Among the KChIP1–4 members, KChIP4a exhibits a unique N terminus that is known to suppress Kv4 function, but the underlying mechanism of Kv4 inhibition remains unknown. Using a combination of confocal imaging, surface biotinylation, and electrophysiological recordings, we identified a novel endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention motif, consisting of six hydrophobic and aliphatic residues, 12–17 (LIVIVL), within the KChIP4a N-terminal KID, that functions to reduce surface expression of Kv4-KChIP complexes. This ER retention capacity is transferable and depends on its flanking location. In addition, adjacent to the ER retention motif, the residues 19–21 (VKL motif) directly promote closed-state inactivation of Kv4.3, thus leading to an inhibition of channel current. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that KChIP4a suppresses A-type Kv4 current via ER retention and enhancement of Kv4 closed-state inactivation.  相似文献   
Members of a family of collagen-binding microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) from Gram-positive bacteria are established virulence factors in several infectious diseases models. Here, we report that these adhesins also can bind C1q and act as inhibitors of the classical complement pathway. Molecular analyses of Cna from Staphylococcus aureus suggested that this prototype MSCRAMM bound to the collagenous domain of C1q and interfered with the interactions of C1r with C1q. As a result, C1r2C1s2 was displaced from C1q, and the C1 complex was deactivated. This novel function of the Cna-like MSCRAMMs represents a potential immune evasion strategy that could be used by numerous Gram-positive pathogens.  相似文献   
Although plants contain substantial amounts of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), the enzymes responsible for AGP glycosylation are largely unknown. Bioinformatics indicated that AGP galactosyltransferases (GALTs) are members of the carbohydrate-active enzyme glycosyltransferase (GT) 31 family (CAZy GT31) involved in N- and O-glycosylation. Six Arabidopsis GT31 members were expressed in Pichia pastoris and tested for enzyme activity. The At4g21060 gene (named AtGALT2) was found to encode activity for adding galactose (Gal) to hydroxyproline (Hyp) in AGP protein backbones. AtGALT2 specifically catalyzed incorporation of [14C]Gal from UDP-[14C]Gal to Hyp of model substrate acceptors having AGP peptide sequences, consisting of non-contiguous Hyp residues, such as (Ala-Hyp) repetitive units exemplified by chemically synthesized (AO)7 and anhydrous hydrogen fluoride-deglycosylated d(AO)51. Microsomal preparations from Pichia cells expressing AtGALT2 incorporated [14C]Gal to (AO)7, and the resulting product co-eluted with (AO)7 by reverse-phase HPLC. Acid hydrolysis of the [14C]Gal-(AO)7 product released 14C-radiolabel as Gal only. Base hydrolysis of the [14C]Gal-(AO)7 product released a 14C-radiolabeled fragment that co-eluted with a Hyp-Gal standard after high performance anion-exchange chromatography fractionation. AtGALT2 is specific for AGPs because substrates lacking AGP peptide sequences did not act as acceptors. Moreover, AtGALT2 uses only UDP-Gal as the substrate donor and requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ for high activity. Additional support that AtGALT2 encodes an AGP GALT was provided by two allelic AtGALT2 knock-out mutants, which demonstrated lower GALT activities and reductions in β-Yariv-precipitated AGPs compared with wild type plants. Confocal microscopic analysis of fluorescently tagged AtGALT2 in tobacco epidermal cells indicated that AtGALT2 is probably localized in the endomembrane system consistent with its function.  相似文献   
All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) is an important morphogen involved in many developmental processes, including neural differentiation, body axis formation, and organogenesis. During early embryonic development, atRA is synthesized from all-trans-retinal (atRAL) in an irreversible reaction mainly catalyzed by retinal dehydrogenase 2 (aldh1a2), whereas atRAL is converted from all-trans-retinol via reversible oxidation by retinol dehydrogenases, members of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family. atRA is degraded by cytochrome P450, family 26 (cyp26). We have previously identified a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3 (dhrs3), which showed differential expression patterns in Xenopus embryos. We show here that the expression of dhrs3 was induced by atRA treatment and overexpression of Xenopus nodal related 1 (xnr1) in animal cap assay. Overexpression of dhrs3 enhanced the phenotype of excessive cyp26a1. In embryos overexpressing aldh1a2 or retinol dehydrogenase 10 (rdh10) in the presence of their respective substrates, Dhrs3 counteracted the action of Aldh1a2 or Rdh10, indicating that retinoic acid signaling is attenuated. Knockdown of Dhrs3 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in a phenotype of shortened anteroposterior axis, reduced head structure, and perturbed somitogenesis, which were also found in embryos treated with an excess of atRA. Examination of the expression of brachyury, not, goosecoid, and papc indicated that convergent extension movement was defective in Dhrs3 morphants. Taken together, these studies suggest that dhrs3 participates in atRA metabolism by reducing atRAL levels and is required for proper anteroposterior axis formation, neuroectoderm patterning, and somitogenesis.  相似文献   
The NEDD8 protein and neddylation levels in cells are modulated by NUB1L or NUB1 through proteasomal degradation, but the underlying molecular mechanism is not well understood. Here, we report that NUB1L down-regulated the protein levels of NEDD8 and neddylation through specifically recognizing NEDD8 and P97/VCP. NUB1L directly interacted with NEDD8, but not with ubiquitin, on the key residue Asn-51 of NEDD8 and with P97/VCP on its positively charged VCP binding motif. In coordination with the P97-UFD1-NPL4 complex (P97UFD1/NPL4), NUB1L promotes transfer of NEDD8 to proteasome for degradation. This mechanism is also exemplified by the canonical neddylation of cullin 1 for SCF (SKP1-cullin1-F-box) ubiquitin E3 ligases that is exquisitely regulated by the turnover of NEDD8.  相似文献   
Lithium is an effective mood stabilizer that has been clinically used to treat bipolar disorder for several decades. Recent studies have suggested that lithium possesses robust neuroprotective and anti-tumor properties. Thus far, a large number of lithium targets have been discovered. Here, we report for the first time that HDAC1 is a target of lithium. Lithium significantly down-regulated HDAC1 at the translational level by targeting HDAC1 mRNA. We also showed that depletion of HDAC1 is essential for the neuroprotective effects of lithium and for the lithium-mediated degradation of mutant huntingtin through the autophagic pathway. Our studies explain the multiple functions of lithium and reveal a novel mechanism for the function of lithium in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
Ferrets have become an indispensable tool in the understanding of influenza virus virulence and pathogenesis. Furthermore, ferrets are the preferred preclinical model for influenza vaccine and therapeutic testing. Here we characterized the influenza infectome during the different stages of the infectious process in ferrets with and without prior specific immunity to influenza. RNA from lung tissue and lymph nodes from infected and naïve animals was subjected to next-generation sequencing, followed by de novo data assembly and annotation of the resulting sequences; this process generated a library comprising 13,202 ferret mRNAs. Gene expression profiles during pandemic H1N1 (pdmH1N1) influenza virus infection were analyzed by digital gene expression and solid support microarrays. As expected during primary infection, innate immune responses were triggered in the lung tissue; meanwhile, in the lymphoid tissue, genes encoding antigen presentation and maturation of effector cells of adaptive immunity increased dramatically. After 5 days postinfection, the innate immune gene expression was replaced by the adaptive immune response, which correlates with viral clearance. Reinfection with homologous pandemic influenza virus resulted in a diminished innate immune response, early adaptive immune gene regulation, and a reduction in clinical severity. The fully annotated ferret infectome will be a critical aid to the understanding of the molecular events that regulate disease severity and host-influenza virus interactions among seasonal, pandemic, and highly pathogenic avian influenzas.  相似文献   
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