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银杏科研的主要成就和展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
前言银杏又名白果,是现存种子植物中最古老的孑遗植物,也是源于我国的特有珍贵树种。学者们一向把它视为植物界的奇珍,在植物分类学、树木学、果树栽培学和古植物学上占有特殊的位置,至今国内外植物学家、地质学家,以及果树栽培学家们,仍对它进行着深入细致的研究。银杏的科学奥秘将逐步被揭开。  相似文献   
烟草愈伤组织分化和芽原基形成期间呼吸代谢途径的改变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
接种在继代培养基上的柳叶烟草愈伤组织,未观察到组织分化和芽原基形成。在分化培养基上生长的愈伤组织,接种后第6天可见拟分生组织和管胞分化,9—12天有芽原基形成,15—18天可观察到苗端结构。根据碘乙酸、Na_3PO_4和丙二酸抑制试验,以及3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶与琥珀酸脱氢酶活性测定结果,初步表明烟草愈伤组织呼吸中存在有EMP、HMP和TCAC代谢途径.在发生输导组织和芽原基分化的愈伤组织中(接种后第6—12天),HMP途径的运行程度较高;而芽原基的继续生长(培养12天以后),则与EMP途径的增加有关;分化培养基上生长的愈伤组织,始终较继代培养愈伤组织具有较高的FCAC活性水平。  相似文献   
本文研究了人胃低分化粘液性腺癌细胞MGC 80-3不同周期时相中ConA受体的分布与侧向运动。MGc 80-3细胞经同步化培养,用F-ConA标记。被标记细胞中G_1、S和G_2期呈不连续的分布,但它们之间又存在显著的差异。M期呈较均匀的强荧光分布(与其它时相细胞比较)。荧光漂白恢复方法测定ConA受体复合物侧向运动表明:各个周期时相之间不仅运动方式不同,而且运动速率也有显著差异。M期与G_1期主要表现出扩散型运动;而S期与G_2期表现为流动型运动。G_1期的扩散系数大干M期的;S期的流动速率大于G_2期的。但可动分子百分比以G_2期最高。这些结果表明了ConA受体的动力学性质。它受到细胞周期的调节。  相似文献   
“生态效益”的内涵及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观全球,伴随着社会、经济的迅速发展,环境问题已成为一个日趋突出的世界性问题,并对人民生命健康和社会、经济的持续稳定发展带来了严重威胁。生态学界强烈地呼吁人类要保护自然,维持生态平衡,合理地开发利用自然资源,呼吁人类在经济发展中能正确处理经济发展-环境保护,经济效益-生态效益的关系,在实践中取得了一定成效。然而,迄今为止我们对“生态效益”的内涵及特征还没有完全认识和了解,这在相当程度上妨碍了人们在社会生产中对提高生态效益的关注,因此,本问题亟待在理论上加以认识。本文试图对此做一点有益的探讨。  相似文献   
给家兔喂以1%胆固醇及10%菜油(A组)或猪油(B组)50多天后A组血胆固醇水平(824.2±265.1mg/dl)明显低于B组(1666±693.8mg/dl);A组甘油三酯水平(51.9±19.1mg/dl)亦低于B组(104±40.2mg/dl)。二组家兔的β—VLDL的脂类组成无差别,但A组β—VLDL的apoE高于B组,分别为45.2%及37.5%。高分子量apoB(apoB_h)为33.6%,低于B组β-VLDL(47.3%)。A组β-VLDL促进小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞胆固醇堆积的程度大于B组,可能与apoE含量高有关。我们认为多不饱和脂酸减轻动脉粥样硬化(As)的作用不在于改变脂蛋白构成后阻碍泡沫细胞的形成而是促进β—VLDL从体内清除。  相似文献   
Cholera toxin (CT), either mixed with or conjugated to unrelated protein Ag, is known to enhance the intestinal IgA response of rodents toward the unrelated Ag. Although relatively low doses of CT exert this gut mucosal adjuvant effect, the inherent toxicity of CT is a hindrance to its use in humans. Our report demonstrates that CT treated with 20 mM glutaraldehyde retains adjuvant properties but exhibits more than 1000-fold lower toxicity than untreated toxin. Glutaraldehyde was also used in a one-stage conjugation procedure to couple CT covalently to Sendai virus. Again, toxicity was reduced more than 1000-fold. This drop in toxicity is consistent with an observed 100-fold loss in binding capacity of the CT B subunit and a 20- to 50-fold reduction in adenylate cyclase activation by the CT A subunit. Oral administration of this virus-toxoid conjugate resulted in increased gut antiviral IgA titers compared with oral administration of either virus alone or of virus mixed with glutaraldehyde-treated toxin. This marked decrease in toxicity may afford a practical approach for the use of CT as a mucosal adjuvant.  相似文献   
Comparisons of the site specific binding of nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) to intact and lysed red cells from various mammalian and avian species suggest the presence of a cytoplasmic pool of nucleoside transporters. In some species the cytoplasmic pool is about 50% of the total (mouse). On the average, the cytoplasmic pool is approx. 20% of the surface pool of NBMPR-binding sites. In sheep reticulocytes, both pools disappear in an energy-dependent manner during the maturation of the reticulocyte in vitro.  相似文献   
A locus for Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) has recently been mapped to a 30-cM region of chromosome 14q in five pedigrees of Japanese descent. MJD is a clinically pleomorphic neurodegenerative disease that was originally described in subjects of Azorean descent. In light of the nonallelic heterogeneity in other inherited spinocere-bellar ataxias, we were interested to determine if the MJD phenotype in Japanese and Azorean pedigrees arose from mutations at the same locus. We provide evidence that MJD in five pedigrees of Azorean descent is also linked to chromosome 14q in an 18-cM region between the markers D14S67 and AACT (multipoint lod score +7.00 near D14S81). We also report molecular evidence for homozy-gosity at the MJD locus in an MJD-affected subject with severe, early-onset symptoms. These observations confirm the initial report of linkage of MJD to chromosome 14; suggest that MJD in Japanese and Azorean subjects may represent allelic or identical mutations at the same locus; and provide one possible explanation (MJD gene dosage) for the observed phenotypic heterogeneity in this disease.  相似文献   
田林老山中山两类森林凋落物研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
田林老山中山两类森林凋落物研究梁宏温(广西农学院林学分院,南宁530001)StudiesontheLitterfallofTwoForestTypcsinMid—AltitudeofLaoshanMountaininTianlinCounty.¥L...  相似文献   
细胞间粘附分子1的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
细胞间粘附分子1(ICAM-1),又名CD54,是一种重要的细胞表面粘附分子,属免疫球蛋白超家族.它可与鼻病毒以及整合素家族成员结合,参与炎症,普通感冒,变态反应及移植排斥反应.文章就其细胞分布、表达调节、结构功能、基因工程以及临床应用进行了综述.  相似文献   
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