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The fruit of Tetradium ruticarpum is widely used in healthcare products for the improvement of blood circulation, headache, abdominal pain, amenorrhea, chill limbs, migraine, and nausea. A new quinolone, 2‐[(6Z,9Z)‐pentadeca‐6,9‐dienyl]quinolin‐4(1H)‐one ( 1 ), has been isolated from the fruits of T. ruticarpum, together with eleven known compounds. The structure of the new compound was determined by NMR and MS analyses. Rutaecarpine ( 4 ), evodiamine ( 5 ), and skimmianine ( 7 ) exhibited inhibition (IC50≤20.9 μM ) of O$\rm{{_{2}^{{^\cdot} -}}}$ generation by human neutrophils in response to N‐formyl‐L ‐methionyl‐L ‐leucyl‐L ‐phenylalanine/cytochalasin B (fMLP/CB). In addition, 1 , evocarpine ( 2 ), 4, 7 , and evodol ( 8 ) inhibited fMLP/CB‐induced elastase release with IC50 values ≤14.4 μM .  相似文献   
卵泡闭锁是哺乳动物卵巢中一种普遍现象,其实质是由卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡造成的。颗粒细胞的状态已经成为衡量卵母细胞质量乃至胚胎发育能力的一个重要参考指标,因此对颗粒细胞的凋亡开展研究显得十分必要。调控颗粒细胞凋亡的因素有多种,本文从与颗粒细胞凋亡相关的激素、与颗粒细胞凋亡相关细胞因子和与颗粒细胞凋亡相关的基因三方面对卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡的调控因素进行综述。  相似文献   
大白菜雄性不育系RC7育性相关基因克隆与特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据orf138的保守序列设计引物,以大白菜萝卜胞质雄性不育系RC7的mtDNA为模板进行PCR扩增,扩增出大小为588 bp的特异条带,该片段在叶片和花蕾中均有表达,没有转录后加工,可编码75个氨基酸,定名为orf75。同源性分析结果表明:orf75推导的氨基酸序列N末端与萝卜Ogu CMS所具有的ORF138一致性为100%,有28个氨基酸完全相同,C末端与钾依赖钠钙交换蛋白-1一致性为54%。初步认为,orf75可能是orf138与钾依赖钠钙交换蛋白-1的编码基因发生重排产生的新的开放阅读框。RC7的不育性与Ogu CMS具有相似性。该588 bp片段还可编码1个含有1个疏水基团和1个跨膜区的67aa的蛋白片段,定名为orf67,属可溶性蛋白。  相似文献   
SVS I was exclusively expressed in seminal vesicle in which the protein was immunolocalized primarily to the luminal epithelium of mucosal folds. The developmental profile of its mRNA expression was shown to be androgen‐dependent, manifesting a positive correlation with the animal's maturation. There are 43 glutamine and 43 lysine residues in one molecule of SVS I, which is one of the seven major monomer proteins tentatively assigned on reducing SDS–PAGE during the resolution of mouse seminal vesicle secretion. Based on the fact that SVS I‐deduced protein sequence consists of 796 amino acid residues, we produced 7 recombinant polypeptide fragments including residues 1–78/F1, residues 79–259/F2, residues 260–405/F3, residues 406–500/F4, residues 501–650/F5, residues 651–715/F6, and residues 716–796/F7, and measured the covalent incorporation of 5‐(biotinamido)pentylamine (BPNH2) or biotin‐TVQQEL (A25 peptide) to each of F1‐to‐F7 by type 4 transglutaminase (TG4) from the coagulating gland secretion. F2 was active to a greater extent than the other fragments during the BPNH2‐glutamine incorporation, and a relatively low extent of A25‐lysine cross link was observed with all of the seven fragments. The MS analysis of BPNH2‐F2 conjugate identified Q232 and Q254 as the two major TG4 cross‐linking sites. This was substantiated by the result that much less BPNH2 was cross‐linked to any one of the three F2 mutants, including Q232G and Q254G obtained from single‐site mutation, and Q232G/Q254G from double‐site mutation. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 899–907, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
亚麻EST序列中SSR标记的筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用亚麻NCBI数据库中的7 941条亚麻EST序列进行SSR的筛选,共发现222个SSR,占整个EST数据库的2.73%,其中三核苷酸重复单元的EST-SSR占总SSR的72.1%,二核苷酸和四核苷酸二者出现的频率基本相近,分别占总SSR的14.4%和13.5%.AGAA是四核苷酸中的优势重复类型,占四核苷酸重复类型的67.67%.设计的21对EST-SSR引物中有18对在10个亚麻材料中有扩增产物,占设计引物的85%,有14对产物条带比较清晰并具有多态性.基于SSR标记进行聚类分析,可将10个亚麻材料划分为3个组.本研究建立的亚麻SSR标记,为亚麻遗传多样性鉴定、分子作图等研究提供了一种有效的分子标记系统.  相似文献   
The mitotic spindle is an essential molecular machine for chromosome segregation during mitosis. Achieving a better understanding of its organization at the topological level remains a daunting task. To determine the functional connections among 137 mitotic spindle proteins, a protein–protein interaction network among queries was constructed. Many hub proteins, which connect more than one query and serve as highly plausible candidates for expanding the mitotic spindle proteome, are ranked by conventional degree centrality and a new subnetwork specificity score. Evaluation of the ranking results by literature reviews and empirical verification of SEPT6, a novel top‐ranked hub, suggests that the subnetwork specificity score could enrich for putative spindle‐related proteins. Topological analysis of this expanded network shows the presence of 30 3‐cliques and six 4‐cliques (fully connected subgraphs) that, respectively, reside in eight kinetochore‐associated complexes, of which seven are evolution conserved. Notably, these complexes strikingly form dependence pathways for the assembly of the kinetochore complex. These analyses indicate the feasibility of using network topology, i.e. cliques, to uncover novel pathways to accelerate our understanding of potential biological processes.  相似文献   
儿童皮肤念珠菌病常累及光滑皮肤相互摩擦的部位,如口角、颈周、腋窝、肛周、腹股沟等,又称为念珠菌性间擦疹^[1],为皮肤科门诊常见病和多发病。根据临床表现及真菌学检查诊断并不困难,但在临床实践中将本病误诊为婴儿湿疹、尿布皮炎、痱子者却非罕见,常因治疗不当而掩盖症状或使病情加重。本文主要根据患者发病年龄、部位、季节、诊断和治疗经验进行归纳和总结,以便对临床实践有所借鉴。  相似文献   
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