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朱晓艳  韩苗  韩天富  韩峥  王钢 《微生物学报》2022,62(8):3124-3136
【目的】环境中无处不在的气-液界面能够影响细菌的运动和养分的传输扩散,进而调控微生物的种群互作和群落结构。因此,系统地认知微生物在微观界面的运动特征对于理解和解析微生物多样性的产生、维持机制以及生态功能至关重要。【方法】本文基于微流体显微系统(超高速荧光显微镜和数字全息显微镜),以具备主动运动能力的模式菌株铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1)为研究对象,观测并解析了细菌细胞在气-液界面的二维运动特征和气-液-固界面的二维与三维运动特征。【结果】PAO1既能在气-液界面处执行近似直线轨迹的运动,也能在气-液界面下方执行顺时针或逆时针旋转的圆周运动(最小曲率半径Rmin=3μm)。在气-液-固界面处,6.45%的不运动细胞聚集于气-液-固界面边缘处,并在该处完成不可逆附着;同时,游动细胞由于受到液滴内部毛细管流和马兰戈尼(Marangoni)涡流运动的综合作用,直线游动至距界面约40μm内的区域后,其运动轨迹转变为垂直界面方向返回或以近似界面平行方向运动并附着,这些行为显著调节了PAO1的空间分布,促使了其朝向气-液-固界面的迁移,表明个体PAO1的鞭毛在此...  相似文献   
目的:研究肌肽对低氧所致大鼠血管内皮细胞损伤的影响。方法:建立低氧条件下大鼠血管内皮细胞损伤模型,用MTT法观察肌肽对低氧损伤的血管内皮细胞活性的影响,测定细胞培养基中LDH活力,并对细胞骨架进行考马斯亮蓝R-250染色观测其细胞结构。结果:浓度为10mmol/L~20mmol/L肌肽孵育血管内皮细胞6h后,可以抑制缺氧12h和24h引起的血管内皮细胞活性下降,同时减少LDH的释放,保持细胞骨架完整。结论:肌肽对低氧所致的血管内皮细胞损伤具有保护作用。  相似文献   
郭鹏  刘少英  冯今朝  何苗 《四川动物》2008,27(3):321-321
From 2004 to 2006, several field trips in western Sichuan, China were carried out. A number of Thermophis snakes were collected in Litang County. After detailed morphological studies, we found that these Thermophis specimens were much different from those from Xizang (Tibet). We believed that Litang snakes should be a new species and describe it as below.  相似文献   
In pharmaceutical sciences, a crucial step of the drug discovery process is the identification of drug-target interactions. However, only a small portion of the drug-target interactions have been experimentally validated, as the experimental validation is laborious and costly. To improve the drug discovery efficiency, there is a great need for the development of accurate computational approaches that can predict potential drug-target interactions to direct the experimental verification. In this paper, we propose a novel drug-target interaction prediction algorithm, namely neighborhood regularized logistic matrix factorization (NRLMF). Specifically, the proposed NRLMF method focuses on modeling the probability that a drug would interact with a target by logistic matrix factorization, where the properties of drugs and targets are represented by drug-specific and target-specific latent vectors, respectively. Moreover, NRLMF assigns higher importance levels to positive observations (i.e., the observed interacting drug-target pairs) than negative observations (i.e., the unknown pairs). Because the positive observations are already experimentally verified, they are usually more trustworthy. Furthermore, the local structure of the drug-target interaction data has also been exploited via neighborhood regularization to achieve better prediction accuracy. We conducted extensive experiments over four benchmark datasets, and NRLMF demonstrated its effectiveness compared with five state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   
BmK M4 is a neutral neurotoxin in the BmK toxin series.It is medially toxic and belongs to group III α-toxins.The purified sample was crystallized in rhombic space group P61.Using an X-ray diffraction technique,the crystal structure of BmK M4 was revealed by molecular replacement at 0.20 nm resolution.The model was refined.The final crystallographic R factor was 0.142 and the free R factor was 0.173.The root mean square deviation is 0.001 5 nm for the bond length and 1.753°for the bond angles.64 water molecules were added to the asymmetric unit.The refined structure showed an unusual non-prolyl cis peptide bond at residue 10.The structure was compared with group II α-toxin BmK M8 (an acidic,weak toxin).The potential structural implications of the cis peptide bond were discussed.  相似文献   
ASR(ABA, stress, ripening induced protein)是一类响应植物干旱胁迫的关键转录因子, 在许多植物中已有报道, 然而尚未见香蕉(Musa acuminata)中ASR与抗旱作用的相关研究。该实验从香蕉果实cDNA文库中筛选出1个ASR基因, 即MaASR1(登录号为AY628102)。干旱胁迫下, 该基因在叶片中的表达量高于根部。将MaASR1转入拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana), Southern检测确定了两株独立表达的转基因株系(命名为L14和L38)。表型观察发现, 此两转基因株系的叶片变小且变厚; Northern和Western检测结果表明, MaASR1在L14和L38中表达。控水处理后, L14和L38的存活率及脯氨酸含量均高于野生型。经干旱胁迫和外源ABA处理后, 对MaASR1转基因株系中ABA/胁迫响应基因的表达分析, 发现MaASR1可增强转基因株系对ABA信号的敏感度, 但不能增强植株依赖于ABA途径的抗旱性。  相似文献   
近年来,常用未经丙酮固定的、由丁酸和巴豆油激活的B95-8细胞或P3HR-1细胞为靶细胞,检测人血清中EB病毒IgA/MA抗体以早期诊断鼻咽癌,效果良好。但由于B95-8细胞含有多种EB病毒抗原,不能用丙酮固定,需多次离心沉淀,在浮悬状态下检测,技术比较复杂。  相似文献   
建立了纯化光合膜蛋白质复合体Cytb6f的新方法。与现有方法相比,新方法简单明了,只包括透析离心和用硫酸铵分级沉淀两个步骤,而且适于大批量制备。按此方法从菠菜叶绿体分离纯化的制剂含9.8nmolCytf·mg-1;SDSPAGE显示4条主要区带及1条低分子量区带,背景干净;Cytb6(b型血红素)∶Cytf=2∶1(mol∶mol),Chla∶Cytf=1∶1(mol∶mol);酶活性(PQ2H2→Cytc)80μmolCytc·nmolCytf-1·h-1左右;产率可达38%。  相似文献   
红松越冬针叶的电子自旋共振(ESR)波谱   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
用ESR波谱仪在越冬红松针叶及叶绿体冻干粉中检出了g值分别为2.0044和2.0037的明确的单峰信号。针叶伤害愈重,信号愈强。此信号可被Vc或富含SOD等多种自由基清除剂的沙棘果汁所抑制。针叶受害愈重,沙棘果汁对信号的抑制作用愈强,Vc的抑制作用愈弱。据此认为红松苗越冬伤害和有机自由基的形成有关。在伤害发展的不同阶段,有机自由基的种类组成也不同。  相似文献   
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