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Although originally discovered as inhibitors of pencillin-binding proteins, beta-lactams have more recently found utility as serine protease inhibitors. Indeed through their ability to react irreversibly with nucleophilic serine residues they have proved extraordinarily successful as enzyme inhibitors. Consequently there has been much speculation as to the reason for the general effectiveness of beta-lactams as antibacterials or inhibitors of hydrolytic enzymes. The interaction of analogous beta- and gamma-lactams with a serine protease was investigated. Three series of gamma-lactams based upon monocyclic beta-lactam inhibitors of elastase [Firestone, R. A. et al. (1990) Tetrahedron 46, 2255-2262.] but with an extra methylene group inserted between three of the bonds in the ring were synthesized. Their interaction with porcine pancreatic elastase and their efficacy as inhibitors were evaluated through the use of kinetic, NMR, mass spectrometric, and X-ray crystallographic analyses. The first series, with the methylene group inserted between C-3 and C-4 of the beta-lactam template, were readily hydrolyzed but were inactive or very weakly active as inhibitors. The second series, with the methylene group between C-4 and the nitrogen of the beta-lactam template, were inhibitory and reacted reversibly with PPE to form acyl-enzyme complexes, which were stable with respect to hydrolysis. The third series, with the methylene group inserted between C-2 and C-3, were not hydrolyzed and were not inhibitors consistent with lack of binding to PPE. Comparison of the crystal structure of the acyl-enzyme complex formed between PPE and a second series gamma-lactam and that formed between PPE and a peptide [Wilmouth, R. C., et al. (1997) Nat. Struct. Biol. 4, 456-462.] reveals why the complexes formed with this series were resistant to hydrolysis and suggests ways in which stable acyl-enzyme complexes might be obtained from monocyclic gamma-lactam-based inhibitors.  相似文献   
Abstract  This case study considers the broom seed beetle, Bruchidius villosus , a narrowly oligophagous species within the Fabaceae, subtribe Genistinae for which in-depth native-range studies have been vital to help understand the likely field host specificity following release. Bruchidius villosus has been used in three countries as a classical biological control agent against Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius . Original host-specificity testing of a UK population, where this species had only been observed developing on C. scoparius , suggested this population was specific to the target. The beetle was released in New Zealand. Following release, however, the agent exhibited a broader host range than in the tests, but not a broader host range than that of the species as a whole. Subsequent studies in the native range using surveys and field testing have helped to show why B. villosus populations exhibit higher specificity in the native range than would be expected from the species' host range. This case is used to illustrate the contribution native-range studies can make to science-based risk analysis of biological control agents against weeds. By doing so, they also highlight the associated risks of ignoring native-range studies and adopting of a 'grab-and-run' approach to obtaining classical biological control agents.  相似文献   
It has been reported that there is a striking homology between the basic insulin-like growth factors (IGF)-somatomedins (SM) found in humans and rats. The radioimmunoassay (RIA) developed for the human hormone IGF-I (basic somatomedin, B-SM) can measure immunoreactive IGF-I in rat serum (IrIGF-I). Using this RIA, the profile of serum IrIGF-I was measured at each day of gestation in groups of inbred and Charles River Wistar rats. In each case IrIGF-I showed a gradual increase in early and mid gestation followed by a sharp decrease that occurred late in gestation to values 20-40% of control. The profile obtained from Charles River Wistars was shifted in time compared with the inbred group. Neither ovariectomy nor progesterone administration to ovariectomized nonpregnant animals altered serum IrIGF-I levels. Thus, although rat IGF-I and human IGF-I can be measured using the same assay, the changes that occur in gestation are in opposite directions.  相似文献   
Thyroglobulin, a 660 kDa glycoprotein, is the major product of protein synthesis in the thyroid gland. It has been suggested that modifications of thyroglobulin glycosylation occur in various thyroid disorders. In order to study possible changes in glycosylation of tissue thyroglobulin associated with thyroid disease, we have developed a lectin affinity electrophoresis system which allows characterization of small (less than 1 microgram) quantities of thyroglobulin. Human thyroglobulin was extracted and purified. Agarose gels were cast containing concanavalin A, Ricinus communis agglutinin, L-phytohaemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen at various concentrations. Purified human thyroglobulin was serially diluted, loaded onto lectin gels and electrophoresed. Concanavalin A, R. communis agglutinin and phytohaemagglutinin all bound thyroglobulin in a concentration-dependent manner. Pokeweed mitogen did not bind thyroglobulin. Purified thyroglobulin was treated with neuraminidase and endoglycosidase H. Two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis revealed the migration of thyroglobulin to be modified by neuraminidase but not by endoglycosidase H. Lectin affinity electrophoresis of purified human thyroglobulin with and without enzyme treatment indicated the presence of: oligomannose structures as shown by concanavalin A reactivity and modification by endoglycosidase H, and complex oligosaccharides as shown by affinity for R. communis agglutinin and modification by neuraminidase. These structures are in keeping with the proposed patterns of glycosylation of human thyroglobulin and indicate suitability of the method for characterizing the glycosylation of small quantities of thyroglobulin.  相似文献   
A measles virus (MV) genome originally derived from brain cells of a subacute sclerosing panencephalitis patient expressed in IP-3-Ca cells an unstable MV matrix protein and was unable to produce virus particles. Transfection of this MV genome into other cell lines did not relieve these defects, showing that they are ultimately encoded by viral mutations. However, these defects were partially relieved in a weakly infectious virus which emerged from IP-3-Ca cells and which produced a matrix protein of intermediate stability. The sequences of several cDNAs related to the unstable and intermediately stable matrix proteins showed many differences in comparison with a stable matrix protein sequence and even appreciable heterogeneity among themselves. Nevertheless, partial restoration of matrix protein stability could be ascribed to a single additional amino acid change. From an examination of additional genes, we estimated that, on average, each MV genome in IP-3-Ca cells differs from the others in 30 to 40 of its 16,000 bases. The role of extreme variability of RNA virus genomes in persistent viral infections is discussed in the context of the pathogenesis of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and of other human diseases of suspected viral etiology.  相似文献   
Growth hormone secretion is controlled by the two hypothalamic hormones, growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) and somatostatin. In addition, the insulin-like growth factors (IGF or somatomedins) which are themselves growth hormone dependent, inhibit growth hormone release in vitro, therefore acting to close the negative feedback loop. The studies reported here examine some of the differences between inhibition of growth hormone secretion by somatostatin and IGF-I in vitro. The major finding is that cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, blocks inhibition of GRF-stimulated growth hormone release caused by IGF-I, without changing the inhibition caused by somatostatin. The experiments were done by exposing mixed rat adenohypophysial cells to secretagogues with or without cycloheximide for 24 h in a short term culture. Somatostatin (0.6 nM) totally blocked rat GRF (1 nM) stimulated growth hormone release to values 48% of control (nonstimulated values), while IGF-I (27 nM) only reduced the GRF-stimulated growth hormone release by 27 +/- 3% (N = 5). Cycloheximide (15 micrograms/mL) totally blocked the effect of IGF-I but not somatostatin. A low concentration (0.12 nM) of somatostatin, which only partly inhibited growth hormone release, was also unaffected by cycloheximide. In purified rat somatotrophs, somatostatin (0.1 nM) inhibited GRF-stimulated cAMP levels slightly and reduced growth hormone release while IGF-I (40 nM) had no effect. We suggest that IGF-I inhibits only the secretion of newly synthesized growth hormone, while somatostatin inhibits both stored and newly synthesized growth hormone pools.  相似文献   
Analyses were made of the allozyme frequencies of sympatric populations of the capitulum weevils L. latus Herbst and Larinus cyarae F. in Greece. It was found that the two taxa are genetically isolated and that they can therefore be considered as separate species. This complemented ecological data showing separation of the L. latus and L. cynarae populations by their choice of Onopordum illyricum L. and Cynara cardunculus, respectively, as hosts. Onopordum spp. are serious weed problems in Australia while Cynara contains several crop plants. L. latus is a potential biological control agent of Onopordum spp., but its use had been compromised by the uncertainty of the taxonomic distinctness from L. cynarae, biotypes of which are pests of artichoke Cynara scolymus L. Clarification of its taxonomic status lifts these reservations and clears the way for the introduction of L. latus into Australia for the biological control of Onopordum thistles.  相似文献   
11 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 beta-HSD) dictates specificity for the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) by converting the active steroid cortisol to cortisone in man (corticosterone to 11-dehydrocorticosterone in rodents), leaving aldosterone to occupy the MR. However cortisol is the principal circulating glucocorticoid in man and 11 beta-HSD, distributed in a tissue specific fashion, may represent a powerful mechanism in regulating exposure of active steroid to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). A detailed localization study of 11 beta-HSD gene expression and activity in numerous rat tissues has been performed and compared with the presence of GR mRNA. 11 beta-HSD mRNA (1.4 kB) measured by hybridization to a cDNA derived from hepatic 11 beta-HSD, and enzyme activity, measured by percentage conversion of [3H]corticosterone to [3H]11-dehydrocorticosterone by tissue homogenate, was widespread, present in all tissues studied except spleen, brain cortex and heart. There was a close correlation between tissue 11 beta-HSD mRNA levels and activity (r = 0.91, P less than 0.001) suggesting pretranslational regulation of the enzyme at a tissue level. There was also close co-localization of GR mRNA (7 kB), measured by hybridization to a rat GR cRNA probe, and enzyme mRNA/activity in every tissue studied except heart and brain cortex in which GR mRNA was found. In the mineralocorticoid target tissues kidney and colon, additional 11 beta-HSD mRNA bands were seen (kidney 1.8 kB, colon 3.4 kB), suggesting the presence of multiple dehydrogenase species. 11 beta-HSD is widely distributed and suitably placed to modulate ligand occupancy of the GR. The possibility of multiple dehydrogenase species in mineralocorticoid target tissues is consistent with the hypothesis that the ubiquitous 'native' 1.4 kB hepatic enzyme regulates the GR, and these separate dehydrogenases regulate the MR.  相似文献   
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